John McCain

This speech titled 2007.04.23.speech_on_energy_policy originally had 3388 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

i appreci the invit to talk with you about a great and urgent challeng __PUNCT__ break our nation critic depend on foreign sourc of oil __PUNCT__ and make_america safer __PUNCT__ stronger and more prosper by modern the wai we gener and emploi energi __PUNCT__

oil is often call the lifeblood of our economi __PUNCT__ the indispens commod that keep commerc hum and america on the move __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ in todai_world __PUNCT__ our depend on foreign_oil and the wai we us hydrocarbon is a major strateg vulner __PUNCT__ a seriou threat to our secur __PUNCT__ our economi and the well be of our planet __PUNCT__

fortun __PUNCT__ there ar time in a nation_histori when great_challeng coalesc with great moment of opportun __PUNCT__

we ar at such a moment todai __PUNCT__

we have the urgent need and the opportun to build a safer and thrive futur with more divers __PUNCT__ reliabl __PUNCT__ and cleaner energi __PUNCT__

but it will take anoth indispens commod to make it happen __PUNCT__ american leadership __PUNCT__

i run for presid to help provid that leadership __PUNCT__

and i want to talk a littl todai about the direct i want to lead us and why __PUNCT__

oil is a vital resourc and we will alwai need it __PUNCT__

but we account for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of global demand and possess less than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of proven reserv __PUNCT__

most of the world known reserv ar in the persian_gulf __PUNCT__ in the hand of dictat or nation oil_compani __PUNCT__

it avail and price ar manipul by a cartel of countri where our valu aren't typic share and our interest aren't their first prioriti __PUNCT__

by mid __PUNCT__ centuri there will be three __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ half billion car worldwid __PUNCT__ over four time the number todai __PUNCT__

most of the growth will take place in the develop_world __PUNCT__ in india and china __PUNCT__ but the increas in fuel price __PUNCT__ pollut __PUNCT__ and climat impact will be felt worldwid __PUNCT__

as world demand for oil soar __PUNCT__ higher_price __PUNCT__ sever econom volatil __PUNCT__ and heighten intern tension follow __PUNCT__

these unpredict forc could serious circumscrib our futur if we let them __PUNCT__

great_nation don't leav the __PUNCT__ lifeblood __PUNCT__ of their economi in the hand of foreign cartel or bet their futur on a commod locat in countri where authoritarian repress their peopl and terrorist find their main support __PUNCT__

terrorist understand the serious of our vulner __PUNCT__

al_qaeda plan for attack on oil facil in the middl_east to destroi the american_economi __PUNCT__

a littl over a year_ago __PUNCT__ a suicid attack at a major saudi arabian oil refineri came close to disabl it target __PUNCT__

had it succeed __PUNCT__ it would have driven the world price of oil abov __MONEY__ dollar a barrel __PUNCT__ and kept it there for a year __PUNCT__

we on success attack awai from an econom_crisi __PUNCT__

the flow of oil ha mani chokepoint __PUNCT__ pipelin __PUNCT__ refineri __PUNCT__ transit rout __PUNCT__ and termin __PUNCT__ most of them outsid our jurisdict and control __PUNCT__

our enemi understand the effect on america of a signific disrupt in suppli __PUNCT__ a crippl transport_system __PUNCT__ gasolin too expens for mani american to purchas __PUNCT__ busi close __PUNCT__

al_qaeda must revel in the ironi that america is effect help to fund both side of the war thei caus __PUNCT__

as we sacrific blood and treasur __PUNCT__ some of our ga dollar flow to the fanat who build the bomb __PUNCT__ hatch the plot __PUNCT__ and carri out attack on our soldier and citizen __PUNCT__

iran made over __MONEY___billion from oil sale in __NUM__ and it is the number on state_sponsor of terror __PUNCT__

the transfer of american wealth to the middl_east help sustain the condit on which terrorist prei __PUNCT__

some of the most oil __PUNCT__ rich nation ar the most stagnant societi on earth __PUNCT__

as long as petro __PUNCT__ dollar flow freeli to them those regim have littl incent to open their polit and economi so that all their peopl mai benefit from their countri __PUNCT__ natur wealth __PUNCT__

the middl east exampl is spread to our own hemispher __PUNCT__

venezuela hugo_chavez is us hi countri oil revenu to establish a dictatorship __PUNCT__ bulli hi neighbor and succe castro as latin_america lead antagonist of the unit_state __PUNCT__

the polit of oil imped the global progress of our valu __PUNCT__ and restrain govern from act on the most basic impuls of human decenc __PUNCT__

there is onli on reason china ha oppos sanction to pressur sudan to stop the kill in darfur __PUNCT__ china need sudan oil __PUNCT__

