Newt Gingrich

This speech titled 2012.01.31.remarks_in_orlando_following_the_florida_primary originally had 2540 tokens. You can view the original text here.

transcript thank you all veri __PUNCT__ veri much __PUNCT__

and thank all of you up here __PUNCT__

i particularli want to start by thank attornei_gener bill mccollum __PUNCT__ who just ha been a great state __PUNCT__ wide leader and ha done so much to help us and he and ingrid have just been tremend __PUNCT__

i also want to thank mayor krotti and adam levin who co __PUNCT__ chair statewid and realli help us put thi togeth in a remark short_time __PUNCT__

and so we veri grate to all of you __PUNCT__

i also want to introduc my daughter kathi and her husband __PUNCT__ paul __PUNCT__ thei live down in kei biscayn __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and i veri proud of kathi becaus she did a whole seri of spanish languag media over the last coupl of week help us in the miami area __PUNCT__ and realli reach out across all the spanish commun and also my daughter jacki and her husband jimmi who ar here __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and jacki ha been __PUNCT__ jacki ha been do speech __PUNCT__ do televis and radio __PUNCT__

and as mani of you know __PUNCT__ she is the __PUNCT__ she and jimmi ar the mother and father of my two major debat coach __PUNCT__ maggi and robert __PUNCT__

so it great to have them here __PUNCT__

i want to thank floridian __PUNCT__

callista and i talk about thi __PUNCT__

and everybodi here ha been so posit in everi part of the state __PUNCT__ that we just thank all of you for the hospit and the kind __PUNCT__

we thank the well over a half_million floridian who vote for us __PUNCT__

and i think florida did someth veri import __PUNCT__ come on top of south_carolina __PUNCT__

it is now clear that thi will be a two __PUNCT__ person race between the conserv_leader __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich __PUNCT__ and the massachusett moder __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and the voter of florida realli made that clear __PUNCT__

now you notic a number of folk ar hold up a sign about __NUM___state to go __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ we did thi in part for the elit_media __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the same_peopl who said i wa dead in __DATE__ and __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and said i wa gone after iowa __PUNCT__ who seem total quiet the night of the south_carolina victori __PUNCT__ ar now go to be back sai __PUNCT__ what he go to do __PUNCT__ what he go to do __PUNCT__ what he go to do __PUNCT__ so i just want to reassur them tonight __PUNCT__ we ar go to contest everi place and we ar go to win and we will be in tampa as the nomine in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ you might ask __PUNCT__ in the face of a __NUM__ onslaught __PUNCT__ how can that be true __PUNCT__ and i give you the answer __PUNCT__

it wa state at an histor_moment in __NUM__ in dedic our first nation militari cemeteri by the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ abraham_lincoln __PUNCT__ who said we have govern of the peopl __PUNCT__ by the peopl __PUNCT__ for the peopl __PUNCT__

and we go to have peopl power defeat monei power in the next six month __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and you might sai __PUNCT__ how ar we go to do that __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the same wai that we came back in __DATE__ and __DATE__ and by __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we ahead in the gallup_poll nation by __NUM__ or __NUM___point with no monei __PUNCT__

it turn out that if you have idea and you have solut and you posit and you can commun a better futur __PUNCT__ and you have a histori of actual do someth in the past __PUNCT__ that the combin begin to reach to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

so let me talk briefli about what thi is go to be about __PUNCT__

thi is the most import elect of your lifetim __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ if barack_obama get re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ it will be a disast for the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

make no bone about it __PUNCT__

if he can have a record thi bad __PUNCT__ unemploy thi bad __PUNCT__ deficit thi bad __PUNCT__ polici thi bad __PUNCT__ gasolin_price thi high __PUNCT__ and still get re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ you can't imagin how radic he be in hi second term __PUNCT__

