This speech titled 2007.03.14.remarks_at_the_iaffs_presidential_forum_in_washington_dc originally had 2916 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
it an honor to be with you todai __PUNCT__ and i thank you for your invit __PUNCT__
your is an honor and gallant profess __PUNCT__ and i welcom the opportun to pai tribut to american who choos to rush into burn build that other flee __PUNCT__ and who __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ stand a post on the front_line of thi difficult struggl against terrorist who emploi ani mean __PUNCT__ no matter how cruel __PUNCT__ to bring their war against human progress to our citi __PUNCT__
i am in the compani of hero here __PUNCT__ and i am grate for the privileg __PUNCT__
i thought i should begin by offer a few thought about the issu that is of greatest concern to all of us __PUNCT__ the war in iraq __PUNCT__
as we all know __PUNCT__ the war ha not gone well __PUNCT__
american_soldier have fought well and sacrif brave there __PUNCT__ as thei alwai do __PUNCT__
but we fail earli on to recogn that we face both an indigen and foreign insurg in iraq __PUNCT__ to make the necessari chang in our tactic and forc level to combat it __PUNCT__ and to prevent a grow sectarian conflict that threaten to turn iraq into a wasteland of chao and almost unimagin bloodsh __PUNCT__ and potenti destabil the entir middl_east __PUNCT__
the situat ha been correctli describ as dire __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ as our new command gener in iraq __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ ha observ __PUNCT__ it is not hopeless __PUNCT__
the probabl consequ of our defeat there __PUNCT__ which could includ genocid and a wider middl_east war __PUNCT__ requir us to make everi effort to prevent that nightmar scenario from occur __PUNCT__
gener_petraeu wa order to baghdad to execut a new strategi that realist address the threat we face there __PUNCT__ and he ha been assur he will have the forc necessari to do so __PUNCT__
it is long_overdu __PUNCT__
the hour is late __PUNCT__
but we must try __PUNCT__
we must __PUNCT__
should we fail in iraq the damag to our interest __PUNCT__ and the repercuss we will confront __PUNCT__ would be so seriou that we could be drawn into a wider and more terribl war __PUNCT__
al_qaeda and other terrorist_organ would be strengthen and encourag to attack us everywher we ar vulner __PUNCT__ includ here at home __PUNCT__
whatev your view at the outset of the war on whether war in iraq wa part of the war against terror __PUNCT__ it is obviou that it ha becom so __PUNCT__
al_qaeda fighter ar there in strength __PUNCT__ and respons for some of the worst atroc commit against iraqi and american __PUNCT__
should thei gain_control over part of the countri thei veri well might gain control over some of the oil revenu produc there __PUNCT__ which would strengthen there abil to attack us elsewher __PUNCT__
sectarian divis in iraq between sunni __PUNCT__ shia and kurd might grow so extrem that other countri in the region would feel_compel to interven directli in the conflict to support on side or anoth __PUNCT__ and the war could spread __PUNCT__
these ar sober possibl __PUNCT__ and thei should caus us to consid the situat and our respons there soberli rather than us iraq as an opportun for partisan postur __PUNCT__
we do have some evid that the new tactic we ar emploi sinc gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ arriv have begun to make_progress __PUNCT__
i don't want to oversel thi __PUNCT__
we have __PUNCT__ in the past __PUNCT__ made the mistak of offer fals optim in the short_term __PUNCT__ and that ha contribut directli to the american_public despair that we can ever achiev success there that warrant our sacrific in blood and treasur __PUNCT__
but we should not overlook thi progress either __PUNCT__ as it offer some encourag that the long_overdu counter insurg strategi gener_petraeu ha conceiv and is execut might yet succe where our past strategi ha fail __PUNCT__
we have the right command in iraq now __PUNCT__
