This speech titled 2007.11.16.remarks_at_the_federalist_society_in_washington_dc originally had 6295 tokens. You can view the original text here.
mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ thank you veri much ted __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you veri much ted olson for that veri humbl introduct and for your friendship and your support over the year __PUNCT__
eugen meyer __PUNCT__ leonard leo __PUNCT__ steven calabresi __PUNCT__ lee lieberman __PUNCT__ david mcintosh __PUNCT__ and all of you __PUNCT__
i appreci the opportun to speak to you todai __PUNCT__
congratul on your __NUM___anniversari __PUNCT__
it been an absolut terrif __NUM___year __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ it an honor to speak to a group of peopl who share my viewpoint __PUNCT__
i didn't get that opportun too often in new york __PUNCT__
we a citi that wa __NUM__ to __NUM___democrat as ted point out __PUNCT__ so it wa an uphil battl __PUNCT__
the idea were alwai reject __PUNCT__ put asid __PUNCT__ attack __PUNCT__ but then everybodi love the result __PUNCT__
but i happi to be abl to speak to peopl where the idea i think ar veri __PUNCT__ veri similar __PUNCT__
i also happi to see that seven member of my judici task_forc who advis me on everyth ar address the federalist_societi over the cours of thi confer __PUNCT__
i think it show the veri close_connect in term of idea __PUNCT__ outlook __PUNCT__ and goal __PUNCT__
and i onli have on critic of your confer __PUNCT__
you invit veri __PUNCT__ veri distinguish peopl from presid to suprem_court_justic to lowli presidenti_candid __PUNCT__ but i a big believ in convers __PUNCT__
and you didn't invit on of the newest federalist __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ she announc __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ that the best wai to deal with driver_licens for illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ well now wait now __PUNCT__
i got to get thi straight __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ first she wa for the idea and support governor spitzer who want to give driver_licens to illeg_immigr __PUNCT__
then she wa against the idea __PUNCT__
then she wa for and against the idea and then final she said it should be decid on a state __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ state basi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ thi is the onli time in her career that she ever decid anyth should be decid on a state __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ state basi __PUNCT__
you know someth __PUNCT__ she pick out absolut the wrong on __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ i mean thi is on of the area that is given to the feder_govern to deal with under our constitut __PUNCT__ the border of the unit_state __PUNCT__ immigr __PUNCT__
so mayb you were right not to invit her now that i think about it __PUNCT__
but the peopl in thi room have their sight on higher goal and not just short __PUNCT__ term polit approv __PUNCT__
you focus on polit principl which sometim get miss here in washington and sometim __PUNCT__ quit frankli __PUNCT__ it get miss all over in the kind of argument and debat and discuss that we have __PUNCT__
and i think that the reason why you grown so much so quickli becaus peopl realli want principl and thei understand that our societi is move ultim by idea __PUNCT__
person can project idea __PUNCT__ but the healthiest wai in which our societi can move is by idea __PUNCT__
the federalist_societi wa form in the earli_year of the reagan_administr __PUNCT__
at the time __PUNCT__ i think you could have fit all the member of the federalist_societi in a phone booth __PUNCT__
of cours that when we had phone booth __PUNCT__
i don't think i see ani anymor __PUNCT__
but todai the federalist societi ha over __NUM___member __PUNCT__ and it ha chapter just about everywher in the countri and in everi law_school in the countri just about __PUNCT__
so thi reflect a total chang in __NUM___year in our profess __PUNCT__
and it mark the intellectu triumph of your philosophi __PUNCT__ keep faith with the framer of the constitut __PUNCT__ and a grow momentum toward bring thi countri_back to it first principl with an understand that that where we realli deriv our strength __PUNCT__
the principl of the federalist_societi ar base upon ar simpl __PUNCT__ that the state exist to preserv freedom __PUNCT__ that the separ of power is essenti to our constitut __PUNCT__ and that it is the duti of the judiciari to sai what the law is __PUNCT__ not what thei would like it to be __PUNCT__
