Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2007.06.20.excerpts_of_remarks_in_des_moines_iowa originally had 927 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 32 cue terms and an average lag of 22.7. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 twenti_percent 211
0.0854 0.833 0.0818
0 0 0
2 feder_employe 7
0.00657 0.0673 0.00239
0.0591 0.828 0.0364
3 __NUM___year 8
0.0243 0.0398 0
0.0571 0.877 0.00179
4 american_corpor 72
0.00597 0.169 0.00239
0.00975 0.813 0.000199
5 feder_govern 8
0.000597 0.0179 0.00498
0.00299 0.971 0.00239
6 __NUM___billion 40
0 0.0496 0
0 0.95 0
7 billion_dollar 0
0.000398 0.00119 0
0 0.998 0
8 cut_back 15
0.03 0.0201 0.0135
0.00139 0.935 0.000199
9 ronald_reagan 15
0.0352 0.0199 0.0185
0.0299 0.885 0.0111
10 constitut_amend 22
0.000199 0 0.968
0 0.00239 0.0295
11 item_veto 5
0 0 0.00318
0 0 0.997
12 constitut_amend 8
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
13 item_veto 7
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
14 spend_bill 27
0 0 0.00617
0 0 0.994
15 presid_bush 2
0.000199 0.000398 0.03
0 0 0.969
16 presid_sign 24
0.000597 0 0.00876
0.000199 0.000199 0.99
17 item_veto 34
0 0 0.047
0 0 0.953
18 spend_bill 14
0 0 0.00179
0 0 0.998
19 control_spend 42
0.00179 0.00318 0.00995
0 0 0.985
20 constitut_amend 21
0.000398 0.00517 0.00577
0.000995 0.00279 0.985
21 budget_cut 28
0.04 0.754 0.0854
0.000796 0.00776 0.112
22 york_citi 11
0.00358 0.132 0.0121
0.00975 0.752 0.0903
23 __NUM___year 29
0.0428 0.105 0.000199
0.00776 0.841 0.00358
24 cabinet_secretari 33
0.00358 0.0702 0.00498
0.0117 0.908 0.00139
25 ronald_reagan 102
0.00398 0.165 0.00378
0.000995 0.826 0.000199
26 feder_govern 12
0.000199 0.0199 0.00358
0.000398 0.974 0.00159
27 york_citi 34
0.000199 0.0557 0.00119
0 0.942 0.000398
28 __NUM___billion 4
0 0.00617 0
0 0.994 0
29 billion_dollar 0
0 0.00159 0
0 0.998 0
30 __NUM___year 2
0.000995 0.00398 0
0.000398 0.995 0
31 feder_govern 9
0.000199 0.0103 0.0233
0.000199 0.965 0.00119
32 york_citi 7
0.00179 0.00816 0.0209
0.000398 0.944 0.0245