This speech titled 2007.06.11.excerpts_of_remarks_in_bedford_new_hampshire originally had 718 tokens. You can view the original text here.
we tri to studi what we think ar the most import_issu __PUNCT__ at least at thi point in the elect __PUNCT__ and we tri to look forward to the futur __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what ar go to be the thing that lead us into the futur in a confid __PUNCT__ effect __PUNCT__ and optimist wai __PUNCT__
so we lai out a declar of __NUM__ commit to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
it a group of promis __PUNCT__ of thing that thi campaign is go to be about and my administr will be about __PUNCT__
thei commit that __PUNCT__ over a period of time __PUNCT__ we will describ in much greater detail __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ these ar the __NUM__ thing that i believ will chang the wai we look at thi campaign __PUNCT__
a lot of what the democrat ar do is like look in the rear __PUNCT__ view mirror __PUNCT__
thei want to take the countri and thei want to take it back to where it us to be in the 1990 __PUNCT__ higher_tax __PUNCT__ be on defens against terror __PUNCT__
my commit is all to the futur __PUNCT__
we look back onli to look at our mistak and improv on the mistak we made in the past __PUNCT__
we complet look forward __PUNCT__
so these ar __NUM__ commit as to the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__
and our campaign and our polit_parti should be about the futur __PUNCT__
my focu when i ran for mayor of new york_citi wa on the futur __PUNCT__ and it will be in thi campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ what the whole thing of be presid of the unit_state or mayor of a citi or governor of a state is about __PUNCT__ it about try to hand off your citi __PUNCT__ your state __PUNCT__ your govern __PUNCT__ better than you found it __PUNCT__ veri __PUNCT__ veri much improv beyond where you found it __PUNCT__
so we go to lai out a mission of reform and chang __PUNCT__
we go to lai out a mission of overcom new challeng __PUNCT__
we go to lai out a mission of do what other peopl think ar imposs __PUNCT__
i love that __PUNCT__
i love do what peopl think ar imposs __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ noth energ peopl more than do the imposs __PUNCT__
and when we lai out these commit as to mani of these __PUNCT__ you know what you go to hear in the next coupl of days/week __PUNCT__ it imposs __PUNCT__ it can't be done __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ everi promis i made run as mayor of new york_citi __PUNCT__ thei said couldn't be done __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ and the whole theori wa new york citi wa unmanag __PUNCT__ ungovern __PUNCT__
nobodi could do anyth about it __PUNCT__
four or five mayor befor had tri __PUNCT__ thei had all fail __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ that imposs __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ when we lai out these commit __PUNCT__ you go to hear that __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
you go to hear __PUNCT__ it imposs __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ it can't be done __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ nobodi can do it __PUNCT__
that is exactli the spirit and the energi that we need to get it done __PUNCT__
becaus here is the great geniu of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ we do thing that peopl don't expect can be done __PUNCT__
but you got to learn to energ peopl __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ thi is not about govern __PUNCT__
it about you __PUNCT__
you the thing that make_thing thing_work __PUNCT__
peopl ar __PUNCT__
govern either interfer or help __PUNCT__
govern doesn't control __PUNCT__
if you can figur that out __PUNCT__ if you can figur that out __PUNCT__ you can figur out how to do the imposs __PUNCT__
so that the spirit in which we go to lai out these commit to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
thei ar about optim __PUNCT__ thei ar about the futur __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ leadership is about take your ey that ar plant down like thi now __PUNCT__ worri about thi thing and that thing __PUNCT__ and it to get your ey up and focus on the futur __PUNCT__ what we can do __PUNCT__ what we can accomplish __PUNCT__ never take no for an answer __PUNCT__ and be will to push ahead __PUNCT__ despit the fact that pessimist and other sai it imposs __PUNCT__