in the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ we seen these idea which in prior year had been larg reject __PUNCT__
we seen them first start as slow and then realli a veri __PUNCT__ veri strong march back in to the forefront of the wai in which we look at our countri and the wai in which we look at the interpret of our countri law and you should be veri __PUNCT__ veri proud of the fact that the federalist_societi ha plai a veri big role in accomplish that becaus in accomplish that __PUNCT__ you ar in fact preserv and expand the veri uniqu kind of freedom and liberti we have in thi countri __PUNCT__
so i congratul you for that __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i wa privileg to plai a role __PUNCT__ small role __PUNCT__ but a role __PUNCT__ in the begin of all that in the reagan justic_depart with colleagu like ted olson and ken starr and ed mees and ed schmult and jonathan rose and lot of other peopl that you know realli well __PUNCT__
it wa a veri __PUNCT__ veri excit time __PUNCT__
the reagan_administr had a real_sens of mission __PUNCT__ a real sens of excit becaus it realli wa a sens of reform and noth realli excit peopl more than be abl to chang thing in the direct think thei go to make_thing better __PUNCT__
we were determin to restor sound constitut_principl to our judici_system and we made a lot of progress and it not complet __PUNCT__
there ar at least __NUM__ reason why the next elect for presid of the unit_state is go to be a critic on and the most import on that we have in our histori __PUNCT__
now i know we sai that all the time __PUNCT__ that everi presidenti_elect is the most import on that we have in our histori __PUNCT__ but actual __PUNCT__ it a truth statement isn't it __PUNCT__ becaus everi presidenti elect __PUNCT__ the next on is the most import becaus it determin the futur cours of thi countri __PUNCT__
there ar a lot of issu __PUNCT__ there ar a lot of differ __PUNCT__ but i go to give you __NUM__ reason why the next elect is realli import __PUNCT__
it the __NUM___feder feder_judg that the next presid of the unit_state will like appoint over four year in the white_hous __PUNCT__
that roughli the averag that a presid get to appoint __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thi organ __PUNCT__ probabl more than most __PUNCT__ understand how crucial that differ will be if a presid is elect who ha the kind of think of a hillari_clinton or a barack_obama or a john_edward __PUNCT__ and i don't think there much distinct there __PUNCT__
i think you go to see __NUM___decis of judg who ar like those judg who realli began the reason for the federalist_societi in the first place __PUNCT__
judg who will be activist in the sens of try to legisl their social_polici through judici interpret __PUNCT__
let me assur you that if i am the presid of the unit_state everi singl on of those decis will be made veri carefulli __PUNCT__ veri deliber with the advic of peopl like ted and the peopl on my judici advisori committe becaus we seek to find judg who understand the veri __PUNCT__ veri import concept that judg exist to interpret the law __PUNCT__ not to invent the law __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ last week __PUNCT__ i wa watch the chri_matthew show __PUNCT__
i have to watch these show __PUNCT__
and you know how he ha that matthew meter __PUNCT__
he take a question and he give it to __NUM___report __PUNCT__
i have lost___NUM__ of these in a row __PUNCT__
but last week __PUNCT__ he ask them the follow question __PUNCT__ do you believ that rudi_giuliani will keep hi word and appoint judg who interpret the constitut __PUNCT__ conserv judg __PUNCT__ you know what the vote wa among these report __PUNCT__ some of the most cynic peopl in washington __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ noth __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ for the first time i agre with a group of washington report __PUNCT__
thei right becaus we believ in the rule of law __PUNCT__ not in the rule of judg __PUNCT__
our constitut_principl instruct us that we have to recogn the limit on power as a wai of protect our liberti __PUNCT__
that realli on of the guid_principl of our whole constitut structur __PUNCT__
and for mani __PUNCT__ mani year __PUNCT__ law_school __PUNCT__ too mani of them __PUNCT__ had been confus constitut_law with sociolog __PUNCT__
