Jon Huntsman

This speech titled 2011.10.10.address_at_southern_new_hampshire_university_in_manchester originally had 3523 tokens. You can view the original text here.

a presid approach to foreign_affair __PUNCT__ how he or she view the world __PUNCT__ and view america role on the world_stage __PUNCT__ is perhap the most critic function of that sacr offic __PUNCT__

thi ha been true throughout our nation_histori __PUNCT__ whether it wa truman in the dawn of the atom ag __PUNCT__ kennedi and the cuban missil crisi __PUNCT__ reagan and the soviet_union __PUNCT__

but it ha never been more critic than todai __PUNCT__

we ar a nation mire in multipl militari engag oversea __PUNCT__ and in the grip of an econom_crisi at home __PUNCT__

these ar tumultu time not just for our nation __PUNCT__ but all nation __PUNCT__

instabl in the middl_east __PUNCT__ debt crise across europ __PUNCT__ the loom threat of nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__

the world need american leadership now more than ever __PUNCT__

yet we ar struggl to provid it __PUNCT__

presid_obama obama_polici have weaken america __PUNCT__ and thu diminish america presenc on the global stage __PUNCT__

we must correct our cours __PUNCT__

i live oversea four time __PUNCT__

i seen the world as a diplomat __PUNCT__ as a businessman __PUNCT__ as a humanitarian __PUNCT__

i live in and seen what our most signific competitor nation ar do to prepar for the rest of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and i have a veri clear vision of what america must do as well __PUNCT__

i believ the unit_state ha a gener opportun to redefin it place in the world __PUNCT__ and reclaim the mantl of global leadership __PUNCT__

my administr approach to foreign_affair will be guid by that which defin american_exception __PUNCT__ and that is our valu __PUNCT__ liberti __PUNCT__ democraci __PUNCT__ human right __PUNCT__ free_market __PUNCT__

america valu __PUNCT__ ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ ar america best gift to human __PUNCT__

to those nation who share our valu __PUNCT__ and who we call friend and alli __PUNCT__ we will restor trust and strengthen our bond __PUNCT__ both econom and militarili __PUNCT__

to those nation who continu to resist the unstopp march of human __PUNCT__ polit and econom_freedom __PUNCT__ we will make_clear that thei ar on the wrong_side of histori __PUNCT__ by ensur that america light shine bright in everi corner of the globe __PUNCT__ repres a beacon of hope and inspir __PUNCT__

we will establish a foreign_polici doctrin that reflect our modern_world __PUNCT__

simpli advoc more ship __PUNCT__ more troop __PUNCT__ and more weapon is not a viabl path forward __PUNCT__

we need more agil __PUNCT__ more intellig __PUNCT__ and more econom engag with the world __PUNCT__

how will we do thi __PUNCT__ in short __PUNCT__ eras the old map __PUNCT__

end nation __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__ engag our alli __PUNCT__ and fix our core __PUNCT__

thi is how we will fight the enemi we have __PUNCT__ and renew american_exception __PUNCT__

todai i like to discuss the five plank which will compris my administr foreign_polici __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ first and foremost __PUNCT__ we must rebuild america core at thi critic junctur in histori __PUNCT__ our nation greatest_challeng doe not eman from outsid our border __PUNCT__ but from within __PUNCT__

nearli __NUM___million of our fellow_american ar unemploi __PUNCT__ deni the digniti of a job __PUNCT__

million more ar so dispirit thei given up look __PUNCT__

our nation_debt continu to streak toward unsustain level __PUNCT__

right here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ in hillsborough counti __PUNCT__ sheriff jame hardi __PUNCT__ who ha serv for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ told me that for the first time ever __PUNCT__ hi folk ar hand out foreclosur notic to the middl_class __PUNCT__

all thi is after trillion of dollar in govern_spend and massiv bailout __PUNCT__

our nation core is weak __PUNCT__

our peopl ar hurt __PUNCT__

and america cannot project power abroad when we ar weak at home __PUNCT__

it increasingli evid that we lost leverag in the intern_commun __PUNCT__

in just the last few week __PUNCT__ we saw the palestinian make an end __PUNCT__ run around the american __PUNCT__ led peac_process __PUNCT__ becaus thei lost confid in it __PUNCT__ and in our abil to lead __PUNCT__