unidentifi femal __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ so design and put togeth a peopl campaign __PUNCT__ not a republican campaign __PUNCT__ not an establish campaign __PUNCT__ not a wall_street fund campaign __PUNCT__ a peopl campaign __PUNCT__ and sai to everi american of everi background and everi ethnic_group and everi commun __PUNCT__ we have a better futur for you and your famili __PUNCT__

it a futur of job __PUNCT__ it a futur of lower gasolin_price __PUNCT__ it a futur of a balanc_budget __PUNCT__ it a futur of a smaller washington __PUNCT__ it a futur of more power back_home to you and your famili and your neighborhood __PUNCT__

thi is a futur we ask you to join us in impos on the establish in washington and impos it on both parti __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ let talk briefli about the power of idea __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ i wa veri honor to be abl to help put togeth the first capitol step event __PUNCT__

and at that point __PUNCT__ senat and hous candid came togeth with governor reagan __PUNCT__

david broder wrote about it in the __PUNCT__ washington post __PUNCT__ as a veri courag decis by reagan becaus he didn't have to run as part of a team __PUNCT__

and he did someth nobodi had done befor __PUNCT__

and we won six u. __PUNCT__ senat_seat by a combin margin of __NUM___vote and we pick up __NUM___hous hous_seat __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ build on that experi __PUNCT__ we got __NUM__ candid to come and to be part of a __PUNCT__ contract with america __PUNCT__ to stand on the capitol step __PUNCT__

we offer a posit program and we had the largest on __PUNCT__ parti increas in american_histori in an off __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__

nine million addit american_vote for a posit vision and we kept our word and everi item on the contract wa vote on in the first __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ there a core question both in the primari and in the gener_elect __PUNCT__

a simpl question __PUNCT__

if you comfort with the wai america is decai __PUNCT__ then we don't have to chang much __PUNCT__

we can just manag the decai __PUNCT__

if you think that a terribl_thing to do to your children and grandchildren __PUNCT__ it a terribl thing to do to your countri __PUNCT__ and if you ar prepar to do what it take to make sure that we chang direct __PUNCT__ not just the presid __PUNCT__ but the congress __PUNCT__ the bureaucraci __PUNCT__ the judg __PUNCT__ the polici __PUNCT__ so that the entir system get on the right track __PUNCT__ so that america can give our children and grandchildren a more prosper __PUNCT__ a safe and better futur __PUNCT__ thi is how big the gap is __PUNCT__

but there ar folk over here in both parti who ar quit comfort manag the decai __PUNCT__

i am run __PUNCT__ callista and i made the decis to run __PUNCT__ our children __PUNCT__ our son __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law join us in that decis becaus we believ it is cheat our grandchildren to not insist on fundament basic chang in washington __PUNCT__ even if the establish doesn't like it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ in the next few dai __PUNCT__ we go to develop the equival of the contract from __NUM__ except thi is go to be a person on between me and you __PUNCT__ becaus i ask you to make me presid and therefor __PUNCT__ i have a person_respons __PUNCT__

it go to come in two part __PUNCT__

part on is condit and requir your help __PUNCT__

part two __PUNCT__ i can do if i win the elect __PUNCT__ without have to condit it __PUNCT__

part on onli work if you help me and we run a team campaign __PUNCT__ which mean __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ we have to replac bill nelson with a conserv __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ but if you help us __PUNCT__ and in addit to win the presid __PUNCT__ we elect a republican_senat and a republican hous __PUNCT__ i will ask them on __DATE__ to stai in offic __PUNCT__ and i will ask them to immedi pass the repeal of obama __PUNCT__ care __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ i will ask them to immedi pass the repeal of the dodd __PUNCT__ frank bill __PUNCT__ which is kill hous __PUNCT__ kill small_busi and kill independ bank __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and i will ask them to pass the repeal of sarban __PUNCT__ oxlei __PUNCT__ which is crippl american_busi with no net profit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and my goal is to have all three bill sit there __PUNCT__ wait __PUNCT__ so the minut i am sworn in __PUNCT__ i can sign all three and we off to a pretti_good open morn __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now those three promis ar condit __PUNCT__

