John McCain

This speech titled 2007.04.16.address_to_the_economic_club_of_memphis originally had 3906 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you for invit me to talk with you about that great engin of opportun and prosper __PUNCT__ the american_economi __PUNCT__

we live in a time when the success of our free_market principl ar the envi and model for societi whose economi had onc achiev no more than the perpetu of poverti and despair for the mani and luxuri and power for a privileg few __PUNCT__

we show the world that power and wealth ar the product of freedom and not the other wai around __PUNCT__ the freedom to pursu your aspir __PUNCT__ to seiz your opportun __PUNCT__ to rise as far as your own industri and imagin will take you __PUNCT__ to make a better life for your children than you inherit __PUNCT__ and to build togeth a civil for the ag __PUNCT__ in which all peopl share in the promis and respons of liberti __PUNCT__

our govern wa conceiv to protect our liberti in all it express __PUNCT__ polit __PUNCT__ religi __PUNCT__ and econom __PUNCT__ and in mani respect govern provid servic that ar indispens to us __PUNCT__

but it wa not intend to command our economi __PUNCT__ or redirect it benefit to thi or that interest_group or subordin it growth to the growth of govern __PUNCT__

govern constitut oblig to promot the gener_welfar did not empow it to assum the respons of individu but to protect our right to exercis those respons without fear or favor __PUNCT__ and to profit from the result __PUNCT__

govern should never ask from american_famili more than is necessari to do the thing thei cannot do for themselv __PUNCT__

it should spend_monei as wise as thei would __PUNCT__ and exercis it respons as compet as thei exercis their __PUNCT__

when i came to congress __PUNCT__ democrat were in the major and thei us govern to make our choic for us __PUNCT__

thei took from us an ever greater share of our freedom and properti to do the thing american_famili and commun ar better abl to do for ourselv __PUNCT__

thei grew govern for the sake of their own power __PUNCT__ and us the american_economi __PUNCT__ the wonder of the world __PUNCT__ to serv their end not our __PUNCT__

thei tax it __PUNCT__ regul it __PUNCT__ and injur it for the sake of partisan and parochi interest rather than liber it __PUNCT__ incentiv it and put it to work for all american __PUNCT__

when republican won a major in congress __PUNCT__ we did so with the promis to restor to american their freedom and resourc that had been wast extravagantli __PUNCT__ to mind our account as carefulli as american_famili mind their __PUNCT__ to govern less but govern better __PUNCT__

and we did some good_thing __PUNCT__

we reform_welfar __PUNCT__ we lower_tax __PUNCT__ we began to repair our nation_defens __PUNCT__ and for a time __PUNCT__ thank to a grow economi and peac __PUNCT__ we manag to spend no more than we took in __PUNCT__

but we left some big_thing undon becaus thei were too hard and too polit riski __PUNCT__

worst of all __PUNCT__ we forgot who we were __PUNCT__ tight __PUNCT__ fist steward of the feder treasuri who keep our prioriti straight __PUNCT__

we ask american to make us the govern parti __PUNCT__ and we reward them by becom the parti of govern __PUNCT__

as ani new member of congress quickli learn __PUNCT__ there ar realli three parti in congress __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ democrat and appropri __PUNCT__

and woe to the member who challeng the supremaci of the latter __PUNCT__

no campaign_promis __PUNCT__ no polit_philosophi __PUNCT__ no nation_prioriti is allow to stand in the wai of the prerog and prioriti of the appropri committe __PUNCT__

when an appropri sai spend __PUNCT__ we spend __PUNCT__

we spend_monei on an indoor rainforest in the midwest __PUNCT__

we spend it to studi the dna of bear in montana __PUNCT__ without know whether we need to solv a crimin_case or a patern suit __PUNCT__

and we spend it to build a bridg to nowher in alaska __PUNCT__

such spend might come natur to democrat __PUNCT__ but republican promis an end to such extravag __PUNCT__

we promis not to take your monei to plai pork barrel polit __PUNCT__

we promis to be a parti of principl __PUNCT__ not a parti of entrench polit_power __PUNCT__

pork barrel polit balkan america into compet interest_group just as race __PUNCT__ base or religion __PUNCT__ base or class __PUNCT__ base polit do __PUNCT__

