Newt Gingrich

This speech titled 2012.02.10.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference originally had 4811 tokens. You can view the original text here.

download newt cpac handout transcript gingrich __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ callista __PUNCT__

what she did not tell you __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ is i am a veri bad golfer __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ i want to thank dave bossi __PUNCT__ who ha been such a great friend and partner with us on so mani differ project __PUNCT__

i also __PUNCT__ just as a person note __PUNCT__ want to thank ralph hallow and cpac for recogn last night __PUNCT__ toni blanklei __PUNCT__ who wa such a great friend __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and i want to thank the newt __NUM__ volunt who have been here work and made such a differ __PUNCT__

we ar a peopl __PUNCT__ base campaign __PUNCT__ and our volunt ar realli import __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ i have spoken at cpac mani time __PUNCT__

and cpac wa found to challeng the republican_establish __PUNCT__

the fact is __PUNCT__ when ronald_reagan came here in __NUM__ and gave hi famou speech on bold color __PUNCT__ no pale pastel __PUNCT__ that wa a decad in from reagan first __PUNCT__ great_nation speech for barri_goldwat __PUNCT__ a time for choos __PUNCT__

when reagan campaign in __NUM__ you could see the gap between the republican_establish and theconserv movement __PUNCT__

reagan campaign on suppli __PUNCT__ side_econom __PUNCT__ lower_tax __PUNCT__ less regul __PUNCT__ more american_energi __PUNCT__ place for peopl to creat_job __PUNCT__

the establish call it __PUNCT__ voodoo econom __PUNCT__

the gop_establish ha a singl word thei us with contempt for conserv_idea __PUNCT__ thei sai thei ar __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

so creat___NUM__ __NUM___million_job under reagan __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

end the soviet_union __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

and faith whittlesei __PUNCT__ who wa in the reagan white_hous and ambassador to switzerland __PUNCT__ wrote a brilliant piec recent for newsmax __PUNCT__ point out that the fight she and iwer in as conserv against the republican_establish __PUNCT__ over the veri question of whether or not we should have an anti __PUNCT__ soviet campaign __PUNCT__

the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ contract with america __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

the hous_republican republican_major of __NUM__ which by the wai __PUNCT__ wa elect by the largest on __PUNCT__ parti increas in an off year in american_histori __PUNCT__ __NUM___million new voter __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

reform_welfar __PUNCT__ where two out of three peopl would go to work or go to school __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

cut_tax with the largest capit_gain gain_tax tax_cut __PUNCT__ first tax cut in __NUM___year __PUNCT__ unemploy drop to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ __NUM___million new job __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

four year of a balanc __PUNCT__ budget __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ for the republican_establish __PUNCT__ manag the decai is prefer to chang the trajectori becaus chang the trajectori requir real fight and requir a real willing to roll up sleev and actual take on the left __PUNCT__

and that is why the republican establish __PUNCT__ whether it is in __NUM__ or in __NUM__ can't win a presidenti_campaign becaus thei don't have the tough __PUNCT__ thei don't have the commit __PUNCT__ and thei don't have the philosophi necessari to build a major in thi countri __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and let me sai to the republican_establish in thi citi __PUNCT__ croni_capit in congress is fulli as bad as croni capit on wall_street __PUNCT__ and thei had better clean up the congress if thei expect to be reelect __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ cpac actual repres a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year struggl that goe back to the draft goldwat movement in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and the tea_parti versu the republican_establish is __PUNCT__ in mani wai __PUNCT__ the same fight __PUNCT__

thi ha been go on for a half_centuri __PUNCT__

and the core of it is veri simpl __PUNCT__ the conserv_movement when it offer bold solut to ralli million of american __PUNCT__ not just republican __PUNCT__ million of american __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ independ __PUNCT__ peopl who maynev have been in polit __PUNCT__ then it win decis __PUNCT__

