Newt Gingrich

This speech titled 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary originally had 1408 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i want to thank each and everi on of you __PUNCT__

i also want to thank all of the peopl around the state of new hampshir who were so warm and so gener to callista __PUNCT__ to kathi __PUNCT__ and to jacki __PUNCT__ and me everywher we went __PUNCT__

it wa remark how mani peopl were posit and how mani peopl were activ_support and help __PUNCT__

and i delight to have thi chanc to spend_time and learn more about the kei concern here __PUNCT__

and i want to thank everybodi here who ha been help to us __PUNCT__ particularli speaker o'brien __PUNCT__ who just did a great job __PUNCT__ and lauri sanborn __PUNCT__ who ha been tremend __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ on of the great virtu of run is that everywher you go __PUNCT__ you learn someth __PUNCT__

you pick up a better understand of america __PUNCT__

and i have to sai that the leadership that speaker o'brien and the hous show in develop a brand new approach that i hope will be adopt everywher in america __PUNCT__ where thei actual ha the wai and mean committe report first and it indic how much monei thei would have __PUNCT__

and thei then actual adopt a budget to fit their incom __PUNCT__ which is the opposit of everi state that i know of in the countri __PUNCT__ which write a budget and then tri to go find more of your monei to fill in what thei think thei need __PUNCT__

and the result wa a veri courag and a veri seriou effort in which thei cut __NUM__ __PUNCT__ out of spend __PUNCT__ which is a remark achiev __PUNCT__ which if accomplish in washington would begin to move us back on the right track __PUNCT__

so speaker __PUNCT__ i realli commend you for the leadership __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thi is step two of a long process __PUNCT__

and have been both a historian and i been activ a long_time __PUNCT__ you learn certain thing __PUNCT__

so let me put in context where we ar __PUNCT__

we have an opportun __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ to unifi the countri around a messag of job __PUNCT__ econom_growth __PUNCT__ and veri dramat program __PUNCT__

that opportun is to reach out to everybodi of everi background who would rather have paycheck than food_stamp __PUNCT__

to convinc them what ronald_reagan did in the 1980 in creat million of new job __PUNCT__ what we did when i wa speaker in the 1990 in creat million of new job __PUNCT__ can be done again __PUNCT__

thi campaign is go to go on to south_carolina __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we go to offer the american_peopl someth veri differ __PUNCT__

we go to offer them an opportun to particip in a veri dramat __PUNCT__ veri fundament chang in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__

and we go to prove that i both understand the principl and i understand the practic __PUNCT__

i learn a lot of those principl from ronald_reagan and from margaret_thatcher __PUNCT__

i got to practic them as a junior congressman work with presid_reagan __PUNCT__

i got to practic them as speaker work with bill_clinton __PUNCT__

and i want to suggest to you when ronald_reagan wa presid __PUNCT__ we had to find wai to get vote through the hous despit the fact that tip_o'neil wa speaker __PUNCT__

when i wa speaker __PUNCT__ we had to find a wai to get bill sign despit the fact that bill_clinton wa presid __PUNCT__

i believ if we had a republican hous __PUNCT__ a republican_senat __PUNCT__ and a gingrich presid __PUNCT__ it would be amaz how much we could get done and how rapidli we get it done __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so we go to south_carolina tonight and kick off tomorrow morn a campaign for job and econom_growth __PUNCT__ a campaign for a balanc_budget __PUNCT__ a campaign for return_power to the state __PUNCT__ the __NUM___amend __PUNCT__ a campaign for a strong_nation nation_secur __PUNCT__ a campaign for a stabl __PUNCT__ solid social_secur program both for peopl now on it and for the young_peopl who ar here who deserv a chanc in their lifetim to have an even better program with an even greater return __PUNCT__

becaus if we ar smart __PUNCT__ we can do better thing for peopl __PUNCT__

the washington altern __PUNCT__ how do we rais_tax and cut_spend in a wai that caus you pain on the spend side and caus you pain on the tax side __PUNCT__ is exactli backward __PUNCT__

i wa realli shock __PUNCT__ thi is part of learn __PUNCT__

when we had a debat the other dai and we were ask a question about liheap __PUNCT__ the heat assist_program __PUNCT__

it wa phrase in a perfectli washington wai __PUNCT__

ar you go to run a bigger deficit so you can help more peopl or ar you go to cut peopl off and hurt them so you can shrink the deficit __PUNCT__ nobodi on the panel ask the question seem to consid an altern __PUNCT__

what if we simpli went out and develop american_oil and ga __PUNCT__ brought down the cost of heat oil __PUNCT__ and didn't need to help peopl becaus the price came down __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ that idea of do more and do it better doe not exist in washington lexicon __PUNCT__

and it make it so hard for our new media friend to cover becaus it so strang __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ what if you just innov __PUNCT__ what if you just have new approach __PUNCT__ what if you just did everyth american have alwai done __PUNCT__ the fact is the entrepreneuri free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__ which attract peopl from benjamin_franklin to the wright brother to henri_ford __PUNCT__ to thoma edison __PUNCT__ to bill_gate __PUNCT__ to steve_job __PUNCT__

that model of maxim the develop of new approach __PUNCT__ new energi __PUNCT__ new opportun __PUNCT__ new technolog ha rais the standard of live of peopl across thi planet more than ani other system in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ with your help __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you been wonder to us here __PUNCT__

and i ask each of you not to slow down __PUNCT__

in the next coupl of dai __PUNCT__ make a list of everi person you know in south_carolina and everi person you know in florida __PUNCT__ caus those ar the next two great contest __PUNCT__

and i believ as we get to south carolina __PUNCT__ as the choic becom clear __PUNCT__ as peopl_understand that there is a bold reagan conserv_republican approach of lower_tax __PUNCT__ less regul __PUNCT__ more american_energi __PUNCT__ a sound dollar __PUNCT__ and actual be in favor of creat_job __PUNCT__ the opposit of the obama program of higher_tax __PUNCT__ more regul __PUNCT__ less american_energi __PUNCT__ and attack the peopl who creat_job __PUNCT__

look at those two model __PUNCT__

i believ we can reach out and we can creat a major that will shock the countri and a major that will begin to put us back in the right track __PUNCT__

it is doabl __PUNCT__

it is a daunt challeng __PUNCT__

but consid the altern __PUNCT__

if we do not go the extra_mile and we do not offer a vision power enough to unifi american and we continu down the road that obama ha us on __PUNCT__

but more than obama __PUNCT__ the bureaucraci that ha us on __PUNCT__ the judg have us on __PUNCT__ the entir pattern of how washington oper ha us on __PUNCT__

more year of decai __PUNCT__ more year of inadequaci __PUNCT__ more year of fall behind __PUNCT__ more year of grow weak __PUNCT__

that the altern __PUNCT__

i believ that it will take someon who is capabl of debat barack_obama face __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ face __PUNCT__ deliv the conserv messag __PUNCT__ win the argument in order to overcom hi billion __PUNCT__ dollar machin __PUNCT__

with your help __PUNCT__ as your spokesperson repres your valu on behalf of our children __PUNCT__ our grandchildren __PUNCT__ and our countri __PUNCT__ i will do everyth i can to win the opportun to repres you thi fall in debat and defeat barack obama __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

good_luck __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__