John McCain

This speech titled 2007.04.11.speech_on_iraq_at_the_virginia_military_institute_in_lexington originally had 4571 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

i know that seat in the front of thi hall ar vmi cadet who have serv in iraq __PUNCT__

i am grate for your servic __PUNCT__ honor by your presenc __PUNCT__ and mind that i speak to an audienc that can discern truth from falsehood in a politician apprais of the war __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ better than most __PUNCT__ whether our caus is just __PUNCT__ necessari and winnabl __PUNCT__

you have risk much to make it so __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

i also like to salut a few old comrad of mine __PUNCT__ orson swindl __PUNCT__ jim berger and paul galanti __PUNCT__ whose exampl of steadfast courag help to sustain me in a difficult_time __PUNCT__

thi institut is steep in the ideal of servic and sacrific exemplifi by the veteran here todai __PUNCT__

vmi ha help to form the charact of mani fine patriot __PUNCT__ none greater than georg marshal __PUNCT__ whose long __PUNCT__ selfless servic to our countri wa of inestim valu in some of the most consequenti moment of the last centuri __PUNCT__

as we celebr thi year the __NUM___anniversari of the marshal_plan __PUNCT__ vmi corp of cadet should take renew pride from their associ with hi good name and in know the lesson of hi charact and patriot ha been a part of your educ __PUNCT__

i just return from my fifth visit to iraq __PUNCT__

unlik the veteran here todai __PUNCT__ i risk noth more threaten than a hostil press_corp __PUNCT__

and my onli mission wa to inform my opinion with fact __PUNCT__

we still face mani difficult challeng in iraq __PUNCT__

that is undeni __PUNCT__

but we have also made __PUNCT__ in recent_week __PUNCT__ measur progress in establish secur in baghdad and fight al_qaeda in anbar provinc __PUNCT__

to deni the difficulti and uncertainti ahead is an egregi disservic to the public __PUNCT__

but as gener_petraeu implement hi plan to correct the flaw strategi we follow in the past __PUNCT__ and attempt to spare the unit_state and the world the catastroph of an american defeat __PUNCT__ it is an equal disservic to dismiss earli sign of progress __PUNCT__

and now we confront a choic as histor import as ani we have face in a long while __PUNCT__

will thi nation_elect elect_leader make the polit hard but strateg vital decis to give gener_petraeu our full support and do what is necessari to succe in iraq __PUNCT__ or will we decid to take advantag of the public frustrat __PUNCT__ accept defeat __PUNCT__ and hope that whatev the cost to our secur the polit of defeat will work out better for us than our oppon __PUNCT__ for my part __PUNCT__ i would rather lose a campaign than a war __PUNCT__

howev it end __PUNCT__ the war in iraq will have a profound influenc on the futur of the middl_east __PUNCT__ global stabil __PUNCT__ and the secur of the unit_state __PUNCT__ which will remain __PUNCT__ for the forese_futur __PUNCT__ directli affect by event in that danger part of the world __PUNCT__

the war is part of a broader struggl in the arab and muslim_world __PUNCT__ the struggl between violent extremist and the forc of modern and moder __PUNCT__

in the earli_dai after 9/11 __PUNCT__ our countri wa unit in a singl purpos __PUNCT__ to find the terrorist bent on our destruct and elimin the threat thei pose to us __PUNCT__

in the interven_year __PUNCT__ we have learn the complex of the struggl against radic_islam ideolog __PUNCT__

the extremist __PUNCT__ a tini percentag of the hundr of million of peac muslim __PUNCT__ ar flexibl __PUNCT__ intellig __PUNCT__ determin and unconstrain by intern border __PUNCT__

thei wish to return the world to the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and thei will us ani mean __PUNCT__ no matter how inhuman __PUNCT__ to elimin anyon who stand in the wai __PUNCT__

but the vast_major of muslim ar try to modern their societi to meet the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

while al_qaeda seek to destroi __PUNCT__ million of muslim attempt to build the same element of a good_life that all of us want __PUNCT__ secur __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ peac __PUNCT__ and hope __PUNCT__

the war on terror __PUNCT__ the war for the futur of the middl_east __PUNCT__ and the struggl for the soul of islam __PUNCT__ of which the war in iraq constitut a kei_element __PUNCT__ ar bound togeth __PUNCT__