the world is a better place when america lead __PUNCT__

the world is a safer place when america lead __PUNCT__

and our interest ar best serv when america lead __PUNCT__

but to lead abroad __PUNCT__ we must regain strength at home __PUNCT__

return peopl to work __PUNCT__ reduc our debt __PUNCT__ restor confid in our __URL__ america first __PUNCT__ that will be my most urgent prioriti __PUNCT__

it will requir more than half __PUNCT__ measur __PUNCT__

it will requir seriou __PUNCT__ bold reform to our tax and regulatori system __PUNCT__ reform that i have offer as part of a plan that on economist_call the most pro __PUNCT__ growth propos ever offer by a presidenti_candid __PUNCT__

i will drop that plan on the front step of congress on dai on __PUNCT__ and will not stop fight until we get the job done __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we need a foreign_polici of expans __PUNCT__ not contain strengthen our core mean dramat overhaul of our tax and regulatori code __PUNCT__

it also mean empow american entrepreneur to compet in the global marketplac __PUNCT__ and sell their product to custom around the world __PUNCT__

america onc had a foreign polici base on contain __PUNCT__ the contain of commun __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we need a foreign polici base on expans __PUNCT__ the expans of america competit and engag in the world through partnership and trade_agreement __PUNCT__

free_trade support nearli __NUM___million_american american_job __PUNCT__ and establish new line of trade with intern partner repres an enorm well of untap econom and polit goodwil __PUNCT__

__NUM__ percent of the world custom live outsid our border __PUNCT__ yet the unit_state is parti to onli __NUM__ of the more than __NUM__ trade_agreement worldwid __PUNCT__

we will particularli seek greater trade opportun with nation that share our valu __PUNCT__ that believ in good_govern __PUNCT__ open_market and rule of law __PUNCT__ as well as nation will to engag in reform_effort toward those end __PUNCT__

it start with pass the three pend trade_deal with south_korea __PUNCT__ colombia and panama __PUNCT__ which presid_obama ha resist for three year __PUNCT__ and which could boost american export by more than __MONEY___billion and creat ten of thousand of american_job __PUNCT__

we should aggress push for the conclus of the tran __PUNCT__ pacif partnership __PUNCT__ which will open_market in australia __PUNCT__ brunei __PUNCT__ chile __PUNCT__ malaysia __PUNCT__ new zealand __PUNCT__ peru __PUNCT__ singapor and vietnam __PUNCT__

we should pursu trade_agreement with japan and taiwan __PUNCT__

we need to pursu free_trade_agreement as aggress as china __PUNCT__

china is in the game __PUNCT__

we ar not __PUNCT__

america must also support the doha develop round of wto negoti __PUNCT__ aim at promot trade between develop and develop_nation __PUNCT__

thi is an opportun for the unstopp tide of econom advanc to lift all ship __PUNCT__ and it fall to america to lead thi effort __PUNCT__

energi_independ is anoth critic piec of not onli our foreign_polici __PUNCT__ but our econom_polici __PUNCT__

everi year america send more than __MONEY___billion oversea for import oil __PUNCT__ much of it to the middl_east __PUNCT__

i offer a comprehens plan to free ourselv from opec grasp by reli more on domest suppli of oil and ga __PUNCT__ to the benefit of our nation and econom_secur __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we must right __PUNCT__ size our current foreign entangl simpli_put __PUNCT__ we ar risk american blood and treasur in part of the world where our strategi need to be rethought __PUNCT__

afghanistan wa onc the center of the terrorist_threat to america __PUNCT__

that is no longer the case __PUNCT__

the soviet were there for nine year befor thei left with over __NUM__ dead __PUNCT__

thei tri to crush the afghan with pure power __PUNCT__ aerial bomb and strafe and helicopt gunship and tank __PUNCT__

we have been there ten_year and ar take a differ approach __PUNCT__

we ar nation_build __PUNCT__

our presenc there should not focu on nation build __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ but rather on counterterror __PUNCT__

