Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2007.02.11.interview_with_george_stephanopoulos_on_abc_news_this_week originally had 4284 tokens. You can view the original text here.

stephanopoulo began by ask huckabe what __PUNCT__ paradox republican __PUNCT__ mean __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ it mean that i take side of issu that i think peopl don't expect republican necessarili to join up with __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ on of my real passion is music and art in the curriculum of student __PUNCT__

and when i talk about that and talk about it with the kind of passion that i do __PUNCT__ peopl sai __PUNCT__ ar you a republican __PUNCT__ as if republican don't like music __PUNCT__

there such a valu in develop both the left and right side of the brain __PUNCT__

and yet there thi percept that republican sort of stai awai from the art __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i want to prove them to be wrong __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ what your favorit song __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ don't ask that becaus then you start get me into stuff __PUNCT__ which artist __PUNCT__

it go to most like be a mellencamp or roll_stone or beatl song __PUNCT__

mayb creedenc __PUNCT__

but can you tell __PUNCT__ it got to be heavi guitar music in there __PUNCT__ stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ heavi guitar __PUNCT__ but you not go to choos your real __URL__ what your critic sai __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ thei sai you not paradox __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ you mean i have some __PUNCT__ stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ a few __PUNCT__ a few __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ thei sai you heret __PUNCT__

thei look at your record in arkansa and sai __PUNCT__ ga tax went up __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ cigarett tax went up __PUNCT__

the sale_tax went up __PUNCT__

spend skyrocket dure your two plu term as governor __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ we cut __NUM__ tax dure the time i wa governor __PUNCT__

we elimin the marriag penalti __PUNCT__

we doubl the child_care tax_credit __PUNCT__

we incom __PUNCT__ index the incom_tax for inflat so that peopl wouldn't be caught in tax bracket thei shouldn't be pai __PUNCT__

we lift the threshold over which peopl_pai pai_tax __PUNCT__ the first broad __PUNCT__ base tax_cut in the histori __PUNCT__

we cut capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ but you did rais those other tax __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ here what we did __PUNCT__

on the ga tax __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

you know what we did __PUNCT__ we put it on the ballot __PUNCT__

and __NUM__ percent of the peopl of arkansa vote for those fuel tax becaus thei want better road __PUNCT__

i want better road __PUNCT__

i have no apolog for build better road in the state __PUNCT__ creat___NUM__ __NUM___job in the process of do it __PUNCT__ and take our road from what trucker magazin said were the worst in the countri to the most improv in the countri __PUNCT__

that econom_develop __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ so tax aren't alwai the root of all evil __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ when peopl sai we shouldn't have ani tax __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ when you dial __NUM__ and your hous is on fire __PUNCT__ you want a fire truck to come __PUNCT__

guess what pai for it __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__

what american don't want is unfair __PUNCT__ unnecessari __PUNCT__ exception high_tax where the monei is wast __PUNCT__

but american understand that __PUNCT__ if you have the garbag pickup __PUNCT__ or the fire truck and polic_car out there __PUNCT__ or for that matter if you have a highwai __PUNCT__ then it got to be paid for __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ so how doe that extend __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ to the job you have to do as presid __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ a lot of your oppon in thi race ar sign thi pledg __PUNCT__ the american for tax_reform taxpay protect pledg __PUNCT__ basic sai we go to oppos ani effort to increas the incom_tax __PUNCT__

you haven't sign it __PUNCT__

do you think it a gimmick __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ it not necessarili a gimmick __PUNCT__ and i mai decid i will sign it __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ what i want to make sure is that i don't assign someth that sai that if we had a catastroph incid __PUNCT__ a world_war __PUNCT__ which i think we in the middl of or at least in the begin of alreadi __PUNCT__ i don't want to put myself in a box and make a pledg to an interest_group that isn't realli as sacr as the pledg that i would make to the peopl of the countri to uphold the constitut __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you talk about the fact that you believ we in world_war iii right now __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ in your speech earlier __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ clip of huckabe __PUNCT__ we do have a war __PUNCT__ a world war that is on fire and we have to recogn that the next presid must face that and must face it clearli and must understand it theolog base __PUNCT__

how do you fight a worldwid religi_war without turn it into a __NUM___centuri crusad __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ i think you have to be veri care that we don't think that our goal is to take our religion and impos it on somebodi els __PUNCT__