progress in on requir progress in all __PUNCT__

the mani complex challeng we face requir more than a militari respons __PUNCT__

thi is a contest of idea and valu as much as it is on of bullet and bomb __PUNCT__

we must gain the activ_support of modern across the muslim_world __PUNCT__ who want to share in the benefit of the global_system and it econom_success __PUNCT__ and who aspir to the polit_freedom that is __PUNCT__ i truli believ __PUNCT__ the natur desir of the human_heart __PUNCT__

no matter how much attent their ruthless tactic receiv __PUNCT__ terrorist ar not the true face of islam __PUNCT__

devout muslim in lebanon __PUNCT__ indonesia __PUNCT__ pakistan and egypt __PUNCT__ morocco __PUNCT__ bahrain __PUNCT__ and in iraq __PUNCT__ aspir to progress for their societi in which basic_human need ar met for more than the privileg few and basic human right ar respect __PUNCT__

the unit_state need stronger allianc __PUNCT__ coalit __PUNCT__ and partnership worldwid to engag thi long and multidimension struggl __PUNCT__

we need to pai care attent to america imag and moral credibl __PUNCT__

and in thi broad effort __PUNCT__ the outcom of the war in iraq will plai a pivot role __PUNCT__

on my trip __PUNCT__ i travel to baghdad __PUNCT__ ramadi __PUNCT__ and tikrit __PUNCT__ met with iraqi cabinet offic __PUNCT__ our top militari leadership __PUNCT__ includ gener_petraeu and odierno __PUNCT__ and with embassi offici __PUNCT__ includ our new ambassador __PUNCT__ ryan crocker __PUNCT__

i also had the privileg of spend_time with our soldier __PUNCT__ from gener to privat __PUNCT__

their courag and resolv in thi frustrat war is an inspir __PUNCT__ and serv as a remind of our oblig to avoid the expedi of easi __PUNCT__ but empti answer or the allur of polit_advantag to choos the path in iraq that best honor their sacrific __PUNCT__

we go to need their courag more than ever __PUNCT__

the divis in iraqi societi ar deep __PUNCT__ and the need for greater secur critic __PUNCT__

innoc iraqi ar still be murder __PUNCT__ and our soldier ar brave danger no less threaten than in the past __PUNCT__

everi dai we read about or watch on televis the latest car bomb __PUNCT__ i explos or sniper attack __PUNCT__

but someth els is happen __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

there ar the first glimmer of progress under gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ polit __PUNCT__ militari_strategi __PUNCT__

while these glimmer ar no guarante of success __PUNCT__ and though thei come earli in the implement of the new strategi __PUNCT__ i believ thei ar caus for veri cautiou optim __PUNCT__

for the first time in my visit to iraq __PUNCT__ our deleg wa abl to drive __PUNCT__ not fly by helicopt __PUNCT__ from the airport to downtown baghdad __PUNCT__

for the first time we met with a sunni tribal leader in anbar provinc __PUNCT__ who is work with american and iraqi_forc to fight al_qaeda __PUNCT__

sixteen of the twenti __PUNCT__ four sunni tribal leader in anbar ar now work with us __PUNCT__

we visit iraqi and american_forc deploi togeth in baghdad __PUNCT__ an integr_part of the new secur plan __PUNCT__ where thei maintain a presenc in a neighborhood clear of militia and terrorist __PUNCT__ and hold the ground thei have retaken rather than return to base __PUNCT__ after which the enemi return to impos it will again on a defenseless popul __PUNCT__

the govern of prime_minist maliki is deliv on it promis to deploi iraqi brigad to baghdad __PUNCT__

a plan to share oil revenu equit among all iraqi ha been approv by iraqi minist and is pend approv by the parliament __PUNCT__

after an import visit by prime minist maliki to ramadi in sunni domin anbar __PUNCT__ he promis a new polici to allai sunni fear that thei will be exclud from share in the polit_futur of the countri __PUNCT__

an import result of the new secur plan is the cooper we ar receiv from the iraqi_peopl __PUNCT__ who ar begin to provid us with action intellig about the whereabout and plan of the enemi __PUNCT__

these welcom develop have occur even though onli three of our five addit brigad have arriv __PUNCT__

these and other indic of progress ar encourag __PUNCT__ but thei ar not determin __PUNCT__

