This speech titled 2007.11.08.excerpt_of_remarks_to_reporters_in_dubuque_iowa originally had 329 tokens. You can view the original text here.
mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ t great to be here in iowa __PUNCT__
i just check in the clerk offic and i ask them a question __PUNCT__
i ask __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ sheriff a question __PUNCT__
i said __PUNCT__ can an illeg_immigr get a driver_licens in iowa __PUNCT__ and thei said __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
and in order to keep it that wai __PUNCT__ i ask sever member of congress to consid pass a law that would prevent state from give out driver licens __PUNCT__ under ani set of circumst __PUNCT__ to illeg_immigr __PUNCT__
if __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ former commission of u. __PUNCT__ custom and border protect __PUNCT__ rob __PUNCT__ bonner __PUNCT__ would probabl understand thi better than most __PUNCT__ but the whole purpos of what we try to do is to simplifi identif and try to get it down to on form of identif for peopl that ar here from foreign_countri __PUNCT__
we want peopl to come into the unit_state __PUNCT__
we want peopl to help us grow __PUNCT__
we want peopl to help us with our economi __PUNCT__
we want peopl to help us with our societi and our futur __PUNCT__
but we want them to do it legal and we want them to do it in a wai in which thei identifi themselv __PUNCT__
and the idea of give out driver_licens will alreadi take a veri confus pictur and __PUNCT__ it be much more confus __PUNCT__
it be imposs to do employ verif __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ it go to make the job of all the immigr offici and local_offici that much more complex __PUNCT__
i just discuss it with the sheriff and as you might expect __PUNCT__ here in iowa __PUNCT__ he got the common_sens to understand that and he told me just exactli what i just said __PUNCT__
so i want you to know that we go to push veri __PUNCT__ veri hard to get thi done __PUNCT__