This speech titled 2007.07.06.excerpts_of_remarks_in_jacksonville_florida originally had 792 tokens. You can view the original text here.
mayor giuliani on fiscal_disciplin and cut_tax __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ am commit to restor disciplin in washington __PUNCT__
it is real simpl __PUNCT__ it mean lower spend and lower_tax __PUNCT__
that what fiscal_disciplin mean __PUNCT__
it mean you lower_tax __PUNCT__ so you put more monei_back into the hand of the peopl and you lower the size of govern becaus most of the solut that we go to find to our problem come from you __PUNCT__ not from govern __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ you see __PUNCT__ i think there is kind of a choic to make in a heavili tax societi and we a heavili tax societi __PUNCT__
no matter where you ar in america __PUNCT__ we tax you and we tax you pretti heavili __PUNCT__
in a heavili tax societi __PUNCT__ ani time you can find wai in which to reduc tax and put it back into the hand of peopl __PUNCT__ you made a choic __PUNCT__
you made a choic about who can spend_monei more wise __PUNCT__ the govern or peopl __PUNCT__
and everi time we make that choic the peopl alwai turn out to be the on that spend it in a more sensibl wai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ when i wa mayor of new york __PUNCT__ i took over a citi whose tax_burden wa tremend __PUNCT__
i had a deficit __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ i wa lose_monei __PUNCT__ i decid to lower_tax __PUNCT__
some of the liber press went crazi __PUNCT__
how could you lower tax when you have a deficit __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ here what happen __PUNCT__
i lower tax and i wa collect more monei from the lower tax than from the higher_tax __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ but it realli import to understand __PUNCT__ becaus the next presid is go to face a choic __PUNCT__
the democrat_candid for presid ar commit to rais your tax __PUNCT__
on of them __PUNCT__ the lead_democrat democrat_candid __PUNCT__ in talk about the bush_tax_cut and the need to revers them and the need to add new tax __PUNCT__ had the follow quotat __PUNCT__ i want you to think about thi quotat becaus i think thi tell you the differ in philosophi between the democrat_candid and me __PUNCT__
thi lead_democrat democrat_candid said __PUNCT__ we have to take thing awai from you for the common_good __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ here a much better philosophi for a democrat_societi __PUNCT__ for a free_economi __PUNCT__ here the thing that work in america __PUNCT__ we go to give some thing back to you for the common_good __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ e __PUNCT__ ven after lower_tax __PUNCT__ i commit to lower the size of govern __PUNCT__
i also did that in new york_citi and that wa realli hard to do __PUNCT__
and there a wai to do __PUNCT__ there a good guid that you can us __PUNCT__
over the next eight to ten_year __PUNCT__ forti __PUNCT__ two percent of the feder workforc come up for retir __PUNCT__
and if all thing remain equal __PUNCT__ thei probabl go to retir __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__ hi is non __PUNCT__ militari __PUNCT__ so you get a choic what to do with their posit __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ it doesn't hurt them __PUNCT__ thei not go to lose a job __PUNCT__ so do you hire all those posit back __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
you don't hire __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ at least half you don't have to hire back __PUNCT__
and it will allow govern to make the transit that busi ha made __PUNCT__
busi ha made the transit to the comput ag __PUNCT__ to the ag of technolog __PUNCT__ to the inform ag __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ it would save the govern over twenti billion_dollar a year __PUNCT__
so we need a presid that think that wai __PUNCT__
we need a presid that think about how do you reduc govern __PUNCT__ how do you move more of it into the privat_sector __PUNCT__ how do you continu to reduc tax __PUNCT__ we keep tax low and i reduc them some more __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ you do awai with the death_tax __PUNCT__
you allow peopl to realiz thi portion of the american_dream __PUNCT__
part of be in america is want to creat a better life for yourself and your famili __PUNCT__
and you should be allow to pass on the better life that you earn to your children __PUNCT__ just like you want them to pass on a better life to their children __PUNCT__
if we did awai with the death_tax __PUNCT__ if we gave it the death_penalti __PUNCT__ we be abl to realiz those valu and help our economi __PUNCT__
so i in favor of do that __PUNCT__