__NUM__ ar exampl of that __PUNCT__

what i want to talk to you about todai is bold solut to get american work again __PUNCT__ and i go to contrast it with the stupid that come from manag the decai __PUNCT__

two exampl __PUNCT__ we won the second world_war from __DATE__ to __DATE__ __PUNCT__

i want you to lock thi in your head as an exampl of what america can do when you unleash the american_peopl __PUNCT__

in __NUM___month __PUNCT__ three year and eight month __PUNCT__ we defeat nazi_germani __PUNCT__ fascist itali __PUNCT__ and imperi japan __PUNCT__ __NUM___month __PUNCT__

recent __PUNCT__ it took __NUM___year to add a fifth runwai to the atlanta airport __PUNCT__

when peopl sai you realli can't control the border by __DATE__ thei ar describ the america that can't __PUNCT__

that is the establish __PUNCT__ america __PUNCT__ ti up in bureaucraci __PUNCT__ ti up in red_tape __PUNCT__ ti up in incompet __PUNCT__ ti up in interest_group __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ let me be realli clear __PUNCT__ all of you have seen the washington_establish and the wall_street establish pile on top of me __PUNCT__

all of you have seen them sai thing that which is profoundli fals __PUNCT__

and there is a good reason thei ar do it __PUNCT__

thi campaign is a mortal threat to their grip on the establish __PUNCT__ becaus we intend to chang washington __PUNCT__ not accommod it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ so let sai the speed __PUNCT__ the tough __PUNCT__ the emphasi of the second world_war and let take someth we should make all of us optimist __PUNCT__ there is a world that work __PUNCT__

most of it __PUNCT__ but not all of it is in the privat_sector __PUNCT__

and there is a world that fail __PUNCT__

most of it __PUNCT__ but not all of it is in the public_sector __PUNCT__

i will give you on singl exampl __PUNCT__ how mani of you have ever gone onlin to check a packag at up or fedex __PUNCT__ rais your hand if you have ever check for a packag __PUNCT__ audienc rais hand __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ so virtual all of you __PUNCT__

i want to stop for a second __PUNCT__

i want to drive thi home __PUNCT__

thi is not a theori __PUNCT__ it is a practic realiti that we have the technolog that enabl us to track between up and fedex __PUNCT__

we track __NUM___million packag a dai while thei ar move __PUNCT__ and we allow you to find out where thei ar for free __PUNCT__

that is the world that work __PUNCT__

now here the world that fail __PUNCT__ the feder_govern todai cannot find __NUM___million million_illeg illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ even if thei ar sit still __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i have a simpl propos __PUNCT__ we send a packag __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ to everyon who is here illeg __PUNCT__ and when it is deliv __PUNCT__ we pull them up on a comput __PUNCT__

we know where thei ar __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ let me sai for my friend in the new media __PUNCT__ that wa hyperbol __PUNCT__ and we don't need a fact check __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter and applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i am go to give you a seri of solut that ar big enough to get america back on the right track __PUNCT__

and i think thi ha been the greatest_challeng of thi campaign __PUNCT__

we have lot of bicker __PUNCT__ we have lot of argument about thi and that __PUNCT__

we have virtual no discuss of what doe it realli take to take the most complic societi in the world __PUNCT__ the largest_economi in the world __PUNCT__ and move it back to be the most success __PUNCT__ most prosper __PUNCT__ safest and freest countri in the world __PUNCT__

so i am go to try thi afternoon to set the stage for that __PUNCT__

and we have ton of detail at __URL__ __PUNCT__ ani of you want __PUNCT__ to just go to my first name dot org __PUNCT__

you will see an immens amount of materi __PUNCT__

but the standard here is that solut big enough to get america work again __PUNCT__ and the principl is to unleash the american_peopl to rebuild the america we love __PUNCT__

let me start with job __PUNCT__ if i am the nomine __PUNCT__ with your help __PUNCT__ i will ask the entir republican ticket to campaign with me on the pledg that when the congress come in on __DATE__ it will stai in session __PUNCT__ and by __DATE__ when i am sworn in __PUNCT__ it will have repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ it will have repeal dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ it will have repeal sarban __PUNCT__ oxlei __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ all three of those ar job kill bill __PUNCT__ which central bureaucraci in washington dc and increas the corrupt of the polit_system __PUNCT__

all three should be repeal and held at the desk until i am sworn in __PUNCT__

that afternoon __PUNCT__ on the veri first dai __PUNCT__ we should sign the repeal of all three __PUNCT__

