Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2008.02.09.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference originally had 5657 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 114 cue terms and an average lag of 45.9. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 saturdai_morn 30
0.339 0.172 0.489
0 0 0
2 chapter___NUM__ 97
0.143 0.0708 0.335
0.15 0.0931 0.207
3 month_ago 127
0.115 0.00896 0.684
0.0458 0.00796 0.138
4 radio_station 268
0.486 0.0167 0.422
0.0255 0.000398 0.0492
5 __NUM___street 149
0.655 0.0183 0.0442
0.262 0.00159 0.0183
6 singl_dai 37
0.133 0.0111 0.046
0.767 0.0105 0.032
7 high_school 57
0.128 0.00378 0.198
0.618 0.00338 0.0488
8 earli_childhood 52
0.221 0.00338 0.0591
0.614 0.000796 0.102
9 abject_poverti 18
0.0452 0.00219 0.0746
0.726 0.00338 0.149
10 deep_south 8
0.0386 0 0.0277
0.736 0.000796 0.197
11 great_depress 5
0.0117 0.00199 0.0501
0.711 0.000995 0.224
12 world_war 2
0.00617 0.00577 0.0137
0.698 0.00338 0.273
13 greatest_gener 11
0.0253 0.00697 0.265
0.49 0.00637 0.206
14 individu_freedom 88
0.261 0.00458 0.229
0.333 0.00119 0.171
15 person_respons 69
0.135 0.00438 0.278
0.359 0.000597 0.223
16 democrat_nation 89
0.167 0.00299 0.34
0.245 0.000199 0.245
17 nation_convent 0
0.00119 0 0.00617
0.408 0.00299 0.582
18 moral_absolut 100
0.0619 0.0277 0.426
0.144 0.000796 0.339
19 polit_correct 106
0.0868 0.0151 0.312
0.103 0.00597 0.477
20 great_nation 32
0.00677 0.0181 0.185
0.0756 0.0155 0.699
21 __NUM___countri 59
0.342 0.00716 0.205
0.0565 0.00657 0.383
22 ordinari_peopl 51
0.307 0.0145 0.162
0.302 0.00378 0.21
23 central_america 38
0.129 0.00299 0.145
0.49 0.00318 0.229
24 unit_state 52
0.187 0.000398 0.201
0.46 0.000199 0.151
25 make_choic 152
0.352 0.0663 0.254
0.277 0 0.0509
26 earli_1900 248
0.223 0.0597 0.332
0.35 0.00736 0.0289
27 moral_clariti 97
0.2 0.0245 0.184
0.466 0.0209 0.105
28 individu_freedom 37
0.235 0.00199 0.201
0.395 0.00478 0.162
29 innoc_peopl 111
0.451 0.000796 0.128
0.379 0.000398 0.0404
30 unit_state 76
0.187 0.000796 0.283
0.459 0 0.0702
31 sea_treati 57
0.0937 0.0141 0.153
0.529 0.000597 0.21
32 unit_state 37
0.104 0 0.152
0.539 0.000597 0.204
33 intern_law 17
0.0563 0.00398 0.0852
0.57 0.000398 0.284
34 clinton_administr 57
0.155 0.034 0.193
0.437 0.00239 0.179
35 militari_spend 22
0.0679 0.106 0.082
0.478 0.0352 0.231
36 elect_cycl 23
0.0697 0.0496 0.0969
0.433 0.13 0.221
37 reagan_year 25
0.171 0.0135 0.0527
0.449 0.122 0.192
38 lower_tax 200
0.0382 0.0786 0.765
0.0326 0.0211 0.0641
39 control_spend 5
0.00338 0.00358 0.00597
0.0681 0.0985 0.82
40 polit_debat 27
0.0505 0.048 0.168
0.0565 0.088 0.589
41 polit_argument 16
0.0181 0.146 0.138
0.0685 0.133 0.496
42 market_system 81
0.0127 0.0179 0.692
0.00299 0.0519 0.223
43 tax_system 10
0.000597 0.036 0.0527
0.00159 0.0669 0.842
44 __NUM___member 16
0.00537 0.00856 0.0635
0.000995 0.101 0.82
45 tax_code 20
0.000398 0.00338 0.0814
0.000398 0.103 0.811
46 strong_support 12
0.00259 0.00139 0.0798
0.000199 0.104 0.812
47 fair_tax 3
0 0.000796 0.0163
0 0.105 0.878
48 tax_code 17
0.00139 0.00259 0.0633
0 0.104 0.829
49 higher_tax 161
0.00955 0.03 0.847
0 0.0342 0.0796
50 tax_break 17
0.00279 0.00637 0.00876
0.00736 0.0625 0.912
51 stock_market 27
0.00318 0.00557 0.0235
0.00557 0.0621 0.9
52 capit_gain 10
0.000597 0.00199 0.00975
0.00597 0.0641 0.918
53 make_sens 72
0.0575 0.0788 0.631
0.000995 0.0492 0.183
54 tax_code 31
0.00458 0.0217 0.296
0.00577 0.0967 0.576
