This speech titled 2007.05.01.address_at_the_hoover_institution_on_us_foreign_policy originally had 3432 tokens. You can view the original text here.
sinc the dawn of our republ __PUNCT__ american have believ our nation wa creat for a purpos __PUNCT__
we were __PUNCT__ as alexand_hamilton said __PUNCT__ a peopl of great destini __PUNCT__
in the revolut __PUNCT__ the civil_war __PUNCT__ in world_war on and two __PUNCT__ and in the mani struggl of the cold_war __PUNCT__ our forebear met and overcam threat to our nation_surviv and to our wai of life __PUNCT__
thei believ thei had a duti to serv a caus greater than their self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__
thei kept faith with the etern principl of our declar of independ against the evil of despot __PUNCT__ fascism __PUNCT__ and totalitarian __PUNCT__
and thei chang the world __PUNCT__
democraci wa born and then spread across the globe __PUNCT__ from north_america to europ to asia and latin_america __PUNCT__ to africa and the middl_east __PUNCT__
todai we stand __PUNCT__ grate __PUNCT__ on thi foundat of freedom __PUNCT__
now it is our gener turn to build __PUNCT__
it is our gener turn to restor and replenish the faith in our nation and our principl __PUNCT__
we have suffer terribl attack at the hand of a new enemi that relentlessli seek our destruct __PUNCT__
new danger have arisen __PUNCT__ great_power ar emerg and seek to shift the intern balanc of power __PUNCT__ and we ar in the midst of two war whose outcom will shape our futur __PUNCT__
here at home there is discord and doubt __PUNCT__ and our famou optim as a peopl ha begun to flicker __PUNCT__
it must not __PUNCT__
ever sinc jamestown __PUNCT__ we have displai courag in the face of advers __PUNCT__
we ar a hardi __PUNCT__ spirit and steadfast peopl __PUNCT__ a nation of pioneer and inveter problem solver __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ america remain the most attract of nation __PUNCT__ where peopl the world over wish to visit __PUNCT__ studi __PUNCT__ live __PUNCT__ start busi __PUNCT__ invest and look for inspir in our valu and our freedom __PUNCT__
that is why i believ we ar about to enter our greatest and proudest year as a nation __PUNCT__
our great presid __PUNCT__ harri_truman onc said of america __PUNCT__ god ha creat us and brought us to our present posit of power and strength for some great purpos __PUNCT__
in hi time __PUNCT__ that great purpos wa to erect structur of peac and prosper that could provid safe passag through the cold_war __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we face new danger and new opportun and we must have a new common mission __PUNCT__ to build an endur global peac __PUNCT__ and to build it upon the foundat of freedom __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ prosper and hope __PUNCT__
there is so much promis in todai_world __PUNCT__
we live in an era of unpreced human progress __PUNCT__
an increasingli global commerc is spread a better and freer life to million __PUNCT__
our scientist and physician ar erad diseas that onc ravag popul __PUNCT__
more peopl_live under democraci than at ani time in human_histori __PUNCT__
more than ever befor __PUNCT__ a father and mother can pass on to their children a happier __PUNCT__ healthier __PUNCT__ longer __PUNCT__ and freer life than thei themselv knew __PUNCT__
yet as we seiz and expand these opportun __PUNCT__ we must recogn the danger pose by the forc of terror and tyranni that look backward into a world of dark and violenc __PUNCT__
with our democrat friend and alli around the world __PUNCT__ we need to build a new global_order of peac __PUNCT__ a peac that can last not just for a decad but for a centuri __PUNCT__ where the danger and threat we face diminish __PUNCT__ and where human progress reach new height __PUNCT__
almost two centuri_ago jame_madison declar that the great struggl of the epoch __PUNCT__ wa between liberti and despot __PUNCT__
mani thought that thi struggl end with the cold_war __PUNCT__ but it didn't __PUNCT__
it took on new guis __PUNCT__ such as the modern terrorist network __PUNCT__ an enemi of progress that ha turn our technolog_advanc to it own us __PUNCT__ and in ruler try to rebuild __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri autocraci in a __NUM___centuri world __PUNCT__
todai the talk is of the war on terror __PUNCT__ a war in which we must succe __PUNCT__
but the war on terror cannot be the onli organ principl of american_foreign_polici __PUNCT__
intern terrorist capabl of inflict mass_destruct ar a new phenomenon __PUNCT__
but what thei seek and what thei stand for ar as old as time __PUNCT__
thei compris part of worldwid polit __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ and philosoph struggl between the futur and the past __PUNCT__ between progress and reaction __PUNCT__ and between liberti and despot __PUNCT__
upon the outco me of that struggl depend our secur __PUNCT__ our prosper __PUNCT__ and our democrat wai of life __PUNCT__
democraci and freedom continu to flourish around the world __PUNCT__ but there have been some discourag trend __PUNCT__
