This speech titled 2012.02.26.remarks_in_san_francisco_california originally had 6895 tokens. You can view the original text here.
transcript callista gingrich __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ for that kind introduct and warm welcom __PUNCT__
it is great to be here with you __PUNCT__
and i like to take a moment to thank all of you who have been so support of us throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__
your heartfelt prayer and encourag have made our live richer and our campaign stronger __PUNCT__
over the last few month __PUNCT__ thi campaign ha been wild __PUNCT__
we have been on a roller_coaster as front runner seem to come and go __PUNCT__
on of the thing i enjoi most as we campaign across thi countri is the chanc to meet so mani wonder peopl __PUNCT__ to learn about their live __PUNCT__ concern __PUNCT__ and hope for the futur __PUNCT__
as i listen and learn __PUNCT__ it is evid that most american ar still optimist about the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__
it been encourag to meet so mani peopl who genuin believ in the great of our countri and work tirelessli everi dai to pursu the american_dream __PUNCT__
newt and i have engag in thi race becaus we believ america is at a crossroad and care_deepli about the futur of our countri __PUNCT__
our onli oppon is barack_obama and we ar commit to remov him from the white_hous __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ newt is the onli candid with the experi and knowledg necessari to rebuild the america we love __PUNCT__
he ha a success nation record of creat_job __PUNCT__ balanc the budget __PUNCT__ and reform govern __PUNCT__
todai we need a leader who can clearli articul why presid_obama and hi polici ar wrong for america __PUNCT__
we need a leader who understand that we must contain and defeat our enemi and we need a leader with bold solut to creat a better futur for all american __PUNCT__
i believ that leader is my husband __PUNCT__
pleas welcom former speaker of the hous and the next presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ newt gingrich __PUNCT__ thi is a wonder moment __PUNCT__
i had no idea when __PUNCT__ eric beach __PUNCT__ first ask me sever month_ago to come that it would be such a great opportun to respond to presid_obama fridai speech on energi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ and i want to thank the presid for the time of thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ but i want to start by thank __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ callista for introduc me and for everyth she do on the campaign __PUNCT__ which is a realli veri exhaust job __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i want to thank michel steel __PUNCT__ who ha been a great state __PUNCT__ wide leader for us and i thrill that she ha taken the chair of the campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and also by the wai __PUNCT__ she is not up here __PUNCT__ but i want to also mention teresa hernandez __PUNCT__ who ha been a great help with the latino group __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ i want to thank michael reagan __PUNCT__ who ha been a great friend sinc hi father administr __PUNCT__
we have done so mani thing over the year __PUNCT__
and he and rush_limbaugh ar the two peopl who becam honorari member of the class of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
so michael been around and do great_thing for a long_time __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ final it is great to have my fellow georgian here __PUNCT__ herman_cain __PUNCT__
he a remark person a remark leader __PUNCT__
i can think of at least nine posit thing to sai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ the reason __PUNCT__ when eric first ask me if i could come do thi that i want to come here even though i knew you would not have your primari until much later is i want to make a clear statement about a gingrich candidaci __PUNCT__
i am run for presid __PUNCT__
to be presid of all the peopl __PUNCT__ to reach out to run a campaign __PUNCT__ while i seek the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ i want to run an american campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and an american campaign ha to be design to reach everi american to give everi american the choic of which futur thei want and you cannot follow the recent republican practic of write off our largest state and imagin that you ar go to run an american campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ you have my commit is that if you help me in your primari __PUNCT__ and i do believ that the nomin_process that texa __PUNCT__ which is go to come at the end of mai __PUNCT__ and in california __PUNCT__ which is go to come at the begin of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ ar go to be vital __PUNCT__
and i think thei guarante come that late with the two largest state in the countri that there will not be ani lock down befor we get to california __PUNCT__
thi will still be a veri import campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ i want you to know that as the nomine __PUNCT__ i will campaign consist in california __PUNCT__
