This speech titled 2007.05.13.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 10065 tokens. You can view the original text here.
russert __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ welcom back to meet the press __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ you didn't have to sai unsuccess __PUNCT__ everybodi know that __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ all part of the histori __PUNCT__
let go right to it __PUNCT__ iraq __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ we been talk to voter across the countri __PUNCT__ our nbc/wall street_journal poll __PUNCT__ is victori in iraq still possibl __PUNCT__ thirti __PUNCT__ six percent sai victori possibl __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent sai victori not possibl __PUNCT__
and look at thi __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
wa the war __PUNCT__ wa the war __PUNCT__ wa it a mistak to send_troop __PUNCT__ fifti __PUNCT__ eight percent sai ye __PUNCT__ a mistak __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent sai no __PUNCT__
ar you surpris at those number __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ not too __PUNCT__
particularli on the issu of the second question __PUNCT__ when we have experienc the enorm difficulti and sacrific that have been part of thi conflict that __PUNCT__ certainli __PUNCT__ you can understand that __PUNCT__
american ar frustrat __PUNCT__ and thei sadden our failur in thi conflict __PUNCT__
my point is __PUNCT__ and i sure we get into it __PUNCT__ and that is we have a chanc of success __PUNCT__ and i don't think that a lot of american ar as fulli awar as thei should be of the consequ of failur in iraq __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ when you were speak in __NUM__ the american_enterpris_institut __PUNCT__ you said thi __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ if we can't retain the support of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ we will have lost thi war as soundli as if our forc were defeat on the battlefield __PUNCT__
haven't thei lost the support of the american peopl __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think if we can show the american peopl some success in iraq and continu and expand on some of the success we alreadi experienc in anbar provinc and some neighborhood in baghdad __PUNCT__ that i think american would __PUNCT__ and if we do a better job __PUNCT__ and that peopl like me __PUNCT__ of explain the consequ of failur __PUNCT__
the consequ of failur __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ ar that there would be chao in the region __PUNCT__
there three __PUNCT__ two million sunni in baghdad __PUNCT__
the iranian would continu to increas their influenc __PUNCT__ the saudi would have to help the sunni __PUNCT__ the kurd would want independ __PUNCT__ the turk will never stand for it __PUNCT__
some peopl sai partit __PUNCT__
you have to partit bedroom in baghdad becaus sunni and shia ar __PUNCT__ ar marri __PUNCT__
thi __PUNCT__ thi is a veri __PUNCT__ veri difficult situat __PUNCT__ but the consequ of failur __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ ar unlik the vietnam_war where we could leav and come home and it wa over __PUNCT__ that these peopl will try to follow us home and the region will erupt to a point where we mai have to come back or we will be compat __PUNCT__ combat what is now __PUNCT__ to a larg degre __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__ although certainli other __PUNCT__ mani other factor of sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ in the region __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ in hindsight __PUNCT__ wa it a good_idea to go into iraq __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in hindsight __PUNCT__ if we had exploit the initi success __PUNCT__ which wa shock and aw __PUNCT__ and we succeed __PUNCT__ and we had done the right thing after that __PUNCT__ all of us would be applaud what we did __PUNCT__
we didn't __PUNCT__
it wa terribl mismanag __PUNCT__
it wa __PUNCT__ i went over there veri shortli after the initi victori and came back convinc that we didn't have enough troop on the ground __PUNCT__ we were make the wrong decis __PUNCT__ and that secretari_rumsfeld wa badli mismanag the conflict __PUNCT__
and i spoke about it and complain for year __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ if we had succeed and done the right thing after the initi militari success __PUNCT__ then all of us would be veri happi that on of the most terribl __PUNCT__ cruel dictat in histori wa remov from power __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ becaus of our failur __PUNCT__ obvious we have paid a veri heavi price in american blood and treasur and a great sacrific __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ so it wa a good_idea to go in __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think at the time __PUNCT__ given the inform we had __PUNCT__
