This speech titled 2011.05.11.video_remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president originally had 399 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i newt_gingrich and i announc my candidaci for presid of the unit_state becaus i believ we can return america to hope and opportun __PUNCT__ to full_employ __PUNCT__ to real secur __PUNCT__ to an american_energi program __PUNCT__ to a balanc_budget __PUNCT__
i work with presid_ronald ronald_reagan in a veri difficult period __PUNCT__
we got job creat again __PUNCT__ american proud of america __PUNCT__ and the soviet_union disappear __PUNCT__
as speaker of the hous __PUNCT__ i work to reform_welfar __PUNCT__ balanc the budget __PUNCT__ control_spend __PUNCT__ to cut_tax to creat econom_growth __PUNCT__ unemploy came down from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to under __NUM__ __PUNCT__
for four year we balanc the budget and paid off __MONEY___billion in debt __PUNCT__
we done it befor __PUNCT__ we can do it again __PUNCT__
i want your help becaus no on person from the oval_offic can get thi done __PUNCT__
we america ar go to have to talk togeth __PUNCT__ work togeth __PUNCT__ find solut togeth __PUNCT__ and insist on impos those solut on those who don't want to chang __PUNCT__
there ar some peopl who don't mind if america becom a wreck so long as thei domin the wreckag __PUNCT__
but you and i know better __PUNCT__
we ow it to our children __PUNCT__ our grandchildren __PUNCT__ our countri and frankli to ourselv __PUNCT__
so let get togeth __PUNCT__ look realiti in the face __PUNCT__ tell the truth __PUNCT__ make the tough choic and get the job done __PUNCT__
there a much better american futur ahead __PUNCT__ with more job __PUNCT__ more prosper __PUNCT__ a better health_system __PUNCT__ longer_live __PUNCT__ greater independ live __PUNCT__ in a countri that is decentr under the __NUM___amend __PUNCT__ with power onc again back with the american_peopl and wai from the washington bureaucraci __PUNCT__
no on person can accomplish thi __PUNCT__
it can't be done from the oval_offic __PUNCT__
we have to work togeth __PUNCT__
we american have to get it done __PUNCT__
i hope you will decid to join me __PUNCT__
let work side by side __PUNCT__
let get thi done for ourselv __PUNCT__ our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__ and for our countri __PUNCT__
i hope you will come to __URL__ see what we ar try to get done __PUNCT__ and to join us in get american back on the right track __PUNCT__