and i think there ar five basic theme that will enabl us to appeal to the vast_major of californian __PUNCT__
the first that i go to be spend a good bit of time on todai is choic __PUNCT__
there alwai a question of choic becaus in the end it alwai come down to choic __PUNCT__
if you would like to have a nation_energi and american_energi energi_polici __PUNCT__ never again bow to a saudi king __PUNCT__ and pai___MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich would be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if you want __MONEY__ a gallon gasolin __PUNCT__ an anti __PUNCT__ energi secretari __PUNCT__ and weak requir us to depend on foreign for our energi __PUNCT__ barack_obama will be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd boo __PUNCT__ if you think creat_job and have paycheck is a good futur __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich ought to be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if you think food_stamp and depend ar adequ __PUNCT__ barack_obama ought to be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd boo __PUNCT__ if you believ that america wa creat base on religi_liberti and that no govern can come between us and god __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich ought to be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ if you believ that the ninth_circuit circuit_court __PUNCT__ anti __PUNCT__ religi bigotri and the obama anti __PUNCT__ religi bigotri ar appropri __PUNCT__ obama should be your candid __PUNCT__
it that big __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd boo __PUNCT__ if you believ in the declar of independ and the constitut and the federalist_paper __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich ought to be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and if you believ saul_alinski radic is what ought to replac all that __PUNCT__ barack_obama ought to be your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd boo __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ if you believ the world is danger and america should be strong __PUNCT__ then newt_gingrich is your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ if you think the unit_state is inevit weak and guilti and we should run around the world apolog and appeas __PUNCT__ then barack_obama is your candid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd boo __PUNCT__ and let me sai __PUNCT__ i for on find it veri offens that the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief face with a situat in which an afghan_soldier soldier_kill two american and wound four other __PUNCT__ face with anoth situat the last __NUM___hour when more american were kill __PUNCT__ i find it veri offens as command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief that he is apolog to the afghan when in fact __PUNCT__ he should be demand an apolog from karzai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd cheer newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ if we ar go to have a seriou effect polici in the middl_east __PUNCT__ on of the pillar of that polici ha to be an american_energi program that make us independ of saudi_arabia independ of iraq and iran independ of venezuela __PUNCT__ produc enough oil __PUNCT__ not onli for the unit_state but to ensur that should the strait of hormuz be close we frankli wouldn't care __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ i am not a newcom to the energi issu __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ we launch __PUNCT__ drill here __PUNCT__ drill now __PUNCT__ pai less __PUNCT__
with sean_hanniti help __PUNCT__ we got __NUM__ signer __PUNCT__
the hous_republican pick up the theme __PUNCT__
ultim __PUNCT__ governor palin pick up the theme __PUNCT__
the fact that is that prior to the collaps of wall_street __PUNCT__ john_mccain wa ahead by three and republican and the hous were ahead by five becaus the left had no answer on the issu of energi __PUNCT__
we wrote a book_call __PUNCT__ drill here __PUNCT__ drill now __PUNCT__ pai less __PUNCT__
and callista and i madea documentari_call __PUNCT__ we have the power __PUNCT__
and the purpos wa realli simpl __PUNCT__ we have the power __PUNCT__
we have more than enough energi in unit_state that we do not have to reli on foreign_countri __PUNCT__
but we have an anti __PUNCT__ american_energi govern __PUNCT__ and anti __PUNCT__ american energi bureaucraci __PUNCT__ anti __PUNCT__ american energi regul and now __PUNCT__ we have a presid who ha decid to engag us on thi issu __PUNCT__
after i came out for a program to get to __MONEY__ a gallon gasolin __PUNCT__ obama decid he had to make a speech on energi __PUNCT__
i realli hope everi american will read hi speech in miami __PUNCT__
it is a veri reveal speech __PUNCT__
it is factual fals __PUNCT__ intellectu incoher __PUNCT__ deepli conflict on polici __PUNCT__ and in some place just strang __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ but imagin the challeng for obama __PUNCT__
obama is a genuin left __PUNCT__ winger __PUNCT__
that is hi world __PUNCT__
he believ in the stuff __PUNCT__
and realli what is danger about him is not what he doesn't know __PUNCT__ it is what he know that isn't true __PUNCT__
he believ in small car __PUNCT__
he believ in an anti __PUNCT__ american energi_polici __PUNCT__
