John Edwards

This speech titled 2008.01.26.remarks_following_the_south_carolina_primary_edwards originally had 711 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i want to join senat_clinton and presid_clinton in congratul senat_obama __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ the there of us move on to __DATE__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

where million of american will cast their vote and help shape the futur of thi parti and help shape the futur of america __PUNCT__

our campaign from the veri begin ha been about on central thing and that is to give voic to million of american who have absolut no voic in thi democraci __PUNCT__ to give voic __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ to give voic to peopl like the woman i met in kansa_citi a coupl of year_ago __PUNCT__ who told me the stori of work_full __PUNCT__ time and not be abl to pai both her heat bill and her rent and have to come home everi night in the winter and dress her children in all of their cloth __PUNCT__ in their coat __PUNCT__ put them under blanket and put them in bed togeth so thei could stai warm __PUNCT__

and she told me the stori of get them up everi morn __PUNCT__ out of the bed __PUNCT__ fulli cloth __PUNCT__ with their coat on __PUNCT__ feed them and send them off to school and prai __PUNCT__ prai that no on would find out what wa happen in her home __PUNCT__ becaus thei would come and take her children awai from her __PUNCT__

no on should live like that in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

we ar better than that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we ar give voic to that extraordinari woman in kansa_citi __PUNCT__ admir her strength and courag __PUNCT__

we give voic to all those american whose voic ar not be heard and their voic were heard todai in south_carolina __PUNCT__

and so i sai if you ar worri about your health_care or you don't have health care in america __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard in thi campaign __PUNCT__

if __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

you ar worri __PUNCT__ worri becaus you lost your job and you worri sick about find a new job __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard in thi campaign __PUNCT__

if you on of __NUM___million_american who wake up everi singl_dai liter worri about feed and cloth your children and live in poverti __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard in america and it will be heard in thi campaign and we will speak for you and we will fight for you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if you worri about be abl to pai for your child to be abl to go to colleg __PUNCT__ be abl to pai for tuition and book __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard in thi campaign and it will be heard in america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and if you on of the forgotten middl_class __PUNCT__ peopl who ar work and struggl just to pai their bill __PUNCT__ liter worri about everi singl_dai __PUNCT__ we will give you voic in thi campaign __PUNCT__

and last __PUNCT__ if you ar on of the extraordinari men and women who have serv thi countri patriot and worn the uniform of the unit_state of america and you not get the health_care that you deserv and you need or if you on of __NUM__ veteran who live in thi countri __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ everi night __PUNCT__ go to sleep under bridg or in shelter or on grate __PUNCT__ as long as we ar aliv and breath __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard in thi campaign and it will be heard in america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and then __PUNCT__ and then __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ if you on of the million of american who have yet to cast your vote in thi democrat_process __PUNCT__ begin on __DATE__ and move beyond __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard and we will be there with you everi singl step of the wai __PUNCT__

join us in thi movement __PUNCT__

join in thi campaign __PUNCT__

let make_america what it capabl of be __PUNCT__

god_bless you all and thank you for your support and thank you for be here and thank you for your voic __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__