This speech titled 2011.12.08.remarks_at_the_national_press_club_in_washington_dc originally had 1546 tokens. You can view the original text here.
the institut that fill our nation_capit were found with virtuou intent __PUNCT__ to protect our most fundament ideal __PUNCT__ democraci __PUNCT__ rule of law __PUNCT__ open_market __PUNCT__
todai though __PUNCT__ more than ever __PUNCT__ these onc vener institut ar view by mani american with disdain and distrust __PUNCT__ increasingli tarnish by scandal __PUNCT__ corrupt __PUNCT__ and wast __PUNCT__
our nation is hurt __PUNCT__
__NUM___million unemploi __PUNCT__
__MONEY___trillion in debt __PUNCT__
the miseri index at a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year high __PUNCT__
the highest poverti_rate sinc the war on poverti wa launch __PUNCT__
yet our challeng go beyond raw statist __PUNCT__
america suffer from a deficit of dollar and job __PUNCT__
we also suffer from a deficit of trust __PUNCT__ trust in our institut of power __PUNCT__ from washington to wall_street __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have lost trust __PUNCT__ first and foremost __PUNCT__ in the presid __PUNCT__
a presid who __PUNCT__ rather than focus like a laser on fix our econom core __PUNCT__ wast an entir year jam through a health_care_plan the american_peopl didn't ask for and can't afford __PUNCT__
a presid who brazenli ignor the bold and creativ propos put forth by hi own bipartisan deficit commiss __PUNCT__ simpson __PUNCT__ bowl __PUNCT__ whose failur to deal honestli with our debt caus the first __PUNCT__ ever downgrad in our nation credit_rate __PUNCT__
a presid who ha emploi the same croni polit he onc decri __PUNCT__ who ha us public dollar to pai off campaign contributor like solyndra __PUNCT__ and who ha been will __PUNCT__ through hi nation labor_relat board __PUNCT__ to sacrific american_job to appeas union alli __PUNCT__
the peopl have lost trust in congress __PUNCT__ and their abil to come togeth for the common_good __PUNCT__ dysfunct evidenc by the supercommitte recent failur __PUNCT__
thei lost trust in our tax_code __PUNCT__ riddl with carv __PUNCT__ out and pai __PUNCT__ out for special_interest __PUNCT__
thei lost trust in our war __PUNCT__ wonder why we ar risk blood and treasur nation __PUNCT__ build abroad __PUNCT__ instead of rebuild our own nation __PUNCT__
thei lost trust in wall_street and their regul __PUNCT__ whose fail led to a taxpay bailout that defi the core_principl of our capitalist_economi __PUNCT__ free_market __PUNCT__ competit __PUNCT__ account __PUNCT__ and failur __PUNCT__
abov all __PUNCT__ peopl have lost trust that their elect_leader in thi citi ar work for them __PUNCT__
rather than a limit __PUNCT__ effici govern that serv the public_interest __PUNCT__ washington ha grown bloat and bureaucrat __PUNCT__ captur and corrupt by swarm of lobbyist __PUNCT__ influenc __PUNCT__ peddler and croni capitalist __PUNCT__
peopl see the revolv_door between capitol_hill and k street __PUNCT__ where the overs and the overseen morph into each other __PUNCT__ where the best __PUNCT__ connect perpetu their govern prefer __PUNCT__ whether thei be bank_bailout or outdat weapon_system __PUNCT__ where former congressmen earn million of dollar lobbi and consult for entiti thei onc regul __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have been let down __PUNCT__ time and again __PUNCT__
thei have lost confid in how our nation is run __PUNCT__
as a result __PUNCT__ anxieti and worri have fill our nation_psych __PUNCT__
we ar a countri divid __PUNCT__ and suffer from self __PUNCT__ doubt __PUNCT__
yet we cannot let thi temporari anguish diminish who we ar as a nation __PUNCT__
america exception is built on our abil to rebound from advers __PUNCT__ and overcom ani challeng thrown our wai __PUNCT__
correct our cours __PUNCT__ and restor trust with the american_peopl __PUNCT__ will take more than rhetor and slogan __PUNCT__
it will take a bold vision __PUNCT__ and reform equal to the histor challeng we face __PUNCT__
that is what i am offer the american peopl __PUNCT__
i will begin with reform of our __NUM__ page tax_code __PUNCT__
i will elimin everi last loophol __PUNCT__ subsidi and carv __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__
i will us that revenu to lower_rate across the board __PUNCT__ for individu and busi __PUNCT__
i will creat a tax_code that is flatter and simpler __PUNCT__ on that open up econom_opportun for all our citizen __PUNCT__ make us more competit __PUNCT__ and end corpor_welfar and croni_capit __PUNCT__ onc and for all __PUNCT__
i will deal honestli with our mount debt by cut_spend in everi corner of govern __PUNCT__ leav no sacr cow untouch __PUNCT__