55 american_busi 3
0.00537 0.00279 0.0181
0.0121 0.108 0.853
56 __MONEY___billion 6
0.0103 0.00119 0.0408
0.0191 0.081 0.848
57 small_busi 13
0.000398 0.000597 0.104
0.00358 0.0227 0.868
58 republican_parti 6
0 0 0.319
0 0 0.681
59 small_busi 8
0 0 0.0233
0 0 0.977
60 busi_owner 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
61 big_busi 31
0.00358 0 0.0227
0 0 0.974
62 small_busi 4
0.000199 0 0.00279
0.00338 0 0.994
63 big_busi 2
0 0 0.000995
0.00358 0 0.995
64 small_busi 6
0 0 0.00716
0.000597 0 0.992
65 busi_owner 7
0.000199 0 0.00378
0.000398 0 0.996
66 front_door 71
0.0133 0.00438 0.306
0 0 0.676
67 feder_govern 44
0.132 0.0211 0.088
0.00995 0.00338 0.746
68 govern_make 0
0.00179 0.000199 0.00597
0.138 0.0213 0.833
69 __NUM___hour 11
0.0135 0.000796 0.0864
0.118 0.00498 0.776
70 feder_budget 12
0.00697 0.00119 0.0581
0.105 0.00159 0.827
71 tax_monei 27
0.00219 0.00378 0.179
0.0183 0.000199 0.796
72 market_system 26
0.00935 0.00577 0.135
0.00896 0.00199 0.839
73 conserv_movement 87
0.438 0.0854 0.295
0.00716 0.00358 0.171
74 human_life 54
0.265 0.00657 0.194
0.344 0.0127 0.178
75 unit_state 4
0.033 0.000398 0.0153
0.599 0.0181 0.334
76 state_constitut 0
0.00318 0.00657 0.00458
0.618 0.0231 0.345
77 found_father 16
0.287 0.00637 0.0121
0.582 0.0281 0.0846
78 __NUM___men 7
0.0237 0 0.00736
0.853 0.0336 0.0822
79 creat_equal 25
0.0864 0.00478 0.0137
0.807 0.0328 0.0555
80 net_worth 58
0.157 0.0697 0.0416
0.68 0.0334 0.0181
81 human_life 163
0.291 0.00498 0.431
0.253 0.0125 0.00716
82 boi_scout 61
0.041 0.00199 0.504
0.174 0.00816 0.271
83 north_carolina 7
0.0201 0.000398 0.0476
0.203 0.00896 0.72
84 sovereign_nation 103
0.00756 0.0308 0.569
0.00816 0.000597 0.384
85 free_nation 3
0.000796 0.00318 0.00915
0.0147 0.0314 0.941
86 nation_govern 14
0.00995 0.0113 0.0621
0.0125 0.0318 0.872
87 great_nation 19
0.00617 0.00736 0.207
0.0101 0.0283 0.741
88 front_door 42
0.0197 0.0111 0.331
0.00537 0.0173 0.616
89 true_conserv 189
0.0458 0.0149 0.849
0.000398 0.00119 0.0892
90 state_capitol 75
0.133 0.000398 0.272
0.0259 0.00179 0.566
91 __NUM___dai 10
0.00896 0.000199 0.0197
0.152 0.00119 0.818
92 state_capitol 76
0.0356 0.000995 0.1
0.123 0.00119 0.739
93 tax_cut 10
0.0159 0 0.0496
0.142 0 0.792
94 __NUM___year 2
0.00179 0 0.000597
0.156 0 0.841
95 __NUM___time 15
0.00856 0 0.00975
0.146 0 0.835
96 tax_cut 4
0.00279 0 0.00318
0.151 0 0.843
97 reform_welfar 31
0.0207 0.0139 0.146
0.0758 0.000199 0.744
98 largest_number 54
0.00498 0.00537 0.665
0.00498 0.00219 0.317
99 __NUM___percent_increas 6
0.000796 0 0.129
0.00299 0.00119 0.866
100 capita_incom 4
0.000597 0 0.0213
0.00318 0.000398 0.975
101 capit_gain 4
0 0 0.0283
0 0 0.972
102 gain_tax 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
103 child_care 13
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
104 tax_credit 1
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
105 incom_tax 6
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
106 properti_tax 7
0.000796 0.000199 0.00577
0 0 0.993
107 rais_tax 54
0.00139 0.00119 0.0217
0 0 0.976
108 eighteen_month 75
0.25 0.302 0.263
0.00119 0.00119 0.183
109 half_year 43
0.462 0.00139 0.21
0.223 0.0189 0.085
110 parti_polit 12
0.0535 0.00418 0.0406
0.64 0.0153 0.246
111 polit_machin 0
0.00139 0.000796 0.0197
0.667 0.0177 0.294
112 __NUM___state 147
0.162 0.00239 0.622
0.118 0.000597 0.0953
113 mike_huckabe 183
0.00279 0.000199 0.877
0.000199 0 0.12
114 god_bless 104
0.00856 0 0.433
0 0 0.558