that not what thi war is about __PUNCT__

but we have to understand it from the point of the islam_fascist who realli would like to annihil us __PUNCT__

i think you have to take serious that thi is __PUNCT__ at heart __PUNCT__ an effort where thei believ that god ha put them on thi planet so that thei will bring a complet cleans of all the infidel __PUNCT__ which thei consid us to be __PUNCT__

and the onli cleans that can realli be done is not to isol us to our part of the world __PUNCT__ but is to annihil us __PUNCT__

that why thi is such a more danger situat __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ so how doe the presid combat that __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think part of it ha to happen from that we don't combat it by ourselv __PUNCT__

there got to be a sens in which the balanc of moder muslim will have to take a more visibl and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ vocal role in bring a sens of balanc and saniti within the islam commun __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ but how do we encourag that __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ we encourag it by the same wai that we saw a lot of thing happen that chang to soviet_union __PUNCT__ when thei realiz we not monster __PUNCT__ when thei realiz that we realli aren't out to destroi them __PUNCT__

there ar mani of the true muslim_peopl that don't want a world_war __PUNCT__

thei don't want a war __PUNCT__ a war in a world where __PUNCT__ everi dai __PUNCT__ somebodi ha to just be vapor __PUNCT__

we have to hope that that take hold within those commun themselv __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ georg will sai voter thi year ar go to hold candid to what he call the seven __PUNCT__ minut test __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ clip of georg will __PUNCT__ nightmar scenario __PUNCT__

you the secur_advisor __PUNCT__

you awaken in the middl of the night __PUNCT__

you have three minut to get the detail of an attack come on the unit_state __PUNCT__

then the presid __PUNCT__ who you notifi __PUNCT__ ha four minut to answer __PUNCT__

that seven minut __PUNCT__

which candid fit the seven minut question __PUNCT__ how can you convinc voter that you the candid to pass that test __PUNCT__ you onli serv as governor of arkansa __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ i have __PUNCT__

ronald_reagan had been an actor and had been governor of california __PUNCT__

bill_clinton had onli been governor of arkansa __PUNCT__

democrat __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ thi is the post __PUNCT__ 9/11 world where we in world_war iii __PUNCT__ by your admiss __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__ but it still is the same_type of situat where what you realli have in the case of a leader is not so much where he been __PUNCT__ but what hi oper system is __PUNCT__ what hi judgment is __PUNCT__

doe he handl crisi __PUNCT__ can he assimil fact quickli and __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ can he commun __PUNCT__ and is he decis __PUNCT__ these ar qualiti __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ that come from be a governor __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ what is the closest you have you have ever come __PUNCT__ what the most difficult question you ever had to handl that is even close to respond to an attack on the __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think there have been sever that __PUNCT__ noth is close __PUNCT__ mayb __PUNCT__ to world_war __PUNCT__ but when katrina hit the gulf shore __PUNCT__ we had __NUM__ evacue that came to arkansa __PUNCT__

our popul increas __NUM__ percent in five dai __PUNCT__

we manag that in a wai that most of the nation didn't know __PUNCT__ but the on who did marvel at it __PUNCT__ becaus we didn't have the problem that mani other state had in try to assimil all of these evacue that came in suddenli __PUNCT__ unexpectedli __PUNCT__ and with noth but __PUNCT__ liter __PUNCT__ the dirti __PUNCT__ muddi cloth on their back __PUNCT__

and we did it by bring all of our resourc togeth __PUNCT__ marshal the troop of both the public and privat_sector __PUNCT__ and take charg of a situat where it wa clear the feder_govern wa in complet meltdown __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ i have look at everyth you said __PUNCT__

i actual have a hard_time figur out __PUNCT__ do you support the presid plan to send more troop to iraq now or not __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what i try and sai __PUNCT__ georg __PUNCT__ is i support that the presid ha the right to make these decis as command in chief __PUNCT__

we need to give him time to let it work __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ so if you were in the senat __PUNCT__ you vote for the plan __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ i would give him a chanc __PUNCT__

you bet i would __PUNCT__

but here what i would also do __PUNCT__

i would caution the presid __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you cannot continu to overstress these nation_guard and reserv troop __PUNCT__