in china __PUNCT__ despit miracul econom_growth and a higher_standard of live for mani million of chines __PUNCT__ hope for an accompani polit_reform have diminish __PUNCT__
the rule_parti seem determin to domin_polit polit_life __PUNCT__ and as in the past __PUNCT__ the talk is of order __PUNCT__ not democraci __PUNCT__ the supremaci of the parti not of the peopl __PUNCT__
china astonish the world with it econom and technolog modern __PUNCT__ but then spend billion try to control that great icon of the modern_era __PUNCT__ the internet __PUNCT__
china recogn it vital_interest in econom_integr with the democrat world __PUNCT__
but it ha also join russia in hinder intern effort to put_pressur on dictat in iran __PUNCT__ sudan __PUNCT__ zimbabw __PUNCT__ burma __PUNCT__ and other pariah state __PUNCT__
china express it desir for a stabl peac in east_asia __PUNCT__ but it contin ue to increas it militari might __PUNCT__ foster distrust and concern in the region about beij ambit __PUNCT__
we must insist that china us it newfound power respons at home and abroad __PUNCT__
a decad_ago __PUNCT__ the great russian peopl had thrown off communist tyranni and seem determin to build democraci and a free_market and to join the west __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ russia look more and more like some __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri autocraci __PUNCT__ mark by diminish polit_freedom __PUNCT__ shadowi intrigu __PUNCT__ and mysteri assassin __PUNCT__
beyond it border moscow ha tri to expand it influenc over it neighbor in eastern __PUNCT__ central and even western_europ __PUNCT__
while the more democrat russia of the 1990 sought to deepen it ti with europ and america __PUNCT__ todai a more authoritarian moscow manipul europ depend on russian oil and ga to compel silenc and obedi __PUNCT__ and to try to drive a wedg between europ and the unit_state __PUNCT__
the russian_govern is even more brutal toward the young democraci on it peripheri __PUNCT__ threaten them with trade embargo and wors if thei move too close to the west __PUNCT__
it support separatist mov ement in georgia and moldova and openli interven in ukrain presidenti_elect __PUNCT__
and it is suppli weapon to iran __PUNCT__ syria __PUNCT__ and indirectli to hezbollah __PUNCT__
but if some in russia yearn to turn the clock back two decad __PUNCT__ the zealot of islam_radic would turn it back centuri __PUNCT__
the mullah of iran and the leader of al_qaeda and hezbollah want to cleans the muslim_world of modern and the ideal of the enlighten __PUNCT__ and return it to an imagin past of theolog puriti __PUNCT__
thei state their goal plainli __PUNCT__ a univers islam theocraci __PUNCT__ a new caliph across all the land onc domin by islam __PUNCT__ includ the land held in europ centuri_ago __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ mideast autocraci fuel thi radic by deni their peopl polit express __PUNCT__ econom_opportun or hope for a better futur __PUNCT__
these govern differ from on anoth in a thousand wai __PUNCT__ and our polici toward them must reflect those differ __PUNCT__
our nation_interest requir that we pursu econom and strateg cooper with china and russia __PUNCT__ that we support egypt and saudi_arabia role as peacemak in the middl_east __PUNCT__ and that we work with pakistan to fight the taliban and al_qaeda __PUNCT__
but our nation_interest also requir that we continu press for progress __PUNCT__
we have seen how autocrat govern often work against our interest __PUNCT__
iran is abl to aggress pursu nuclear_weapon and hegemoni in the persian_gulf __PUNCT__ in part __PUNCT__ becaus it ha been shield by the world_power autocraci __PUNCT__
north_korea defi the intern_commun with it nuclear_weapon and missil program and an obscen human right record __PUNCT__
last month __PUNCT__ north_korea unsurprisingli miss the first deadlin in the most recent nuclear agreement and it remain to be seen if china will us it enorm influenc to demand better behavior __PUNCT__
the path to an endur peac li in a clear __PUNCT__ ei pursuit of our nation_interest that doe not acced to autocrat trend __PUNCT__
we must expand the power and reach of democraci __PUNCT__ freedom __PUNCT__ and human right us our mani strength as a free_peopl __PUNCT__
but that mean make some substanti chang in how we do busi __PUNCT__
chang must begin at home __PUNCT__
back in __NUM__ just a year into the cold_war __PUNCT__ the truman administr launch a massiv overhaul of the nation foreign_polici __PUNCT__ defens __PUNCT__ and intellig_agenc to meet new challeng __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we must do the same to meet the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
i will have much more to sai about thi in the futur but our need ar clear in the organ __PUNCT__ skill __PUNCT__ and capabl need to prevail in the conflict with violent extremist __PUNCT__ an intellig_commun that is abl to collect and analyz inform on and conduct oper against our enemi __PUNCT__ a public diplomaci effort that make our case to the world effect __PUNCT__ a diplomat corp that understand stabil doe not mean support dictatorship __PUNCT__ foreign_aid program that foster good_govern __PUNCT__ gener that understand and learn from past war and appli those lesson to the futur __PUNCT__ defens procur that is transpar __PUNCT__ account and e ffectiv __PUNCT__ and civilian defens leadership that is held_account for result and provid the resourc necessari to achiev result __PUNCT__