the burn of oil and other fossil_fuel is contribut to the danger accumul of greenhous_gase in the earth atmospher __PUNCT__ alter our climat with the potenti for major social __PUNCT__ econom and polit upheav __PUNCT__

the world is alreadi feel the power effect of global_warm __PUNCT__ and far more dire consequ ar predict if we let the grow delug of greenhous_ga_emiss continu __PUNCT__ and wreak_havoc with god_creation __PUNCT__

a group of senior retir militari_offic recent warn about the potenti upheav caus by conflict over water __PUNCT__ arabl_land and other natur_resourc under strain from a warm planet __PUNCT__

the problem isn't a hollywood invent nor is do someth about it a vaniti of cassandra like hyster __PUNCT__

it is a seriou and urgent econom __PUNCT__ environment and nation_secur challeng __PUNCT__

nation secur depend on energi_secur __PUNCT__ which we cannot achiev if we remain depend on import oil from middl_eastern govern who support or foment by their own inattent and inequ the rise of terrorist or on swagger demagogu and would be dictat in our hemispher __PUNCT__

there no doubt it an enorm challeng __PUNCT__

but is it too big a challeng for america to tackl __PUNCT__ thi great_countri that ha never befor confront a problem it couldn't solv __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ it is not __PUNCT__

no peopl have ever been better innov and problem solver than american __PUNCT__

it is in our nation dna to see challeng as opportun __PUNCT__ to conquer problem beyond the expect of an admir world __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ reli as alwai on the industri and imagin of a free_peopl __PUNCT__ and the power and innov of free_market __PUNCT__ is capabl of overcom ani challeng from within and without our border __PUNCT__

our enemi believ we too weak to overcom our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

even some of our alli think we no longer the world most visionari __PUNCT__ most capabl countri or commit to the advanc of mankind __PUNCT__

i think we know better than that __PUNCT__

i think we know who we ar and what we can do __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ let remind the world __PUNCT__

georg gershwin wrote that good music reflect it peopl and time __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ my peopl ar american __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ my time is todai __PUNCT__

that what made hi music memor __PUNCT__

that what made all america best accomplish memor __PUNCT__

we were capabl and confid __PUNCT__ we aspir to great and we understood our time __PUNCT__

our time is todai __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ and the achiev of our stori past will shine no brighter than those we accomplish right now __PUNCT__ in our time __PUNCT__ if we meet our problem confid and honestli __PUNCT__ if we trust in the strength and ideal of free_peopl __PUNCT__ if we aspir to great __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i propos a nation_energi strategi that will amount to a declar of independ from the fear bred by our relianc on oil sheik and our vulner to the troubl polit of the land thei rule __PUNCT__

when we reach the limit of militari_power and diplomaci to contain the danger of that cauldron of burn resent and extrem __PUNCT__ energi_secur is our best defens __PUNCT__

we won't achiev it tomorrow __PUNCT__ but we must achiev it in our time __PUNCT__

the strategi i propos won't be anoth grab bag of handout to thi or that industri and a full_employ act for lobbyist __PUNCT__

it will promot the diversif and conserv of our energi_sourc that will in suffici time break the domin of oil in our transport sector just as we diversifi awai from oil us in electr_power power_gener thirti_year_ago __PUNCT__ and substanti reduc the impact of our energi_consumpt on the planet __PUNCT__

it will reli on the geniu and technolog prowess of american_industri and scienc __PUNCT__

govern must set achiev goal __PUNCT__ but the market should be free to produc the mean __PUNCT__

and those mean ar within our reach __PUNCT__

energi_effici by us improv technolog and practic sensibl habit in our home __PUNCT__ busi and automobil is a big_part of the answer __PUNCT__ and is someth we can achiev right now __PUNCT__

and new advanc will make conserv an ever more import_part of the solut __PUNCT__

improv light_bulb can us much less energi __PUNCT__ smart grid technolog can help homeown and busi lower their energi us __PUNCT__ and breakthrough in high_tech materi can greatli improv fuel_effici in the transport sector __PUNCT__

we need to dispel the imag of conserv that entail shiver in cold room __PUNCT__ read by candlelight __PUNCT__ and lower product __PUNCT__

american have it in their power todai to contribut to our nation_secur __PUNCT__ prosper and a cleaner environ __PUNCT__

thei understand the danger we face __PUNCT__ and ar prepar to respond to appeal to patriot that explain how we can free ourselv from them __PUNCT__

we need not wait for anoth ag __PUNCT__ in which scienc_fiction becom everi dai realiti __PUNCT__

flexibl __PUNCT__ fuel vehicl aren't futurist pie in the sky __PUNCT__

we can easili deploi such technolog todai for less than __MONEY__ per vehicl __PUNCT__ and we must develop the infrastructur necessari to take full advantag __PUNCT__