and there is a big differ between constitut law and sociolog __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i stand with ronald_reagan __PUNCT__
he wa onc accus of have a __NUM___centuri attitud on law and order __PUNCT__
he respond that it wa a fals charg __PUNCT__
he had an __NUM__ centuri attitud __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ our framer had no doubt about the proper approach to interpret of the constitut __PUNCT__
you could sai thei were the origin originalist __PUNCT__
thoma_jefferson and alexand_hamilton made current polit_argument and animos seem trivial in comparison to the animos that thei had right __PUNCT__ but thei didn't agre on mani thing __PUNCT__ but thei did agre on the follow __PUNCT__ and i quot jefferson __PUNCT__ our peculiar secur is in the possess of a written_constitut __PUNCT__
let us not make it a blank paper by construct __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we need judg who embrac origin __PUNCT__ endeavor to determin what other meant when thei wrote the word of our constitut __PUNCT__
justic like justic_scalia __PUNCT__ justic thoma __PUNCT__ justic alito __PUNCT__ and chief_justic robert __PUNCT__
that would be my model __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the theme of thi confer is __PUNCT__ shine_citi upon a hill __PUNCT__ american_exception __PUNCT__
of cours the shine_citi upon a hill wa the great refer that ronald_reagan us bring up the word of john winthrop __PUNCT__ but the american_exception is also a veri __PUNCT__ veri import_part of that theme __PUNCT__
there ar some peopl i think nowadai that doubt that america ha a special __PUNCT__ even a divin_inspir role in the world __PUNCT__
now i don't understand how you can look at histori and not see the wisdom of that and the realiti of it __PUNCT__
most countri on earth develop out of a singl ethnic __PUNCT__ a singl religion __PUNCT__ some common characterist that bound peopl togeth befor thei were even a nation __PUNCT__
america is veri __PUNCT__ veri differ __PUNCT__
we not a singl ethnic __PUNCT__ we all ethnic __PUNCT__
we not a singl race __PUNCT__ we all race __PUNCT__
we not a singl religion __PUNCT__
we were establish so that we wouldn't be a singl religion __PUNCT__
so we veri differ in our origin than just about ani other countri on earth __PUNCT__
we unit becaus of idea and ideal __PUNCT__
that what hold us togeth __PUNCT__
that the thing that make_america america __PUNCT__ make american american __PUNCT__ share idea __PUNCT__
the idea first propos in the declar of independ and then debat in the constitut_convent and embodi in the constitut becam the american_creed __PUNCT__
the set of belief that bind us togeth as a nation __PUNCT__
no on wa more articul and better abl to explain thi than abraham_lincoln who us to sai __PUNCT__ how do you determin who the best american __PUNCT__ he wa onc pose that question __PUNCT__
is the best american the on who famili ha been here the longest and came over on the mayflow __PUNCT__ or the person who becam a citizen yesterdai __PUNCT__ and abraham lincoln said __PUNCT__ the best american is the american who understand our declar of independ __PUNCT__ our constitut __PUNCT__ our valu of polit_freedom __PUNCT__ econom_freedom __PUNCT__ the rule of law __PUNCT__ freedom of choic __PUNCT__ freedom of decis __PUNCT__ make __PUNCT__ freedom for peopl __PUNCT__
peopl who understand what our countri is all about __PUNCT__
that the on that make the best american __PUNCT__
and what he said wa we a peopl of belief __PUNCT__
we a peopl of idea __PUNCT__
so to the extent that we keep remind ourselv of what these idea ar __PUNCT__ to that extent we realli enforc what america is all about __PUNCT__
american_exception isn't a debat __PUNCT__ it not someth we should be arrog about where we sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ we veri __PUNCT__ veri special __PUNCT__
we just veri __PUNCT__ veri fortun and when we don't recogn that __PUNCT__ i don't think we do justic to our background and to what expect of us __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ it wa thi nation that took all of those idea that develop from wai back in the old testament and the greek philosophi and roman law and the enlighten __PUNCT__
thei were all realli idea until thei were actual put into practic and no on knew realli whether those idea put into practic would work __PUNCT__ and america did __PUNCT__
