This speech titled 2007.03.27.remarks_on_the_floor_of_the_united_states_senate originally had 3589 tokens. You can view the original text here.
mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ i rise in support of an amend that would strike the languag in thi bill call for a withdraw of american_forc from iraq __PUNCT__
these same provis were reject by the senat two week_ago by a __NUM___vote __PUNCT__
now here we ar __PUNCT__ debat the same provis that have the same seriou problem __PUNCT__
i hope thei will be reject again by the same __PUNCT__ if not a larger margin __PUNCT__
support of thi provis sai thei want a date certain for a u. __PUNCT__ withdraw from iraq __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ what thei have offer us is more accur describ as a date certain for surrend __PUNCT__ with grave consequ for the futur of iraq __PUNCT__ the stabil of the middl_east and the secur of american at home and abroad __PUNCT__
and thei offer it just as the situat in iraq __PUNCT__ though still fraught with difficult challeng __PUNCT__ is begin to improv __PUNCT__
the new develop argu for more effort in iraq __PUNCT__ rather than the withdraw advoc by thi bill sponsor __PUNCT__
as my colleagu know __PUNCT__ i have been critic of the conduct of thi war sinc __NUM__ and i veri much regret that onli now __PUNCT__ four year into the conflict __PUNCT__ ar we begin to implement the kind of strategi that wa necessari from the start __PUNCT__ a tradit counterinsurg_strategi that emphas protect of the popul __PUNCT__ econom_develop __PUNCT__ and polit_progress __PUNCT__ all with troop level appropri for the mission __PUNCT__
we ar see todai the emerg of precis such a strategi __PUNCT__
i emphas thi point __PUNCT__ thi new plan is not __PUNCT__ stai the cours __PUNCT__
we ar not stai the cours in iraq and i would not support the statu_quo ani more than i have over the past four year __PUNCT__
nor have we mere deploi a new command __PUNCT__ howev capabl __PUNCT__ and addit forc __PUNCT__
america is engag todai in a fundament new strategi __PUNCT__ a new approach to the war __PUNCT__ an approach that is alreadi show encourag sign that it might succe __PUNCT__
until now __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ forc did not attempt to defeat the insurg and the terrorist __PUNCT__ protect the popul __PUNCT__ and end the violenc so that polit and econom progress could occur __PUNCT__
most american_troop spent their dai on larg forward oper base __PUNCT__ fob __PUNCT__ make forai out into hostil territori in which thei were subject to ambush __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ troop __PUNCT__ along with iraqi_forc __PUNCT__ ar out of the fob and live in small outpost __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ us forc ar oper throughout baghdad __PUNCT__ even in shi'it stronghold such as sadr citi __PUNCT__ sunni area like mansoor __PUNCT__ and mix district like rashid __PUNCT__
as of __DATE__ joint secur station were oper with mani more plan __PUNCT__
american_forc in these station ar visibl everi dai __PUNCT__ live among the popul __PUNCT__ build confid that we __PUNCT__ and not the terrorist __PUNCT__ will prevail __PUNCT__
contrari to some predict __PUNCT__ thi ha not increas us casualti __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ not surprisingli __PUNCT__ our presenc ha result in a dramat_increas in action intellig about terrorist __PUNCT__
you might not know it from read newspap or watch the even new __PUNCT__ but in iraq todai there ar real sign that the new strategi is work __PUNCT__
i like to spend just a few moment outlin some of thi progress __PUNCT__ not to paint an overli rosi scenario __PUNCT__ but rather to correct what ha becom an almost singl __PUNCT__ mind focu in the congress on the prospect of defeat __PUNCT__
the debat in congress ha an __PUNCT__ alic in wonderland __PUNCT__ qualiti about it __PUNCT__ we ar debat effort to micro __PUNCT__ manag a conflict base on what the condit were three month_ago __PUNCT__ not on what the realiti is todai __PUNCT__
condit have chang in iraq __PUNCT__
the baghdad secur plan __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ surg __PUNCT__ is work far better than even the most optimist support had predict __PUNCT__
the progress is tangibl in mani kei area despit the fact that onli __NUM__ percent of the plan forc ar in iraq __PUNCT__