i will reform entitl_program __PUNCT__ base on the ryan_plan __PUNCT__ while hold_true to our nation_commit to those in or near retir __PUNCT__
i will ensur that no financi entiti is too __PUNCT__ big __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ fail __PUNCT__
i will do thi by break up the big_bank on wall_street __PUNCT__ so that never again __PUNCT__ never again __PUNCT__ ar taxpay held hostag by a sophi choic __PUNCT__ massiv bailout __PUNCT__ or econom calam __PUNCT__
i will fulfil a promis presid have made for six decad __PUNCT__ and adopt a comprehens energi strategi that free us from foreign_oil __PUNCT__ that elimin all energi subsidi __PUNCT__ and that level the plai_field for compet fuel and technolog __PUNCT__
all too often our regulatori framework becom anoth tool for special_interest seek to us the state to protect privileg and insul themselv from competit __PUNCT__
i will systemat streamlin regul in order to creat a free __PUNCT__ fair and competit marketplac __PUNCT__
i will bring our troop_home from afghanistan __PUNCT__ while leav behind an appropri __PUNCT__ size counterterrorist presenc __PUNCT__
and i will set our militari_strategi and budget base on long __PUNCT__ term threat and vulner __PUNCT__ not on spend pattern develop decad_ago and reinforc todai by armi of lobbyist __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ in order to ensur that govern respond to all it citizen with the same_level of urgenc and fair __PUNCT__ and to lessen the influenc of special_interest __PUNCT__ i will send to congress a __PUNCT__ citizen legislatur act __PUNCT__
i will propos a constitut_amend impos term_limit on member of congress __PUNCT__ six two __PUNCT__ year_term in the hous __PUNCT__ two six __PUNCT__ year term in the senat __PUNCT__
i will ban member of congress and cabinet offic from lobbi for four year follow their departur __PUNCT__
i will seek a lifetim ban on congress member and cabinet offic lobbi on ani issu where thei had signific respons __PUNCT__
and i will also requir them to publicli releas all incom for four year follow their servic __PUNCT__
we must save capit from croni capitalist __PUNCT__ and return to our founder vision of a limit_govern that protect free_market and provid a level plai_field of opportun __PUNCT__
turn thi vision into realiti will requir a consist __PUNCT__ principl leader who can unit the american_peopl around these common_goal __PUNCT__
someon who ha earn trust by deliv upon their promis __PUNCT__
i campaign for governor on a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ point_plan to fix the economi __PUNCT__
and i deliv __PUNCT__
i sign histor tax_reform __PUNCT__ includ a flat_tax __PUNCT__
i balanc_budget __PUNCT__ cut wast __PUNCT__ and tripl our state save_account __PUNCT__
as a result __PUNCT__ our economi grew at tripl the nation rate and led the nation in job_growth __PUNCT__
hope and chang ar easili promis __PUNCT__
but trust must be earn and built over time __PUNCT__
the presid came to offic with a mandat to restor trust in washington __PUNCT__ yet hi inexperi and failur to lead have left us wors off __PUNCT__
he promis to chang washington __PUNCT__ and then immedi succumb to the partisanship __PUNCT__ corpor handout __PUNCT__ bailout __PUNCT__ and spend that have made it so revil __PUNCT__
my oppon offer no better __PUNCT__
governor romnei will sai anyth to earn the voter trust __PUNCT__
we ar in thi mess becaus there ar alreadi enough peopl in washington who make a career out of tell peopl what thei want to hear __PUNCT__
newt_gingrich is a product of that same washington __PUNCT__ who particip in the excess of our broken and polar_polit polit_system __PUNCT__
you mai not agre with me on everi singl issu __PUNCT__
but you alwai know exactli where i stand __PUNCT__ and i will never waver from my conserv convict __PUNCT__
when i sai someth __PUNCT__ i mean it __PUNCT__
and when i promis to do someth __PUNCT__ i do it __PUNCT__
in an era of downsiz __PUNCT__ we won't downsiz our dream __PUNCT__ and aspir __PUNCT__
we won't run from our problem __PUNCT__
we will meet them head on __PUNCT__
but to do that america need leadership it peopl can have full faith in __PUNCT__
a leader who __PUNCT__ by exampl __PUNCT__ can restor account and make our institut worthi of our peopl __PUNCT__
a leader who know america place in the world __PUNCT__ and all that we inspir __PUNCT__
despit our problem __PUNCT__ despit the tough choic ahead __PUNCT__ we ar resili __PUNCT__ we ar determin __PUNCT__ we ar full of promis __PUNCT__
i see a nation that can and must onc again be __PUNCT__ indivis with liberti and justic for all __PUNCT__
i ask for the peopl trust __PUNCT__
togeth we will build that america __PUNCT__