he believ in high_price __PUNCT__
he believ in govern_control __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ hi challeng is he is run for reelect __PUNCT__
the american_peopl actual want the car and truck that thei like __PUNCT__
the american peopl ar pro __PUNCT__ american_energi by about __NUM__ to the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the american_peopl like low_price __PUNCT__
the american_peopl believ individu citizen should decid what car thei want to bui __PUNCT__
so obama make thi energi speech __PUNCT__ but you have to see it in it context __PUNCT__
and i think thi is what is make it so hopeless for him to go around and pretend that he is for american_energi __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ as a senat __PUNCT__ obama wa the onli sponsor of a bill which would have elimin an inventori of offshor oil asset __PUNCT__
i want you to think about thi __PUNCT__
thi is part of the left great problem todai __PUNCT__
thei realli believ in __PUNCT__ peak energi __PUNCT__
thei realli believ that you know we go to run out __PUNCT__
we have to ration __PUNCT__
the govern ha to be in charg __PUNCT__
jimmi_carter wa right __PUNCT__
we ought to have gasolin ration __PUNCT__
we ought to do someth in some wai to make sure we don't us thi all up __PUNCT__
and their problem is that it wrong __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ their fear is if thei actual show us how much energi we have __PUNCT__ we will actual want the energi __PUNCT__
so thei want us to not see the energi becaus then we can't ask for it becaus we don't have it __PUNCT__
and so he liter introduc a bill that wa a bill that favor ignor __PUNCT__
and it is fascin becaus what north_dakota ha done is that it ha blown apart their worldview __PUNCT__
in north dakota in the bakken format todai ha __NUM___time as much oil __PUNCT__
that is __NUM__ percent more oil than thei thought __PUNCT__
the bakken format is now at __NUM__ percent unemploy in north_dakota and that overst the case becaus thei have __NUM__ unfil job in oil_field __PUNCT__
the peopl who ar unemploi don't have the skill to do the job __PUNCT__
the peopl who have the skill __PUNCT__ thei basic have zero unemploy __PUNCT__
and thei gener so much revenu for the state_govern that thei have had seven straight tax_cut and thei have a multibillion __PUNCT__ dollar raini dai fund __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ all of thi just drive the left crazi __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ there is on reason thi wa develop __PUNCT__
it wa on privat_land and the obama_administr couldn't stop it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ let me let you understand the framework in which these folk think __PUNCT__
even in north_dakota __PUNCT__ and i believ by the wai the judiciari_committe should look in to thi __PUNCT__ should subpoena document and should hold hear __PUNCT__
even though it wa on privat_land __PUNCT__ thei still decid to harass the oil_industri __PUNCT__
so the u. __PUNCT__ attornei __PUNCT__ obama u. __PUNCT__ attornei from north_dakota file a lawsuit against the oil_compani base on eight migratori bird __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ wind kill about __NUM__ bird a year __PUNCT__
so wind_turbin __PUNCT__ thei ar substanti more danger for bird __PUNCT__
but wind is green __PUNCT__ so it is good __PUNCT__ so therefor __PUNCT__ it realli didn't kill the bird becaus if it kill the bird __PUNCT__ it be bad __PUNCT__ but it can't be bad becaus it is good __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ on the other hand __PUNCT__ thei manag to find eight bird __PUNCT__ and thei file a lawsuit __PUNCT__
the judg threw it out __PUNCT__
it is an egregi abus of prosecutori power __PUNCT__ and i think the hous judiciari_committe should __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ find out the decis document in north_dakota and then find out if the decis document of the justic_depart that allow such an egregi abus of power __PUNCT__
so thei realli hate the idea that thi is all work __PUNCT__
but now __PUNCT__ rememb thi is a long_histori __PUNCT__
i go to read sever thing __PUNCT__ those of you that know me well __PUNCT__ know i usual just speak off the cuff but and i want to share stuff with you that i think is realli import __PUNCT__
here in san_francisco __PUNCT__ __DATE__ dure campaign __PUNCT__ see an exampl about the attitud about the price of energi __PUNCT__
quot __PUNCT__ quot barack_obama __PUNCT__ talk to the san_francisco chronicl editori_board __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ under my plan of cap and trade __PUNCT__ electr price will necessarili skyrocket and power_plant __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__ you name it __PUNCT__ whenev the plant were __PUNCT__ whatev the plant were __PUNCT__ whatev the industri wa __PUNCT__ thei would have to retro __PUNCT__ fit their oper and that will cost_monei and thei will pass that monei on to the consum __PUNCT__
so if someon want to build a coal fire power_plant __PUNCT__ it just that it will bankrupt them becaus thei ar not go to be charg the huge_amount for all that greenhous_ga that is be lift __PUNCT__