and america establish thi constitut democrat_govern in the form of a republ and it wa the nation that from the veri begin saw that tyranni and oppress is someth that wa illegitim and had to be dealt with __PUNCT__
it wa thi nation that save the world from the two great tyranni of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ nazism and commun __PUNCT__
it thi countri that go to save a civil from islam_terror __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now the unit_state of america ha been and will continu to be a beacon of hope for the world __PUNCT__
and the democrat debat that we have in thi countri and the disagr that we have in thi countri should not be mistaken anywher in the world for weak __PUNCT__
america strength is just as great as it alwai been __PUNCT__
i rememb on the dai of __DATE__ think about that and wonder __PUNCT__ you know ar we up to thi __PUNCT__ can we deal it __PUNCT__ can we handl thi __PUNCT__ so much wors than anyth that at least we thought had happen to us befor __PUNCT__
and from the first moment when i saw the wai the peopl react to it and i saw the wai the firefight and the polic_offic react to it and i saw the construct_worker come and volunt __PUNCT__ you know hundr of them __PUNCT__ more than we need __PUNCT__ ultim thousand of them __PUNCT__
i realiz that these peopl ar the son and daughter in spirit and sometim in blood as the same_peopl that save our countri some mani time over and over again __PUNCT__
and when you challeng us all thi strength come back __PUNCT__ it realli there we should not be worri about it __PUNCT__ we have it __PUNCT__ thi gener is as strong as prior gener of american becaus we come from them and we ow it to them and to ourselv to make sure that thi principl of democraci and freedom is upheld __PUNCT__ preserv and expand everywher in the world __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now america is not great howev becaus of our central_govern __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that mai be on of the basic distinct between the two polit_parti right now becaus i do believ quit honestli that the other polit parti doe believ that the great of america li in the central_govern becaus thei want to impos and give more and more respons to the central govern __PUNCT__
and i think it a misunderstand of what work here __PUNCT__
we didn't take the european path toward a highli central govern like most of the european_countri did and ar do __PUNCT__ some of which ar now move_back from that __PUNCT__
we chose a uniqu option __PUNCT__ an except american option __PUNCT__
we chose a horizont divis of power among the differ branch of govern __PUNCT__ call a separ of power and a vertic balanc of power between the central_govern __PUNCT__ the nation_govern and the state __PUNCT__
and it a mayb more complex wai of do it but it the on that ha work for us and it the on that we have to go back to and reli on when we solv our problem __PUNCT__
and we have to have faith and confid in that system becaus __PUNCT__ and again without be arrog and without be self __PUNCT__ congratulatori __PUNCT__ isn't it a fact that no other govern __PUNCT__ no other societi ha ever succeed in accomplish what america ha accomplish __PUNCT__
we move more peopl out of poverti than ani countri in the histori of the world __PUNCT__ we given more opportun to peopl __PUNCT__ we have more fair __PUNCT__ not perfect __PUNCT__ not absolut fair __PUNCT__ we have tremend problem we to overcom __PUNCT__
but who done better than the unit_state of america in overcom problem __PUNCT__ empow peopl __PUNCT__ creat social_mobil __PUNCT__ give peopl the chanc to reach to sky and a realist chanc of get there and move peopl out of situat in which thei were treat unfairli __PUNCT__
no on done a better job than us and mayb there a reason for that __PUNCT__
and you know that the reason for it is __PUNCT__ the reason for it is number on that god ha grace us with thi wonder land and number two it the geniu of our constitut_system __PUNCT__
let reli on it __PUNCT__ let not reject it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ our system doesn't forc everi state to fit into a straightjacket __PUNCT__
so much of the anger and divis in polit todai stem from the attempt of on faction __PUNCT__ whatev the polit think __PUNCT__ to impos their think on everyon els through the court __PUNCT__
i believ it time to close that chapter in our histori __PUNCT__
i believ we can close that chapter __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mayor giuliani __PUNCT__ and i believ we can close that chapter in our histori by recogn our histori __PUNCT__