everi intellig_agenc in the world __PUNCT__ not just u. __PUNCT__ believ that saddam_hussein had weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__
he had acquir and us them befor __PUNCT__
there wa no doubt that he wa go to acquir and us them if he could __PUNCT__
the sanction were break down __PUNCT__
the oil for food scandal wa in the billion of dollar __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ at the time __PUNCT__ given the inform we had __PUNCT__ hindsight is 20/20 __PUNCT__
if we have known we were go to experi the failur we experienc __PUNCT__ obvious it would give us all paus __PUNCT__
yet the inform and the knowledg and the situat at the time __PUNCT__ i think that it wa certainli justifi __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the pentagon quarterli report __PUNCT__ the director of the cia __PUNCT__ the director of the defens intellig_agenc __PUNCT__ all have said that sectarian_violenc is the problem __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ gener mapl said that al __PUNCT__ qaeda account for onli a small_fraction of the insurg violenc __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ you know the __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ who our enemi __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ the gener on the ground __PUNCT__ doe not agre with that __PUNCT__
al __PUNCT__ qaeda is exploit these sectarian differ __PUNCT__
thei ar try to orchestr attack on both sunni and shia __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ in order to spark thi and increas thi sectarian_violenc that go on __PUNCT__
al __PUNCT__ qaeda is plai significantli __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ ar there problem with sectarian violenc __PUNCT__ of cours there is __PUNCT__
is there other problem __PUNCT__ such as in anbar provinc where sunni ar now combat al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__ ar al __PUNCT__ qaeda be shove out of baghdad into area outsid of baghdad __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
and ar there problem in those area __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ thi is long and hard and difficult __PUNCT__ and i said it for a long_time __PUNCT__
and it no last throe __PUNCT__ it no mission accomplish __PUNCT__ it no few dead __PUNCT__ ender __PUNCT__
it long and hard and tough __PUNCT__
we ar experienc some success __PUNCT__
do we have to experi more __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
but to do what the democrat want to do __PUNCT__ and that set a date for withdraw __PUNCT__ even those who oppos the war from the begin don't think that that would lead to anyth but an enorm challeng situat as a result __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ the iraqi parliament __PUNCT__ a major of the iraqi parliament __PUNCT__ ha sign a petit ask for a date certain for withdraw of american_troop __PUNCT__
if the iraqi parliament want it __PUNCT__ a major in the congress want it __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ why do you stand there and sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you can't have it __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ becaus it my job to give my best estim to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ no matter what the polit_calcul mai be __PUNCT__ as to what the best in our nation nation_secur interest __PUNCT__
young_men and women ar risk their live as we speak in __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ in iraq __PUNCT__
and i know that thei will be in greater harm wai if we withdraw from iraq __PUNCT__ as we keep debat over and over and over again __PUNCT__
and i know what best __PUNCT__ in my mind __PUNCT__ in my experi __PUNCT__ in my knowledg __PUNCT__ in my inspir __PUNCT__ as to what best for thi countri __PUNCT__
so polit_calcul such as poll __PUNCT__ i understand that if the american_peopl don't continu to support thi effort that we will be forc to withdraw __PUNCT__
but it also my oblig to tell the american peopl and my constitu in arizona that i repres __PUNCT__ what the consequ of failur will be __PUNCT__ and i believ thei will be catastroph __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but the duli elect peopl bodi __PUNCT__ the u. __PUNCT__ congress and the iraqi parliament __PUNCT__ sai thei want a troop_withdraw __PUNCT__
that more than a poll __PUNCT__
isn't that the voic of the peopl __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ as far as the iraqi parliament is concern __PUNCT__ the iraqi_govern obvious doesn't feel that wai __PUNCT__ their __PUNCT__ the repres in their govern __PUNCT__