allow me to review some specif __PUNCT__
in baghdad __PUNCT__ the militari ha report an increas in real __PUNCT__ time action intellig __PUNCT__ provid to u. __PUNCT__ and iraqi_forc by a newli confid popul __PUNCT__
prime_minist maliki __PUNCT__ who prevent u. __PUNCT__ troop from conduct certain baghdad oper last year __PUNCT__ ha given the green_light to american incurs throughout the citi __PUNCT__ includ shiit stronghold __PUNCT__
all of the iraqi_armi battalion call for under the plan have arriv __PUNCT__ mani at or abov __NUM__ percent of their program man level __PUNCT__
bomb attack and murder ar down sinc the surg began __PUNCT__
civilian_kill in baghdad number___NUM__ in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and fell to __NUM__ in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
there ar report of sunni and shia move_back into neighborhood from which thei had fled constant and horrif violenc __PUNCT__
market that have been subject to horrif car bomb have been turn into pedestrian mall that facilit commerc and thwart terrorist __PUNCT__
moqtada_al __PUNCT__ sadr ha fled __PUNCT__ possibl to iran __PUNCT__ and ha order hi follow not to oppos the new baghdad secur plan __PUNCT__
the madhi armi __PUNCT__ purportedli dedic to the expuls of american from iraq __PUNCT__ doe not todai openli challeng either u. __PUNCT__ or iraqi_forc __PUNCT__
american_troop ar engag in reconstruct effort in sadr citi __PUNCT__ with the cooper of the local mayor __PUNCT__
and in western baghdad __PUNCT__ our troop ar establish new outpost in area __PUNCT__ red tab __PUNCT__ that have been conduit for al_qaeda in iraq __PUNCT__ aqi __PUNCT__ penetr into the capit_citi __PUNCT__ and have begun to clear these area of terrorist and insurg __PUNCT__
the net result of all thi is that kei shiit leader ar now claim that the baghdad secur plan wa their idea __PUNCT__ and ar take credit for the increas in secur __PUNCT__ a develop that would have unthink three month_ago __PUNCT__
there is progress outsid baghdad as well __PUNCT__ throughout anbar provinc __PUNCT__ sunni sheikh have band togeth to fight al_qaeda in iraq __PUNCT__ and ar pour recruit into the polic_forc __PUNCT__
sixteen of __NUM__ tribe in that western provinc ar now work against al_qaeda __PUNCT__
with numer senior al qaeda leader kill or captur __PUNCT__ the younger __PUNCT__ less experienc leader ar make_mistak __PUNCT__ such as target respect sheikh and murder children __PUNCT__ that have alien sunni and their leader __PUNCT__
in ramadi __PUNCT__ hundr of iraqi polic last week conduct a major sweep __PUNCT__
in the surround area __PUNCT__ includ haditha __PUNCT__ and hit __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ and iraqi ar conduct oper against al_qaeda and insurg while protect the popul __PUNCT__
in diyala provinc __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ forc expel al qaeda forc from on of their major base in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ seiz major weapon cach __PUNCT__ disrupt fighter network __PUNCT__ and clear citi and villag of al qaeda fighter __PUNCT__
a u. __PUNCT__ stryker battalion ha reinforc diyala and is conduct major oper against aqi forc seek to reconstitut __PUNCT__
at the same_time __PUNCT__ other u. __PUNCT__ forc in diyala ar act against rogu madhi armi leader in the provinc and ar hold the diyala and tigri river to combat re __PUNCT__ infiltr into baghdad __PUNCT__
on the belt to the south of baghdad __PUNCT__ al_qaeda ha come under heavi u. __PUNCT__ pressur in recent_week __PUNCT__ with american_forc destroi car bomb factori and uncov major weapon cach in area such as yusufiya __PUNCT__ latifiya __PUNCT__ and salman pak __PUNCT__
in mosul __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ and iraqi_forc have kill and captur numer al_qaeda oper sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__
in samarra __PUNCT__ american and iraqi troop have captur al qaeda facilit and north of the citi __PUNCT__ salahuddin provinc __PUNCT__ american_troop have move off of their forward oper base and into the town of bayji __PUNCT__ an import hub on the road network __PUNCT__
mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ these develop __PUNCT__ which have occur just on month into the new strategi and with onli a portion of the five addit u. __PUNCT__ brigad have yet deploi __PUNCT__ suggest that __PUNCT__ at long last __PUNCT__ we have a strategi in iraq that is succeed __PUNCT__
that is not to sai that all is go well in iraq __PUNCT__ clearli __PUNCT__ it is not __PUNCT__
violenc continu __PUNCT__ the madhi armi recent launch an attack in basra __PUNCT__ and on of iraq vice_presid wa grave wound in a bomb attack __PUNCT__
but we all know the neg __PUNCT__ we read about them everi dai and see them flash across our televis screen hourli __PUNCT__
the enemi know how attent __PUNCT__ get car bomb ar __PUNCT__ and their strategi reflect thi understand __PUNCT__
we must try to stop such event __PUNCT__ and push the iraqi_govern to move_forward with it reconcili effort and meet the benchmark laid out by the presid __PUNCT__
what we cannot do __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ for the sake of america vital nation_secur interest __PUNCT__ we must not do __PUNCT__ is give up just at the moment we ar start to turn thing around in iraq __PUNCT__
yet in the face of thi new realiti __PUNCT__ the propon of the legisl offer on prescript for the futur __PUNCT__ withdraw of u. __PUNCT__ forc __PUNCT__
despit the progress __PUNCT__ despit the ongo need for u. __PUNCT__ troop to stabil iraq and pave the wai for a polit solut __PUNCT__ despit the moral burden we have incur as a result of our decis to toppl saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ abov all __PUNCT__ despit the catastroph consequ for vital u. __PUNCT__ interest that would follow a prematur withdraw from iraq __PUNCT__ the sponsor of thi legisl would forc precis that __PUNCT__
to those who believ that the best cours is to withdraw __PUNCT__ i ask __PUNCT__ can you explain to the american_peopl precis what you believ to be the consequ of thi action __PUNCT__ if we follow the timet includ in thi bill __PUNCT__ to withdraw troop whether or not we ar succeed or fail __PUNCT__ regardless of whether the countri is secur __PUNCT__ irrespect of whether the iraqi can manag their own affair alon __PUNCT__ or whether the forc of terror and chao will triumph __PUNCT__ if we follow thi timet we risk a catastroph for american_nation nation_secur interest __PUNCT__
note that american_nation nation_secur interest ar directli at stake __PUNCT__
not just isra interest __PUNCT__ though prime_minist olmert ha said that defeat in iraq could be devast for hi countri __PUNCT__
not just for our arab friend and partner in the region __PUNCT__ though thei fear the consequ of massiv humanitarian displac __PUNCT__ grow iranian influenc __PUNCT__ and wider bloodsh __PUNCT__
not just for the iraqi themselv __PUNCT__ for whom genocid is a real prospect should sectarian_violenc spiral out of control __PUNCT__
but for america __PUNCT__
success or failur in iraq is the transcend issu for our foreign_polici and our nation_secur __PUNCT__
peopl sai thei want to defeat the terrorist __PUNCT__
but if we withdraw from iraq prematur __PUNCT__ it will be the terrorist __PUNCT__ greatest triumph __PUNCT__
withdraw befor there is a stabl and legitim iraqi author would turn iraq into a fail_state __PUNCT__ in the heart of the middl_east __PUNCT__
we have seen a fail_state emerg after u. __PUNCT__ disengag onc befor __PUNCT__ and it cost us terribl __PUNCT__
in pre __PUNCT__ 9/11 afghanistan __PUNCT__ terrorist found sanctuari to train and plan attack __PUNCT__ includ attack against america __PUNCT__ with impun __PUNCT__
if we leav_iraq base on an artifici timet __PUNCT__ al_qaeda will be free to plan __PUNCT__ train for and conduct oper from iraq just as thei did from afghanistan __PUNCT__
we cannot make thi fatal mistak twice __PUNCT__
if iraq descend into chao __PUNCT__ the power vacuum there will invit further iranian interfer __PUNCT__ at a time when tehran alreadi feel embolden __PUNCT__
iraq neighbor __PUNCT__ from saudi_arabia to egypt to turkei __PUNCT__ would feel their own secur erod __PUNCT__ and mai interven on the side of particular faction __PUNCT__
thi uncertain swirl of event could spark region war sever damag to america fundament secur interest __PUNCT__