by recogn what the strength ar of thi countri __PUNCT__
we can make the constitut onc again a document that unit us rather than divid us and then we can focu the debat on the essenti issu that ar realli challeng our nation __PUNCT__
we can do it by reinforc the essenti principl our framer built into our democrat_system __PUNCT__ principl of feder __PUNCT__ limit_govern and judici_restraint __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ our system recogn the fact that differ citi and differ state face differ challeng __PUNCT__
thei demand flexibl for local decis_make __PUNCT__
what work in manhattan __PUNCT__ new york is not necessarili what work in manhattan __PUNCT__ kansa or in manhattan beach __PUNCT__ california __PUNCT__
thei mayb all name manhattan but thei have differ problem __PUNCT__ differ issu __PUNCT__
the geniu of our system is we have the flexibl to allow local_govern and to allow state to respond to the differ challeng in a differ wai __PUNCT__
we don't put a nation central straightjacket on them __PUNCT__
feder give us flexibl to solv our own problem __PUNCT__ it encourag experiment and innov __PUNCT__
and i believ i understand thi probabl better than most becaus it root in my own execut experi __PUNCT__
i ran a local govern __PUNCT__ now when i sai local govern most peopl in new york don't think of themselv as have a local govern __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ becaus new york is so big __PUNCT__ it the seventeenth largest_economi in the world __PUNCT__ the third largest govern in term of number of employe __PUNCT__ on of the largest budget in the countri but still it a local_govern __PUNCT__
and i tri to learn from other local govern __PUNCT__ i give you on exampl __PUNCT__
washington wa still debat welfar legisl while welfar_reform wa be implement in place like wisconsin and new york __PUNCT__
we learn the principl of welfar reform not from the central_govern __PUNCT__ we learn it from wisconsin __PUNCT__
we borrow it from tommi_thompson when he wa governor of wisconsin __PUNCT__
and then we built on them __PUNCT__ he made them work in wisconsin __PUNCT__ we learn from them and then we made them work in the biggest citi in the unit_state with by far the biggest welfar problem and if it could work in new york it could work anywher __PUNCT__
it can if it can work in new york __PUNCT__ believ me if you can move welfar in new york __PUNCT__ you can move welfar anywher __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ when we first start there wa great constern about it __PUNCT__ great fear __PUNCT__ great worri that it wouldn't work but we stuck with the basic_principl of it __PUNCT__ workfar __PUNCT__ account __PUNCT__ a jobstat program and i give you the end_result __PUNCT__
the end result wa __NUM___peopl remov from the welfar_roll __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ on of the proudest dai i had of mayor of new york_citi wa chang the name on the door of the welfar_offic __PUNCT__
we took down the sign that said welfar offic and we put up a sign that said new york_citi job center __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and i believ that that chang in new york citi is on of the reason why __PUNCT__ not the onli __PUNCT__ reduct in crime __PUNCT__ qualiti of life __PUNCT__ reduct in tax __PUNCT__ increas in busi certainli plai a role in thi but i think it on of the reason why new york citi continu to be a citi where crime is declin where mani other citi unfortun have start to move in the other direct becaus we made a fundament chang in the life of the peopl __PUNCT__
and to understand what feder is all about and our constitut is all about you have to recogn that thi is all about the peopl __PUNCT__ it not all about the govern __PUNCT__
the govern is incident __PUNCT__ the peopl ar primari __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ when i first enter offic as mayor of new york citi the liber tax_polici and social_polici were so bad that the citi wa unliv for mani __PUNCT__ mani peopl __PUNCT__
i wa elect __PUNCT__ i wasn't the mayor yet and thei went and took a poll and __NUM__ percent of the peopl in new york_citi want to live somewher els __PUNCT__
thi is a tough wai to start __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ when half your peopl and more want to leav __PUNCT__