so it is realli open __PUNCT__
higher_price ar good __PUNCT__
thei ar necessari __PUNCT__
compani will be bankrupt __PUNCT__
thi is the true left __PUNCT__
thei also come up with silli solut __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i am go to get to alga later on __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ and by the wai __PUNCT__ i am pro __PUNCT__ research into alga __PUNCT__
i am a veri big pro __PUNCT__ scienc gui __PUNCT__
i knew a gui in texa a&m who is work on alga __PUNCT__
and i think somedai down the road alga mai well be a us asset __PUNCT__ but it is a littl bit like solyndra __PUNCT__
the presid keep find these thing __PUNCT__ which would work somedai if onli thei work __PUNCT__ but thei don't work __PUNCT__ but thei should work if onli thei work __PUNCT__
you realli feel much better about them work __PUNCT__
he doesn't want the thing that do work becaus those thing make you feel_bad so we can't have the thing that do work becaus he want to do the thing that don't work __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ so here barack_obama dure the last phase of high ga cost and i wa advoc __PUNCT__ drill here __PUNCT__ drill now __PUNCT__ pai less __PUNCT__
and here is what he wa advoc __PUNCT__
quot __PUNCT__
thi is __DATE__ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ there ar thing you can do individu to save energi __PUNCT__
make sure your tire ar properli inflat __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ simpl thing __PUNCT__
but we can save all the oil that thei ar talk about get off drill if everybodi wa just inflat your tire __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ and get regular tune __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__
you gui can save just as much __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you know how weird your worldview is to believ that inflat your tire equal drill __PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ it is a littl scari when you have a presid that is thi out of touch of realiti __PUNCT__
let me go on __PUNCT__
i recent got in a littl bit of troubl with volt owner becaus i made the comment that on of thing the left doesn't understand is that you can't put a gun rack in a volt __PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ i am not anti __PUNCT__ volt __PUNCT__
i am not anti __PUNCT__ ani particular choic that you make __PUNCT__
you should be allow to drive what you want to drive __PUNCT__
but here __PUNCT__ and i first got onto thi when obama went to campaign for the democrat_candid for the senat __PUNCT__ teddi kennedi seat in the special_elect __PUNCT__
and he did thi entir riff on scott_brown truck __PUNCT__
scott brown wa campaign around the state in a pickup_truck __PUNCT__
and you could tell __PUNCT__ you go back and read the speech that obama gave in boston just befor the elect __PUNCT__
you can tell he wa fixat on thi pickup truck and how inappropri it wa to have a pickup __PUNCT__
actual __PUNCT__ i us priu back then becaus the volt did not exist __PUNCT__
and i said at the time __PUNCT__ obama doesn't realiz you can put a gun rack in a priu __PUNCT__
and you could just tell that thi wa the harvard academician at work __PUNCT__
he go __PUNCT__ why do you need a pickup truck __PUNCT__ you could be bicycl to the campu __PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ so you mai think i make thi up __PUNCT__
here is the presid in __NUM__ in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ i know some of these big gui __PUNCT__ thei ar all still drive their big suv __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ thei have their big monster truck and everyth __PUNCT__
and there is a certain weird to thi whole notion __PUNCT__
thi is a gui who flew in on air_forc on __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ you would think that at some level __PUNCT__ he would be secur __PUNCT__
peopl ar allow to have an suv __PUNCT__
and he goe around with an entir fleet of suv __PUNCT__
have you ever watch the presidenti motorcad __PUNCT__ __NUM__ suv drive around and then tell you __PUNCT__ you shouldn't have on becaus the secret_servic need it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ some gui made a motion and obama sai __PUNCT__ you ar on of them __PUNCT__ well now __PUNCT__ here is my point __PUNCT__
if you ar complain about the price of ga and onli get __NUM___mile to the gallon __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ you mai have a big famili __PUNCT__ but it is probabl not that big __PUNCT__
how mani do you have __PUNCT__ ten kid you sai __PUNCT__ the gui said he had __NUM___kid __PUNCT__ it wa hard to get in a volt __PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ ten kid __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you definit need a hybrid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ thi is my point __PUNCT__ which i think our friend on the left don't get __PUNCT__ we ar for freedom __PUNCT__
we don't think politician should dictat to the american_peopl the size of their car or the make of their car or __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ let me walk you through the background insid the administr __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the speaker __PUNCT__ john_boehner __PUNCT__ who put thi out __PUNCT__