i understand the damag fals optim doe to public patienc and support __PUNCT__

i learn long_ago to be skeptic of offici report that ar long on wish think and short on substanc __PUNCT__

as we make_progress in some area __PUNCT__ the enemi strike where we do not have as great a presenc __PUNCT__

but secur in the capit is indispens to a greater level of secur throughout the countri so that polit and econom progress can occur __PUNCT__

and in baghdad __PUNCT__ we ar make progress __PUNCT__

we have a long wai to go __PUNCT__ but for the first time in four year __PUNCT__ we have a strategi that deal with how thing realli ar in iraq and not how we wish them to be __PUNCT__

after my first visit to iraq in __NUM__ i argu for more troop __PUNCT__

i took issu with statement character the insurg as a few __PUNCT__ dead __PUNCT__ ender __PUNCT__ or be in it __PUNCT__ last throe __PUNCT__

i critic the search and destroi strategi and argu for a counter __PUNCT__ insurg approach that separ the reconcil popul from the irreconcil __PUNCT__

that is the cours now follow by gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ and the brave american and coalit troop he ha the honor to command __PUNCT__

it is the right strategi __PUNCT__

gener petraeu liter wrote the book on counter insurg __PUNCT__

he is a determin __PUNCT__ resourc and bold command __PUNCT__

our troop __PUNCT__ mani of whom have serv multipl tour in iraq __PUNCT__ ar perform with great skill and braveri __PUNCT__

but the hour is late and __PUNCT__ despit the develop i just describ __PUNCT__ we should have no illus that success is certain __PUNCT__

but have been a critic of the wai thi war wa fought and a propon of the veri strategi now be follow __PUNCT__ it is my oblig to encourag american to give it a chanc to succe __PUNCT__

to do otherwis would be contrari to the interest of my countri and dishonor __PUNCT__

mani in washington have call for an end to our involv in iraq __PUNCT__

yet thei offer no opinion about the consequ of thi cours of action beyond a vagu assur that all will be well if the iraqi ar left to work out their differ themselv __PUNCT__

it is obvious true that no militari solut is capabl of do what the iraqi won't do polit __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ no polit solut ha a chanc to succe when al_qaeda is free to foment civil_war and iraqi remain depend on sectarian militia to protect their children from be murder __PUNCT__

america ha a vital_interest in prevent the emerg of iraq as a wild_west for terrorist __PUNCT__ similar to afghanistan befor 9/11 __PUNCT__

by leav_iraq befor there is a stabl iraqi_govern govern_author we risk precis thi __PUNCT__ and the potenti consequ of allow terrorist sanctuari in iraq is anoth 9/11 or wors __PUNCT__

in iraq todai __PUNCT__ terrorist have resort to level of barbar that shock the world __PUNCT__ and we should not be so na?v as to believ their intent ar limit sole to the border of that countri __PUNCT__

we american ar their primari enemi __PUNCT__ and we american ar their ultim target __PUNCT__

a power vacuum in iraq would invit further interfer from iran at a time when tehran alreadi feel embolden enough to develop nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ threaten israel and america __PUNCT__ and kidnap british sailor __PUNCT__

if the govern collaps in iraq __PUNCT__ which it sure will if we leav prematur __PUNCT__ iraq neighbor __PUNCT__ from saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ jordan __PUNCT__ syria __PUNCT__ turkei and egypt __PUNCT__ will feel pressur to interven on the side of their favor faction __PUNCT__

thi uncertain swirl of event could caus the region to explod and foreclos the opportun for million of muslim and their children to achiev freedom __PUNCT__

we could face a terribl choic __PUNCT__ watch the region burn __PUNCT__ the price of oil escal dramat and our economi declin __PUNCT__ watch the terrorist establish new base camp or send american_troop back to iraq __PUNCT__ with the odd against our success much wors than thei ar todai __PUNCT__

to enumer the strateg_interest at stake in iraq doe not address our moral_oblig to a peopl we liber from saddam_hussein tyranni __PUNCT__

i suspect mani in thi audienc __PUNCT__ and most member of congress __PUNCT__ look back at america failur to act to prevent genocid in rwanda with shame __PUNCT__

i know i do __PUNCT__

and yet i fear the potenti for genocid and ethnic_cleans in iraq is even wors __PUNCT__

the sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ the social divis __PUNCT__ the armament __PUNCT__ the weaken secur apparatu of the state __PUNCT__ all the ingredi ar there __PUNCT__

