Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2008.01.15.remarks_following_the_michigan_primary originally had 1265 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

thank so veri much __PUNCT__

you gui have been wait __PUNCT__ i hear we have between __NUM__ and __NUM___peopl pack in thi place __PUNCT__

pleas don't call the fire marshal __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i want to sai a special word of thank to the peopl in michigan __PUNCT__

thei been wonder to us over the past few dai __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we were outspent __NUM__ and for us to be abl to do as well as we did is a remark testament to some incred volunt up there __PUNCT__

i congratul mitt_romnei __PUNCT__

he won a great race __PUNCT__

he work_hard __PUNCT__

he __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ ha a great base there __PUNCT__ but our hat ar off to him for hi victori there tonight __PUNCT__

so it look like that i won iowa __PUNCT__ john_mccain won new hampshir __PUNCT__ mitt_romnei won michigan __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ we go to win south_carolina __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we put a flag in the ground here saturdai __PUNCT__

we go to make it real clear __PUNCT__ that the first __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ south primari is go to give their support to the first __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ south candid who understand that thi nation need leadership __PUNCT__ and leadership that come right from the earth and right from the heart of the peopl __PUNCT__

month_ago __PUNCT__ when none of the other republican were talk about the economi __PUNCT__ when thei all said it wa do great __PUNCT__ i said you better keep your ey on it __PUNCT__ becaus if you just not spend your time talk to peopl __PUNCT__ but if you spend some time listen to peopl __PUNCT__ you go to find out that there a world of hurt out there in america __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ all of them ar realiz that what i said month ago is true __PUNCT__

and we need the kind of leadership that not onli see it first __PUNCT__ but doe someth about it first __PUNCT__ and that what i pledg to the peopl of america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ give me a chanc to lead __PUNCT__ and we will lead thi countri __PUNCT__

and we chang the tax_system __PUNCT__

and we also make it so that your govern doesn't work against you in your job __PUNCT__ but help work for you __PUNCT__ becaus good_govern ought to facilit the free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__ it ought not to complic the free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__

that why we need lower __PUNCT__ not higher_tax __PUNCT__

it why we need a govern that understand that mother and father rais better kid than govern do __PUNCT__

get the govern off mom and dad back and let them rais their famili __PUNCT__

it why it also true that over the past few month __PUNCT__ peopl who said __PUNCT__ who is thi huckabe gui __PUNCT__ where is he come from __PUNCT__ i tell you where i come from __PUNCT__

i come from you __PUNCT__ and a lot of peopl around thi countri ar realiz that it time that the presid and that the govern is not headquart so much in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ as is headquart in the small_town across thi countri __PUNCT__ where peopl do the work and put food on the tabl for their famili and get their kid to school __PUNCT__

and thei basic just want a govern that is as small as it can be __PUNCT__ but what govern there ha to be doe two thing __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ protect our border __PUNCT__ protect out secur and make it so we safe in thi nation __PUNCT__ and the second thing __PUNCT__ leav us alon so that we can live our live and live in thi free_enterpris enterpris_system and give small_busi a chanc to surviv and even thrive __PUNCT__

that what america realli look for __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that what thei go to get when we get elect __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i deepli grate for the kind of support we get in south_carolina __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ when we were here in ralli in sumter and in rock hill __PUNCT__ huge crowd __PUNCT__ enthusiast crowd __PUNCT__

and we told folk __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ between now and saturdai __PUNCT__ we don't want you to just go and sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i vote for you __PUNCT__

we want you to go and sai __PUNCT__ i vote for you and i get folk out there to go with me to vote __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ if you go to vote for me __PUNCT__ don't let anyth keep you from it __PUNCT__

if you not go to vote for me __PUNCT__ don't even show up __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if you know somebodi that not go to vote for me __PUNCT__ let the air out of their tire saturdai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ a lot of these politician will sai __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ it doesn't matter who you vote for __PUNCT__ as long as you vote __PUNCT__

you never hear me sai that __PUNCT__ becaus it matter who you vote for __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i want to tell you someth __PUNCT__

for the past sever month __PUNCT__ it been our desir __PUNCT__ our commit __PUNCT__ and now it is our determin that we not just go to do well in south carolina __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the campbel __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ and i so grate for mike campbel and hi famili __PUNCT__ thei kind of the gold_standard of south_carolina polit __PUNCT__

and everi year sinc __NUM__ when thei pick ronald_reagan when he wa in fourth place and he wa the republican_candid that the establish didn't like and didn't want __PUNCT__ back even then __PUNCT__ the campbel famili said __PUNCT__ thi is who we go to support __PUNCT__

and thei pick a winner __PUNCT__

and everi presidenti_elect sinc that time __PUNCT__ the campbel famili ha bat __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thei haven't been wrong yet __PUNCT__

and i want to make someth absolut __PUNCT__ perfectli_clear __PUNCT__

we aren't about to let the campbel famili down in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thei go to still be pick a winner thi week __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ david beaslei been here with me __PUNCT__

he and i have been governor togeth __PUNCT__ close_friend __PUNCT__

our wive ar close friend __PUNCT__

and i can tell you that there nobodi more fire up for us in all of south_carolina than david beaslei __PUNCT__

and folk __PUNCT__ over the next few dai __PUNCT__ i sure you go to hear some thing __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ here all the stuff about mike_huckabe __PUNCT__

that fine __PUNCT__

just rememb __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ as my pastor us to tell me as a littl kid __PUNCT__ when you get kick in the behind __PUNCT__ it prove you still out front __PUNCT__

so we probabl take a littl kick out here __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ all that doe is prove we still out front __PUNCT__

and i want you to help us thi week __PUNCT__

let me tell you why it so import __PUNCT__

becaus we need to prove that elect a presid is not just about how much monei a candid ha __PUNCT__

it about whether he can lead thi countri and reflect the view and the valu of the peopl that realli ar the heart and the soul of america __PUNCT__