and it is realli help __PUNCT__
he took the speech and on late fridai afternoon thei put out a step __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ step exampl __PUNCT__
on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ just month after presid_obama anti __PUNCT__ energi secretari said quot __PUNCT__ somehow we have to figur out __PUNCT__ how __PUNCT__ to boost the price of gasolin to the level of europ __PUNCT__
i want you to rememb thi __PUNCT__
obama pick somebodi as secretari of energi who believ that the natur price of gasolin should be european __PUNCT__ which is nine or __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
so when thei tell you thi is all an accid __PUNCT__ balonei __PUNCT__
thi is a deliber strategi of the left to punish the american_peopl into drive vehicl thei want __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ in __DATE__ bare in offic __PUNCT__ the obama_administr begin scrap leas for oil shale develop and cancel __NUM__ leas for oil and ga product in utah __PUNCT__
gasolin __PUNCT__ at that point __PUNCT__ wa __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
in __DATE__ abc new sai __PUNCT__ the white_hous is close monitor the expedit solyndra loan project even as it wa delai new american_energi energi_product that would help make us less depend on foreign energi __PUNCT__
ga at that point wa __MONEY__
rememb __PUNCT__ solyndra wa __PUNCT__ the last time obama had an answer to why we didn't need ani fossil_fuel becaus rather than the oil_compani have the tax_break he want the monei so he could give it out to hi friend so that thei could run compani that go bankrupt __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ ga at that time wa __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
the obama_administr in __DATE__ announc thi new bureaucrat hurdl to american_energi energi_product that the secretari of the interior salazar admit __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ could add delai to the leas and drill process __PUNCT__
ga at that point wa __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
__DATE__ instead of open new area to energi explor and develop __PUNCT__ presid_obama block deep ocean energi_product on __NUM__ percent of american outer __PUNCT__ continent shelf __PUNCT__
and i want you to rememb thi becaus in hi speech __PUNCT__ he explicitli is dishonest with us __PUNCT__
presid_obama block the ocean energi_product on __NUM__ percent of america outer __PUNCT__ continent shelf __PUNCT__
ga wa __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
__DATE__ the presid re __PUNCT__ impos and expand the moratorium on offshor energi product __PUNCT__
ga wa __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
on __DATE__ the obama_administr releas a plan for a five __PUNCT__ year moratorium on offshor energi_product place quot __PUNCT__ some of the most promis energi_resourc in the world off __PUNCT__ limit __PUNCT__ accord to the hous natur_resourc committe __PUNCT__
ga is __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
__DATE___presid presid_obama reject the bipartisan keyston_xl pipelin and thu kill more than __NUM___job __PUNCT__
ga wa __PUNCT__ at that point __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i give you all thi background befor the speech __PUNCT__
and of cours what happen wa hi advis came to him and said __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__ price of gasolin is rise befor we even get to summer when it goe up even more __PUNCT__
you had better find a wai to be pro __PUNCT__ gasolin instead of anti __PUNCT__ gasolin __PUNCT__
and so __PUNCT__ despit thi entir background __PUNCT__ he decid to go __PUNCT__ and he basic gave a speech in miami __PUNCT__ which can be summar quot __PUNCT__ why i didn't mean to do everyth i did __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ rememb thi administr which ran in __NUM__ on __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ and is go to run in __NUM__ on __PUNCT__ why we couldn't __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ there ar part that i agre with __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ some of the languag is wonder even if said by him __PUNCT__ it is a littl bit funni __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we don't have the luxuri of pretend __PUNCT__
we got to look at the fact __PUNCT__
look at the scienc __PUNCT__
figur out what we need to do __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ as an historian mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ i take up your challeng __PUNCT__
so the next few minut i go to take your speech and we go to look at the fact __PUNCT__
he goe on to sai that quot __PUNCT__ i want you to think about thi now in context of everyth els he is go to sai later __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we do have in thi countri limitless sourc of energi __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ if he believ that __PUNCT__ why doesn't he unleash the american_peopl to develop the limitless sourc of energi that he claim we have __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ and i think thi tell you why he is give the speech __PUNCT__ somebodi in hi polit shop came to him and said he had the follow quot __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ when ga_price go up __PUNCT__ it hurt everybodi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ it is true __PUNCT__