we ar establish base in contest neighborhood in baghdad __PUNCT__ includ sadr citi __PUNCT__ the stronghold of the shia militia __PUNCT__ which will allow us to clear and hold these place and make it possibl for econom reconstruct and polit reconcili to proce __PUNCT__
we ar gain the initi and the enemi is begin to react to us rather than the other wai around as ha been the case in the past __PUNCT__
the maliki govern and the iraqi parliament have agre to a plan to share oil revenu with all part of the countri __PUNCT__
mr __PUNCT__ maliki ha begun to purg the interior_ministri of divis element more interest in foment sectarian warfar than bring iraq under the rule of law __PUNCT__
we have a long wai to go __PUNCT__ and success is far from certain __PUNCT__
but i am guardedli __PUNCT__ and i stress guardedli __PUNCT__ encourag that gener petreau __PUNCT__ plan is achiev more progress sooner than expect __PUNCT__
as we all know __PUNCT__ the new strategi ha requir addit u. __PUNCT__ forc __PUNCT__
two more brigad ar alreadi there __PUNCT__ and three more ar on the wai __PUNCT__
to do thi we have had to extend the tour of brigad alreadi in iraq and bring other brigad back into iraq soon than expect __PUNCT__
when a nation goe to war __PUNCT__ a million tragedi ensu __PUNCT__
none ar more pain than the loss and injuri of our countri finest patriot __PUNCT__
it is terribl_thing __PUNCT__ war __PUNCT__ but not the worst_thing __PUNCT__
the men and women we have sent into harm wai understand that __PUNCT__
thei __PUNCT__ not us __PUNCT__ have endur the heartach and depriv of war so that the worst thing would not befal us __PUNCT__ so that america might be secur in her freedom __PUNCT__
the war in which thei fight ha divid congress and the american_peopl __PUNCT__
but it ha divid no american in their admir for them __PUNCT__
we all honor them __PUNCT__
we ar all __PUNCT__ those who support the decis that place them in harm wai and those who oppos it __PUNCT__ we ar all humbl by their exampl __PUNCT__ and chasten in our pride convict that we __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ in our own wai __PUNCT__ have offer our countri some good servic __PUNCT__
it mai be true or it mai not __PUNCT__ but no matter how measur our own contribut to thi bless and beauti countri __PUNCT__ thei ar a poor imit of their __PUNCT__
i know we all know how littl is ask of us compar to their servic __PUNCT__ and the solemn and terribl sacrific made by those who will never return to the countri thei love so well __PUNCT__
in the last few week some of those brave men and women have learn their tour in iraq will last longer than thei were initi told __PUNCT__
other have learn that thei will soon return to combat sooner than thei had been led to expect __PUNCT__
it is a sad and hard_thing to ask so much more of american who have alreadi given more than their fair_share to the defens of our countri __PUNCT__
few of them and their famili will have greet the new without feel greatli disappoint __PUNCT__ and without offer a few well deserv complaint in the direct of those of us who have impos on them thi addit hardship __PUNCT__
then thei will shoulder a rifl and risk everyth __PUNCT__ everyth __PUNCT__ to accomplish their mission __PUNCT__ to protect anoth peopl freedom and our own countri from harm __PUNCT__
it is a privileg beyond measur to live in a countri serv by such courag and selfless patriot __PUNCT__
mai god_bless and protect them __PUNCT__
and mai we __PUNCT__ their elect_repres __PUNCT__ whether we believ their mission can succe or is certain to fail __PUNCT__ have the polit_courag to stand by our convict __PUNCT__ and offer someth more than doubt __PUNCT__ critic or no confid vote to the nation_debat __PUNCT__
thei deserv more than that __PUNCT__
sinc the new congress conven in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ variou propos for end or shorten thi conflict have been consid and propos __PUNCT__
i sai thi with no malic __PUNCT__ but few of them ar construct or offer much more than an opportun for on parti to score point against the other __PUNCT__
that unfortun __PUNCT__