unless we fight to prevent it __PUNCT__ our withdraw will be coupl with a genocid in which we ar complicit __PUNCT__

given our secur interest and our moral invest in iraq __PUNCT__ so long as we have a chanc to prevail we must try to prevail __PUNCT__

as gener_petraeu ha repeatedli state __PUNCT__ it will be sever month or more befor we know with ani confid whether we can turn thi war around __PUNCT__

element of the new civil __PUNCT__ militari_strategi ar still be draft __PUNCT__ almost half of the addit troop have yet to arriv __PUNCT__ and mani of the new civilian have yet to take up their post __PUNCT__

we ar off to a good start __PUNCT__ but signific result will take time __PUNCT__

what struck me upon my return from baghdad is the enorm gulf between the harsh but hope realiti in iraq __PUNCT__ where polit is for mani a matter of life and death __PUNCT__ and the fanci and self __PUNCT__ interest debat about iraq that substitut for statesmanship in washington __PUNCT__

in iraq __PUNCT__ american and iraqi soldier risk everyth to hold the countri togeth __PUNCT__ to prevent it from becom a terrorist sanctuari and the region from descend into the danger chao of a widen war __PUNCT__

in washington __PUNCT__ where polit_calcul seem to trump all other consider __PUNCT__ democrat in congress and their lead candid for presid __PUNCT__ heedless of the terribl consequ of our failur __PUNCT__ unanim confirm our new command __PUNCT__ and then insist he be prevent from take the action he believ necessari to safeguard our countri interest __PUNCT__

in iraq __PUNCT__ hope is a fragil thing __PUNCT__ but all the more admir for the courag and sacrific necessari to nurtur it __PUNCT__

in washington __PUNCT__ cynic appear to be the qualiti most prize by those who accept defeat but not the respons for it consequ __PUNCT__

befor i left for iraq __PUNCT__ i watch with regret as the hous of repres vote to deni our troop the support necessari to carri out their new mission __PUNCT__

democrat_leader smile and cheer as the last vote were count __PUNCT__

what were thei celebr __PUNCT__ defeat __PUNCT__ surrend __PUNCT__ in iraq __PUNCT__ onli our enemi were cheer __PUNCT__

a defeat for the unit_state is a caus for mourn not celebr __PUNCT__

and determin how the unit state can avert such a disast should encourag the most sober __PUNCT__ public __PUNCT__ spirit reason among our elect_leader not the giddi anticip of the next elect __PUNCT__

democrat who vote to author thi war __PUNCT__ and critic the fail strategi that ha led us to thi peril moment __PUNCT__ have the same respons i do __PUNCT__ to offer support when that failur is recogn and the right strategi is propos and the right command take the field to implement it or __PUNCT__ at the least __PUNCT__ to offer an altern strategi that ha some relationship to realiti __PUNCT__

democrat argu we should redirect american resourc to the __PUNCT__ real __PUNCT__ war on terror __PUNCT__ of which iraq is just a sideshow __PUNCT__

but whether or not al_qaeda qaeda_terrorist were a present_danger in iraq befor the war __PUNCT__ there is no disput thei ar there now __PUNCT__ and their leader recogn iraq as the main battleground in the war on terror __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ al_qaeda qaeda_terrorist ar the on prepar the car bomb __PUNCT__ fire the katyusha rocket __PUNCT__ plant the i __PUNCT__

thei maneuv in the midst of iraq sectarian conflict __PUNCT__ spark and fuel the horrend violenc __PUNCT__ destroi effort at polit reconcili __PUNCT__ kill innoc on both side in the hope of creat a conflagr that will caus american to lose heart and leav __PUNCT__ so thei can return to their primari mission __PUNCT__ plan and execut attack on the unit_state __PUNCT__ and destabil america alli __PUNCT__

it is imposs to separ sectarian_violenc from the war against al_qaeda __PUNCT__

al qaeda is follow an explicit strategi to foment civil_war in iraq __PUNCT__

the onli wai to reduc and final end sectarian_violenc is to provid greater secur to the popul than we have in the past __PUNCT__ as we ar do now in baghdad __PUNCT__ to encourag iraqi to abandon their relianc on local militia __PUNCT__ and to destroi al_qaeda and other truli irreconcil enemi of the unit_state and the iraqi_peopl __PUNCT__