gasolin_price affect and diesel price affect the trucker that deliv the groceri and that affect the agricultur and that affect the cost of manufactur and that affect the cost of drive to work that affect the cost of grandpar who want to see their grandchildren __PUNCT__
everywher you turn around __PUNCT__
but mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ if you understand that when ga_price go up __PUNCT__ it hurt everybodi __PUNCT__ why have you not fire chu __PUNCT__ who is specif dedic to rais the price of gasolin to european level __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and he further get it __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ high ga price ar like a tax straight out of your paycheck __PUNCT__
so you could think of gasolin_price when you pump your car as the obama tax __PUNCT__
thi is the new obama tax straight out of your pocket __PUNCT__
i just quot the presid own word __PUNCT__
he cite letter __PUNCT__
he sai he get letter everi dai and thei pull out some for him to read and last night he happen to read some __PUNCT__
two of them said quot __PUNCT__ i not sure i go to be abl to keep my job if ga_price keep go up so high __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ that is probabl true __PUNCT__
there ar probabl peopl who write that __PUNCT__
i ran into a ladi in la_vega who live in rural nevada and she said she is now limit to two trip a week becaus the price of gasolin bite into her famili budget __PUNCT__
but as i read that and reread that __PUNCT__ someth occur to me __PUNCT__
he didn't have to be quot somebodi els __PUNCT__
let me read thi sentenc as though obama had said it by himself __PUNCT__
quot __PUNCT__ i not sure i go to be abl to keep my job if ga_price continu to go up __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd cheer newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ so let me assur you __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you ar not go to be abl to keep your job __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ the presid ha decid to pick a fight with those of us who believ in drill __PUNCT__
thi is almost __PUNCT__ i hope you don't mind me sai thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ thi is almost herman_cain qualiti __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ he said you can bet that sinc it is an elect_year __PUNCT__ talk about republican __PUNCT__ thei ar alreadi dust off their three __PUNCT__ point_plan for __MONEY__ ga __PUNCT__
and i will save you the suspens __PUNCT__
step on is to drill __PUNCT__
step two is to drill __PUNCT__
and then step three is to keep drill __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ i tell you what __PUNCT__
if i hear the presid sai __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ i am realli go to start worri about him __PUNCT__
but then the presid went on to sai the follow __PUNCT__
as an historian __PUNCT__ thi is a great place for small histori lesson to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ we hear the same_thing everi year __PUNCT__
we heard the same thing for __NUM___year __PUNCT__
he goe on to sai a littl bit later __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ you know we can't just drill our wai to lower ga_price __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ let me give the presid a brief histori lesson __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ gasolin had reach __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
by __NUM__ with jimmi_carter fail econom_polici __PUNCT__ it had gotten to __MONEY__
you will rememb jimmi_carter had ga ration __PUNCT__
how mani of you rememb you bought gasolin everi other dai base on your licens_plate __PUNCT__
sort of the ultim govern_intervent __PUNCT__
a good_friend of mine dave bossi of citizen_unit wa __NUM__ that year and he rememb so vividli __PUNCT__
everi morn hi father sent him out back with a screwdriv __PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ and hi job wa to chang the licens_plate so that the car could get gasolin that dai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ true_stori __PUNCT__
and i tell you thi becaus it is a great test for liber and conserv __PUNCT__
ask your friend and neighbor back_home __PUNCT__
if the govern adopt a polici so stupid that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old ar be taught that thei how to cheat __PUNCT__ a conserv sai we should drop the polici __PUNCT__
the liber sai thi is proof we need licens_plate polic at everi ga_station __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ so gasolin_price had gone up despit ration from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__
the first execut_order ronald_reagan sign deregul gasolin __PUNCT__
the left wa panic stricken __PUNCT__
the new york_time thought the price would skyrocket __PUNCT__
within six month it collaps __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the collaps of oil_price wa a major_factor in the defeat the soviet_empir becaus it strip them of hard currenc __PUNCT__