i believ the situat is too seriou and our troop deserv much more than a debat that is littl more than polit theater intend to embarrass the presid or to placat those who offer slogan and wish think for seriou and realist advic about the best wai forward in iraq __PUNCT__
all of us want to bring our troop_home __PUNCT__ and to do so as soon as possibl __PUNCT__
none of us __PUNCT__ no matter how we vote on the resolut_author thi war __PUNCT__ believ that the situat that exist until recent is sustain __PUNCT__
none of us can sai we have propos a cours of action that will achiev certain success __PUNCT__
the hour is late __PUNCT__
the situat is __PUNCT__ inde __PUNCT__ dire __PUNCT__
but all of us have a respons to withstand despair and the allur of partisanship to make sound __PUNCT__ inform judgment about how to proce from here __PUNCT__ and to defer our own interest and polit consider to what is in the best interest of our countri __PUNCT__
presid don't lose war __PUNCT__
polit_parti don't lose war __PUNCT__
nation lose war __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ and nation suffer the consequ __PUNCT__
and those consequ ar far more seriou than a lost elect __PUNCT__
to defend ourselv in thi war and the global struggl against terror we must do everyth better and smarter than we did befor __PUNCT__
we must rethink __PUNCT__ renew __PUNCT__ and rebuild the structur and mission of our militari __PUNCT__ the capabl of our intellig and law_enforc_agenc __PUNCT__ the purpos of our allianc __PUNCT__ the reach and scope of our diplomaci __PUNCT__ the capac of all branch of govern to defend us against the peril we face __PUNCT__
we need to marshal all element of american_power __PUNCT__ our militari __PUNCT__ economi __PUNCT__ invest __PUNCT__ trade and technolog __PUNCT__
we need to strengthen our allianc __PUNCT__ and build support in other nation __PUNCT__ which must __PUNCT__ whether thei believ it or not __PUNCT__ confront the same threat to their wai of life that we do __PUNCT__
and we must marshal the power of our ideal __PUNCT__
our secur and the global advanc of our ideal ar inextric link __PUNCT__
freedom is not the product of power and wealth __PUNCT__
power and wealth ar the product of freedom __PUNCT__
we must also prepar __PUNCT__ across all level of govern __PUNCT__ far better than we have done __PUNCT__ to respond quickli and effect to anoth terrorist_attack or natur calam __PUNCT__
i am not an advoc of big_govern __PUNCT__ and the privat_sector ha an import_role to plai in homeland_secur __PUNCT__
but when american confront a catastroph __PUNCT__ either natur or man __PUNCT__ made __PUNCT__ their govern __PUNCT__ across jurisdict __PUNCT__ should be organ and readi to deliv bottl drink_water to dehydr babi and rescu the ag and infirm trap in a hospit with no electr __PUNCT__
our arm_forc confront our enemi where thei live __PUNCT__ hide and fight __PUNCT__ in the hope thei will be prevent from again attack us at home __PUNCT__
firefight will confront the consequ if that hope is not realiz __PUNCT__
you know what it mean to sacrific for a caus greater than yourselv __PUNCT__
you have dedic your live to save other __PUNCT__ live and protect your countri from harm __PUNCT__
you have put the interest of your commun and your countri ahead of your person interest __PUNCT__
like soldier __PUNCT__ your servic is strengthen by your loyalti to on anoth __PUNCT__ by your share devot to our countri and to on anoth __PUNCT__ to the firefight on your left and the firefight on your right __PUNCT__
you protect each other __PUNCT__ fight togeth __PUNCT__ laugh togeth __PUNCT__ prai togeth __PUNCT__ griev over loss togeth __PUNCT__ and risk everyth togeth for the sake of peopl whose name you might never know and for the secur of citi and town that compens you modestli and expect so much from you __PUNCT__
like soldier __PUNCT__ your courag is our shield __PUNCT__ your loyalti our privileg __PUNCT__ your sacrific our lesson in heroism and your devot to your fallen and injur our share and honor oblig __PUNCT__
but it is the respons of your elect_offici to make sure you ar provid all the equip and support necessari for you to protect your commun __PUNCT__