we were abl to overcom the challeng of put seatbelt __PUNCT__ airbag __PUNCT__ and comput technolog in practic everi car __PUNCT__

we can provid fuel option and improv the fuel_effici of our vehicl fleet by make them out of high_tech materi that improv their strength and safeti __PUNCT__

we ar do that veri thing right now to beat our foreign competitor in the aerospac industri __PUNCT__

alcohol fuel made from corn __PUNCT__ sugar __PUNCT__ switch grass and mani other sourc __PUNCT__ fuel cell __PUNCT__ biodiesel deriv from wast product __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__ and other technolog ar all promis and avail altern to oil __PUNCT__

i won't support subsid everi altern or tariff that restrict the healthi competit that stimul innov and lower_cost __PUNCT__

but i encourag the develop of infrastructur and market growth necessari for these product to compet __PUNCT__ and let consum choos the winner __PUNCT__

i never known an american entrepreneur worthi of the name who wouldn't rather compet for sale than subsidi __PUNCT__

america electr product is for the most part petroleum free __PUNCT__ and the exist electr_power grid ha the capac to handl the ad demand impos by plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid vehicl __PUNCT__

we can add more capac and improv it reliabl in the year_ahead __PUNCT__

nuclear_energi __PUNCT__ renew power __PUNCT__ and other emiss free form of power product can expand capac __PUNCT__ improv local air qualiti and address climat chang __PUNCT__

i work to promot real partnership between util and automak to acceler the deploy of plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid __PUNCT__

with some of the save from cut subsidi for industri that can stand on their own __PUNCT__ we can establish a nation challeng to improv the cost __PUNCT__ rang __PUNCT__ size __PUNCT__ and weight of electr batteri for automobil __PUNCT__

fifti percent of car on the road ar driven __NUM___mile a dai or less __PUNCT__

afford batteri __PUNCT__ power vehicl that can meet averag commut need could help us cut oil import in half __PUNCT__

the reward will be earn through merit by whomev accomplish the task __PUNCT__ whether a laboratori in the depart of energi __PUNCT__ a univers __PUNCT__ a corpor or an enterpris young inventor who work out of hi famili garag __PUNCT__

there is much we can do to increas our own oil_product in wai that protect the environ us advanc technolog __PUNCT__ includ those that us and buri carbon_dioxid __PUNCT__ to recov the oil below the well we have alreadi drill __PUNCT__ and tap oil __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__ and shale econom with minim environment_impact __PUNCT__

the unit_state ha coal reserv more abund than saudi_arabia oil_reserv __PUNCT__

we found a wai to cut down acid rain pollut from burn coal __PUNCT__ and we can find a wai to us our coal resourc without emit excess greenhous_gase __PUNCT__

we have in us todai a zero emiss energi that could provid electr for million more home and busi than it current doe __PUNCT__

yet it ha been over twenti __PUNCT__ five year sinc a nuclear_power_plant ha been construct __PUNCT__

the barrier to nuclear_energi ar polit not technolog __PUNCT__

we let the fear of thirti_year_ago __PUNCT__ and an endless polit squabbl over the storag of nuclear spent_fuel make it virtual_imposs to build a singl new plant that produc a form of energi that is safe and non __PUNCT__ pollut __PUNCT__

if franc can produc___NUM__ __PUNCT__ of it electr with nuclear_power __PUNCT__ why can't we __PUNCT__ is franc a more secur __PUNCT__ advanc and innov countri than we ar __PUNCT__ ar franc scientist and entrepreneur more capabl than we ar __PUNCT__ i need no answer to that rhetor question __PUNCT__

i know my countri well enough to know otherwis __PUNCT__

let provid for safe storag of spent nuclear_fuel __PUNCT__ and give host state or local a proprietari interest so when advanc recycl technolog turn us fuel into a valuabl commod __PUNCT__ the public will share in it econom_benefit __PUNCT__

i want to improv and make perman the research and develop tax_credit __PUNCT__

i want to spend less monei on govern_bureaucraci __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ where the privat_sector isn't move out of regulatori fear __PUNCT__ to form the partnership necessari to build demonstr model of promis new technolog such as advanc nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__ coal gasif __PUNCT__ carbon_captur and storag __PUNCT__ and renew power so we can take maximum advantag of our most abund resourc __PUNCT__

and i make it a nation mission to develop a catalyst capabl of break down carbon_dioxid into us chemic build block __PUNCT__ and render it a new sourc of revenu and opportun __PUNCT__

america compet in a global_economi where innov and entrepreneurship ar the pillar of prosper __PUNCT__

the competit is stiff and the stake ar high __PUNCT__

we have the opportun to appli america technolog supremaci to captur the export_market for advanc energi_technolog __PUNCT__ reap the capit_invest and good_job it will provid __PUNCT__