congress is the nation legislatur __PUNCT__ not a town council __PUNCT__ not a state assembl __PUNCT__ not a corpor boardroom __PUNCT__

and it should be concern with meet nation_prioriti __PUNCT__ not foster greater social divis by squabbl over who get the bigger piec of the feder pie at the cost of the nation_interest __PUNCT__

to illustr how badli the problem skew our prioriti look at the recent debat in congress over the spend_bill to support our troop in iraq __PUNCT__

democrat_leader want to us the bill to forc the presid to withdraw our troop from iraq by next year __PUNCT__

but thei didn't have the vote __PUNCT__

some democrat want them withdrawn sooner and some worri __PUNCT__ rightli i might add __PUNCT__ that congress should fund or not fund the war __PUNCT__ but it shouldn't make tactic decis that ar best left to our gener in the field __PUNCT__

to win their vote __PUNCT__ democrat leader didn't persuad them of the merit of their propos __PUNCT__

thei bought them __PUNCT__

thei took the lid off the pork barrel __PUNCT__ and said to waver member __PUNCT__ help yourself __PUNCT__ there plenti more where that came from __PUNCT__

thei gave __MONEY___million to research water qualiti on pig farm in missouri __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ million to sugar beet farmer __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ million for peanut storag __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ million to dairi produc and nearli __MONEY__ million for highwai project __PUNCT__ two year after we pass a __MONEY___billion highwai bill __PUNCT__

thi war is more import than a new highwai overpass __PUNCT__ a pig farm or a peanut barn __PUNCT__

and most american __PUNCT__ whether thei support or oppos the war __PUNCT__ expect their repres to cast an honest vote on whether to fund it __PUNCT__ and not us it as anoth excus to wast their monei __PUNCT__

the govern_spend more monei todai than ever befor __PUNCT__

sinc ronald_reagan left_offic __PUNCT__ govern_spend adjust for inflat ha increas __MONEY__ for everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child in the countri __PUNCT__

wast spend ha gone from irrespons to indefens __PUNCT__

and we not spend it on program that ar ani more effect than thei were twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__

my good __PUNCT__ when disast strike the govern isn't even readi to deliv drink_water to dehydr babi or rescu the ag and infirm trap in a hospit with no electr __PUNCT__

i promis __PUNCT__ if i elect_presid i won't let congress wast ani more monei on program that aren't review or that need to be reform or abolish or on project that serv no greater purpos than to deceiv voter into re __PUNCT__ elect their local congressman __PUNCT__

i fought against wast and pork barrel spend for year __PUNCT__

it often been a lone fight __PUNCT__ but a good on __PUNCT__

i haven't won mani of those vote __PUNCT__ but i not tire of fight __PUNCT__

i tire of lose __PUNCT__

the presid ha mani power __PUNCT__

on of the most us is the veto pen __PUNCT__

i believ the presid should have the line item_veto as __NUM__ governor have __PUNCT__ and i fight to get it __PUNCT__

but i won't wait for it __PUNCT__

give me the pen __PUNCT__ and i us it __PUNCT__

i won't just talk about it __PUNCT__ or threaten it __PUNCT__ or us it onc and put it back in the drawer to gather dust __PUNCT__

give me the pen __PUNCT__ and i veto everi singl pork barrel bill congress send me __PUNCT__ and if thei keep send them to me __PUNCT__ i us the bulli pulpit to make the peopl who ar wast your monei famou __PUNCT__

you know who thei ar __PUNCT__ and you can hold them account __PUNCT__

no is alwai the right answer to wast spend __PUNCT__

give me the pen and __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ i sai no __PUNCT__ and i sai it loud enough so everyon hear me __PUNCT__

i us the power of the offic to hold the agenc of the feder_govern govern_account for the monei thei spend __PUNCT__ and i make sure the public help me __PUNCT__

we go to make everi aspect of govern purchas and perform transpar __PUNCT__

inform on everi step of contract and grant will be post on the internet in plain and simpl english __PUNCT__

we not go to hide anyth behind account trick and bureaucrat doubletalk that a linguist with a phd in account couldn't deciph __PUNCT__

believ me __PUNCT__ that go to help chang the wai we bui thing in washington __PUNCT__

