This speech titled 2008.01.08.remarks_following_the_new_hampshire_primary_edwards originally had 947 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you all so much for be here tonight __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ last week __PUNCT__ i congratul senat_obama when he finish first and i finish second in iowa __PUNCT__
on race down __PUNCT__
tonight __PUNCT__ i congratul senat_clinton and senat_obama __PUNCT__ two race down __PUNCT__
forti __PUNCT__ eight state left to go __PUNCT__
so up until now __PUNCT__ about __NUM__ percent of american have vote __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ plu have not vote __PUNCT__
and those __NUM__ percent deserv to have their voic_heard __PUNCT__ becaus we have had too much in america of peopl voic not be heard __PUNCT__
i have met too mani american whose voic have not been heard in thi democraci __PUNCT__
just thi past week __PUNCT__ i spent_time with the famili of natalin sarkisyan __PUNCT__
natalin is a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old girl who __PUNCT__ just a few week_ago __PUNCT__ desper need a liver transplant __PUNCT__
her parent had health_insur with on of the biggest insur_compani in america __PUNCT__
thei ask for the insur compani to pai for her liver transplant oper __PUNCT__ and thei reject them __PUNCT__
then __PUNCT__ the doctor came to her aid __PUNCT__
thei spoke up on her behalf __PUNCT__
the nurs spoke up on her behalf __PUNCT__
and then the insur compani said no again __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ the famili stood up and fought __PUNCT__
thei start to march and picket __PUNCT__ along with mani other american __PUNCT__ in front of the offic of thi insur compani __PUNCT__
and the insur compani final gave in __PUNCT__ but it wa too late __PUNCT__
and a few hour later __PUNCT__ natalin lost her life __PUNCT__
a few month_ago __PUNCT__ i met a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old man in the mountain of virginia name jame low __PUNCT__
jame had been born with a sever cleft pallet __PUNCT__
becaus he had a cleft pallet __PUNCT__ he could not speak __PUNCT__
a simpl oper would have fix hi problem __PUNCT__ but he had no health_care coverag __PUNCT__
and so he couldn't pai for it __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ somebodi voluntarili fix hi cleft pallet __PUNCT__ and now he can speak __PUNCT__
the problem is thei fix it when he wa __NUM___year old __PUNCT__
jame low live for __NUM__ year in the unit_state of america not abl to speak becaus he had no health_care coverag __PUNCT__
tonight __PUNCT__ a man or a woman whose name is unknown __PUNCT__ who serv thi countri patriot and wore the uniform of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ will go to sleep under a bridg or on a grate __PUNCT__ homeless __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ we had too mani american whose voic have not been heard in thi democraci __PUNCT__
that what thi battl is about __PUNCT__
it is not about me __PUNCT__
it is about the caus of give voic to all of those whose voic ar not be heard in thi democraci __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ we stand at a crossroad in the histori of america __PUNCT__
it is not that we don't know what it is we aspir to __PUNCT__
we know exactli what we aspir to __PUNCT__ univers_health_care __PUNCT__ attack global_warm __PUNCT__ and protect the environ __PUNCT__ end_poverti in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ stand up for american_job and for the creation of american job __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the question is not what we aspir to __PUNCT__
the question is __PUNCT__ how do we get there __PUNCT__ what will it take __PUNCT__ four year_ago __PUNCT__ i spoke a great_deal about the need for hope and inspir in america __PUNCT__
dure thi campaign __PUNCT__ i spoke about the need for principl action and the need for chang in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we know what need to be done __PUNCT__
the onli question is whether we have the backbon __PUNCT__ and the will __PUNCT__ and the determin to go there __PUNCT__
and here what i have to sai about thi __PUNCT__
becaus of peopl like alexi __PUNCT__ who a young_woman who spoke to me thi afternoon who ha a seriou health condit __PUNCT__ and who ha made thousand and thousand of phone_call on my behalf __PUNCT__ becaus of the men and women of organ_labor __PUNCT__ the carpent __PUNCT__ the steelwork __PUNCT__ the servic employe worker __PUNCT__ becaus of those who have call __PUNCT__ and knock on door __PUNCT__ and work tirelessli on behalf of thi caus __PUNCT__ thi caus to creat the america that all of us believ in __PUNCT__ becaus of that __PUNCT__ i want to be absolut clear to all of you who have been devot to thi caus __PUNCT__ and i want to be clear to the __NUM__ percent of american who have not yet had the chanc to have their voic_heard __PUNCT__ that i am in thi race to the convent __PUNCT__ that i intend to be the nomine of my parti __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i am in thi race until we have actual restor the american_dream and strengthen and restor the middl_class of america __PUNCT__
and so i ask all of you here and all of you who can hear the sound of my voic __PUNCT__ the __NUM__ percent whose voic have not yet been heard in thi democraci __PUNCT__ to join us in thi grassroot campaign to creat the kind of america that all of us believ in __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
thank you for be here __PUNCT__
it my privileg to be with you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__