that a reason start __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ two hour after the inaugur_address __PUNCT__ that wa just the hor d'oeurv __PUNCT__

we haven't got around to seriou work __PUNCT__ yet __PUNCT__

after the inaugur address __PUNCT__ i will spend it sign execut_order and presidenti find __PUNCT__

all of them will have been publish by __DATE__ __PUNCT__

the countri will know precis what thi campaign is about __PUNCT__

the veri first execut order will abolish all of the white_hous czar __PUNCT__ as of that moment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we will sign __PUNCT__ that dai __PUNCT__ an execut_order __PUNCT__ which as of that moment __PUNCT__ approv of the canadian pipelin to houston __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ my messag to prime_minist harper and the canadian govern is simpl __PUNCT__ you do not need a partnership with the chines __PUNCT__

give the american_peopl a few month __PUNCT__

when we beat obama on elect_night __PUNCT__ you can start bui equipmentbecaus we will approv it on __DATE__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ there will be an execut_order to move the state_depart __PUNCT__ to put the embassi in jerusalem as of that dai __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we will __PUNCT__ that dai __PUNCT__ reinstat ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ mexico_citi polici __PUNCT__ no monei for abort oversea __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and we will have an execut_order to repeal everi act of religi bigotri by the obama_administr period __PUNCT__

my goal __PUNCT__ with your help __PUNCT__ is that by the time presid_obama land in chicago __PUNCT__ we will have repudi at least __NUM__ percent of hi govern on the open __PUNCT__ dai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ let me talk now about how to creat_job __PUNCT__ america work when american ar work __PUNCT__

the number on theme of the fall campaign will be a __PUNCT__ paycheck presid __PUNCT__ versu a __PUNCT__ food_stamp presid __PUNCT__

i believ we will win that fight by a huge margin __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ i work with presid_reagan __PUNCT__ and in hi eight year __PUNCT__ we creat___NUM__ __NUM___million_job __PUNCT__

i work with presid_clinton __PUNCT__ and in those four year __PUNCT__ we created11 million_job and got down to __NUM__ percent unemploy __PUNCT__

so how do you do it __PUNCT__ realli seriou chang __PUNCT__

and i have onli on measur for what i about to tell you __PUNCT__

i want the establish to understand up front __PUNCT__ thi is not about fair __PUNCT__

thi is not about be revenu neutral __PUNCT__ thi is about maxim econom_growth to put american back to work and to creat the most dynam economi on the planet and to rebuild our manufactur_base __PUNCT__ so we can pull awai from china and we becom onc again the domin countri on the planet __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ so how do you do that __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ you elimin the capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ so it is a zero capit_gain for all invest in the unit_state __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ second __PUNCT__ you go to __NUM__ percent expens __PUNCT__ so all new equip at everi level __PUNCT__ farmer factori __PUNCT__ doctor __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ all of that get written off in on year __PUNCT__

the goal is to make the american_system the most modern __PUNCT__ most product in the world __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ you also __PUNCT__ if you ar go to modern the equip __PUNCT__ you want to modern the workforc __PUNCT__

unemploy compens should be chang so that in order to get in employ compens __PUNCT__ you sign up for a busi __PUNCT__ led train_program __PUNCT__ so we ar modern our workforc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ never again shall we pai somebodi __NUM___week for do noth __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ week __PUNCT__ you can earn an associ degre __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter and applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ think about the total wast of human capabl when you teach peopl to sit at home for __NUM__ week __PUNCT__ fundamentallywrong and a violat of the declar of independ __PUNCT__ that we have the right to pursu_happi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now if we seriou about manufactur __PUNCT__ we have to elimin the environment_protect_agenc __PUNCT__ which is a job kill agenc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we should replac it with a brand __PUNCT__ new environment solut agenc made up of new peopl __PUNCT__ and the number on requir should be common_sens __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ thei should also have to take in to account __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__