and that what worri me __PUNCT__

if we have a worn __PUNCT__ out armi and we have a worn __PUNCT__ out reserv forc __PUNCT__ what do we do when someth break loos in iran __PUNCT__ russia __PUNCT__ venezuela __PUNCT__ north_korea __PUNCT__ stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ the question is __PUNCT__ how much time do we have __PUNCT__ and you wrote in your book that we should set a timet for the iraqi __PUNCT__

what would your timet be __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i wa care not to sai there should be a specif timet __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i said it like a basebal game __PUNCT__ not a footbal_game __PUNCT__

you can't put it on a specif clock __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ but you said you have to give the iraqi a timet for progress __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ we have to tell them __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ we not go to be here indefinit __PUNCT__

what we go to expect of you is __PUNCT__ you go to have to get control of thi sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ thi civil_war that is just rip thi whole thing apart __PUNCT__

becaus the american_peopl ar not go to stai indefinit __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ when i sai a timet __PUNCT__ i want to be veri care that you don't just sai __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ __DATE__ that the last dai __PUNCT__ we start pull out the helicopt and fly awai __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ but you know __PUNCT__ realist __PUNCT__ aren't we realli on a timet becaus of the polit_situat here at home __PUNCT__ i think about __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ __NUM___month or so awai from the new hampshir_primari __PUNCT__

if the situat in iraq doesn't improv by the time voter here go to the poll __PUNCT__ won't thei be clamor for anti __PUNCT__ war candid __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ it all depend on how thing go over the next year __PUNCT__

if thing continu to go with the sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ and the sunni and the shia ar just at each and bawl __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ each other up __PUNCT__ i think we in for a veri __PUNCT__ veri rug season __PUNCT__

and it go to be tough __PUNCT__ if somebodi take ani posit other than what __PUNCT__ just __PUNCT__ cut our loss and go __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ let talk about immigr __PUNCT__

i wa struck by someth in usa_todai thi morn __PUNCT__ a headlin that sai __PUNCT__ immigr becom kkk ralli point __PUNCT__

you said that you believ that there is some racism behind the immigr debat todai __PUNCT__

what did you mean by that __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i didn't mean that everybodi who ha some anxieti about immigr is a racist __PUNCT__

and that wa on of those thing that suddenli blew up and peopl said __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ he accus us all of be racist __PUNCT__

absolut not __PUNCT__

there ar a lot of peopl who ar concern __PUNCT__

i concern __PUNCT__

i concern that our border ar porou and we allow peopl to come in and out without ani real check as to who thei ar __PUNCT__ where thei go __PUNCT__ why thei here __PUNCT__ do thei have a communic diseas or a crimin background __PUNCT__ we need to know those thing __PUNCT__

i not as worri about somebodi who come across to pluck a chicken or pick a tomato or make a better laquinta __PUNCT__

i particularli concern about somebodi who might cross thi border with a shoulder __PUNCT__ fire missil __PUNCT__

but even those peopl who ar come to pluck chicken and pick tomato __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ i want them to come in an orderli wai __PUNCT__

i want them to cross the border legal __PUNCT__

when i go to the littl rock airport __PUNCT__ i have to go through all kind of hoop just to get on the airplan __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ thei know who i am __PUNCT__

thei all call me by name __PUNCT__ but i still show a photo i.d __PUNCT__

i take my shoe off __PUNCT__ i take my comput out and i put on a differ littl basket __PUNCT__

i get my jacket off and the whole deal __PUNCT__

i don't mind that becaus that the wai i suppos to get on the plane __PUNCT__

but i go through sever layer of secur and authent my personhood with the proper document __PUNCT__

i a taxpai u. __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__

i a person who been a public_offici __PUNCT__ but i go through those layer __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ but you also said we go to be judg by how we treat the illeg who ar here right now __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ we shouldn't have amnesti where we just sai __PUNCT__ fine __PUNCT__ everybodi good __PUNCT__ we go to let it go __PUNCT__

we should have a process where peopl can pai the penalti __PUNCT__ step up and accept respons for not be here legal __PUNCT__

but here the point __PUNCT__

the object is not to be punit __PUNCT__

the object is to make_thing right __PUNCT__

right for us __PUNCT__

right for them __PUNCT__

and what i have object to in the past is when we ar punish the children for the law that mayb their parent have broken __PUNCT__