our defeat in iraq would constitut a defeat in the war against terror and extrem and would make the world a much more danger place __PUNCT__

the enemi we face there harbor the same deprav indiffer to human_life as those who kill three thousand innoc american on a __DATE___morn in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

a coupl of dai befor i arriv in baghdad __PUNCT__ a suicid car bomb destroi a larg __PUNCT__ busi marketplac __PUNCT__

it wa a bit unusu __PUNCT__ becaus new u. __PUNCT__ and iraqi secur measur in baghdad have reduc the number of car bomb attack __PUNCT__

but thi time the terrorist had a new tactic __PUNCT__ thei drove their car to a secur checkpoint and were wave through becaus there were two small_children in the back_seat __PUNCT__

the terrorist then walk awai from the car __PUNCT__ leav the children insid it __PUNCT__ and trigger the explos __PUNCT__

if the terrorist ar will to do thi terribl_thing to iraqi_children __PUNCT__ what ar thei will to do to our children __PUNCT__ some argu the war in iraq no longer ha anyth to do with us __PUNCT__ that it is a hopelessli complic mess of tribal warfar and sectarian conflict __PUNCT__

the situat is complex __PUNCT__ and veri difficult __PUNCT__

yet from on perspect it is quit simpl __PUNCT__

we ar engag in a basic struggl __PUNCT__ a struggl between human and inhuman __PUNCT__ between builder and destroy __PUNCT__

if fight these peopl and prevent the export of their brand of radic and terror is not intrins to the nation_secur and most cherish valu of the unit_state __PUNCT__ i don't know what is __PUNCT__

consid our other strateg challeng in the region __PUNCT__ prevent iran from go nuclear __PUNCT__ stabil afghanistan against a resurg taliban __PUNCT__ the battl for the futur of pakistan __PUNCT__ egypt __PUNCT__ saudi_arabia and other __PUNCT__ protect israel secur __PUNCT__ the struggl for lebanon independ __PUNCT__

doe ani honest observ believ those challeng will be easier to confront and at lesser cost in american blood and treasur if the unit_state accept defeat in iraq __PUNCT__ we all agre a militari solut alon will not solv the problem of iraq __PUNCT__

there must be a polit agreement among iraqi that allow all group to particip in the build of their nation __PUNCT__ to share in it resourc and to live in peac with each other __PUNCT__

but without greater secur impos by the unit state militari and the iraqi_armi __PUNCT__ there can be no polit solut __PUNCT__

as american and iraqi sacrific to provid that secur __PUNCT__ iraq leader must do the hard_work of polit reconcili __PUNCT__

we can help them get there __PUNCT__ but we cannot assum their respons __PUNCT__

unless thei accept their own oblig to all iraqi __PUNCT__ we will all fail __PUNCT__ and america __PUNCT__ iraq and the world will have to live with the terribl consequ __PUNCT__

we ar give iraq leader and peopl the chanc to have a better futur __PUNCT__ but thei must seiz it __PUNCT__

in the mani mistak we have made in thi war __PUNCT__ a few lesson have becom clear __PUNCT__

america should never undertak a war unless we ar prepar to do everyth necessari to succe __PUNCT__ and unless we have a realist and comprehens plan for success __PUNCT__

we did not meet thi respons initi __PUNCT__

we ar try to do so now __PUNCT__

respons polit_leader __PUNCT__ statesmen __PUNCT__ do not add to the burden our troop carri __PUNCT__

that is what democrat __PUNCT__ intention or not __PUNCT__ have done by fail to provid them with the resourc necessari to succe in their mission __PUNCT__

everi dai that pass without the necessari fund appropri to sustain our troop __PUNCT__ our chanc of success in iraq dwindl and our militari readi declin further __PUNCT__

we have sent the best american among us to fight in iraq __PUNCT__ at the least __PUNCT__ we must give them the tool thei need to do their job __PUNCT__

when the presid veto __PUNCT__ as he should __PUNCT__ the bill that refus to support gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ new plan __PUNCT__ i hope democrat in congress will heed the advic of on of their lead candid for presid __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ and immedi pass a new bill to provid support to our troop in iraq without substitut their partisan interest for those of our troop and our countri __PUNCT__

i know the pain war caus __PUNCT__

i understand the frustrat caus by our mistak in thi war __PUNCT__

i sympath with the fatigu of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