our innov __PUNCT__ scientist __PUNCT__ entrepreneur and worker have the knowledg __PUNCT__ resourc __PUNCT__ and drive to lead the wai on energi_secur __PUNCT__ as we have in so mani other world __PUNCT__ chang advanc __PUNCT__

the race ha alwai been to the swift __PUNCT__ and america must be first to market with innov that meet mankind grow energi and environment need __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ govern should set the standard __PUNCT__ and leav it to the marketplac to win the race __PUNCT__

i have propos a bipartisan plan to address the problem of climat chang and stimul the develop and us of advanc technolog __PUNCT__

it is a market __PUNCT__ base_approach that would set reason cap on carbon and other greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ and provid industri with tradabl credit __PUNCT__

by reduc it emiss __PUNCT__ a util or industri plant can gener credit it mai trade on the open_market for a profit __PUNCT__ offer a power incent to drive the deploy of new and better energi_sourc and technolog __PUNCT__ for automak to develop new wai to lower pollut and increas mileag __PUNCT__ for util to gener cleaner electr and captur carbon __PUNCT__ for applianc manufactur to make more effici product __PUNCT__ and for the nation to us energi with maximum effici __PUNCT__ build conserv into the economi in a manner that produc financi and environment benefit __PUNCT__

dupont corpor ha reap __MONEY___billion billion_dollar in energi save and reduc it carbon_emiss by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

as it alwai doe __PUNCT__ the profit_motiv will attract the transform_power of ventur_capit __PUNCT__ and unleash the market to move clean altern fuel and advanc energi_technolog from the margin into the mainstream __PUNCT__

some urg we do noth becaus we can't be certain how bad the problem might becom or thei presum the worst effect ar most like to occur in our grandchildren lifetim __PUNCT__

i a proud conserv __PUNCT__ and i reject that kind of live __PUNCT__ for __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ me gener __PUNCT__ attitud __PUNCT__

it is unworthi of us and incompat with our reput as visionari and problem solver __PUNCT__

american have never fear chang __PUNCT__

we make chang work for us __PUNCT__

in the come month __PUNCT__ other propos will be offer to establish a nation climat polici __PUNCT__

i welcom thi __PUNCT__

but let not let urgenc breed rash and irrespons __PUNCT__

i claim no monopoli on the best answer __PUNCT__

let the marketplac of idea flourish __PUNCT__

but as there is great reward in the respons polici __PUNCT__ there also enorm risk in the wrong wai forward __PUNCT__

the polici must includ mechan to control_cost and protect the economi __PUNCT__

just as there is danger in do too littl __PUNCT__ there is peril in go too far __PUNCT__ too fast __PUNCT__ in a wai that impos unsustain cost on the economi __PUNCT__

i believ __PUNCT__ cap and trade __PUNCT__ is the best wai to manag cost and maxim benefit __PUNCT__ but we must look at other market __PUNCT__ base mean to give ad assur that our polici ar an instrument of job_creation __PUNCT__ econom progress __PUNCT__ and environment_problem problem_solv __PUNCT__

climat chang is a global problem that requir a global solut __PUNCT__

but we know america ha both an oblig and a compel nation_interest in fulfil our histor leadership_role __PUNCT__

china carbon_emiss will soon exce our __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will invit a collabor relationship with china to make coal us cleaner and climat friendli __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ we should address the problem on our term __PUNCT__ and bring other into the fold of a common_sens effort to solv it __PUNCT__ while we sell to the world the technolog need to do it __PUNCT__

answer great_challeng is noth new to america __PUNCT__

it what we do __PUNCT__

we built the rocket that took us to the moon not becaus it wa easi but becaus it wa hard __PUNCT__

we sent space probe into the distant reach of the univers __PUNCT__

we har nuclear_energi __PUNCT__ map the human genom __PUNCT__ creat the internet and pioneer integr circuit that possess the comput power of apollo spacecraft on a singl silicon chip you can bare see __PUNCT__

in twenti_year we gone from us thi cell_phone __PUNCT__ a __MONEY__ toi for the wealthi __PUNCT__ to thi cell phone __PUNCT__ an inexpens and virtual univers mean of commun __PUNCT__

we can solv our oil depend __PUNCT__

you can't sell me on hopeless __PUNCT__

you can't convinc me the problem is insurmount __PUNCT__

i know my countri __PUNCT__

i know what we capabl of __PUNCT__

we capabl of unimagin progress __PUNCT__ unmatch prosper __PUNCT__ and vision that see around the corner of histori __PUNCT__

we alwai understood our time __PUNCT__ accept our challeng and made from our opportun __PUNCT__ anoth better world __PUNCT__

my peopl ar american __PUNCT__

our time is todai __PUNCT__

that is the countri i ask to lead __PUNCT__