we have to win the senat by a big enough margin to manag it and we have to increas our strength in the hous __PUNCT__

help me do that __PUNCT__ i do those three __PUNCT__

now let me tell you some thing and we go to put thi togeth in a wai that you be abl to see in write with my signatur and you be abl to hold me account __PUNCT__

there ar a seri of execut_order i can issu that the congress can't stop as long as thei within the law __PUNCT__

the veri first execut order will abolish all of the white_hous czar as of that moment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ we will issu immedi an execut_order on the same_dai __PUNCT__

all of thi is go to happen about two hour after the inaugur_address __PUNCT__

unidentifi male __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ no point in hang out and have fun __PUNCT__

befor we get to go to the variou ball that night __PUNCT__ we go to have a work period __PUNCT__

thi is go to be a work presid __PUNCT__

unidentifi femal __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ i mai not get in as much golf as obama __PUNCT__ but i get in a lot more job_creation __PUNCT__

unidentifi femal __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ and i tell you up front __PUNCT__ i not go to compet with obama in sing becaus i not run for entertain __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ i run for presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ and i would sai to him now __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you cannot sing your wai past the disast of your presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ we will immedi __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i forgot my teleprompt __PUNCT__ i said to my staff earlier __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ i have to wing thi becaus of the staff failur __PUNCT__

unidentifi femal __PUNCT__ you don't need it __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ so we go to sign on that dai the author for the immedi deploy of the keyston pipelin as of that dai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ my messag to the peopl of canada is __PUNCT__ don't cut a deal with the chines __PUNCT__

help is on the wai __PUNCT__ by __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you go to build the right pipelin to the right place __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ i just give you a coupl more __PUNCT__

we go to put togeth a packag __PUNCT__

you go to see __PUNCT__ thi is what a seriou conserv presid is like __PUNCT__ who is bold and is prepar to chang washington despit the scream of the establish on both parti __PUNCT__

so a coupl more step __PUNCT__

we will on that dai sign an execut_order that will instruct the state_depart that dai to open the embassi in jerusalem and recogn israel __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ just two more exampl __PUNCT__

i will sign on that dai an execut_order reinstat ronald_reagan mexico_citi polici __PUNCT__ no u. __PUNCT__ monei will go anywher in the world to pai for abort __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and final __PUNCT__ mani of you mai have notic that the obama_administr ha declar_war on the cathol_church and other religi_institut __PUNCT__

i want you to know that on the veri first dai __PUNCT__ i will sign an execut_order repeal everi anti __PUNCT__ religi act of the obama_administr as of that moment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ the reason i am comfort tell you all thi is i have been studi what america need to do sinc the fall of __NUM__ when my dad wa station in europ in the armi __PUNCT__

i have been work at what we need to do __PUNCT__ as congressman __PUNCT__ speaker of the hous __PUNCT__ in the privat_sector __PUNCT__

i believ it is possibl to get thi countri_back on track __PUNCT__

my commit is to unleash the spirit of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ to find new and innov and posit thing __PUNCT__ to do them seven dai a week __PUNCT__ to do them relentlessli __PUNCT__ to do them without stop __PUNCT__ to make sure that we have fundament gotten america back on the right track __PUNCT__

and i pledg to each and everi on of you person __PUNCT__ if you will reach out across the countri __PUNCT__ if you will us facebook and youtub and twitter __PUNCT__ and phone_call and even visit __PUNCT__ if you will tell all of your friend in the other __NUM___state that there is a chanc to nomin a conserv who know what he is do __PUNCT__ who ha done it befor __PUNCT__ and who ha the courag and determin to get it done __PUNCT__ i promis you that if i becom your presid __PUNCT__ i pledg to you my life __PUNCT__ my fortun __PUNCT__ and my sacr_honor __PUNCT__

thi is about america __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

good_luck and god_bless you __PUNCT__