This speech titled 2012.02.04.press_conference_in_las_vegas_following_the_nevada_caucuses originally had 3820 tokens. You can view the original text here.
__PUNCT__ remark join in progress __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ continu a lot __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in public place __PUNCT__
what __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ did you miss me __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ we did __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
i feel_good __PUNCT__
i wa worri that you would not have notic __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ what kind of convers took place and what some of the conclus that been out there __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we got togeth for a veri practic reason __PUNCT__
i wa surpris by the degre to which the establish ha close rank and made quit clear that thei desper over the prospect of a gingrich presid __PUNCT__
i wa surpris by georg_soro __PUNCT__ cheerfulli explain in davo that he wa happi with either obama or romnei __PUNCT__ becaus it didn't make much differ in polici __PUNCT__ it wa just a chang of person __PUNCT__
and i wa surpris at __PUNCT__ the new york_time __PUNCT__ articl on the romnei_campaign decis that thei had to destroi newt_gingrich __PUNCT__
so we stop and said all right __PUNCT__ if thi __PUNCT__ if thi is the object realiti of the campaign __PUNCT__ the entir establish will be against us __PUNCT__ the scale of wall_street monei start with goldman_sach will be amaz __PUNCT__ and the campaign will be base on thing that aren't true __PUNCT__
then how do you defin the campaign for the averag_american so thei get to choos __PUNCT__ do thei want two georg_soro __PUNCT__ approv candid in the gener_elect or would thei like a conserv versu on georg_soro __PUNCT__ approv candid __PUNCT__ and we frankli have spent the last four dai lai out a campaign for the next few month in which __PUNCT__ although we will be outspent __PUNCT__ we think we can commun through the clutter and we think we be abl to draw decis for the american_peopl how big the differ is __PUNCT__
you know reagan had thi challeng with john conlei __PUNCT__
goldwat had thi challeng with nelson_rockefel __PUNCT__
we had past republican campaign in which the establish had massiv financi advantag __PUNCT__
reagan lost five straight primari befor he began win in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i pretti comfort that when you come down to it __PUNCT__ as we go state to state to state __PUNCT__ a pro __PUNCT__ abort __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ gun_control __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ tax_increas __PUNCT__ georg_soro __PUNCT__ approv candid of the establish probabl is not go to do veri well __PUNCT__
and i happi to have that debat with governor romnei and i will debat him on __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ on anywher __PUNCT__ ani time that he will to stand up and explain hi record without the kind of gimmick he us in florida __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ speaker __PUNCT__ you seem to be look past __PUNCT__ crosstalk __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
right here __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ i sorri __PUNCT__
gingrich __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
everybodi will get a chanc __PUNCT__
the super_bowl is not until __NUM__ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ that is not option for __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
go ahead __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ there ar report that sheldon adelson ha been meet with mitt_romnei and ha said that he will __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ help him financi __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ sheldon __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i have no idea __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ do you __PUNCT__ would that bother you if he is __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i think what he quot as sai is if i had drop out he would be will to support governor romnei __PUNCT__
and i will ask him myself __PUNCT__
if the choic is obama and romnei __PUNCT__ then there no choic __PUNCT__
i think that how __PUNCT__ that how sheldon adelson feel __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ sheldon primari drive_forc is the surviv of the unit_state and israel in the face of an iranian nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
and compar to barack_obama __PUNCT__ virtual anybodi is a better candid __PUNCT__
so that doesn't matter me at all __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ ty __PUNCT__
mr __PUNCT__ speaker __PUNCT__ you seem to be look past the __DATE__ state and realli aim at super_tuesdai __PUNCT__
how much of your focu in the next coupl of week is go to be on super tuesdai state __PUNCT__ you obvious spend a lot of time in ohio thi week __PUNCT__
can you lai out what the next month will mean in term of a super tuesdai strategi __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ on of the thing that some of you __PUNCT__ as you keep score __PUNCT__ you don't quit follow me on is i actual think we a nation system in term of inform flow __PUNCT__
so i think if __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ if i on __PUNCT__ hanniti __PUNCT__ or if i happen to be in associ press __PUNCT__ to take an exampl __PUNCT__ or if i on on of the network or even in __PUNCT__ the new york_time __PUNCT__ that in fact it reach the whole countri __PUNCT__
so i run a campaign which twice now ha made me the frontrunn and i suspect will again by the texa primari or so __PUNCT__ that realli is a nation_campaign __PUNCT__