as the 9/11_commiss found __PUNCT__ first respond in the twin_tower on that terribl dai were hinder by an antiqu __PUNCT__ commun_system that prevent them from be abl to commun with each other __PUNCT__
as the commiss note __PUNCT__ command and control decis were affect by the lack of knowledg of what wa happen __NUM__ and __NUM___floor abov __PUNCT__
accord to on of the __PUNCT__ fire __PUNCT__ chief in the lobbi __PUNCT__ we didn't have a lot of inform come in __PUNCT__
we didn't receiv ani report of what wa seen from the __PUNCT__ helicopt __PUNCT__
it wa imposs to know how much damag wa done on the upper floor __PUNCT__ whether the stairwel were intact or not __PUNCT__
the caus of thi fail wa not the first respond __PUNCT__ fault __PUNCT__
it wa the fault of the feder_govern for not provid firefight __PUNCT__ polic and other first respond with the necessari radio spectrum to enabl them to commun effect with on anoth __PUNCT__
the same situat occur dure the disast of hurrican_katrina __PUNCT__
phone line __PUNCT__ cell tower and electr system were destroi by katrina __PUNCT__ and caus a devast breakdown in commun between first respond __PUNCT__
mani emerg offici had to reli on runner to carri inform and instruct to other first respond __PUNCT__
thi is intoler __PUNCT__
some of us in congress have tri for sever year to provid unus spectrum to polic __PUNCT__ firefight and other emerg offici without __PUNCT__ i am sorri to report __PUNCT__ success __PUNCT__
with all the technolog_advanc of recent_year __PUNCT__ why is it that those on whom we depend when disast strike ar still unabl to commun with each other dure an emerg __PUNCT__ while we ar abl to watch the crisi unfold on our televis __PUNCT__ it becaus public_offici have yet to get seriou about develop and fund a safeti commun_system for all local __PUNCT__ state and feder first respond __PUNCT__
the feder_govern govern_spend too much monei on too mani thing of dubiou if ani util __PUNCT__
it time to put first the need of the peopl who put the rest of first __PUNCT__
govern need to develop a comprehens __PUNCT__ interoper emerg commun plan and set equip standard __PUNCT__ fund emerg and interoper commun equip __PUNCT__ and provid you the radio spectrum that will allow you to commun over long_distanc us the same frequenc and equip __PUNCT__
all you ask is for the mean to do your job effect so that the sacrific you make on our behalf ar not in vain __PUNCT__
i don't think that is too much to ask __PUNCT__
we should have done it year_ago __PUNCT__
we must do it now befor disast __PUNCT__ man made or natur __PUNCT__ strike us again __PUNCT__
we need to keep our prioriti straight in washington __PUNCT__
our first and most import oblig is to provid for the common_defens __PUNCT__
you ar in the busi of save_live __PUNCT__
you bear that respons brave __PUNCT__
we ar suppos to share that respons __PUNCT__ and we should show the same profession dedic you do __PUNCT__
you want us to help and not hinder your effort to risk your live on behalf of your fellow_citizen __PUNCT__
it is gross neglig for us to refus you __PUNCT__
we have debt to you __PUNCT__ as we have debt to those who fight for us on foreign soil __PUNCT__
thei ar blood debt incur by the sacrific made so that we mai live our live and pursu our dream in freedom and secur __PUNCT__
we cannot fulli repai them but we cannot take them lightli either __PUNCT__
i can onli promis you that i take that respons serious __PUNCT__ as a matter of honor __PUNCT__ and will try to the best of my abil to prove it __PUNCT__
i know what we ow you and all american __PUNCT__ the live and the fallen __PUNCT__ who have put our countri interest befor their own __PUNCT__
i am humbl by it __PUNCT__ inspir by it __PUNCT__ and oblig by it __PUNCT__
you ar the exampl that encourag us to find our own wai to give someth back to the countri that ha given us so much __PUNCT__
we ar and alwai will be beholden to you __PUNCT__
let us be __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ faith in our oblig to you __PUNCT__
thank you for the privileg of address you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless and protect you __PUNCT__ as you protect us __PUNCT__