but i said to myself new york wa kind of beyond malais __PUNCT__ see new yorker don't feel malais __PUNCT__ thei get angri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and thei let you know about it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but our citi wa hemorrhag peopl __PUNCT__ it wa hemorrhag busi and i wa present with a report on what to do about it __PUNCT__
the report wa bigger than thi __PUNCT__ it wa hand to me and it wa a report on how to solv all of our fiscal_problem __PUNCT__
and the report wa basic to rais_tax and it wa a big report becaus we have a lot of tax __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and thei said what ar you go to do with the report __PUNCT__ and i said in my usual veri underst wai __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i go to throw it in the garbag __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and i proceed to do that __PUNCT__ i threw it in the garbag and i did someth total differ __PUNCT__
i lower_tax __PUNCT__
i lower tax not onc __PUNCT__ not twice __PUNCT__ i lower tax __PUNCT__ i actual propos __NUM__ tax reduct __PUNCT__ end up with __NUM__ for over nine billion_dollar and it wa at the core of turn new york_citi around __PUNCT__
we were collect billion of dollar more from the lower_tax than from the higher_tax __PUNCT__
we cut the incom_tax tax_rate by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
we were collect __NUM__ percent more revenu from the lower_tax than from the higher_tax __PUNCT__
so don't tell me suppli side_econom doesn't work __PUNCT__
i can prove that it doe __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but there someth beyond just the econom of it __PUNCT__
there someth that goe to the core of what thi organ is about __PUNCT__
the reason tax reduct work when you do them right and not all tax reduct work and not everi tax can be reduc and of cours the govern need respons level of revenu __PUNCT__
but if you do tax reduct right where it can be done __PUNCT__ where there discret to do it do you know what you realli do __PUNCT__ you make a choic __PUNCT__ you make a choic between who do you trust more __PUNCT__ the govern or the peopl __PUNCT__ when peopl like hillari_clinton and john_edward and barack_obama and charli rangel __PUNCT__ when thei talk about a trillion __PUNCT__ two trillion __PUNCT__ three trillion_dollar tax_increas what thei realli sai to you is and i believ in good_faith thei believ thi __PUNCT__ thei sai govern know better __PUNCT__
we can spend your monei more wise than you can __PUNCT__
thei sort of plai out the philosophi that the lead_democrat democrat_candid onc announc about tax reduct __PUNCT__ which wa we go to have to take thing from you for the common_good __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ on person clap __PUNCT__ there the on person who agre with that __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ on person __PUNCT__
that about the correct percentag in most of america __PUNCT__
on person __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i have a differ philosophi __PUNCT__ which i imagin is the philosophi that most of you have __PUNCT__ which is that we do best __PUNCT__ we effectu the common good __PUNCT__ if we give more thing back to you __PUNCT__
we leav more of your monei in your pocket __PUNCT__
it a choic __PUNCT__
it a choic between govern or peopl __PUNCT__
who do you trust more __PUNCT__ govern or peopl __PUNCT__ i trust you more __PUNCT__
i trust that if i leav monei in your pocket __PUNCT__ you go to spend it in a wiser wai __PUNCT__ in a more intellig wai __PUNCT__ in a more product wai __PUNCT__
in a wai that bring about growth __PUNCT__ in a wai that bring_peopl out of poverti __PUNCT__
it those principl that i brought to new york_citi that cut the unemploy_rate in half __PUNCT__ that brought_back __NUM___job and just didn't cut welfar but took peopl on welfar and put them to work so that thei could be product and thei could grow __PUNCT__
so it more than just do you cut_tax or do you rais_tax __PUNCT__
it about who do you trust more __PUNCT__ where ar you gonna go over the next three or four or five or six or seven or eight year __PUNCT__ you gonna go in the direct of a much larger central_govern to make all your decis for you __PUNCT__ decis about health __PUNCT__ decis about your pension __PUNCT__ decis about where your child goe to school __PUNCT__ decis about what happen with your monei where there discretionari monei to decid on __PUNCT__
or ar you go to go in the direct of what i believ is the quintessenti american_solut __PUNCT__ the thing that make us great __PUNCT__ the thing that ha made us except __PUNCT__