we cannot social_engin other countri __PUNCT__

we can't even social engin our own inner citi __PUNCT__

it is cultur arrog to think we can make tribal leader into democrat_leader __PUNCT__

it is wish think to believ that our troop __PUNCT__ by stai for a coupl more year __PUNCT__ will prevent further instabl or even civil_war __PUNCT__

our men and women in uniform have done their all __PUNCT__ given their all __PUNCT__ in afghanistan and iraq __PUNCT__

thei rout the taliban and crippl al __PUNCT__ qaeda and other terrorist network __PUNCT__

thei have taken the fight abroad so we didn't have to face it here at home __PUNCT__

our nation ha done it duti __PUNCT__

after __NUM___live lost and more than __MONEY___trillion spent __PUNCT__ it is time to bring our brave troop_home __PUNCT__

and as thei return __PUNCT__ we will take care of them __PUNCT__ and help our veteran transit from the battlefront to the homefront __PUNCT__

we could go from __NUM__ boot on the ground to a much smaller footprint in a year __PUNCT__ while leav behind an adequ number of counterterrorist and intellig function and a facil special_forc presenc __PUNCT__

and i believ we should __PUNCT__

as for the argument that our exit will destabil pakistan __PUNCT__

the truth is __PUNCT__ onli pakistan can save pakistan __PUNCT__

onli afghanistan can save afghanistan __PUNCT__

and right now we should focu on america save_america __PUNCT__

our futur is not in the hindu kush mountain of afghanistan __PUNCT__

it is in school and univers just like thi on __PUNCT__ which educ our leader and entrepreneur of tomorrow __PUNCT__

it is in silicon_vallei __PUNCT__

it is in the industri corridor of the midwest __PUNCT__

it is in our farm and factori __PUNCT__ and our port that ship our product to the world __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__

pakistan __PUNCT__ which possess a demonstr nuclear_weapon capabl and a fractur militari that sponsor terror __PUNCT__ doe demand u. __PUNCT__ attent __PUNCT__

yet we must acknowledg certain realiti as we consid the wisest wai forward __PUNCT__

thi is not a relationship base on share valu __PUNCT__

it is transact at best __PUNCT__

mani american ar rightli suspici of islamabad in the wake of the bin_laden oper __PUNCT__

likewis __PUNCT__ despit billion of dollar in aid __PUNCT__ the unit_state is held in veri low regard throughout the countri __PUNCT__

we cannot dictat fundament chang upon an ag __PUNCT__ old civil from afar __PUNCT__

but make no mistak __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will protect_american american_secur interest in pakistan without be naiv about islamabad incent and long __PUNCT__ term_interest __PUNCT__

there is anoth advantag to a more judici approach toward foreign entangl __PUNCT__

it help prevent our militari from be stretch too thin __PUNCT__ and unabl to effect respond to a direct secur threat __PUNCT__ either to america __PUNCT__ or on of our alli __PUNCT__

thi includ stand shoulder to shoulder with israel as thei manag a host of new challeng brought on by the arab_spring __PUNCT__ along with more familiar challeng __PUNCT__ such as a hostil iran __PUNCT__ which will continu to be a transcend challeng of the next decad __PUNCT__

i cannot live with a nuclear __PUNCT__ arm iran __PUNCT__

if you want an exampl of when i would consid the us of american_forc __PUNCT__ it would be that __PUNCT__

a reexamin of america role in the world also requir a reexamin of our militari and defens infrastructur __PUNCT__

it mai surpris some peopl to learn that we spend more on defens todai than at the height of the cold_war __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ we spend more on defens than the rest of the world combin __PUNCT__

we still have remnant of a top __PUNCT__ heavi __PUNCT__ post __PUNCT__ cold war infrastructur __PUNCT__

it need to be transform to reflect the __NUM___centuri world __PUNCT__ and the grow asymmetr threat we face __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ counterterror need to be a much larger part of our foreign_polici __PUNCT__

we must be prepar to respond to threat __PUNCT__ from al_qaeda and other terrorist cell __PUNCT__ that eman from a much more divers geographi __PUNCT__ includ yemen __PUNCT__ the horn of africa __PUNCT__ pakistan and the asia __PUNCT__ pacif __PUNCT__

