Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2007.09.19.excerpts_of_remarks_to_reporters_in_london_england originally had 898 tokens. You can view the original text here.

mayor giuliani on the u.s. __PUNCT__ u.k __PUNCT__ relationship __PUNCT__ we had an excel meet with the prime_minist and hi wife __PUNCT__

and the prime minist and i got a chanc to talk about what i go to talk about tonight and thi afternoon which is our special_relationship between the unit_state and the unit_kingdom __PUNCT__

it is that __PUNCT__

it is a special_relationship that ha been forg over mani __PUNCT__ mani year of common object __PUNCT__ common valu __PUNCT__

test by war __PUNCT__

test by terror __PUNCT__

and the two countri ar as close as thei ever been and i think the prospect of their remain even closer is what be the futur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we also had the opportun thi morn to visit with toni_blair __PUNCT__

i been here sever time when toni blair wa the prime_minist __PUNCT__

judith and i have wonder memori of be here __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the unit_state and the unit_kingdom ar connect togeth by valu __PUNCT__ by common_interest __PUNCT__ by languag and thei also __PUNCT__ it also held togeth by veri close person_relationship between our presid and your prime_minist go back to roosevelt and churchil __PUNCT__

toni_blair and bill_clinton __PUNCT__

toni_blair and georg_bush __PUNCT__

now your new prime_minist made quit a hit in the unit_state when he came over and visit in the unit state __PUNCT__

i said to him __PUNCT__ he __PUNCT__ like toni_blair __PUNCT__ ha becom veri popular in the unit_state __PUNCT__

hope it hasn't hurt hi popular here in great_britain __PUNCT__

but it shouldn't __PUNCT__

our relationship is much deeper than ani occasion disagr we mai have __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ tonight i go to be speak __PUNCT__ and it the main reason i came here __PUNCT__ to give the first lectur for the margaret_thatcher seri and get an award from margaret thatcher __PUNCT__

that on of the strongest relationship that american_presid and prime_minist ever had __PUNCT__ between ronald_reagan and margaret_thatcher __PUNCT__

there a book __PUNCT__ pretti current now in the state __PUNCT__ that talk about margaret thatcher __PUNCT__ ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ and pope_john __PUNCT__ paul ii __PUNCT__ be the three primari peopl who revers commun __PUNCT__

brought down the soviet_union __PUNCT__ the berlin_wall __PUNCT__

that relationship led to a tremend_amount of freedom and opportun for peopl who didn't know freedom and opportun befor __PUNCT__ at least for quit some time __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i think that the relationship between the unit_state and the unit_kingdom __PUNCT__ like the relationship between the unit_state and europ __PUNCT__ ha to be base on veri fundament __PUNCT__ endur principl that bring us togeth __PUNCT__

if there ar occasion disagr we should see that as normal for democraci __PUNCT__

i mean after all __PUNCT__ ani disagr you might see between the unit state and the unit_kingdom or between the unit_state and europ exist within our own domest_polit __PUNCT__

we have the same disagr within our own domest polit __PUNCT__

you do and we do __PUNCT__

and we look at europ __PUNCT__ when we start in iraq for the purpos of remov on of the most horribl tyrant in the world __PUNCT__ saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ about which i think we should be proud that we remov thi tyrant and gave the iraqi_peopl a chanc for freedom __PUNCT__ there were peopl who disagre with that __PUNCT__

but now we look at franc and germani __PUNCT__ we got fairli pro __PUNCT__ american_govern there now __PUNCT__

so thing shift and chang __PUNCT__

you know thei be some disagr __PUNCT__ but the basic fundament relationship between the unit_state and europ and the unit state and the unit_kingdom __PUNCT__ particularli __PUNCT__ is on of endur friendship __PUNCT__ even if thei somewhat contenti issu sometim __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ mayor giuliani on british presenc in iraq __PUNCT__ i think britain ha to make that decis __PUNCT__

i think that be coordin veri __PUNCT__ veri close with the unit_state __PUNCT__

the prime_minist told me he just met with ambassador crocker and gener_petraeu __PUNCT__

he wa veri impress with them __PUNCT__

had a veri good meet with them __PUNCT__

so i sure whatev britain decid __PUNCT__ it will be coordin with the overal effort there __PUNCT__

i veri __PUNCT__ veri much encourag by gener petraeu and ambassador crocker testimoni __PUNCT__

i think realist progress ha been made __PUNCT__

i sai realist becaus thi is a veri difficult thing that we try to do in iraq __PUNCT__

it is veri __PUNCT__ veri hard to bring about __PUNCT__ as quickli as we try to bring about __PUNCT__ a stabl situat __PUNCT__ a govern of law __PUNCT__ a democraci in a countri that wa beset by oppress and tyranni for so long __PUNCT__

but i think realist __PUNCT__ and we both made as much progress as we can make __PUNCT__

it isn't to sai __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ why we had a special_relationship between the unit_state and the unit_kingdom __PUNCT__

becaus we want to share the bless of liberti with the rest of the world becaus if we can succe in that __PUNCT__ we go to have a peac world __PUNCT__

and to the extent that we don't __PUNCT__ we have these kind of hostil __PUNCT__