we gonna go __PUNCT__ if i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ in the direct of give more monei __PUNCT__ more author __PUNCT__ more decis_make to the peopl __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we also go to put behind us what ha been a veri __PUNCT__ veri sad chapter in our histori __PUNCT__ and we realli have to put thi behind us and start anew __PUNCT__
i think i would trace thi chapter to the nomin of bob bork __PUNCT__ a man who chief_justic burger describ as on of the most qualifi to ever be nomin to serv on the court __PUNCT__
i believ __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ hi nomin fight hit a new low __PUNCT__ and then of cours there wa the battl regard justic thoma __PUNCT__ the attempt charact_assassin of justic thoma __PUNCT__ and we had almost gone to the point where the advic and consent claus wa be reinterpret as a wai to bring_back the spanish inquisit rather than what it suppos to be __PUNCT__ which is if you have a republican_presid with essenti conserv viewpoint __PUNCT__ then that republican presid should be given defer __PUNCT__
even if you don't agre with the philosophi of a particular candid __PUNCT__ you have to give the presid hi or her choic __PUNCT__ and the same_thing is true on the other side __PUNCT__
with a democrat_presid __PUNCT__ if the countri choos a democrat presid with a somewhat more liber or liber philosophi __PUNCT__ what we ar go to expect is that that democrat presid is go to make those choic and qualif then should be the issu __PUNCT__
honesti __PUNCT__ qualif __PUNCT__ integr __PUNCT__ not philosophi __PUNCT__
the elector kind of decid that in the presid that thei choos __PUNCT__ and thi ha becom veri __PUNCT__ veri much distort __PUNCT__
you know about the situat with miguel estrada __PUNCT__
he wa an outstand candid __PUNCT__ an excel lawyer __PUNCT__ on of the best lawyer in thi countri __PUNCT__ and he wasn't even allow to get a vote on the floor of the senat __PUNCT__
it wa block with numer attempt to stop it and filibust __PUNCT__ and that realli isn't right __PUNCT__
i believ that is a pervers of what our advic and consent claus realli mean __PUNCT__ and then we saw that happen again with janic roger brown and with other __PUNCT__
and realli __PUNCT__ the next presid is gonna have to call on the senat to chang it rule and ask the senat to realli take serious what advic and consent mean __PUNCT__
what advic and consent mean is that someon if sent there by the presid should get an up or down vote within a reason period of time __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ at least have the courag of your convict __PUNCT__
if i presid __PUNCT__ you can be certain i will have the courag to present nomine that i believ in and am will to stand behind __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ the senat should have the courag to vote ye or no but not to hide on those nomin __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we also believ that the constitut should be interpret as it written not as someon would like it to be __PUNCT__
there a recent decis in the d.c __PUNCT__ circuit on the right to bear_arm written by judg silberman __PUNCT__
i think it an excel exampl of the kind of interpret that i would expect of judg and justic __PUNCT__
he examin the histori of the second amend __PUNCT__
it an ancient amend __PUNCT__
it goe back to the bill of right __PUNCT__
it the second amend __PUNCT__
he look at the languag __PUNCT__ he look at the histori __PUNCT__ he look at the debat __PUNCT__ and he came to the conclus that it an individu right __PUNCT__
seem to me almost an obviou conclus sinc it surround by the same_languag that the first amend and the fourth_amend and the other individu right the peopl ar secur __PUNCT__
the peopl suggest an individu right __PUNCT__
he us the power of that semant argument and then the debat that went on to come to the conclus that it is a individu right not a right that just pertain to peopl in the militia __PUNCT__
that the kind of interpret __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we want judg who exercis common_sens __PUNCT__ who us sound principl of interpret __PUNCT__
we want justic who understand that take privat_properti from individu owner to enrich privat develop just distort entir the mean of the constitut __PUNCT__
we need justic who understand __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we need judg and justic who understand that impos racial quota is realli a denial of what america is all about __PUNCT__
