This speech titled 2007.04.08.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation originally had 2544 tokens. You can view the original text here.
schieffer __PUNCT__ and join us thi morn from littl rock __PUNCT__ arkansa __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ former governor mike_huckabe __PUNCT__
he is a candid who is differ __PUNCT__
among other thing __PUNCT__ he the onli candid that is offer diet advic to voter __PUNCT__
he is also a candid who sai what he think __PUNCT__ and he is on of the more interest peopl around polit __PUNCT__ if i do sai so __PUNCT__
governor __PUNCT__ welcom __PUNCT__
and i want to start right in with someth you said to on of the arkansa paper __PUNCT__ the pine bluff commerci appeal __PUNCT__
it realli caught my ey becaus what you said is that some republican __PUNCT__ particularli christian_evangel __PUNCT__ talk as if republican_candid ar not go to be held to a standard of person_account and respons for their person_live __PUNCT__
and you went on to sai __PUNCT__ if that is true __PUNCT__ there ar go to be a lot of republican who ow bill_clinton a great big public apolog __PUNCT__
what do you mean by that __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ and who ar you talk about __PUNCT__ i assum you talk about rudi_giuliani __PUNCT__ among other __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ i realli not talk about the candid so much __PUNCT__ bob __PUNCT__ as i am about christian_leader who were veri vocal in speak out about bill_clinton person_life and hi behavior __PUNCT__
and if those same standard don't appli to republican __PUNCT__ then it just a matter of sheer hypocrisi __PUNCT__
principl have to be appli to all of us __PUNCT__ and it shouldn't be appli differ to republican or democrat __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that gate ought to swing both wai __PUNCT__
republican have to be fair to democrat __PUNCT__ democrat need to be fair to republican __PUNCT__
whatev standard we set __PUNCT__ we ought to all just be honest about it and make that the standard for everybodi __PUNCT__
and that what ha concern me __PUNCT__ is that there sort of a almost thi __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thing ar go to be differ in thi elect_cycl __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ principl don't chang __PUNCT__
peopl do __PUNCT__ but principl and basic standard of decenc and appropri behavior shouldn't chang __PUNCT__ and we shouldn't make except just becaus we happen to mayb be in the same_parti __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ but i take it what you sai is there ought to be a thorough examin of all the candid __PUNCT__ person_live __PUNCT__ for exampl that rudi_giuliani ha been marri three time __PUNCT__ john_mccain twice __PUNCT__
and you sai that republican ought to do that __PUNCT__
is that what you sai here __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i sai that we go to be evalu __PUNCT__ all of us who run for presid __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ we were evalu as we ran for governor in my case __PUNCT__ or mayor in the case of giuliani or other __PUNCT__
i just sai that those who claim that thei repres a certain branch of our parti __PUNCT__ primarili the christian_evangel __PUNCT__ got into polit becaus of adher to certain moral_principl __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ if those moral principl no longer ar the drive_forc __PUNCT__ thei render their whole purpos for be in polit irrelev __PUNCT__ and that why i think we have to sort of __PUNCT__ i not call out the candid __PUNCT__ i call out the christian_leader and sai if you go to be christian leader __PUNCT__ then be christian leader __PUNCT__
don't just be polit player __PUNCT__ becaus then you defi the veri reason that you claim you need to be involv in the polit_process __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let me ask you about anoth rather unusu thing you said __PUNCT__
you said hillari_clinton is focus __PUNCT__ you said she is disciplin and you __PUNCT__ and she said __PUNCT__ you said she is brilliant __PUNCT__
i guess i have to ask you __PUNCT__ if your campaign doesn't work out and she win __PUNCT__ ar you angl for a place in her cabinet __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
i don't think she ask me __PUNCT__ and i don't think i accept __PUNCT__
and truli __PUNCT__ those ar word that i said spoken simpli as an observ of have known her __PUNCT__
i think that why i the best candid on the republican_side __PUNCT__
i know her better than anybodi els on the republican ticket run __PUNCT__ and i know how __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ how danger she can be as a candid __PUNCT__
that on of the reason that i believ that my candidaci offer the clearest contrast and an opportun for america to have mayb a real solid choic __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let talk about some of the other republican_candid __PUNCT__
mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ he seem to be have some problem with __PUNCT__ he seem to have develop some __PUNCT__ i guess i would sai some evolv posit __PUNCT__
he said on thing when he wa governor of massachusett and when he wa run for that offic __PUNCT__
he now seem to be sai some quit differ thing __PUNCT__
for exampl __PUNCT__ he recent reveal that he had just join or that he wa a member of the nra __PUNCT__ the nation_rifl associ and said he wa a life __PUNCT__ long hunter __PUNCT__
and then we find out that __PUNCT__ hi campaign said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ he onli been hunt twice __PUNCT__
what do you make of that __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ certainli __PUNCT__ he want to appeal to a lot of the voter that i think i natur appeal to __PUNCT__ and that folk in the south and peopl in the midwest and __PUNCT__ for that matter __PUNCT__ peopl in new hampshir who truli valu their second amend right __PUNCT__
and it not just about hunt __PUNCT__ but hunt certainli is a part of it __PUNCT__
i think it wa __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the major mistak to try to portrai himself __PUNCT__ i been a life __PUNCT__ long hunter __PUNCT__ when he been twice __PUNCT__
it be like me sai __PUNCT__ i been a life __PUNCT__ long golfer __PUNCT__ becaus i plai putt __PUNCT__ putt when i wa nine year old and i rode in a golf cart a coupl of time __PUNCT__
the best thing to do is just sai __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ here who i am __PUNCT__
i support thi issu __PUNCT__ but i not particularli close to it __PUNCT__
let me __PUNCT__ let me sai that i have a great respect for rudi_giuliani __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ who i thought made a real gutsi move in south_carolina thi week when he said that he still support feder_fund for abort __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i disagre with him __PUNCT__
i don't think we ought to us feder_tax tax_dollar for abort __PUNCT__ and i wouldn't if i were presid __PUNCT__
but i thought it wa at least a statement of extraordinari honesti and candor on the part of giuliani that he would go into south_carolina __PUNCT__ a veri pro __PUNCT__ life environ __PUNCT__ and just sai __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ thi is who i am __PUNCT__
i not go to chang just to get your vote __PUNCT__
and i think american_peopl ar look for authent __PUNCT__ thei look for peopl whose statement todai match what thei said five __PUNCT__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ and match with what thei done in offic __PUNCT__ match their record with their rhetor __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ let talk a littl bit about the monei side of it __PUNCT__
mr __PUNCT__ romnei __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let just take a look at the figur as what some of these nation republican have rais __PUNCT__
romnei ha now rais __PUNCT__ we ar told __PUNCT__ __MONEY___million __PUNCT__ rudi_giuliani __PUNCT__ __MONEY___million __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ 1/2 million __PUNCT__
you __PUNCT__ at thi point __PUNCT__ have rais about a half_million million_dollar __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ we go to have a veri differ kind of campaign thi time __PUNCT__
we have iowa __PUNCT__
we have new hampshir __PUNCT__
but then __PUNCT__ in earli___DATE__ __PUNCT__ mayb as mani as __NUM___state hold primari on the same_dai __PUNCT__
that mean we basic go to have a nation_campaign __PUNCT__ and you can't campaign in all those state at on time __PUNCT__
so it __PUNCT__ monei is go to plai a tremend role __PUNCT__ a more import_role than ever __PUNCT__
frankli __PUNCT__ i find that somewhat obscen __PUNCT__
but how do you __PUNCT__ as someon who not even rais___MONEY__ __MONEY___million yet __PUNCT__ how can you possibl compet in that kind of an environ __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ bob __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ i think the word __PUNCT__ obscen __PUNCT__ is a great word to us __PUNCT__
thi is a time when peopl talk about __MONEY__ million befor the end of the year __PUNCT__
if that the case __PUNCT__ do you realli want someon in charg of the feder treasuri who burn __MONEY__ million befor the first vote is cast __PUNCT__ i think that is obscen __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ what i would remind peopl is that a lot of peopl ar talk about how much monei wa rais in the first quarter __PUNCT__ and it sort of like sai __PUNCT__ gee __PUNCT__ the first quarter is the whole game __PUNCT__ but it isn't __PUNCT__
i onli been at thi about six and a half week __PUNCT__
we start from ground zero __PUNCT__ didn't have a capac to transfer monei from a senat account __PUNCT__
we met our rather modest fund __PUNCT__ rais goal for the first report period becaus we got a late start __PUNCT__
