Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2007.05.17.excerpts_of_remarks_in_orlando_florida originally had 341 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i think the focu here ha to be on the secur of the unit_state __PUNCT__

we should do noth to compromis the secur of the unit state and we clearli need more secur now after __DATE__ __PUNCT__

if we need to be remind of it __PUNCT__ think of what happen in new jersei at fort dix __PUNCT__

six who were appar go to attack our troop at fort dix __PUNCT__ three of them were illeg __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we need to know everybodi who in the unit state __PUNCT__

that almost a basic of proper secur __PUNCT__

we need to know who in the unit state from foreign_countri __PUNCT__

a number of other countri do thi __PUNCT__

we should do it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ so how do you get there __PUNCT__ you need a tamper proof id_card __PUNCT__ which anyon who come in here from a foreign_countri ha to have __PUNCT__

it should contain identif criteria that is as tamper proof as possibl __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ you have to have a databas in which all these name ar enter so that thei can be found easili and we can make the determin of who good __PUNCT__ who averag __PUNCT__ and who bad __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and final we need to have a border_patrol that is capabl of deal with it __PUNCT__

if you have that __PUNCT__ if you have the tamper proof id_card and the databas and you achiev the object of we know who in the unit_state __PUNCT__ then i think thi idea of work thing out between the democrat and the republican and each side ha to make some compromis in order to get there __PUNCT__ then i can see a lot of flexibl there to get that accomplish __PUNCT__

but if you don't accomplish __PUNCT__ if you go through all of thi and you don't accomplish a tamper proof id_card __PUNCT__ a databas in which we know everybodi that is here __PUNCT__ then you realli haven't achiev make thi countri more secur __PUNCT__