we must never again launch a militari_oper with too few troop to complet the mission and build a secur __PUNCT__ stabl __PUNCT__ and democrat peac __PUNCT__
when we fight a war __PUNCT__ we must fight to win __PUNCT__
we cannot build an endur peac base on freedom by ourselv __PUNCT__
nor do we want to __PUNCT__
the declar of independ proclaim our duti to pai decent respect to the opinion of mankind __PUNCT__
when i think back to the 1980 __PUNCT__ the decad of triumph in the cold_war __PUNCT__ i think about our great allianc __PUNCT__
reagan __PUNCT__ thatcher __PUNCT__ kohl __PUNCT__ mitterrand __PUNCT__ nakason thei were all strong leader who jealous guard the interest of their peopl __PUNCT__
but thei link arm against communist tyranni __PUNCT__
todai we need to reviv that vital democrat solidar __PUNCT__
we need to renew the term of our partnership and strike a new grand_bargain for the futur __PUNCT__
we american must be will to listen to the view and respect the collect will of our democrat alli __PUNCT__
like all other nation __PUNCT__ we reserv the sovereign right to defend our vital nation_secur when and how we deem necessari __PUNCT__
but our great_power doe not mean we can do whatev we want whenev we want __PUNCT__ nor should we assum we have all the wisdom __PUNCT__ knowledg and resourc necessari to succe __PUNCT__
when we believ intern action is necessari __PUNCT__ whether militari __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ or diplomat __PUNCT__ we must work to persuad our democrat friend and alli that we ar right __PUNCT__
but in return __PUNCT__ we must be will to be persuad by them __PUNCT__
to be a good leader __PUNCT__ america must be a good alli __PUNCT__
our partner must be good alli __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
thei must have the will and the abil to act in the common_defens of freedom __PUNCT__ democraci __PUNCT__ and econom_prosper __PUNCT__
thei must spend the monei necessari to build effect militari that can train and fight alongsid our __PUNCT__
thei must help us deliv aid to those in need and encourag good_govern in fragil state __PUNCT__
thei must face the threat of our world squar and not evad their global respons __PUNCT__
and thei must put an end to the mindless anti __PUNCT__ american that todai mar intern discours __PUNCT__
no allianc can work unless all it member share a basic faith in on anoth and accept an equal share of the respons to build a peac base on freedom __PUNCT__
if we strike thi new bargain and renew our transatlant solidar __PUNCT__ i believ we must then take the next step and expand the circl of our democrat commun __PUNCT__
as we speak __PUNCT__ american_soldier ar serv in afghanistan alongsid british __PUNCT__ canadian __PUNCT__ dutch __PUNCT__ german __PUNCT__ italian __PUNCT__ spanish __PUNCT__ turkish __PUNCT__ polish __PUNCT__ and lithuanian soldier from the nato allianc __PUNCT__
thei ar also serv alongsid forc from australia __PUNCT__ new zealand __PUNCT__ japan __PUNCT__ the philippin __PUNCT__ and south_korea __PUNCT__ all democrat alli or close partner of the unit_state __PUNCT__
but thei ar not all part of a common structur __PUNCT__
thei don't work togeth systemat or meet regularli to develop diplomat and econom strategi to meet their common problem __PUNCT__
the __NUM___centuri world no longer divid neatli into geograph region __PUNCT__
organ and partnership must be as intern as the challeng we confront __PUNCT__
the nato allianc ha begun to deal with thi gap by promot global partnership between current member of the allianc and the other great democraci in asia and elsewher __PUNCT__
we should go further and start bring democrat peopl and nation from around the world into on common organ __PUNCT__ a worldwid leagu of democraci __PUNCT__
thi would not be like the univers __PUNCT__ membership and fail leagu of nation __PUNCT__ of woodrow_wilson but much more like what theodor_roosevelt envis __PUNCT__ like __PUNCT__ mind nation work togeth in the caus of peac __PUNCT__
the new leagu of democraci would form the core of an intern order of peac base on freedom __PUNCT__
it could act where the un fail to act __PUNCT__ to reliev human_suffer in place like darfur __PUNCT__
it could join to fight the aid epidem in sub __PUNCT__ saharan_africa and fashion better polici to confront the crisi of our environ __PUNCT__
it could provid unimped market access to t hose who share the valu of econom and polit_freedom __PUNCT__ an advantag no state __PUNCT__ base system could attain __PUNCT__
it could bring concert pressur to bear on tyrant in burma or zimbabw __PUNCT__ with or without moscow and beij approv __PUNCT__
it could unit to impos sanction on iran and thwart it nuclear ambit __PUNCT__