and we would then face a terribl choic __PUNCT__ watch the region burn __PUNCT__ watch the terrorist establish new base __PUNCT__ with profound implic for the safeti of american and their econom well __PUNCT__ be __PUNCT__ or send_troop back into iraq onc again __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the propon of withdraw state that thei envis no such catastroph __PUNCT__ thei ar not advoc a precipit withdraw but someth more gradual __PUNCT__ and thei would leav american_troop in place to focu on three limit object __PUNCT__ protect coalit personnel and infrastructur __PUNCT__ train and equip iraqi_forc __PUNCT__ and conduct target counter __PUNCT__ terror oper __PUNCT__
but if these three mission sound_familiar __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ that becaus thei form the centerpiec of the strategi that wa fail up until the begin of thi year __PUNCT__
thei would forbid counterinsurg oper __PUNCT__ protect of the popul __PUNCT__ and the other element of our new strategi that ar directli respons for the success we have seen thi year __PUNCT__
thi legisl is a plan for failur __PUNCT__
but neither failur nor success is the object of it sponsor __PUNCT__
thei wish to get out of iraq __PUNCT__ whatev the consequ for america __PUNCT__
thei conceiv no failur as wors than remain in iraq and no success worthi of addit sacrific __PUNCT__
thei ar wrong __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ terribl __PUNCT__ terribl wrong __PUNCT__
these provis draw a fals distinct between terror and sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__
let us think about the implic of order american_soldier to target __PUNCT__ terrorist __PUNCT__ but not those who foment sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__
wa the attack on the golden mosqu in samarra a terrorist oper or the express of sectarian violenc __PUNCT__ when the madhi armi attack govern polic_station __PUNCT__ ar thei act as terrorist or as a militia __PUNCT__ when aqi attack a shia villag along the diyala river __PUNCT__ is that terror or sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ what about when an american_soldier come across some unknown assail buri an i in the road __PUNCT__ the obviou answer is that such act veri often constitut terror in iraq and sectarian_violenc in iraq __PUNCT__
the two ar deepli intertwin __PUNCT__
to try and make an artifici distinct between terror and sectarian violenc is to fundament misunderstand al_qaeda strategi __PUNCT__ which is to incit sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__
to sai that target terrorist_violenc is allow while stop sectarian_violenc is illeg fli in the face of thi realiti __PUNCT__ and would make it imposs to fight thi war against terror __PUNCT__ let alon prevail in it __PUNCT__
mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ some senat have taken a differ tack __PUNCT__ argu that iraq is still winnabl but that __PUNCT__ by withdraw troop __PUNCT__ we will actual maxim the chanc of success __PUNCT__
thei conced that a withdraw will encourag insurg and terrorist to unleash greater violenc on the iraqi_peopl __PUNCT__ but believ that such violenc might induc iraqi politician to make the polit_decis necessari to end it __PUNCT__
could thi possibl be true __PUNCT__ can we __PUNCT__ by withdraw our troop from iraq __PUNCT__ actual increas the stabil in iraq rather than risk catastroph __PUNCT__ and induc a polit solut rather than make it less possibl __PUNCT__ is success in iraq as simpl as issu redeploy order __PUNCT__ a move block onli by stubborn command and civilian author __PUNCT__ gener david_petraeu __PUNCT__ for on __PUNCT__ believ that it is not __PUNCT__
of cours the dire situat in iraq demand a polit solut __PUNCT__
that is undeni true __PUNCT__
but a polit solut among the iraqi cannot be simpli conjur __PUNCT__
it is imposs for meaning polit and econom_activ to take place in an environ as riddl with violenc as baghdad ha been __PUNCT__
secur is the precondit for polit and econom progress __PUNCT__ and without secur __PUNCT__ we will not see the polit_progress all of us agre is necessari __PUNCT__
in thi regard __PUNCT__ there ar posit indic __PUNCT__
prime_minist maliki went to ramadi to reach out to sunni __PUNCT__ and the iraqi_govern is push through a new de __PUNCT__ baathif law __PUNCT__
the oil revenu share law ha been approv by the council of minist and should be approv by parliament soon __PUNCT__