i think next week thi come week __PUNCT__ we in colorado __PUNCT__ minnesota __PUNCT__ and ohio __PUNCT__
and then we do cpac in washington __PUNCT__
i think the follow mondai we start three dai in california __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ so we go to be all over the place again and again and again __PUNCT__
but we intend to compet in everi singl state in the countri __PUNCT__ and i think you can count on us be competit in everi singl state in the countri __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ nanci_pelosi came out and said that she stand with her fellow cathol in favor of presid_obama decis on the __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
gingrich __PUNCT__ she stand with her fellow cathol __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ that what she said __PUNCT__
i wa talk about the __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ her fellow cathol mean archbishop dolan __PUNCT__ the entir hierarchi __PUNCT__ everi bishop __PUNCT__ everi priest __PUNCT__ those ar her fellow cathol __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ that who she sai __PUNCT__
gingrich __PUNCT__ i just __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you might go and ask the archbishop dolan how and whether or not he think the term __PUNCT__ fellow cathol __PUNCT__ appli to archbishop dolan __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ do you consid __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ let me go back for a second to sai to you __PUNCT__ the obama_administr ha declar_war on religi_freedom in thi countri __PUNCT__
and peopl need to understand that __PUNCT__
thi is a decis so total outrag __PUNCT__ and then the illustr of such radic secular ideolog __PUNCT__ that i believ the entir hierarchi will oppos it everi inch of the wai __PUNCT__
it ha noth to do with specif detail __PUNCT__
it ha to do with whether or not the govern of the unit_state can tell a religi_institut you must give up your religi_belief __PUNCT__
now that what obamacar ha come to mean __PUNCT__
the right of a washington_politician and a washington bureaucrat to tell you that you mai no longer worship_god the wai you want unless you will to pai a penalti for do so __PUNCT__
and i think as the averag_american come to understand that __PUNCT__ thei will be repuls at the arrog and the anti __PUNCT__ religi bigotri of the obama_administr __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ back there __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ speaker __PUNCT__ have you consid also that perhap voter just aren't bui what you sell __PUNCT__ i mean you been on the ball now in five state __PUNCT__ you won on but you lost four __PUNCT__
and you also talk about debat __PUNCT__ but you had __NUM__ of them and gener you been consid to have done well in them __PUNCT__ and still it not show up in the poll __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crosstalk __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i not go to defend the outcom in a state where i wa outspent __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and i suggest you sophist enough you understand that the idea of take a state where the other gui spent five time as much monei __PUNCT__ and mani of hi ad were fals __PUNCT__ as describ by both the __PUNCT__ wall_street_journal __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ nation_review __PUNCT__ that mayb that not a veri accur measur __PUNCT__
when it wa an entir posit campaign __PUNCT__ up through mid __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i wa ahead by __NUM___point in the gallup __PUNCT__
i want to come back __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i wa actual ahead in gallup about a week_ago __PUNCT__
so i think in a few more week i be ahead in gallup again __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ is that just ignor the realiti of the campaign __PUNCT__ i mean he ha gone neg and it work __PUNCT__ and you know __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__
so throughout the campaign __PUNCT__ to us your word __PUNCT__ he ha gone neg __PUNCT__ and it is work __PUNCT__
and what i assert to you is over time __PUNCT__ i don't believ the american_peopl will approv of a campaign which actual suppress turnout __PUNCT__
i think it amaz __PUNCT__ if you all look at florida __PUNCT__ everi counti i carri in florida had an increas turnout __PUNCT__
everi counti romnei carri in florida had a decreas turnout __PUNCT__
now that just sober __PUNCT__ everi republican in the countri __PUNCT__ if the onli wai that romnei is suppress turnout __PUNCT__ how is he go to __PUNCT__ how is he go to do that in the fall if the onli wai he win is outspend somebodi __NUM__ __PUNCT__ how is that go to appli to a campaign against obama who is go to outspend him __PUNCT__ i just suggest here that there ar underli factor in thi race __PUNCT__ and i quit happi to continu campaign __PUNCT__ and i kind of mildli amaz at the new media desper for find some excus to sai __PUNCT__ wouldn't you pleas quit thi even __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ jeff __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ success go forward __PUNCT__ mitt_romnei is still in the path the wai hi record now __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i not sure that mitt romnei is in my head __PUNCT__
i mean think that an interest analysi on your part __PUNCT__
i sure that with a psychiatr degre that will get you a tremend opportun to have new client __PUNCT__
i think there a clear contrast __PUNCT__
i think that the clear contrast is realli import __PUNCT__
and i think that over time we go to drive_home that clear contrast in a wai which will be enorm to hi disadvantag __PUNCT__