the idea that the highest ga_price that we have had __PUNCT__ thei ar look at a regul that would rais the price of gasolin __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__ tell you how utterli __PUNCT__ total irrat epa is todai and why we should replac it with a new agenc __PUNCT__ not try to reform it __PUNCT__ becaus the peopl in it happen to be self __PUNCT__ select radic who ar antibusi __PUNCT__ anti __PUNCT__ local_control __PUNCT__ and seek to dictat to america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we also need a __NUM__ st centuri food and drug_administr whose job is realli simpl __PUNCT__ get in the laboratori __PUNCT__ understand the scienc __PUNCT__ and acceler get it to the patient __PUNCT__ so we save as mani live as possibl __PUNCT__ as rapidli as possibl __PUNCT__ and in the process __PUNCT__ we creat hundr ofthousand of new job __PUNCT__ domin the world_market in healthcar __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we need a __NUM__ and a half percent corpor_tax tax_rate __PUNCT__

that is the irish tax rate __PUNCT__

it make us tremend competit in the world __PUNCT__

it bring him __MONEY___billion of profit that ar lock up oversea __PUNCT__

it enabl our compani to compet __PUNCT__

and i said to my liber friend __PUNCT__ at __NUM__ and a half percent __PUNCT__ gener_electr will actual pai_tax __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we should abolish the death_tax perman becaus it is an immor tax __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ when governor romnei releas hi tax __PUNCT__ the liber were shock __PUNCT__

he wa onli pai___NUM___percent __PUNCT__

their answer wa to rais hi tax __PUNCT__

i a conserv __PUNCT__

i believ our goal should be to get your tax down to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ how do you do that __PUNCT__ we have in my plan someth we got from hong_kong __PUNCT__ care of steve forb __PUNCT__

hong kong ha had for year a two track system __PUNCT__ you can keep the current code __PUNCT__ all the red_tape __PUNCT__ all the deduct __PUNCT__ all the form __PUNCT__ or you fill in on page __PUNCT__ here is how much i earn __PUNCT__ here is how mani depend __PUNCT__ here is __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

and here what i want to sai to the establish __PUNCT__ thei go to jump up and sai thi is not revenu neutral __PUNCT__

thei ar right __PUNCT__

thi is call a tax_cut __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and i have a simpl principl and i want you to understand thi __PUNCT__ thi is go to becom a huge argument insid the republican_parti __PUNCT__

i work and help balanc the feder_budget for four consecut_year __PUNCT__ the onli four year in your lifetim __PUNCT__

so when peopl sai gingrich is be irrespons __PUNCT__ none of them have ever balanc the feder_budget __PUNCT__

we will get a feder budget balanc __PUNCT__ but i have a simpl principl __PUNCT__ my intent is to shrink spend down to the level of revenu __PUNCT__ not to rais_revenu up to the level of obama spend __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ thi is a fight we had in __NUM__ when we put in the no tax_increas platform __PUNCT__ which i work with jack kemp and trent_lott and bob kasten __PUNCT__ against __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ the establish __PUNCT__

and our principl wa simpl __PUNCT__ we ar not the tax_collector for the welfar_state __PUNCT__

we ar not assign the job of go out to rais extra_monei so liber can give it awai __PUNCT__

we ar __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ interest in a tax_code that creat_job __PUNCT__ that maxim freedom __PUNCT__ the give you a chanc to take care of your famili __PUNCT__ your neighborhood __PUNCT__ your chariti __PUNCT__ your church or synagogu __PUNCT__ and that is a fundament differ model than the establish model __PUNCT__ which is orient toward govern __PUNCT__

and we will not tax the american_peopl for barack_obama credit_card __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ how do you get to a balanc __PUNCT__ budget then __PUNCT__ you cut_spend __PUNCT__ you cut_tax to maxim econom_growth __PUNCT__ you reform govern __PUNCT__ and you us american_energi __PUNCT__

at __NUM__ percent unemploy __PUNCT__ which wa the rate when i left_offic __PUNCT__ social_secur is safe for gener __PUNCT__ a huge increas in revenu __PUNCT__ and a big declin in cost __PUNCT__

you take peopl off of food_stamp __PUNCT__ off of medicaid __PUNCT__ you take them off of public_hous __PUNCT__ off of unemploy __PUNCT__ off of welfar __PUNCT__

