Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2007.10.31.excerpt_of_an_interview_with_sean_hannity_of_fox_news originally had 396 tokens. You can view the original text here.

sean_hanniti __PUNCT__ let me start with the democrat blast you __PUNCT__

you were a big name last night in the debat even though you weren't there __PUNCT__

i sure you awar of it by now __PUNCT__

mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ sean __PUNCT__ we claim victori in last night debat __PUNCT__

i think i wa the clear winner sinc i got mention more than the democrat got mention and i didn't make a mistak __PUNCT__

i didn't sai that i saw an unidentifi fly object __PUNCT__

i didn't give two intern contradictori answer to on question __PUNCT__

never seen that befor __PUNCT__

i seen hillari __PUNCT__ you know do a southern accent in the south and talk like a new yorker in new york and take two differ posit on iran and six differ posit on iraq __PUNCT__ but i never saw her take two differ posit in on minut in front of the same audienc __PUNCT__

hanniti __PUNCT__ it priceless isn't it __PUNCT__ mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think that we should just keep that tape __PUNCT__

it sai everyth that obama and edward were try to sai about her not be abl to take and stick with a posit __PUNCT__

it is __PUNCT__ i never seen that in a presidenti_debat __PUNCT__

i seen a lot of thing go wrong __PUNCT__ but i never seen anybodi sai two total contradictori thing about a simpl subject __PUNCT__ either for or against driver_licens for illeg __PUNCT__

thi is not like a realli complex question __PUNCT__

hanniti __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ she equivoc on a number of issu here includ the answer on social_secur __PUNCT__

a blue ribbon commiss __PUNCT__ mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ she usual get out of it by sai __PUNCT__ i don't answer hypothet question __PUNCT__

these ar complex matter of war and peac __PUNCT__ life and death __PUNCT__

give me a break __PUNCT__

a driver_licens is not __PUNCT__

you either ar for it or against it __PUNCT__

obama wa abl to get the answer out __PUNCT__

he said he for it __PUNCT__

i against it __PUNCT__

ok __PUNCT__

we can debat that __PUNCT__

i can respect the disagr __PUNCT__

but that kind of game thei plai __PUNCT__

i mean thi is the worst of the clinton_year come back __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ to kind of stare her in the face __PUNCT__