i think the american_peopl want somebodi who is genuin conserv __PUNCT__ who is prepar to chang washington __PUNCT__
just take __PUNCT__ take hi on comment thi week about not care about the poor __PUNCT__ which we know wa a mistak __PUNCT__
just as common about like to fire_peopl wa a mistak __PUNCT__
et cetera __PUNCT__
i would suggest to you that a conserv who care about the poor __PUNCT__ a conserv who care about everi american of everi background __PUNCT__ a conserv who sai __PUNCT__ why don't we rethink the entir safeti_net so it becom a trampolin __PUNCT__ which is not me __PUNCT__
it jack kemp __PUNCT__
it a whole rang of peopl who been work on these idea for __NUM___year __PUNCT__
and as charl_krauthamm said __PUNCT__ romnei comment thi week were a sign he doesn't quit understand conserv philosophi __PUNCT__
now i think that import for the countri __PUNCT__ for republican __PUNCT__ for conserv to think about __PUNCT__
nomin on more moder __PUNCT__ like __NUM__ when we lost badli __PUNCT__ like __NUM__ when we lost badli __PUNCT__ i don't think that a veri good futur for the republican_parti __PUNCT__
and becaus it vital to beat barack_obama __PUNCT__ i don't think it a veri good futur for the countri __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
i wa just __PUNCT__ i wa surpris __PUNCT__
go back and look at the second debat __PUNCT__
i never had a person stand next to me in a civil engag and be a substanti dishonest as he wa __PUNCT__
i mean go look at what he said __PUNCT__
you have larri sabato in the middl of the debat tweet that romnei wa be factual fals __PUNCT__
now i didn't have ani good mechan __PUNCT__ i will by the next debat __PUNCT__
i didn't have ani good mechan to turn to somebodi who wa be blatantli dishonest to the entir countri as a candid to the presid __PUNCT__
if you can't tell the truth as a candid for the presid __PUNCT__ which is by the wai a charg that ha been made by mccain __PUNCT__ by fred_thompson __PUNCT__ by huckabe __PUNCT__
if you can't tell the truth as a candid for presid __PUNCT__ how can the countri possibl expect you to lead as presid __PUNCT__ and i frankli wa stun __PUNCT__
i make no bone about thi __PUNCT__
in the second florida debat __PUNCT__ i had noth to sai __PUNCT__ becaus i had noth to sai becaus i had never befor seen a person who i thought of as a seriou candid for presid be that fundament dishonest __PUNCT__
and it wa blatant and it wa deliber and he knew he wa do it __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ do you plan on deal with that __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__ i don't want to tell you now __PUNCT__
pleas __PUNCT__ jeff __PUNCT__ you have to give us a few trade secret __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ you mention that romnei __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
i think thi is a state he won last time __PUNCT__
i think we will do better than john_mccain did last time __PUNCT__
and john mccain went on to a reason good success __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i haven't seen __PUNCT__ i haven't seen the report __PUNCT__
i have no idea what thei refer to __PUNCT__
and i be happi to look at them __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ last night you said you asham of the neg in thi campaign __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ have you engag yourself in ani neg in thi campaign __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ and ar you will to commit to give up ani neg for the remaind of __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ you can't unilater disarm in a world where somebodi is will to be as aggress __PUNCT__
what __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ if you asham of it __PUNCT__ why not __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ becaus as you know __PUNCT__ as a realist person __PUNCT__ you might as well withdraw from the campaign __PUNCT__
now that a fact __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ you don't think you could win thi campaign with a posit __PUNCT__ pure posit __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
i tri that __PUNCT__ i think if you were with me in iowa saw it __PUNCT__
i stai relentlessli posit in iowa and lost___NUM__ __NUM___point __PUNCT__
when we were in a total posit campaign __PUNCT__ i wa beat romnei by huge margin __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ so if you asham of it but __PUNCT__ crosstalk __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i think it terribl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ becaus i think it terribl that the american_system is reduc to neg_ad __PUNCT__ some of them fals __PUNCT__
i wish it wasn't happen __PUNCT__ and i think we would be better serv our children and grandchildren if it wasn't happen __PUNCT__
but it a fact __PUNCT__
it is a fact __PUNCT__
and unfortun it a fact and if you not will to stand and fight __PUNCT__ then you have to get out of the race __PUNCT__
and i think that a veri sad comment __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ keilar __PUNCT__ some sourc have suggest that you decid you want to go more posit in the tone __PUNCT__ but that doesn't realli seem to match your new confer __PUNCT__
so is that true and what do you want to see about the tone move_forward __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think we go to make a whole seri of posit speech __PUNCT__
and again __PUNCT__ i perfectli happi to talk about the idea of turn the safeti_net into a trampolin __PUNCT__
i perfectli happi to talk about idea we have for creat a much better futur in term of tax_cut and less regul __PUNCT__
i gave an entir speech last night at a local_church __PUNCT__ which wa a posit statement about american_exception and the natur of america __PUNCT__