by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ rememb it is __MONEY__ when reagan wa sworn in __PUNCT__
by __NUM__ it ha drop to __MONEY__
now __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid i know that thi math is kind of tricki becaus there aren't nine zero behind it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laugh __PUNCT__ but if you start at __MONEY__ and after eight year of drill __PUNCT__ you ar down to __MONEY__ that pretti well prove that market_work __PUNCT__ and that enough incent will __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ lead_peopl to produc enough energi to __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ bring down the price __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ at the end of hi speech he sai quot __PUNCT__ we need to sustain all of the abov strategi that develop everi avail sourc of american_energi __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ga oil and ga __PUNCT__ but also wind and solar and nuclear and biofuel and more __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ thi is exactli what john_boehner ha been campaign on for four year __PUNCT__
i hope the hous_republican in the near futur will move an all __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ abov energi_bill and allow the presid to support them instead of try to get democrat_vote for an all __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ abov energi_bill __PUNCT__
and we will see whether or not he realli meant thi __PUNCT__ which by the wai he didn't __PUNCT__ but it is a great line and it is exactli the republican polici __PUNCT__
and it is nice to think that in a moment of panic that barack_obama would briefli __PUNCT__ for a moment __PUNCT__ sound like he wa a republican and a conserv __PUNCT__
and i just want to point out that he liter wa cite with what john_boehner is for __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ and i think thi is veri import __PUNCT__
if you listen to him he sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we ar not go to transit out of oil anytim soon __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ that is true __PUNCT__ which would impli that in order to bring price down __PUNCT__ you probabl need oil __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ he goe on to sai __PUNCT__ america is produc more oil todai than ani time in the last eight year __PUNCT__
it true becaus of north_dakota and privat_land __PUNCT__ despit the obama_administr __PUNCT__ is develop __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ on feder land __PUNCT__ product is down __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
so in the area he control __PUNCT__ product is down and the area that is that horrid free_enterpris stuff where peopl get rich __PUNCT__ product is up __PUNCT__
so he now is claim_credit for the area he can't control in order to have us think he is actual for what he oppos __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter and applaus __PUNCT__ and let me give you an exampl of the depth of the audac of thi administr __PUNCT__
he sai quot __PUNCT__ over the last three year __PUNCT__ my administr ha approv dozen of new pipelin __PUNCT__ includ through canada __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you know how limit your respect for the intellig of the american_peopl must be __PUNCT__
how could you possibl veto the onli major pipelin that matter from canada __PUNCT__ the keyston pipelin __PUNCT__ and turn around and suggest to us that the fact that we have approv dozen of tini on __PUNCT__ thi is like sai __PUNCT__ my navi ha __NUM__ new ship __PUNCT__ thei all rowboat __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter and applaus __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ how do you deal with a presid who is thi fundament out of touch with be honest __PUNCT__ it would be on thing if he said __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i veto the keyston pipelin and here is why __PUNCT__
but to come and sai __PUNCT__ i have approv lot of pipelin __PUNCT__ why ar you mad at me __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ becaus you did not approv the on that matter __PUNCT__
the keyston pipelin is worth __NUM__ barrel of oil a dai go to houston __PUNCT__
that is how big a deal it is __PUNCT__
the keyston pipelin ti u. __PUNCT__ and canada togeth __PUNCT__
thi presid is drive canada into a partnership with china in order to build a pipelin due west in canada to deliv the oil to vancouv __PUNCT__
it is a strateg disast of the first order __PUNCT__
and i commit to you the veri first dai i am presid __PUNCT__ immedi after the inaugur_address __PUNCT__ i will sign an execut_order __PUNCT__ which author construct as of that dai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ the presid goe on to sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we plan to make avail more than __NUM__ percent of our potenti offshor oil and ga resourc __PUNCT__
sound_good __PUNCT__
thi is let you know he is a lawyer __PUNCT__