i do have a problem with that __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ governor romnei is consid sai that the children of illeg_immigr shouldn't automat becom citizen __PUNCT__

what do you think about that __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ mayb that should be look at __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ if peopl ar rush across the border __PUNCT__ illeg __PUNCT__ deliv a babi and then sai __PUNCT__ whew __PUNCT__ now we here __PUNCT__

i think that a littl disingenu to the concept of realli be a natur __PUNCT__ born u. __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__

but it not an issu that i have put a stake in the ground and said __PUNCT__ thi is how we ought to handl it __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ let me ask you anoth question about governor romnei __PUNCT__

hi religion __PUNCT__ he a mormon __PUNCT__ ha becom __PUNCT__ is go to becom a big_part of thi campaign __PUNCT__ clearli __PUNCT__

you a southern_baptist __PUNCT__ a former southern baptist preacher __PUNCT__

and that denomin teach __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ that mormon is a cult __PUNCT__

how bit a hurdl is that go to be for governor romnei in thi campaign __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i not sure __PUNCT__

and i don't know that anyon know __PUNCT__

what i can tell you is about my faith and what it mean __PUNCT__

and i think peopl ought to look at everi person who run for offic and thei ought to ask them question about who thei ar and what thei ar about and what drive their decis __PUNCT__

i not as troubl by a person who ha a differ faith __PUNCT__

i troubl by a person who tell me their faith doesn't influenc their decis __PUNCT__

becaus if a person sai to me __PUNCT__ here my faith __PUNCT__ but it doesn't influenc me at all __PUNCT__ what it sai to me is __PUNCT__ my faith isn't veri signific __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ how doe it influenc your __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ it total drive it __PUNCT__

it make everyth click for me __PUNCT__

and that will explain to you why i have a passion for life __PUNCT__

but it mean that my pro __PUNCT__ life posit doesn't end at the birth canal __PUNCT__ that i believ that life is more than a gestat period __PUNCT__

i believ life_begin at concept __PUNCT__ i just don't think it end at birth __PUNCT__

and that why __PUNCT__ as a governor __PUNCT__ i fourth hard to see children have medic insur and decent school and safe neighborhood and drink_water and afford_hous __PUNCT__ becaus that consist with me be pro __PUNCT__ life __PUNCT__

i don't want to see some singl_mom __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ worri and struggl that she not go to be abl to have food for her kid __PUNCT__

i don't want some wife to have the daylight beaten out of her by some abus husband and have nowher to turn __PUNCT__

those ar thing that ar driven becaus of my faith __PUNCT__

that not a polit_posit __PUNCT__

it a faith posit __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ mayor giuliani said he hate abort __PUNCT__ but he pro __PUNCT__ choic __PUNCT__

is that posit a game __PUNCT__ ender in the republican_primari __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ we find out in thi elect __PUNCT__ it look like __PUNCT__ becaus it go to be an issu that will clearli separ some of the candid __PUNCT__

but i pro __PUNCT__ life becaus i think it consist with who we ar as an american_peopl __PUNCT__

we ar a cultur and a civil that celebr life __PUNCT__

we cherish our children_live __PUNCT__

we griev when thei die __PUNCT__

i think it is the great contrast between us and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ the islam_fascist __PUNCT__ who would strap a bomb to their own children chest and march them into a room full of innoc_peopl and blow them up and then be proud of their children martyrdom __PUNCT__ and think somehow that that a great_thing and it go to give them a special place in heaven __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you haven't been shy about take on pop_cultur __PUNCT__

and i wa just wonder __PUNCT__ what did you think when you saw all these headlin thi morn about anna_nicol_smith __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ tragic stori __PUNCT__

two tragedi __PUNCT__ on is a life of a person who obvious struggl for signific and found it in __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ the realm of pop_cultur __PUNCT__

the other tragedi is that it __PUNCT__ sort of __PUNCT__ took everyth els off the front_page and took all the oxygen out of the room __PUNCT__

here we ar in the midst of iraq and immigr and all the issu that peopl face __PUNCT__ with whether thei go to have a job at the end of the week and whether their pension go to be eaten up by some time white __PUNCT__ collar crimin who will rob the compani of the monei and leav peopl with noth who have built the wealth __PUNCT__

