This speech titled 2008.02.05.remarks_following_the_super_tuesday_primaries_and_caucuses originally had 1525 tokens. You can view the original text here.
well __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ over the past few dai a lot of peopl have been try to sai that thi is a two __PUNCT__ man race __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__
and we in it __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ we ar make sure america understand that sometim on small smooth stone is even more effect than a whole lot of armor __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we also seen that __PUNCT__ the widow might __PUNCT__ ha more effect than all the gold in the world __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ janet and i and our famili and team want to begin by sai thank __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ to the wonder of peopl of arkansa __PUNCT__ where it all start and where tonight we have a wonder __PUNCT__ wonder victori here at home __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we love thi state __PUNCT__ alwai have and alwai will __PUNCT__
and tonight we remind again why __PUNCT__ becaus of the incred peopl who believ in us earli and stai with us through all of the time when so mani peopl said you can't get there __PUNCT__
and tonight we prove that we still on our feet __PUNCT__ and much to the amaz of mani __PUNCT__ we get there __PUNCT__ folk __PUNCT__
we get there __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we have been stand for small_busi busi_owner who know that govern ha for wai too long had it foot on their neck __PUNCT__ with tax that were too high __PUNCT__ regul that were too oner __PUNCT__
the threat of litig made it imposs for mani small_busi busi_owner to surviv __PUNCT__
and our parti onc stood to make sure that we help clear the wai so that the free_market market_system realli work __PUNCT__
and we go do it again becaus on of these dai when i get to be presid __PUNCT__ and it won't be veri long __PUNCT__ about a year from now __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i realli do look forward to nail the __PUNCT__ go out of busi __PUNCT__ sign on the front_door of the ir __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and when we have the fair_tax __PUNCT__ a lot of small_busi busi_owner and individu will final have a fair shot of get a part of the american_dream __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we here tonight and win state across the south becaus we stood for the idea that mother and father rais better kid than govern do __PUNCT__
and govern ought to undergird a famili __PUNCT__ not undermin a basic famili right to rais their own kid __PUNCT__
and that on of the reason we here tonight __PUNCT__
we here tonight becaus peopl want to know that the presid is go to secur our border and make it so it not more difficult to get on an airplan in your hometown than it is to cross the intern border __PUNCT__ and that we go to fix an issu that the feder_govern ha allow to go unchalleng for a long __PUNCT__ long_time __PUNCT__
we here tonight becaus a lot of peopl in the south and across america know that the second amend is to be respect as much as the first amend __PUNCT__
and thei know that there onli on candid who ha a consist record of make sure we do that __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and on of the reason that we here tonight is becaus there no candid who ha been more consist and clear about the fact that we should honor the word of our forefath who said all of us ar creat_equal __PUNCT__
and that mean that everi singl_person ha intrins worth and valu __PUNCT__
and we should uphold the sanctiti of human_life becaus it is a cornerston of our cultur of life __PUNCT__
and ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ tonight i believ that on of the thing you sai across the nation is that peopl ar sai the conserv do have a choic becaus the conserv have a voic __PUNCT__
and tonight __PUNCT__ thei get a chanc to express that __PUNCT__
and from here __PUNCT__ thei get to continu express that choic and that voic __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ it tough for thi old razorback to sai thing like roll __PUNCT__ tide roll __PUNCT__ but i do it tonight __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and it tough for thi old razorback to look over there to the state just to the east of us and anticip be abl to sai that we two __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ volunt __PUNCT__
i think befor the night is over __PUNCT__ i even be sing __PUNCT__ rocki top __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thi old razorback mai even catch some bulldog fever befor the night is over __PUNCT__
and we go to forget all about the cotton bowl and even be grate for our friend to the north befor tonight night is over __PUNCT__ i fulli believ __PUNCT__
but tonight is far more import than contest between the rivalri of some of our state in athlet __PUNCT__ start todai with the wonder peopl of west_virginia who gave us a surpris __PUNCT__ stun __PUNCT__ and wonder victori __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ todai ha been a dai when the peopl have spoken __PUNCT__
and todai peopl across thi countri ar sai that __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we heard what the pundit said __PUNCT__
but thi is our vote __PUNCT__ not their __PUNCT__
thi is our elect __PUNCT__ not their __PUNCT__
thi is our presid __PUNCT__ not their __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and for all those peopl who have made sacrific to help us be here __PUNCT__ i want to sai thank you __PUNCT__
and i also want you to know that as long as there still vote and deleg to be won until that magic number of __NUM__ there go be on gui answer the bell everi time there a new round __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ sometim __PUNCT__ sometim elect have a wai of tear us apart even within our own parti __PUNCT__
but the ultim purpos __PUNCT__ that we all in thi __PUNCT__ is not to see our parti divid __PUNCT__ and it most certainli is not to see our countri divid __PUNCT__
we got in thi becaus we want to see our parti pull togeth again __PUNCT__ but even more than our parti __PUNCT__ as import as thi is __PUNCT__ it far more import that we bring thi nation back togeth where we onc again __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
where we realiz that our greatest strength is not in the govern we elect __PUNCT__ but it in the ordinari_peopl who do the choos __PUNCT__
it still is a land of the peopl __PUNCT__
and we go to continu to prove that __PUNCT__ even with limit_resourc but lot of heart __PUNCT__ the presid can belong to the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__
when i start out as a littl kid __PUNCT__ believ me __PUNCT__ i never thought i even see a presid within eyesight of me physic __PUNCT__
and i often told the stori __PUNCT__ i __NUM___year old __PUNCT__ and my dad said __PUNCT__ son __PUNCT__ i go to take you down to hear a speech by the governor __PUNCT__
he come down to our part of the state __PUNCT__
and governor didn't get here veri often __PUNCT__
and boi thei didn't __PUNCT__
and he said __PUNCT__ i want you to go down and hear the speech becaus he dedic a lake __PUNCT__
and you need to hear that becaus __PUNCT__ son __PUNCT__ you mai live your whole life and you mai never actual get to see a governor in person __PUNCT__
littl did he know that that boi would becom the __NUM__ governor of the state of arkansa and serv thi wonder state for __NUM__ and a half_year __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i pretti sure that he could have never ever even dream that on dai i be stand here tonight and i be sai __PUNCT__ folk __PUNCT__ in a few more month __PUNCT__ you help me becom the __NUM___presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
audienc __PUNCT__ we love mike __PUNCT__ we love mike __PUNCT__ we love mike __PUNCT__ we love mike __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__
huckabe __PUNCT__ and we love you gui __PUNCT__
i want __PUNCT__ i want to sai a word of thank to my famili __PUNCT__ but especi all these folk who ar with us tonight __PUNCT__ join our famili to sai thank __PUNCT__
but there nobodi who ha had to put up with more __PUNCT__ no on who ha paid a higher_price to go through all of thi for the past___NUM__ __NUM___month than my partner of almost __NUM___year __PUNCT__ my wife __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ your next first ladi of america __PUNCT__
and i want her to join me in sai thank you __PUNCT__
janet huckabe __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__