but we go to post an agenc perform evalu as well __PUNCT__

we go to demand_account __PUNCT__

everi feder_agenc is go to have goal set at the begin of the fiscal_year __PUNCT__ and thei have to issu public progress report at the end of the year on how well or poorli thei met them __PUNCT__

we find some good perform __PUNCT__ and i be proud to recogn them __PUNCT__

but when we do not __PUNCT__ perform will determin whether thei ar fund the next year __PUNCT__

govern_program will be judg for the success thei had in meet a need that peopl can't be expect to meet for themselv __PUNCT__

if a program ha a good record __PUNCT__ and serv a purpos that the privat_sector can't thei receiv continu fund __PUNCT__

but we not go to spend more monei on them just becaus thei have been around for a long_time __PUNCT__

if thei not give american good valu for their tax_dollar __PUNCT__ thei go to have to chang or thei go out of busi __PUNCT__

when the govern_budget is tighter __PUNCT__ the famili budget won't have to be __PUNCT__

i promis you __PUNCT__ if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i won't leav_offic without balanc the feder_budget __PUNCT__

and i won't do it with smoke and mirror __PUNCT__

when i leav_offic __PUNCT__ i want to leav a budget that stai balanc after i gone __PUNCT__ and can weather the occasion downturn and unexpect conting __PUNCT__

i do it by spend less and encourag econom_growth __PUNCT__

if the feder_govern can't be fund with current revenu __PUNCT__ which ar grow at histor rate __PUNCT__ then the govern is too big and is grow too fast __PUNCT__

i won't balanc the budget by allow the presid incom and invest tax_cut to expir __PUNCT__

when we pass those tax cut __PUNCT__ we increas_spend as well __PUNCT__

that unaccept __PUNCT__ and the best wai to protect the tax_cut and balanc the budget is to stop spend_monei on thing that ar not the busi of govern and on program that have outliv their us or were never us to begin with __PUNCT__

i fight to prevent govern from keep an individu from make a good live or spend and tax our economi into declin __PUNCT__

i won't let govern_make it harder for american_busi to adapt to the chang in the global_economi that our own free_market principl have unleash __PUNCT__

i won't let the govern get in the wai of earn an honest dollar __PUNCT__

i appoint judg who won't allow our legal_system to be abus by meritless class action suit that increas the cost of everi product we purchas and everi job we creat __PUNCT__ judg who won't let your properti be confisc to build a new shop_mall without your permiss __PUNCT__

but i won't us govern to make your profit for you __PUNCT__

everi american and everi american_busi can do that for themselv __PUNCT__

our tax_code shouldn't penal hard_work __PUNCT__ thrift __PUNCT__ risk __PUNCT__ take and success __PUNCT__

i want america smartest peopl creat_job __PUNCT__ not wast their time __PUNCT__ energi and capit on navig our incomprehens tax_law __PUNCT__

tomorrow is the deadlin for file our tax_return __PUNCT__

it a dai most american anticip with dread or weari resign __PUNCT__

and even though more than a quarter of the year ha pass __PUNCT__ the averag_american american_famili still hasn't earn enough monei to pai their tax next year __PUNCT__

compound thi burden __PUNCT__ is the complex and wast of the tax_code that requir __MONEY___billion in complianc and prepar cost each year __PUNCT__ on thousand_dollar for everi american_famili __PUNCT__

it won't be easi to fix a byzantin code that ha been decad in the make __PUNCT__

but i don't want the offic for the sake of the nice hous __PUNCT__ the big plane and the car and driver __PUNCT__

i want to fix the hardest problem __PUNCT__ and i fight to make the tax_code simpler __PUNCT__ fairer __PUNCT__ flatter __PUNCT__ more pro __PUNCT__ growth and pro __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__

i fight to save the futur of social_secur and medicar __PUNCT__

i won't leav_offic without do everyth i can to fix the fiscal_problem that __PUNCT__ more than ani other __PUNCT__ threaten our futur prosper and power __PUNCT__

no problem is in more need of honesti than the loom insolv of our entitl_program __PUNCT__

no govern_program is the object of more polit postur and spin than social_secur and medicar __PUNCT__

american have the right to know the truth __PUNCT__ no matter how bad it is __PUNCT__

so here a littl straight talk __PUNCT__ the current social secur_system is unsustain __PUNCT__