and i regret sincer the addit sacrific impos on the brave american who defend us __PUNCT__

but i also know the toll a lost war take on an armi and a countri __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ who ar will to support thi new strategi __PUNCT__ and give gener_petraeu the time and support he need __PUNCT__ have chosen a hard road __PUNCT__

but it is the right road __PUNCT__

it is necessari and just __PUNCT__

democrat __PUNCT__ who deni our soldier the mean to prevent an american defeat __PUNCT__ have chosen anoth road __PUNCT__

it mai appear to be the easier cours of action __PUNCT__ but it is a much more reckless on __PUNCT__ and it doe them no credit even if it give them an advantag in the next elect __PUNCT__

thi is an histor choic __PUNCT__ with ramif for american not even born yet __PUNCT__

let put asid for a moment the small polit of the dai __PUNCT__

the judgment of histori should be the approv we seek __PUNCT__ not the temporari favor of the latest public_opinion opinion_poll __PUNCT__

we all respect the sacrific made by our soldier __PUNCT__

we all mourn the loss thei have suffer in thi war __PUNCT__

but let us honor them by do all we can to ensur their sacrific were not made in vain __PUNCT__

let us show an appropri humil by recogn that so littl is ask of us compar to the burden we impos on them __PUNCT__ and let us show just a small __PUNCT__ but signific measur of their courag __PUNCT__ resolv and patriot by put our countri interest befor everi person or polit consider __PUNCT__

in close __PUNCT__ i like to bring to your attent the gallantri and patriot of on american who serv with distinct in iraq __PUNCT__ a navi_seal __PUNCT__ who refus to quit hi mission and let the countri he love so well suffer the terribl harm our defeat would entail __PUNCT__

a few dai_ago __PUNCT__ petti offic first class mark robbin __PUNCT__ unit wa ambush outsid baghdad __PUNCT__

dure the ensu firefight __PUNCT__ he spot an insurg with an rpg __PUNCT__ and immedi step out from cover and expos himself to enemi fire to take out the terrorist befor he could fire __PUNCT__

he save the live of hi comrad __PUNCT__ but wa grave wound as he did so __PUNCT__

he wa shot in the ey by anoth insurg with an ak __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the bullet exit the back of hi head about three inch behind hi ear __PUNCT__

he wa initi knock unconsci but came to __PUNCT__ continu to fight and then __PUNCT__ despit the sever of hi wound __PUNCT__ walk to the evacu helicopt __PUNCT__

he wa eventu taken to landstuhl militari hospit in germani __PUNCT__

as is the custom of navi_seal __PUNCT__ he wa accompani by on of hi comrad __PUNCT__ petti offic second class mclean swink __PUNCT__

on our wai home from iraq __PUNCT__ our deleg stop in germani for refuel and crew rest __PUNCT__ and i had the privileg of visit some of our wound at landstuhl __PUNCT__

i briefli stop in mark robbin __PUNCT__ room __PUNCT__ but he wa sedat and unabl then to commun __PUNCT__

i spent a few moment there __PUNCT__ and talk to hi buddi __PUNCT__ befor i went to visit other wound soldier __PUNCT__

not too long after i had left mark room __PUNCT__ petti offic swink found me and told me mark wa awak and had ask to see me __PUNCT__

so i return __PUNCT__

when i enter hi room and approach hi bedsid __PUNCT__ he struggl with great difficulti to sit up __PUNCT__ stiffen hi bodi as if he were try to stand at attent __PUNCT__ grasp my hand tightli and wouldn't let go __PUNCT__

and then he whisper to me not to worri __PUNCT__ we can win thi fight __PUNCT__

we can win thi fight __PUNCT__

mark __PUNCT__ as anoth person observ __PUNCT__ look like the __PUNCT__ toughest kid on the high_school footbal team __PUNCT__

he is tough __PUNCT__ and brave __PUNCT__ and veri young __PUNCT__

but more than that __PUNCT__ he an inspir to those who ar onli call upon to subordin a temporari polit_advantag to the secur of our good and great_nation __PUNCT__

petti offic mark robbin __PUNCT__ an american hero __PUNCT__ believ we can still win thi fight __PUNCT__

i take hi word for it __PUNCT__ and accept my respons to help the caus he sacrif so much to defend __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__