you put them to work pai_tax __PUNCT__

the govern get were more revenu without a tax_increas __PUNCT__

the govern_spend less __PUNCT__

it is the first big step in balanc the budget __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ but let talk about cut_spend __PUNCT__ and thi is what i mean by bold propos __PUNCT__ which will probabl be label __PUNCT__ unrealist __PUNCT__

we should replac the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old civil_servic system and it regul with a new model of modern manag us system like lean six sigma __PUNCT__

and we should be prepar to save___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion a year in the oper of feder_govern and increas the economi by at least two trillion_dollar a year by the simpl elect of have the govern ceas to be incompet __PUNCT__ and effici __PUNCT__ and a hindranc to the futur of the american_system __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we should look at cut_spend by look at everi singl agenc __PUNCT__

and we should start by abolish the depart of energi __PUNCT__ which ha been a total failur sinc it wa found __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we should appli the system of american express __PUNCT__ mastercard __PUNCT__ visa to cut out fraud __PUNCT__

we can save __NUM__ to __MONEY___billion a year in medicaid and medicar alon by go to a modern system that work __PUNCT__

that is almost a trillion_dollar a decad just in that on zone __PUNCT__

we should appli the tenth_amend __PUNCT__ i delight that governor perri ha agre to develop a project for thi summer __PUNCT__ for a contract thi fall __PUNCT__ and for a bill in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ a tenth amend implement to return_power back_home __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we also have thing on energi __PUNCT__

i believ that we have an oblig to open up the american_system to produc the maximum amount of oil and ga for three reason __PUNCT__ keep the __NUM__ or __MONEY___billion a year at home strengthen our economi __PUNCT__

if we maxim product __PUNCT__ our goal should be to get back to __MONEY__ a gallon gasolin to prove to the american_peopl that the free_market market_work in a practic wai that affect your life __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ thi isn't pie in the sky __PUNCT__

thi is pure suppli and demand __PUNCT__

when you realiz that north_dakota alon ha __NUM___time as much energi as the us geolog survei thought eight year_ago __PUNCT__ __NUM___time as much __PUNCT__

and we ar not allow to look at alaska __PUNCT__ where we own __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ an area on and a half_time the size of texa __PUNCT__

we don't look offshor __PUNCT__

i mean obama ha been an anti __PUNCT__ american_energi presid __PUNCT__ and everi american pai the price everi time thei go to a ga_station __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and i have a veri simpl principl __PUNCT__ we want to ensur that no futur_presid ever again bow to a saudi king __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we need to move toward a person social_secur save_account for young_american and take social_secur offbudget for senior_citizen __PUNCT__

and we need to make sure that no politician ever again li to our senior citizen by threaten to keep from them check that thei earn and that thei deservebecaus the trust_fund is there __PUNCT__ even if there is no trust in barack_obama __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ we need to have a complet audit of the feder_reserv to find out everi singl decis __PUNCT__

we deserv to know who got our monei and why __PUNCT__

if bernank ha not resign by the dai i am sworn in __PUNCT__ i will ask the congress to pass a law end hi term __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ and we need a commiss on gold and solid currenc much like the on ronald_reagan had in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and i delight that lou lehrman and jim grant ha agre that thei ar will to serv as the chairmen __PUNCT__

let me close on two big topic that ar veri __PUNCT__ veri import about the economi __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ thi administr is wage_war on religion __PUNCT__ but so ar the court __PUNCT__

thi is why we need a movement that is bigger than just beat obama __PUNCT__

we need a movement that understand we go to chang the congress __PUNCT__ the white_hous __PUNCT__ the bureaucraci __PUNCT__ and where necessari __PUNCT__ the court __PUNCT__

and we all need to understand how real thi is __PUNCT__

thi countri wa found by peopl who came here in order to avoid religi persecut __PUNCT__

the veri basi of thi countri wa religi_liberti __PUNCT__

our core document sai we ar endow by our creator with certain unalien right __PUNCT__

and barack_obama seek to cut across those __PUNCT__ and i frankli don't care what deal he tri to cut __PUNCT__ thi is a man who is deepli commit __PUNCT__

if he win reelect __PUNCT__ he will wage_war on the cathol_church the morn after he is reelect __PUNCT__