period __PUNCT__

a half_centuri centuri_ago __PUNCT__ sixteen american_worker support everi retire __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ it just three __PUNCT__

soon __PUNCT__ it will be onli two __PUNCT__

if we don't make some tough choic __PUNCT__ social_secur and medicar either won't be there for our children and grandchildren or we will have had to rais_tax so dramat to support them that we will have crush the prosper of averag_american __PUNCT__

if i presid __PUNCT__ i submit a plan to save social_secur and medicar __PUNCT__ and i ask democrat in congress to do the same __PUNCT__

we listen to what peopl outsid govern suggest as well __PUNCT__

i work on a bipartisan basi to make the hard choic __PUNCT__ to protect the retir secur of the american_worker __PUNCT__ and the growth of the american_economi __PUNCT__

and if congress is afraid to make those choic __PUNCT__ then thei can just let me do it __PUNCT__

i take the heat __PUNCT__

i ask congress to let me submit a comprehens propos __PUNCT__

i prepar it carefulli __PUNCT__ fairli and honestli __PUNCT__

and thei can vote ye or no on that propos __PUNCT__ no amend __PUNCT__ no filibust __PUNCT__ no trick __PUNCT__ no band __PUNCT__ aid solut __PUNCT__ no more li __PUNCT__ no more kick the can down the road as the problem becom harder and more expens to solv __PUNCT__ no more hope that a futur_gener of leader will have the courag we lack __PUNCT__

if some of their constitu complain __PUNCT__ and thei will __PUNCT__ thei can put the blame on me __PUNCT__

i can take it __PUNCT__

what i can't take is the shame of leav_offic know that america_futur wa less promis than it past __PUNCT__

i spent my life fight to make sure that sad dai never come __PUNCT__

there never been a tomorrow american weren't eager to greet __PUNCT__

there never been a problem american couldn't solv __PUNCT__

the courag __PUNCT__ patriot __PUNCT__ ingenu and industri of our forbear earn the rever we hold for our stori past __PUNCT__

but we have never been a countri that substitut nostalgia for optim __PUNCT__

we have never been a countri that would rather go back than forward __PUNCT__

we ar the world_leader __PUNCT__ and leader don't fear chang __PUNCT__ hide from challeng __PUNCT__ pine for the past and dread the futur __PUNCT__

we make the futur better than the past __PUNCT__

that why i resent demagogu who preach the fals virtu of econom isolation __PUNCT__

open new market for american good and servic is indispens to our futur prosper __PUNCT__

we can compet with anyon __PUNCT__

you wouldn't know that by listen to the protectionist __PUNCT__

thei think we lick __PUNCT__

thei think we should hide behind wall __PUNCT__ buri our head and industri in the sand __PUNCT__ and hope we have enough left to live on while the world pass us by __PUNCT__

that not leadership __PUNCT__ and that not american __PUNCT__

here what the demagogu don't tell you __PUNCT__

america is the world_biggest export __PUNCT__ import __PUNCT__ produc __PUNCT__ saver __PUNCT__ investor __PUNCT__ manufactur __PUNCT__ and innov __PUNCT__

american don't run from the challeng of a global_economi __PUNCT__

we ar the global economi __PUNCT__

ani confid __PUNCT__ compet govern should embrac competit __PUNCT__ it make us stronger __PUNCT__ not hide from our competitor and cheat our consum and worker __PUNCT__

we can compet and win __PUNCT__ as we alwai have __PUNCT__ or we can be left behind __PUNCT__

i not run for presid to presid over our declin __PUNCT__

lower barrier to trade creat more and better job __PUNCT__ and higher_wage __PUNCT__

it keep inflat under control __PUNCT__

it keep mortgag and other interest_rate low __PUNCT__ and it make_good more afford for low and middl incom consum __PUNCT__

protection threaten all those benefit __PUNCT__

i know that open_market don't automat translat into a higher qualiti of life for everi singl american __PUNCT__

chang is hard __PUNCT__ and while most of us gain __PUNCT__ some industri __PUNCT__ compani and worker ar forc to struggl with veri difficult choic __PUNCT__

it wasn't govern_job to spend_million to save buggi whip factori and haberdash when car replac carriag and men stop wear hat __PUNCT__

and it isn't govern_job to spend billion preserv product and servic that we can't sell anymor __PUNCT__