the question is not how much i rais in the first quarter __PUNCT__ but how much am i go to continu to rais over the next two and three quarter __PUNCT__
and that where we feel like it got to happen __PUNCT__
plu __PUNCT__ thi is the kind of environ in which a candid can catch fire and peopl go to the web_site that he ha and make contribut over the internet __PUNCT__ and i could rais___MONEY__ __MONEY___million overnight if everyon watch thi show just simpli went and said __PUNCT__ i make___MONEY__ contribut __PUNCT__
the point is that thing could chang so rapidli __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ that kind of a big if __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ thei alwai sai __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the dog could caught the rabbit if he hadn't stop to make that phone_call __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ realiti is realiti __PUNCT__
you go to have to have a tremend sum of monei to even have a chanc __PUNCT__
i not sai that fair __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ __URL__ it simpli the golf cours that polit is plai on these dai __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ and i just __PUNCT__ it not clear to me how you can get from there to here __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ if __PUNCT__ if i thought that i rais all the monei that i wa go to realist rais __PUNCT__ i be out of it todai __PUNCT__
but what i tell you is __PUNCT__ we on the front end of our fund __PUNCT__ rais __PUNCT__ not on the back side __PUNCT__
we have two biggest fund __PUNCT__ raiser that we had to date that haven't even happen __PUNCT__
on that happen thi month __PUNCT__ on in mai __PUNCT__ that i think ar go to do __PUNCT__ be the kind of event that give us the opportun to keep go __PUNCT__
but our mile per gallon __PUNCT__ i would sai __PUNCT__ is pretti darn impress becaus __PUNCT__ with veri modest fund __PUNCT__ rais so far and the fact that we onli been at it a few week __PUNCT__ not sever month or in the case of some candid sever year __PUNCT__ we still competit and __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ __URL__ grow momentum rather than try to run on the fume of what momentum i had __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ let talk a littl bit about what you for and what you against __PUNCT__
i notic that you said at on point __PUNCT__ we have to stop drive god out of the public_squar __PUNCT__
you ar an evangel __PUNCT__ i take it __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ what is the connect between govern and god in your view __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the first amend pretti_clear __PUNCT__ and it simpli thi __PUNCT__ that govern should neither prefer or prohibit the practic of religion __PUNCT__
govern shouldn't go and tell peopl how to worship or even that thei should worship __PUNCT__
govern ought to have a hand __PUNCT__ off attitud __PUNCT__
but what govern shouldn't do is to tell peopl that thei can't or put restrict __PUNCT__
and so i think we made someth complic out of someth that the found_father realli made veri simpl in the first amend __PUNCT__
you neither prefer on religion over anoth __PUNCT__ but you don't prohibit the free_exercis thereof __PUNCT__
and so when there ar effort made __PUNCT__ whether it becaus of polit_correct or court_decis that have run_amok __PUNCT__ where you sai you can't have a nativ_scene or a menorah on capitol ground __PUNCT__ that absurd __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ we ought to be abl to welcom the discuss of faith in the public_squar __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ and where do you come down on the war __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__ we got to win __PUNCT__ it simpl as that __PUNCT__
we can't just pull awai and demor our militari and creat an incred instabl in the middl_east __PUNCT__
i think it a wrong __PUNCT__ head decis on the part of some of the democrat who want to set a firm timet and announc it __PUNCT__
that like plai footbal and sai __PUNCT__ we onli plai through the middl of the third quarter and then we leav __PUNCT__ regardless of the score __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ that a sure wai to know that your oppon doesn't have to be better than you __PUNCT__ doesn't have to beat you __PUNCT__ just ha to stai on the field until you alreadi announc you go to leav __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ we have to end it there __PUNCT__ and i would also like to congratul you on actual lose __NUM___pound __PUNCT__
i know you see obes as a big_problem in thi countri __PUNCT__ and you have shown __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ __URL__ your exampl that someth can be done about thi problem __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
you an interest interview __PUNCT__ and we wish you the best __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ and happi easter to you and all your viewer __PUNCT__