we cannot trust him __PUNCT__ we know who he realli is and we should ensur the countri know who he realli is __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ for those of you who don't understand what a real bold solut approach is __PUNCT__ if you go to __URL__ there is a __NUM__ page paper that vinc halei and i put togeth over a nine __PUNCT__ year_period that outlin how to rebal the judiciari and how to reestablish the right of the peopl to protect themselv against dictatori judg who ar rewrit the constitut rather than enforc the constitut __PUNCT__

it is a veri seriou topic __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ thi is an administr which li about who our enemi ar __PUNCT__ refus to tell the truth about what threaten us __PUNCT__ is blind to the danger we ar run __PUNCT__ seek to weaken radic our defens system __PUNCT__ ha crippl our intellig system __PUNCT__ and is make a seri of decis around the world that ar stun in their misunderstand of the natur of realiti __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we have american held hostag in egypt __PUNCT__ precis like jimmi_carter with hostag in iran in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we have the person who help us find bin_laden __PUNCT__ ha been arrest by the pakistani govern __PUNCT__

now what more do you need to know __PUNCT__ thei did not sai __PUNCT__ oh thi is terrif __PUNCT__

you help find the most want terrorist in the world __PUNCT__

thei said __PUNCT__ thi is terribl __PUNCT__

how could you help the american __PUNCT__ we need a profound nation_debat about our entir polici __PUNCT__ and it need to start by tell the truth about radic_islamist who seek to kill us __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

gingrich __PUNCT__ thi is go to be __PUNCT__ thi is go to be a big choic __PUNCT__ big decis elect __PUNCT__

i think __PUNCT__ while i seek the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ it ha to be an american campaign __PUNCT__

we want to sai to everi american __PUNCT__ if you favor paycheck over food_stamp __PUNCT__ come join us __PUNCT__ no matter what your background __PUNCT__ no matter where you live __PUNCT__

we want to be with you in creat a work orient job economi __PUNCT__

we want to sai to everi american __PUNCT__ if you believ that honesti about our enemi __PUNCT__ strengthen our defens __PUNCT__ and compet in ourbelief is vital to our surviv __PUNCT__ come join us __PUNCT__

we don't care who you onc were __PUNCT__

we don't care what you onc did __PUNCT__

we need everi american who want to defend_america to come togeth for thi campaign __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ we need to sai to everi american __PUNCT__ if you believ in the declar of independ __PUNCT__ you believ in the constitut __PUNCT__ and you believ in the federalist_paper __PUNCT__ then we want you to be with us __PUNCT__

we understand other will be with saul_alinski __PUNCT__ barack_obama __PUNCT__ and radic __PUNCT__

but everybodi who believ that we ar endow by our creator __PUNCT__ that our right ar unalien __PUNCT__ that we have the right to life __PUNCT__ liberti __PUNCT__ and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__ we want you to come from everi background in everi commun of the countri __PUNCT__

i need your help __PUNCT__

i hope you will go to __URL__

i hope you sign up __PUNCT__

we ar run a peopl campaign __PUNCT__

we don't have the scale of monei that some of our competitor do __PUNCT__ but we do have a plan __PUNCT__

we ar gather togeth a team __PUNCT__

we have a conserv dream team of peopl like governor rick_perri __PUNCT__ herman_cain __PUNCT__ fred and jeri thompson __PUNCT__ todd palin __PUNCT__ chuck norri __PUNCT__ jc watt __PUNCT__ kellyann conwai __PUNCT__ linda upmey __PUNCT__ oliv north __PUNCT__ a tremend team __PUNCT__

but in the end __PUNCT__ we need you __PUNCT__

if we can be togeth __PUNCT__ the mani peopl __PUNCT__ we love more name __PUNCT__ go to __URL__ and add more name __PUNCT__ i mean thi __PUNCT__ all the year i have work in thi parti __PUNCT__ thi is the year to reset thi countri in a decis __PUNCT__ bold wai __PUNCT__

we need to teach the republican_establish a lesson __PUNCT__

we ar determin to rebuild america __PUNCT__ not to manag it decai __PUNCT__

and with your help __PUNCT__ that is what we will do __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ good_luck __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__