but it is govern job to help worker get the educ and train thei need for the new job that will be creat by new busi in thi new centuri __PUNCT__

right now we have a half __PUNCT__ dozen differ program that ar suppos to help displac worker __PUNCT__ and anoth half __PUNCT__ dozen for peopl who ar not work at all __PUNCT__

we have an unemploy_insur insur_program straight out of the 1950 __PUNCT__

it wa design to assist worker through a few tough month dure an econom_downturn until their old job came back __PUNCT__

that program ha no relev to the world we live in todai __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i work with congress and the state to overhaul unemploy_insur and make it a program for retrain __PUNCT__ reloc and assist worker who have lost a job that not come back to find a job that won't go awai __PUNCT__

we should replac our outmod and redund program with a singl system __PUNCT__

we can help peopl get back on their feet more quickli with job in the privat_sector __PUNCT__ which offer the best train for a chang marketplac __PUNCT__

we can strengthen commun_colleg and technic train __PUNCT__ and give displac worker more choic to find their wai back to product and prosper live __PUNCT__

no on should have to wait until thei ar laid off to build a better life __PUNCT__

we can start right now by improv the account of public_educ at the primari and secondari level __PUNCT__ allow competit __PUNCT__ and help provid parent with choic for their children_educ __PUNCT__

the better educ american ar __PUNCT__ the more capabl thei will be of adjust to and benefit from econom chang __PUNCT__

we won't compet successfulli by us old technolog to produc old good __PUNCT__

we will succe by know what to produc and continu invent new technolog to produc it __PUNCT__

america ha the world best entrepreneur __PUNCT__ innov __PUNCT__ inventor and worker __PUNCT__

that why our advantag in the global marketplac have never been better __PUNCT__

an educ work_forc equip with american technolog will out compet anyon __PUNCT__

when our educ and train_program match our technolog __PUNCT__ our countri will move_ahead __PUNCT__ and no american_worker will be left behind __PUNCT__

you can't sell me on hopeless __PUNCT__

you can't scare me about the futur __PUNCT__

you can't convinc me that our problem ar insurmount __PUNCT__

i don't bui it __PUNCT__ and neither do the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we stand on the threshold of anoth centuri of american leadership __PUNCT__

we have the opportun to write anoth chapter of american great __PUNCT__

those of us privileg to lead thi countri need onli be mind of what ha alwai made us great __PUNCT__ have the courag to stand by our principl __PUNCT__ honor our public_trust __PUNCT__ and keep our promis to put the countri interest befor our own __PUNCT__

i alwai kept my promis to my countri __PUNCT__

i keep the on i make now __PUNCT__

and i will keep the on i make as presid __PUNCT__

i not run for presid to be somebodi __PUNCT__ but to do someth __PUNCT__ to do the hard but necessari thing not the easi and needless thing __PUNCT__

i run for presid to protect thi countri from harm and defeat our enemi __PUNCT__

i run for presid to make the govern do it job __PUNCT__ not your job __PUNCT__ to do it with less __PUNCT__ and to do it better __PUNCT__

i run for presid to defend our freedom and expand our opportun __PUNCT__

i run for presid not to leav our biggest nation problem to some unlucki gener of leader __PUNCT__ but to fix them now __PUNCT__ and leav our grandchildren a safer __PUNCT__ freer and more prosper countri than the on we were bless to inherit __PUNCT__ i run for presid to make sure america maintain it place as the polit and econom leader of the world __PUNCT__ the countri that doesn't fear chang but make chang work for us __PUNCT__ the countri that doesn't long for the good old dai __PUNCT__ but aspir to even better dai __PUNCT__

i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ not a defeat countri __PUNCT__ not a bankrupt countri __PUNCT__ not a timid and frighten countri __PUNCT__ not a countri fragment into bicker interest_group with no sens of or dedic to the nation_interest __PUNCT__ not a countri with a bloat __PUNCT__ irrespons and incompet govern __PUNCT__

i not run for town manag or school_board board_member or corpor treasur or surgeon gener or head of the trial_lawyer associ or secretari of the local chariti __PUNCT__

i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ the most power __PUNCT__ prosper nation and greatest forc for good on earth __PUNCT__

and if i am elect_presid i intend to keep it so __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__