Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2008.01.29.remarks_following_the_florida_primary originally had 2124 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

i think that come from the great_american philosoph __PUNCT__ yogi berra __PUNCT__

right __PUNCT__ it not over until it over __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ thank you all for your hard_work __PUNCT__ your spirit __PUNCT__ and your support __PUNCT__

a new york republican name teddi_roosevelt onc said __PUNCT__ aggress fight for the right is the noblest sport the world afford __PUNCT__

like most american __PUNCT__ i love competit __PUNCT__

i don't back down from a principl fight __PUNCT__ but there must alwai be a larger purpos __PUNCT__ justic for an individu __PUNCT__ hope for a citi __PUNCT__ a better futur for our countri __PUNCT__

elect ar about a lot more than just candid __PUNCT__

elect ar about fight for a caus larger than ourselv __PUNCT__

thei about identifi the great_challeng of our time and propos new solut __PUNCT__

most of all __PUNCT__ thei about hand our nation to the next gener better than it wa hand to us __PUNCT__

thi is our opportun and thi is our oblig as american_citizen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so you particip in that process __PUNCT__ particularli the young_peopl that ar here __PUNCT__ and you should be veri proud of your particip in that process __PUNCT__

you make __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

you make your state and your countri better __PUNCT__

i want to congratul each of my oppon on a hard fought campaign here in florida __PUNCT__

i want to congratul senat_mccain __PUNCT__ who i believ ha been declar the winner __PUNCT__

i spoke to mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ told him my regard to him __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__

these ar honor peopl __PUNCT__

thei accomplish public_servant and thei good_men and we should __PUNCT__ as well as mike_huckabe __PUNCT__

so let applaud them all __PUNCT__

thei our oppon __PUNCT__

and ron_paul __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

who won all the debat __PUNCT__ on that thing where you call in all the time __PUNCT__

i us to watch it afterward at night when i go back to my room and ron paul would win all the debat __PUNCT__

but thei ar truli all honor peopl __PUNCT__ honor men __PUNCT__ who ar fight for what thei believ in __PUNCT__

thei have differ strength __PUNCT__ thei have differ thing to contribut __PUNCT__ like i do __PUNCT__ and i believ that our parti will be stronger as a result of the competit that we go through __PUNCT__

but win or lose __PUNCT__ our work is not done __PUNCT__ becaus leader dream of a better futur and then thei help to bring it into realiti __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the respons of leadership doesn't end with a singl campaign __PUNCT__

if you believ in a caus __PUNCT__ it goe on and you continu to fight for it __PUNCT__ and we will __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i am proud that we chose to stai posit and to run a campaign of idea in an era __PUNCT__ audio gap __PUNCT__ neg_ad and cynic spin __PUNCT__

we ran a campaign that wa uplift __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you don't alwai win __PUNCT__ but you can __PUNCT__ audio gap __PUNCT__

i believ that the idea of our campaign __PUNCT__ the __NUM__ commit that we made to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ wayn __PUNCT__ in new hampshir __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ clearli __PUNCT__ audio gap __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ america need to stai on offens to win the terrorist war on us __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thi is not option __PUNCT__

we can't wish it awai __PUNCT__

we can't hope it awai __PUNCT__

it there __PUNCT__

it a realiti __PUNCT__

and america must alwai rememb that the best wai to achiev peac is through overwhelm strength __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ america also need to stai on offens to achiev econom_secur __PUNCT__

we need to embrac the global_economi __PUNCT__ not shrink awai from it challeng __PUNCT__ but turn them to our advantag __PUNCT__

we can compet and we can win through a commit to pro __PUNCT__ growth polici __PUNCT__ like lower_tax __PUNCT__ less govern_spend __PUNCT__ reason regul __PUNCT__ and less lawsuit __PUNCT__

pleas __PUNCT__ less lawsuit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__ mike __PUNCT__ giuliani __PUNCT__ you sound like my mother __PUNCT__ if she were here __PUNCT__ if she were here __PUNCT__

if we unleash the geniu of america free_market market_economi __PUNCT__ if we encourag the entrepreneuri spirit __PUNCT__ if we can creat not just a global_economi __PUNCT__ but a growth societi __PUNCT__ i said it mani time dure the campaign __PUNCT__

america ha to be a countri in which young_peopl can look up to the sky and thei can sai the sky is the limit __PUNCT__

there is no end to what we can accomplish __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ i hope congress_pass our tax_bill that wa introduc alreadi by david dreier and by senat kit bond __PUNCT__

it would be the largest tax decreas __PUNCT__ tax reduct in american_histori and it would be a on __PUNCT__ page option tax form __PUNCT__

wouldn't that be great to be abl to fill it out on on page __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ just think __PUNCT__ just think of how that would __PUNCT__ just think about how that would stimul our economi __PUNCT__

we have got to strive for energi_independ __PUNCT__

we have to strive for health_care through privat option __PUNCT__

you know the __NUM__ commit __PUNCT__

i think thei outlin the challeng for america for the next four __PUNCT__ eight and ten_year and i veri proud that we conduct our campaign around them and around idea and idea that will enliven america and that will make_america stronger __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ we need to reestablish veri __PUNCT__ veri clearli the idea that the republican_parti __PUNCT__ the parti of lincoln and the parti of reagan and the parti of bush __PUNCT__ is a republican parti __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ is a republican parti __PUNCT__ is a parti that is and ha been from the begin __PUNCT__ when we do it right __PUNCT__ when we ar on our game __PUNCT__ when we make our contribut __PUNCT__ when we be our contributor to america __PUNCT__ we ar the parti of freedom __PUNCT__