it could provid support to struggl democraci in ukrain and serbia and help countri like thailand back on the path to democraci __PUNCT__
thi leagu of democraci would not supplant the unit_nation or other intern_organ __PUNCT__
it would complement them __PUNCT__
but it would be the on organ where the world democraci could come togeth to discuss problem and solut on the basi of share principl and a common vision of the futur __PUNCT__
if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will call a summit of the world democraci in my first year to seek the view of my democrat counterpart and begin explor the practic step necessari to realiz thi vision __PUNCT__
american should lead thi effort __PUNCT__ as we did sixti_year year_ago in found nato __PUNCT__
but if we ar to lead respons __PUNCT__ our friend and alli must see us as respons nation __PUNCT__ concern not onli about our own well __PUNCT__ be but about the health of the world_economi and the futur of our planet __PUNCT__
throughout the cold_war __PUNCT__ america support for a global_econom econom_system system_base on free_trade and free flow of capit went hand __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ hand with our support of polit_freedom and democraci __PUNCT__
to build a new era of peac base on freedom __PUNCT__ we have to work even harder through our econom and trade_polici to encourag open_societi and creat a climat of opportun and hope __PUNCT__
our econom strategi in the middl_east must complement our polit_strategi by support modern who want to improv the live of their peopl against those radic and autocrat who would impoverish them __PUNCT__
in latin_america and africa __PUNCT__ we need to support those who favor open economi and democrat_govern against populist demagogu who ar drag their nation back to the fail socialist polici of the past __PUNCT__
in asia we need to show that grow democrat economi can do more for the averag man and woman and less for corrupt senior_offici than grow economi in a on __PUNCT__ parti state __PUNCT__
american ar the most gener and care peopl in the world __PUNCT__
no on ha sacrif more in live and treasur to save the world from tyranni __PUNCT__
no nation spend more in combin public and privat philanthrop effort to combat diseas and poverti around the world __PUNCT__
and no on work_harder to ensur the continu health and vital of the global_economi __PUNCT__
still __PUNCT__ there is more we can do __PUNCT__
to be success intern leader __PUNCT__ we need to be good intern citizen __PUNCT__
thi mean uphold and strengthen intern_law and norm __PUNCT__ includ the law of war __PUNCT__
we must champion the geneva_convent __PUNCT__ and we must fulfil the letter and the spirit of our intern oblig __PUNCT__
it is profoundli in our interest to do so __PUNCT__ sinc our failur to abid by these rule put our own soldier at risk __PUNCT__
our moral stand in the world requir that we respect what ar __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ american principl of justic __PUNCT__
our valu will alwai triumph in ani war of idea __PUNCT__ and we can't let fail like prison abus tarnish our imag __PUNCT__
if we ar model citizen of the world __PUNCT__ more peopl around the world will look to us as a model __PUNCT__
when our nation wa found over two hundr_year year_ago __PUNCT__ we were the world onli democrat_republ __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ there ar more than __NUM__ elector democraci spread all across the globe __PUNCT__
we must reaffirm our faith in the principl that our founder declar to be univers __PUNCT__ that all peopl ar creat_equal and possess inalien right to life __PUNCT__ liberti __PUNCT__ and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__
we fought a revolut __PUNCT__ a civil_war __PUNCT__ two world_war __PUNCT__ and a cold_war to vindic these principl and ensur that freedom could be enjoi __PUNCT__ as abraham_lincoln promis __PUNCT__ by all __PUNCT__ peopl of all color everywher __PUNCT__
we were right to struggl for democraci then __PUNCT__ and we ar right to do so now __PUNCT__
thi is not ideal __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
it is the truest kind of realism __PUNCT__
todai as in the past __PUNCT__ our interest ar inextric link to the global progress of our ideal __PUNCT__
the vision of a new era of endur peac base on freedom is not a republican vision __PUNCT__
it is not a democrat vision __PUNCT__
it is an american vision __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have known instinct for two centuri that we ar safer when the world is more democrat __PUNCT__
whatev our differ __PUNCT__ we all share the same goal __PUNCT__ a world of peac and freedom __PUNCT__ of prosper and opportun __PUNCT__ of hope __PUNCT__
we have a duti to ourselv to be true to those belief __PUNCT__ to us our great_power wise on behalf of freedom __PUNCT__
as ronald_reagan proclaim in hi speech to the british parliament in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ let us go to our strength __PUNCT__
let us offer hope __PUNCT__
let us tell the world that a new ag is not onli possibl but probabl __PUNCT__