and i veri happi to do that __PUNCT__
i also predict to you that it is rel harder to get your profess to cover total posit speech __PUNCT__
so i can give hour and hour of total posit speech __PUNCT__
now that doesn't necessarili mean thei show up anywher __PUNCT__
keilar __PUNCT__ is it posit __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ if i mai follow __PUNCT__ is it posit about __PUNCT__ is it a posit messag about america_futur but neg about mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ is that the plan __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think the point is __PUNCT__ there is a posit futur for america if we elect a conserv __PUNCT__ and i happi to talk about why that true and i happi to talk about why i think it veri __PUNCT__ veri hard for somebodi who invent romneycar to be part of that futur __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ the articl that mistakenli said that trump would endors you __PUNCT__ do you think that wa __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ anywai __PUNCT__ and ar you hope to find other endors __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i mean i couldn't understand those articl when thei came out becaus nobodi i knew thought he wa go to endors me __PUNCT__
so we all thought it wa kind of weird __PUNCT__
and those of you who wrote those articl ought to go back to their sourc and ask why thei misinform you __PUNCT__
but it a free_countri __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ there ar few peopl better at manipul the press than donald_trump and he prove it onc again __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ you have to admir the sheer __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ you cheer the fact that you don't us polit_consult in your campaign __PUNCT__ the explan that we gotten mani time is that you ar the brain behind in thi __PUNCT__ the machin behind your campaign __PUNCT__
you talk about not respond quickli enough to governor romnei __PUNCT__
do you think that if you would had consult __PUNCT__ it would have been differ and ar you look at ad consult move_forward __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
it wouldn't have been __PUNCT__
first of all __PUNCT__ how is a consult go to train you in advanc and sai to you in advanc __PUNCT__ i mean until i saw __PUNCT__ the new york_time __PUNCT__ articl about the discuss thei had last sundai_morn __PUNCT__ it hadn't occur to me that you would have the level of ruthless and the level of dishonesti we saw last week __PUNCT__
and i been around a long_time and have been through a fair number of campaign and a fair number of fight __PUNCT__
and the languag in that articl is startl and i think frankli __PUNCT__ a break with the american_tradit __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__ is it fair to sai you ar run your campaign and you ar your own campaign_manag __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think michael crow is the campaign manag __PUNCT__
we have a lot of veri smart_peopl __PUNCT__ but it fair to sai that when it come to what the candid doe and what the candid sai __PUNCT__ that i bear full respons __PUNCT__
i don't get talk_point __PUNCT__ i don't get coach in a sens that appar governor romnei did until thei fire the gui who wa coach him __PUNCT__ which i think is by the wai pretti bizarr __PUNCT__
i mean here you have a gui who come in and doe a pretti_good good_job __PUNCT__
the onli two debat romnei ha done well he wa coach by thi gui and thei fire him __PUNCT__ it just kind of weird __PUNCT__
you the last question __PUNCT__
last question __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ you talk about the difficulti in run a campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
report ar come out that your campaign still have __MONEY__ in debt __PUNCT__
can you __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ some financ __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ i don't understand where that report came from becaus it doesn't fit our intern number and it doesn't fit __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ some clever person went back and juri __PUNCT__ rig their interpret of the last __NUM___dai __PUNCT__
report __PUNCT__ you talk about run __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ how about __PUNCT__ gingrich __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that the on __PUNCT__ that the on state we frankli mess up in __PUNCT__
and i been pretti honest about that __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__
we did the wrong_thing __PUNCT__ hire the wrong person __PUNCT__ it didn't work __PUNCT__
but we be in __NUM___state and the territori __PUNCT__
and we be veri __PUNCT__ veri competit in all of them __PUNCT__
listen __PUNCT__ i hope you all have a great super_bowl __PUNCT__
take a few hour off from polit __PUNCT__
try to enjoi life __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__
if you thought that there wa go to be a softer __PUNCT__ milder newt_gingrich __PUNCT__ forget about it __PUNCT__
newt gingrich make it absolut __PUNCT__ posit clear __PUNCT__
hold on a second __PUNCT__
gingrich __PUNCT__ forget all thi other junk __PUNCT__
ok __PUNCT__ paul lubber is my son __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law who from sheboygan who for christma gave my daughter on share of packer stock and i __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ on share __PUNCT__
we had a seriou confer_call __PUNCT__ and we conclud that we should be for the team that beat the pack __PUNCT__
now it pain __PUNCT__ but i for the giant __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__
there you go __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__