as __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ as chief_justic justic_john john_robert recent wrote __PUNCT__ the wai to stop discrimin on the basi of race is to stop discrimin on the basi of race __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i can't figur out where in the constitut __PUNCT__ in the first amend or anywher els in the constitut __PUNCT__ either the claus against establish of religion or protect the free_exercis of religion __PUNCT__ i cannot figur out where some imper exist to take the word __PUNCT__ under god __PUNCT__ out of the pledg of allegi or to ban the mention of the ten amend in a public_squar __PUNCT__ the ten_command in a public_squar __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so we live in a nation of law not of men __PUNCT__
some of these social theori peopl mai agre with __PUNCT__ some of these social theori peopl mai disagre with __PUNCT__ but that isn't the point __PUNCT__
the point is what did the framer of the constitut intend when thei wrote these amend and when thei wrote these provis in the constitut __PUNCT__
that what liberti is all about __PUNCT__
our liberti is secur even befor it wa secur by the ten amend to the constitut __PUNCT__ it wa secur by the structur of our govern __PUNCT__
it probabl our most reliabl assur __PUNCT__
the structur of our govern as a limit_govern __PUNCT__
a govern in which each on of the branch is limit by the power of the other branch __PUNCT__ and then the nation_govern is limit by the right of the state_govern and then all of those right that haven't been grant devolv to the peopl __PUNCT__
it a veri __PUNCT__ veri intric structur but enorm import __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so everi gener of american is call upon to lead __PUNCT__
i get veri __PUNCT__ veri frustrat when i hear american talk about or hear certain american talk about how difficult the problem we face ar __PUNCT__ how overwhelm thei ar __PUNCT__ what a danger era we live in __PUNCT__
i think we lost perspect __PUNCT__
we alwai had difficult problem __PUNCT__ we alwai had great_challeng __PUNCT__ and we alwai live in danger __PUNCT__
do we think our parent and our grandpar and our great grandpar didn't live in danger and didn't have difficult problem __PUNCT__ do we think the second world_war wa less difficult that our struggl with islam_terror __PUNCT__ do we think that the great_depress wa a less difficult econom struggl for peopl to face than the struggl we face now __PUNCT__ have we entir lost perspect of the great_challeng america ha face in the past and ha been abl to overcom and overcom brilliantli __PUNCT__ i think sometim we have lost that perspect __PUNCT__
do you know what leadership is all about __PUNCT__ leadership is all about restor that perspect that thi countri is truli an except countri that ha great_thing that it is go to accomplish in the futur that will be as great and mayb even greater than the on we accomplish in the past __PUNCT__
if we can't do that __PUNCT__ shame on us __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if we heal the divis base on our constitut_principl and we learn to live with our differ __PUNCT__ and the beauti of our constitut is it give us a wai of resolv our differ so we can all live togeth toward a unit purpos __PUNCT__
if we continu to inspir faith and hope and optim __PUNCT__ and optim is so import __PUNCT__
everi singl problem that i solv in new york_citi that peopl_thought were imposs to solv __PUNCT__ i solv it becaus i an optimist __PUNCT__ becaus i refus to accept defeat __PUNCT__ becaus i refus to accept that intellig peopl with the kind of advantag we been given can't solv ani problem that we face with __PUNCT__
the valu of democraci and equal befor the law give us great_strength that other societi don't have but it also give us great respons __PUNCT__
thi is a veri preciou inherit that we have __PUNCT__
we have a veri high_standard to live up to given the histori of our countri __PUNCT__ but organ like the federalist_societi that take us back to our origin principl is where our strength come from __PUNCT__
thank you veri __PUNCT__ veri much for your __NUM___year __PUNCT__ and thank you for what you go to do for the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__ which will be even greater than it past __PUNCT__
thank you and god_bless you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__