report indic that iraqi offici ar in discuss with a number of non __PUNCT__ aqi sunni_insurg group __PUNCT__ while fight ha broken out between aqi and sunni insurg __PUNCT__
reconcili is not the inevit outcom of the new strategi __PUNCT__
on the contrari __PUNCT__ there is no guarante of success __PUNCT__
what the situat demand is not a guarante __PUNCT__ but rather a strategi design to give us the best possibl chanc for success __PUNCT__
thi __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ is what the new plan repres __PUNCT__
the provis our amend would strike would forc redeploy of u. __PUNCT__ forc within __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ and nearli all troop would have to leav_iraq by __DATE__ __PUNCT__
thi doe not incentiv the govern of iraq to make tough decis on reconcili __PUNCT__ it set the stage for the govern collaps __PUNCT__
thi arbitrari deadlin inform our enemi when thei need no longer fear american_militari militari_power __PUNCT__
it signal to the popul that their best bet for secur realli doe rest in the hand of militia __PUNCT__ rather than the govern __PUNCT__
it demonstr to the govern that thei cannot reli on us __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ we ar pull out regardless of the situat or the consequ __PUNCT__
and it tell the terrorist that thei __PUNCT__ not we __PUNCT__ will prevail __PUNCT__
all of us want to bring our troop_home __PUNCT__ and to do so as soon as possibl __PUNCT__
none of us __PUNCT__ no matter how we vote on the resolut_author thi war __PUNCT__ believ the situat that exist until recent is sustain __PUNCT__
but there is a new situat __PUNCT__ a new realiti in iraq __PUNCT__
thi amend ignor that realiti and ignor the consequ that would flow from it adopt __PUNCT__
when congress author thi war __PUNCT__ we commit america to a mission that entail the greatest sacrific a countri can make __PUNCT__ on that fall disproportion on those american who love their countri so much that thei volunt to risk their live to accomplish that mission __PUNCT__
and when we author thi war __PUNCT__ we accept the respons to make sure thei could prevail __PUNCT__
when we vote to send them into battl we ask them to us everi ounc of their courag and fortitud on behalf of us __PUNCT__
thi bodi unanim confirm gener_petraeu __PUNCT__
why would we now depriv him of the opportun to pursu the strategi he help design and believ can work __PUNCT__ why would we hand our enemi a victori when we have final taken the initi and thei ar on the defens __PUNCT__ let us give him and the soldier he ha the honor to command __PUNCT__ american who ar risk everyth so that thi new plan can succe __PUNCT__ the time necessari to achiev it object __PUNCT__
and let us __PUNCT__ elect_offici who have the honor of overse the conduct of our soldier __PUNCT__ mission in iraq __PUNCT__ exercis a lesser magnitud of courag __PUNCT__ our polit_courag on behalf of them and the countri thei serv __PUNCT__
if ani senat believ that our troop __PUNCT__ sacrific is truli in vain __PUNCT__ the dictat of conscienc demand that he or she act to prevent it __PUNCT__
those who would cut off all fund for thi war __PUNCT__ though i disagre deepli with their posit __PUNCT__ and dread it consequ __PUNCT__ have the courag of their convict __PUNCT__ and i respect them for it __PUNCT__
if __PUNCT__ on the other hand __PUNCT__ you believ __PUNCT__ as i do __PUNCT__ that an increas of u. __PUNCT__ troop in iraq __PUNCT__ carri out a counterinsurg mission __PUNCT__ provid the best chanc for success in iraq __PUNCT__ then you should give your support to thi new strategi __PUNCT__
it mai not be popular nor polit_expedi __PUNCT__ but we ar alwai at our best when we put asid the small polit of the dai in the interest of our nation and the valu upon which thei rest __PUNCT__
those ar the onli respons __PUNCT__ the onli honor choic befor us __PUNCT__
there ar no other __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__
i wish there were __PUNCT__
but here we ar __PUNCT__ confront a polit __PUNCT__ militari and moral dilemma of immens import __PUNCT__ with the countri most vital secur interest and the live of the best american among us at stake __PUNCT__
mai god grant us the wisdom and humil to make thi difficult judgment in our countri best interest onli __PUNCT__ and the courag to accept our respons for the consequ that will ensu __PUNCT__
i yield the floor __PUNCT__