and what everybodi fascin by __PUNCT__ how anna_nicol_smith di __PUNCT__

and it a point of curios and i feel terribl for her famili __PUNCT__

her life_stori is on that fill with tragedi __PUNCT__

but i not sure that it the number on new stori on the planet earth todai __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you realli becam known on the nation scene when you lost___NUM__ __NUM___pound __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ it wa some claim to fame __PUNCT__

right now __PUNCT__ barack_obama is try to quit smoke __PUNCT__

so what advic can you give him __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ it about the disciplin and focu of sai __PUNCT__ thi is good for me and it also an exampl for other __PUNCT__

i never smoke __PUNCT__ so i don't understand the nicotin addict __PUNCT__

i know it real __PUNCT__

too mani peopl i known who have been smoker said it more difficult than anyth thei ever dealt with __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ boi __PUNCT__ it a deadli habit __PUNCT__

and there not a thing about it that is healthi __PUNCT__ good __PUNCT__ wholesom or that bring about ani sens of valu __PUNCT__

so it someth i hope that he will do __PUNCT__ not just for himself and hi famili __PUNCT__ he got kid __PUNCT__ so he need to do it for them __PUNCT__ but it be a great_thing to do for the countri to sai __PUNCT__ i kick it __PUNCT__ so can you __PUNCT__

i hope he doe __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you said you had to learn to look at a plate of fri_chicken and sai __PUNCT__ that a threat __PUNCT__ not a pleasur __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ and it sort of eras all the thing i grown up with becaus when you grow up in the deep_south and you have food __PUNCT__ kind of as your onli major_sourc of comfort __PUNCT__ it your secur when you don't have mani other point of secur __PUNCT__

it real difficult and you have to break awai and mental understand what it is that drive you to those comfort food __PUNCT__

and onc you realiz it __PUNCT__ and that realli wa for me __PUNCT__ the breakthrough __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ you can sai __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ i don't have to have that anymor __PUNCT__

there ar better wai to be secur __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you probabl know the clinton better than ani other candid in thi race __PUNCT__

how do you assess her candidaci so far __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ republican underestim hillari_clinton at their own peril __PUNCT__

she a brilliant woman __PUNCT__ brilliant intellectu __PUNCT__ and she brilliant polit __PUNCT__

and i think __PUNCT__ when i hear republican sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i hope hillari the nomine __PUNCT__ oh i hope hillari the nomine __PUNCT__ boi __PUNCT__ will it just __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ i bet you don't __PUNCT__

i seen poll that show her beat you in arkansa __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ on ani given dai __PUNCT__

i think i would win in arkansa __PUNCT__

but you know someth __PUNCT__ i will tell you that hillari clinton will be a veri strong candid across america becaus she know how to win __PUNCT__

she been through struggl __PUNCT__

she ha overcom mani thing __PUNCT__

and she is absolut a brilliant human be __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ i think peopl underestim her __PUNCT__

and i think __PUNCT__ when thei do __PUNCT__ thei go to be sorri __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ you be the second presid from hope __PUNCT__ arkansa __PUNCT__

what did you learn from the first __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ when i talk to group __PUNCT__ particularli if it republican group __PUNCT__ i sai someth that realli __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ put them on their heel sometim __PUNCT__

i sai __PUNCT__ regardless of what you think about bill_clinton __PUNCT__ whether you like him or not __PUNCT__ whether you thought hi polici were horribl or whether you thought hi person habit were terribl __PUNCT__ just rememb on thing __PUNCT__ that here is a gui who came out of a small __PUNCT__ impoverish southern_state __PUNCT__ in hi case __PUNCT__ came out of a dysfunct famili __PUNCT__ had everyth go against him __PUNCT__ but he becam presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ not onc but twice __PUNCT__

you know what __PUNCT__ he is an affirm of the american_dream __PUNCT__

don't ever take that from a kid grow up in thi countri __PUNCT__

don't ever let it be lost on us that if a bill_clinton __PUNCT__ or for that matter __PUNCT__ if a mike_huckabe can becom presid __PUNCT__ we still a great_countri __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ and no on will ever forget hope __PUNCT__ arkansa __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ i hope not __PUNCT__

stephanopoulo __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ thank veri much __PUNCT__

huckabe __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__ georg __PUNCT__