we must also adapt our defens to evolv mean of attack __PUNCT__

thi mean a greater focu on intellig gather and more agil special_forc unit __PUNCT__ which can respond swiftli and firmli to terrorist_threat in ani corner of the globe __PUNCT__

the tradit role and mission of our arm_forc will remain relev for the forese_futur __PUNCT__ but the rel import of counter __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ intellig gather train and equip foreign secur_forc __PUNCT__ and special_forc oper will continu to grow go forward __PUNCT__

we must also transform our orient __PUNCT__

i have come to believ that we ar embark on a pacif centuri __PUNCT__ in which america must and will plai a domin role __PUNCT__

by almost ani object measur __PUNCT__ popul __PUNCT__ econom_power __PUNCT__ militari might __PUNCT__ energi us __PUNCT__ the center of graviti of global human_activ is move toward the asia __PUNCT__ pacif region __PUNCT__

embrac thi realiti mai bring a dramat chang to the look of our militari __PUNCT__

the asia pacif is a maritim theater wherea europ wa mostli a land theater __PUNCT__

for the u. __PUNCT__ the asia __PUNCT__ pacif featur a collect of bilater militari allianc in contrast to the presenc of nato in europ __PUNCT__

and the asia __PUNCT__ pacif is full of disput island and resourc claim when compar to the rel calm of other region __PUNCT__

we ar a pacif nation __PUNCT__ and our vital_interest in that region cannot be compromis __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we must strengthen our relationship with major power our tradit allianc relationship with europ remain vital to american_secur __PUNCT__ and we should also work_close with our friend in nato and the european_union to bring russia __PUNCT__ a sometim difficult actor __PUNCT__ closer to the west __PUNCT__

but i believ that the reemerg of two ancient land __PUNCT__ china and india __PUNCT__ will most influenc how america navig the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__

there is no other relationship that __PUNCT__ if mismanag __PUNCT__ carri greater neg consequ for america and the world __PUNCT__

altern __PUNCT__ wise stewardship of the u.s. __PUNCT__ china relationship will make_america and our alli safer and more prosper __PUNCT__

the stake ar enorm __PUNCT__ as ar the challeng and opportun __PUNCT__

natur __PUNCT__ we will disagre often __PUNCT__ whether over taiwan secur need __PUNCT__ human right __PUNCT__ or the protect of intellectu_properti right __PUNCT__

while avoid a trade war __PUNCT__ we must also press china to open it market to our export and increas intern demand __PUNCT__ so china growth is not at the expens of our worker __PUNCT__

yet a fundament_question is __PUNCT__ will we also find area of cooper __PUNCT__ our relationship with china ha been a transact on for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

we bui their product __PUNCT__

thei bui our bond __PUNCT__

but for a truli healthi relationship __PUNCT__ we need to infus the relationship with share valu __PUNCT__

until that time __PUNCT__ we should begin to build a broader and more cooper agenda __PUNCT__

the unit_state and china can and should todai start collabor on clean_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__ combat global pandem __PUNCT__ and counter piraci on the high_sea __PUNCT__

we must also strengthen our relationship with india __PUNCT__ a countri that share our valu __PUNCT__ religi_toler __PUNCT__ respect for human right __PUNCT__ and a commit to democraci __PUNCT__

we must begin with negoti to reach an eventu trade_agreement __PUNCT__ creat hundr of million of addit consum for american product __PUNCT__

but our relationship with india need to go beyond econom __PUNCT__

the arc of countri that lie along the indian_ocean border some of the most import energi and trade lane in the world __PUNCT__

those lane ar critic for the free flow of commerc __PUNCT__ and remain vulner to threat small and larg __PUNCT__

to that end __PUNCT__ i welcom the indian navi transform into a blue water navi __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will increas our militari and diplomat cooper with india __PUNCT__ with the expect that thei share respons in maintain peac and secur in thi vital region __PUNCT__