he ha carefulli select out a phrase __PUNCT__ which is total mislead but technic not inaccur becaus what he will tell you is __PUNCT__ is that he is talk about that area that thei current __PUNCT__ rememb __PUNCT__ thi is the gui who want to abolish the inventori of asset __PUNCT__
he is now tell you that in the area we current know about that thei want to make __NUM__ percent avail __PUNCT__
what he didn't tell you is under thi definit __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of the offshor acreag is not avail __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ all the area you don't know about or ar not go to know about becaus he won't make them avail __PUNCT__ therefor __PUNCT__ he can sai to you __PUNCT__ i am do the stuff that you know about __PUNCT__
it is not hi fault we don't know about it except he won't let us find out __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ my view is veri differ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i think each state ha to make it own decis __PUNCT__
i will allow the state to have __NUM__ percent of the royalti __PUNCT__ which mean sacramento will start think serious about develop __PUNCT__
i will tell you for exampl __PUNCT__ that senat webb and senat warner __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ have a veri good bill for virginia to develop offshor __PUNCT__
and i think that you find if we open up offshor __PUNCT__ it will be amaz how fast thing can be develop __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the presid goe on to sai __PUNCT__ and here i agre with him but he doe not get the mean __PUNCT__
quot __PUNCT__ the singl biggest thing that is caus the price of oil to spike is instabl in the middl_east __PUNCT__ thi time around iran __PUNCT__
i agre with him __PUNCT__
but the correct american strateg polici is to have a massiv all __PUNCT__ out effort to develop our oil resourc so that iranian don't matter __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ let me tell you __PUNCT__ the long __PUNCT__ term answer is not the u. __PUNCT__ navi guard the strait of hormuz __PUNCT__
the long __PUNCT__ term answer is american produc their own energi and tell other peopl __PUNCT__ you mai have a problem but we don't __PUNCT__
becaus we can be the largest oil produc in the world by the end of thi decad __PUNCT__ bigger than russia __PUNCT__ bigger than saudi_arabia __PUNCT__
we have vast resourc and can produc more oil than ani other countri in the world __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd cheer newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ newt __PUNCT__ on more exampl that show how fundament dishonest thi presid is __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we onli have two percent of the world_oil oil_reserv __PUNCT__
and what is he is refer to is proven current reserv __PUNCT__
but let me give you some number __PUNCT__
go back to be a historian for a moment __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ we had __NUM___billion barrel of crude_oil __PUNCT__
sinc __NUM__ we have pump __NUM___billion barrel __PUNCT__
and i walk you through thi __PUNCT__
i know thi is a fairli lengthi speech __PUNCT__ but i think it is in the reagan tradit of fact __PUNCT__
becaus i want to start demolish obama as a person who systemat mislead the american_peopl and who systemat limit our natur_resourc __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ these ar the fact __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ our proven reserv wa __NUM___billion barrel __PUNCT__
sinc then __PUNCT__ becaus of advanc technolog __PUNCT__ becaus of chang price __PUNCT__ becaus of entrepreneurship __PUNCT__ we have produc___NUM__ __NUM___billion barrel out of the __NUM__ billion __PUNCT__ barrel reserv __PUNCT__ and we have more reserv todai than we had in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so if you were be honest mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ what you would sai is __PUNCT__ the lesson of north_dakota is __PUNCT__ we have huge volum __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the technic estim is that we have __NUM___trillion barrel of potenti recover reserv in the unit_state __PUNCT__ depend on technolog __PUNCT__
that a trillion __PUNCT__ __NUM___billion barrel __PUNCT__ when in __NUM__ we thought the total reserv wa __NUM__ billion __PUNCT__
that is the differ __PUNCT__
the reason i tell peopl i am cheer __PUNCT__ i am a technolog optimist __PUNCT__
i actual think the wright brother work everi time i get in an airplan __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but i also believ we can find new and better wai to get natur_ga __PUNCT__
we went from a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year suppli to a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year suppli becaus of scienc and technolog __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ as we have gone we have dramat_increas suppli of oil becaus of scienc and technolog __PUNCT__
so i an optimist __PUNCT__
so now __PUNCT__ the presid then goe on to sai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ we ar take everi possibl action to develop safe a near hundr_year __PUNCT__ suppli of natur_ga in thi countri __PUNCT__
that is fundament mislead __PUNCT__
thei have a task_forc of i think eight differ agenc try to figur out how to block frack __PUNCT__