we ar the parti of the peopl __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we a big parti __PUNCT__

we a big parti and we get bigger __PUNCT__

i even in thi parti __PUNCT__

thi is a big parti __PUNCT__

we understand that america is not great becaus of our central_govern __PUNCT__

america is great becaus of self __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__

it great becaus of you __PUNCT__ the peopl __PUNCT__ and we believ govern_work best when it empow peopl to take respons for their own live __PUNCT__

these ar great_idea __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ whether it move peopl from welfar to work or someth that i think our parti should be dedic to __PUNCT__ i think our parti should be dedic to have parent decid the school that their child goe to __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you want to reach out for vote in urban america __PUNCT__ you want to reach out for vote across all kind of line of differ kind __PUNCT__ ethnic __PUNCT__ racial __PUNCT__ religi __PUNCT__ then you have an america in which the parent decid the school the child goe to __PUNCT__ public __PUNCT__ privat __PUNCT__ parochi __PUNCT__ charter or home_school __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ these idea __PUNCT__ these idea unit not just republican __PUNCT__ thei unit the vast_major of american and thei ar the kei to build a stronger and broader parti __PUNCT__

we must be a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ state republican_parti __PUNCT__

we must compet in all __NUM___state __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we have to compet for urban __PUNCT__ suburban and rural vote __PUNCT__ conserv and moder __PUNCT__ men and women __PUNCT__ all race __PUNCT__ ethnic_group and religion __PUNCT__

we have answer to help each of them __PUNCT__ becaus our answer ar not base on class_distinct or religi distinct or ethnic or racial or religi distinct __PUNCT__

our answer ar to american and thei work for all american and we have to reach out to all american __PUNCT__

that the wai to break through the red state/blu state divid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and win the white_hous and the congress __PUNCT__

when you run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ you don't do it alon __PUNCT__

you have a big team that help you __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i want to thank my wife __PUNCT__ judith __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ for be a love __PUNCT__ patient and support partner __PUNCT__

i want to thank whitnei for her love support __PUNCT__

i want to thank my campaign chairman __PUNCT__ pat oxford __PUNCT__ who ha been remark __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ my campaign_manag __PUNCT__ mike duhaim __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ my senior campaign advis __PUNCT__ toni carbonetti __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and then my remark florida team __PUNCT__ the veri best florida team anybodi could have __PUNCT__ head by attornei_gener bill mccollum __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and a few of our peopl here in florida __PUNCT__

i can't mention all of them __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ ingrid mccollum __PUNCT__ who gave me the singl best introduct of my campaign __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mayor julio robaina __PUNCT__ karen unger __PUNCT__ joe fogg __PUNCT__ dan sargeant __PUNCT__ al austin __PUNCT__ my friend john sale __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ and so mani of my friend that ar all here and so mani of our senior_staff __PUNCT__ all of whom realli came to florida __PUNCT__

can't mention all of you __PUNCT__ but you know you all in my heart __PUNCT__

you know how import you ar __PUNCT__

you know how import you go to be in the futur to everyth that we do and everyth that we accomplish __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ i grate to all of my campaign_staff __PUNCT__

i grate to my entir campaign staff __PUNCT__ the volunt who unselfishli answer everi request __PUNCT__ everi call __PUNCT__ left on stone unturn in their unwav support for me __PUNCT__

to each and everi on of you __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but in a larger sens __PUNCT__ when you run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ you also carri peopl you have met throughout your life __PUNCT__ memori of their struggl __PUNCT__ their sacrific and their triumph __PUNCT__

i the grandson of immigr __PUNCT__

i can't imagin that thei ever thought that their grandson would have run for presid of the unit state or been mayor of new york_citi or associ attornei_gener or unit_state state_attornei or mayb even just a lawyer __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thei taught me to appreci the opportun to achiev the american_dream __PUNCT__

i spent much of my life_work in law_enforc alongsid brave polic_offic __PUNCT__ fbi_agent __PUNCT__ feder_agent __PUNCT__ firefight __PUNCT__ dedic u. __PUNCT__ attornei __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ marshal __PUNCT__ dea_agent __PUNCT__

i had the honor of lead america largest_citi through some difficult crise __PUNCT__ help to take our street back from crimin __PUNCT__ turn around an economi that wa hemorrhag job and help to heal the wound left by the deadliest terrorist_attack in american_histori __PUNCT__

thi campaign ha been dedic to their memori and driven by the strength of their exampl __PUNCT__

the futur of our nation is in good hand becaus it in your hand __PUNCT__

it in the hand of the peopl __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and togeth __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ you and i will keep fight to build the better futur we have dream of __PUNCT__ a futur where america solv it problem on offens __PUNCT__ with optim __PUNCT__ not on defens __PUNCT__

no pessim __PUNCT__ ever __PUNCT__ ever __PUNCT__ ever __PUNCT__

just optim __PUNCT__ strength __PUNCT__ not weak __PUNCT__

we reclaim our right to live in freedom from fear __PUNCT__ becaus free_peopl have the strength to overcom whatev problem we have to face __PUNCT__ if we face them unit and togeth __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we stai involv __PUNCT__

we stai involv and togeth we make sure that we do everyth we can to hand our nation off to the next gener better than it wa hand to us __PUNCT__ confid that america will alwai be the land of the free __PUNCT__ becaus we ar the home of the brave __PUNCT__

god_bless you and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__