and recogn india emerg role __PUNCT__ i will also support our alli bid to becom a perman member of the u.n __PUNCT__ secur_council __PUNCT__ as is fit a countri repres on __PUNCT__ sixth of human __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ we must take care of our own neighborhood for too long the unit_state ha neglect it commit to the countri in our backyard __PUNCT__ the western_hemispher __PUNCT__

the result is lost opportun __PUNCT__ strain relat and escal secur challeng __PUNCT__

latin_america is not onli a neighbor with whom we share a rich histori __PUNCT__ it is also a major_sourc of untap econom_opportun __PUNCT__

the u. __PUNCT__ export three time as much to latin_america as we do to china __PUNCT__

but mani nation in our hemispher ar experienc a terrifi surg in violenc that threaten to disrupt thi progress __PUNCT__

the wave of bloodsh that ha swept over mexico __PUNCT__ the result of corrupt and collus with drug_cartel __PUNCT__ ha left __NUM___peopl dead __PUNCT__ creat casualti even insid america_border __PUNCT__

mexico stand readi to work with the u. __PUNCT__ in combat the drug_war __PUNCT__ and we should commit to continu cooper __PUNCT__ includ enhanc militari __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ militari engag __PUNCT__

in guatemala __PUNCT__ escal violenc is result in an averag of __NUM__ murder per week __PUNCT__ threaten an alreadi overload justic_system __PUNCT__

these problem __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ ar not contain within guatemala border __PUNCT__

the countri ha emerg as a funnel for region narco __PUNCT__ crimin_activ __PUNCT__ threaten our neighbor and ourselv __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will not accept the statu_quo __PUNCT__

i will support our neighbor to quickli and sternli elimin these narco __PUNCT__ terrorist __PUNCT__

colombia offer a fine exampl of the benefit of american engag and invest in our hemispher __PUNCT__

after year of drug violenc __PUNCT__ colombia __PUNCT__ initi under the courag leadership of presid urib __PUNCT__ push_back the farc and weaken the drug_cartel __PUNCT__ while profession it militari and polic_forc __PUNCT__

colombia now aspir to be a region leader in latin_america __PUNCT__ and thei ar well on their wai __PUNCT__

there is also tremend potenti within brazil __PUNCT__ the world __NUM__ largest countri and __NUM__ largest_economi __PUNCT__

brazil is rich with opportun in the energi and technolog industri __PUNCT__ which we should recogn with the initi of bilater trade negoti __PUNCT__

by forg partnership and allianc __PUNCT__ we can help develop polit and econom stabil throughout the region __PUNCT__ thu creat an environ in which all the peopl of latin_america can rise __PUNCT__

we must not forget that peac and prosper throughout our neighborhood __PUNCT__ promot peac and prosper at home __PUNCT__

i like to close by share a thought from my time in china __PUNCT__

emotion __PUNCT__ on of the most power thing i did as ambassador __PUNCT__ or could do __PUNCT__ wa meet with dissid __PUNCT__

i would do thi frequent __PUNCT__

sometim i would go to them __PUNCT__

sometim thei would come to the embassi __PUNCT__

we did thi quietli __PUNCT__

it wa a real peril for them __PUNCT__ and it also close some offici door to me __PUNCT__

but what wa alwai clear to me wa that those seek reform and chang drew strength from our nation valu __PUNCT__ the open __PUNCT__ the freedom of speech __PUNCT__ assembl __PUNCT__ religion and press __PUNCT__

half a world awai thei could see thi countri light __PUNCT__

dissid around the world can see it __PUNCT__

all the troop in the world cannot give you that light __PUNCT__

you either have it or you don't __PUNCT__

that is america valu in the world_todai __PUNCT__

when we shine our light abroad magnifi by a strong core at home __PUNCT__ we ar invinc __PUNCT__

ronald_reagan said that america wa __PUNCT__ an empir of ideal __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ if we maintain our empir of ideal __PUNCT__ not onli will we further the caus of liberti __PUNCT__ human right __PUNCT__ free_market and free_enterpris abroad __PUNCT__ we will strengthen it right here at home __PUNCT__

and that is a caus around which all of our citizen can and must be unit __PUNCT__

thank you for invit me __PUNCT__ and for your warm hospit __PUNCT__