Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2008.01.13.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation originally had 2394 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 73 cue terms and an average lag of 29.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 south_carolina 9
0 0 1
0 0 0
2 mike_huckabe 4
0 0 0.0241
0 0 0.976
3 john_mccain 36
0.00816 0.0169 0.16
0 0.000199 0.815
4 manufactur_job 47
0.345 0.136 0.211
0.00716 0.0139 0.286
5 middl_class 70
0.44 0.0567 0.085
0.265 0.0842 0.0691
6 unit_state 16
0.0693 0 0.238
0.582 0.00119 0.109
7 franklin_roosevelt 56
0.121 0.00318 0.166
0.513 0.000199 0.197
8 free_trade_agreement 108
0.218 0.00119 0.244
0.418 0 0.119
9 fair_trade 21
0.104 0.00458 0.0372
0.604 0.00119 0.249
10 free_trade_agreement 54
0.0923 0 0.189
0.543 0.000995 0.175
11 unit_state 32
0.0539 0 0.0933
0.572 0 0.281
12 state_govern 0
0.000995 0 0.00318
0.625 0.000199 0.371
13 free_trade_agreement 14
0.0285 0.000995 0.04
0.604 0 0.327
14 unit_state 16
0.0275 0 0.0549
0.598 0 0.319
15 state_govern 0
0.00179 0 0.00139
0.623 0.000199 0.373
16 cut_tax 73
0.0456 0.0237 0.599
0.144 0.000796 0.187
17 nation_level 18
0.0297 0.00716 0.159
0.138 0.0163 0.65
18 tax_system 52
0.000995 0.0758 0.546
0.00279 0.0181 0.356
19 tax_rate 21
0.00398 0.00557 0.0667
0.00259 0.0915 0.83
20 fair_tax 23
0.00219 0.0115 0.242
0.00119 0.0915 0.651
21 __MONEY___trillion 18
0.205 0.0171 0.0629
0.0101 0.0718 0.633
22 bank_account 14
0.274 0.00159 0.143
0.21 0.0263 0.345
23 unit_state 33
0.227 0.000398 0.227
0.412 0.000199 0.133
24 rais_tax 77
0.00279 0.00537 0.805
0.00537 0 0.182
25 margin_tax_rate 9
0.00199 0.00159 0.00597
0.00776 0.00478 0.978
26 high_unemploy 15
0.0117 0.00756 0.0279
0.00796 0.00577 0.939
27 commerc_depart 13
0.00697 0.0189 0.0332
0.0163 0.0133 0.911
28 trade_agreement 52
0.0183 0.0434 0.084
0.0119 0.0287 0.814
29 american_worker 26
0.00657 0.0127 0.0589
0.0147 0.0641 0.843
30 pretti_good 28
0.000199 0.00716 0.0969
0.00119 0.0561 0.838
31 cut_tax 12
0.000597 0 0.0712
0.000199 0.00418 0.924
32 rais_tax 15
0 0 0.00995
0 0.000199 0.99
33 billion_dollar 31
0 0 0.0103
0 0 0.99
34 tax_cut 11
0.000796 0 0.00458
0 0 0.995
35 year_histori 5
0.000398 0 0.0125
0.000597 0 0.986
36 __NUM___state 5
0.000398 0 0.0203
0 0 0.979
37 suprem_court 6
0 0 0.00318
0 0 0.997
38 court_order 0
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
39 health_care 59
0.189 0.102 0.537
0 0 0.172
40 __MONEY___million 4
0.0161 0.00537 0.192
0.16 0.0828 0.544
41 busi_commun 13
0.0653 0.0414 0.0492
0.163 0.0854 0.596
42 ronald_reagan 51
0.000398 0.000199 0.699
0.00119 0.00179 0.298
43 mitt_romnei 6
0 0 0.0322
0 0.00119 0.967
44 ronald_reagan 8
0.000199 0.000398 0.0352
0 0.00119 0.963
45 year_ago 3
0 0.00219 0.0157
0.000199 0.00199 0.98
46 ronald_reagan 35
0 0 0.208
0 0.000995 0.791
47 rais_tax 1
0 0.00338 0.222
0 0.000199 0.775
48 balanc_budget 7
0 0.000597 0.0103
0 0.00338 0.986
49 lower_tax 9
0 0 0.00557
0 0.00378 0.991
50 higher_tax 4
0 0 0.00139
0 0.00299 0.996
51 rais_tax 59
0 0 0.0215
0 0.000199 0.978
52 cut_tax 13
0 0 0.00597
0 0 0.994
53 suprem_court 15
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
54 court_order 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
55 school_system 27
0.0549 0.00279 0.223
0 0 0.719
56 mike_huckabe 101
0.00159 0 0.879
0.000199 0 0.119
57 mitt_romnei 38
0.000796 0.000796 0.167
0 0 0.832
58 make_monei 26
0.0501 0.0346 0.306
0.000995 0.000995 0.607
59 largest_number 44
0.00557 0.00458 0.316
0.00438 0.00776 0.661
60 job_creation 2
0.00299 0.00199 0.0438
0.00876 0.0121 0.93
61 mitt_romnei 24
0.00139 0.00199 0.253
0.000597 0.00159 0.741
62 elect_offici 187
0.0551 0.822 0.0854
0.000199 0.00378 0.0332
63 democrat_parti 4
0.00478 0.00478 0.00955
0.0553 0.807 0.118
64 john_mccain 62
0.000597 0.00219 0.855
0.000199 0.0221 0.12
65 year_ago 4
0 0.000597 0.0285
0.000199 0.0101 0.961
66 mitt_romnei 48
0.0175 0.000995 0.204
0.000199 0.000597 0.777
67 high_school 6
0.529 0.00219 0.0111
0.0565 0.000796 0.4
68 open_door 10
0.0629 0.00438 0.0237
0.556 0.00239 0.35
69 republican_parti 71
0.000995 0.00338 0.767
0.00318 0.000597 0.224
70 senat_mccain 40
0 0.00498 0.195
0 0.00299 0.797
71 same_job 91
0.0388 0.446 0.204
0 0.00776 0.303
72 john_mccain 44
0.00756 0.0197 0.327
0.00577 0.248 0.392
73 civil_discours 11
0.0209 0.131 0.0426
0.0101 0.27 0.526