second of all __PUNCT__ there is some __PUNCT__ a certain amount of domest_polit polit_calcul involv there in what the iraqi __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ parliament __PUNCT__ said __PUNCT__
the iraqi parliament ha their abil to __PUNCT__ to voic their view __PUNCT__ and i respect them __PUNCT__
and i __PUNCT__ as i sai __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i repeat again __PUNCT__ i understand how democraci work __PUNCT__
i saw it in vietnam __PUNCT__
i saw it in vietnam __PUNCT__
and i saw it in vietnam __PUNCT__ the predict __PUNCT__ that everyth would be a worker paradis in __PUNCT__ in vietnam if we left __PUNCT__
and thousand were execut and million went to re __PUNCT__ educ camp __PUNCT__
so i __PUNCT__ i believ that __PUNCT__ that the consequ of failur __PUNCT__ and particularli sit on the larg reserv of oil thei have __PUNCT__ particularli consid the influenc of al __PUNCT__ qaeda is concern __PUNCT__ you will see enorm destabil in the region __PUNCT__ and that my duti __PUNCT__
that my oblig __PUNCT__
it not my privileg __PUNCT__
and polit calcul should not enter into ani inform or posit that i take on __PUNCT__ on a __PUNCT__ on an issu of nation_secur __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the iraqi parliament sai thei want to take a two __PUNCT__ month vacat while our men and women shed their blood __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i am __PUNCT__ i am unalter oppos to it __PUNCT__
on of the real difficulti we face in thi conflict __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ is whether the maliki govern will act as an inclus govern __PUNCT__ and whether the maliki govern will do the thing that ar necessari to be done __PUNCT__
and i veri concern about it __PUNCT__
all of us ar veri concern about it __PUNCT__
thi govern ha to pass the oil revenu share law __PUNCT__
thi govern ha to pass de __PUNCT__ baathif __PUNCT__
thei have to declar elect in the provinc so that sunni __PUNCT__ who now want to take part in the elector process __PUNCT__ can have their repres __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ thei had four year to do thi __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thei have had thi time __PUNCT__ and thei have done some thing __PUNCT__
it took us about __NUM__ and some year befor we had a bloodi civil_war to decid the futur of our countri __PUNCT__
thi is a fledgl democraci __PUNCT__
i not __PUNCT__ i not make excus for it __PUNCT__ but thei have not been in thi busi befor __PUNCT__
and yet that doe not chang the fact that __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ unless thei act __PUNCT__ it could jeopard what is alreadi in jeopardi __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ would you be in favor of a referendum amongst the iraqi_peopl to make a decis as to whether u. __PUNCT__ troop should stai or leav __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no more than i should __PUNCT__ would have a referendum in the unit_state of america as to whether iraqi troop should leav __PUNCT__ or whether we should be in or out of nato __PUNCT__ or ani other issu __PUNCT__
the iraqi_govern is an elect_govern __PUNCT__ and thei ar function __PUNCT__
and so why we would need a __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ referendum __PUNCT__ is no more necessari in thi countri as in that on __PUNCT__
doe the maliki govern have to act more effect __PUNCT__ more inclus __PUNCT__ absolut thei do __PUNCT__ and it of great concern __PUNCT__ and i think it on of the great vulner as we try to move_forward and succe there __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ what success __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ polit and social_progress __PUNCT__ which can onli be obtain in an environ of secur __PUNCT__
neighborhood in baghdad ar safer __PUNCT__
thei not safe __PUNCT__ but thei ar safer than thei were befor __PUNCT__
and the govern ha to function more effect __PUNCT__ and then the iraqi_militari and polic take over those respons as we gradual withdraw __PUNCT__
that the recip for success __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the iraqi_armi __PUNCT__ over __NUM__ battalion __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ yep __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ there ar onli __NUM__ battalion __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ that __NUM___soldier __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ ar independ work separ and apart from american __PUNCT__
how can it be __PUNCT__ after four year __PUNCT__ the iraqi onli have __NUM__ soldier oper independ __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ two thing __PUNCT__
on __PUNCT__ becaus the war wa so badli mismanag __PUNCT__
the __PUNCT__ secretari_rumsfeld claim that there wa __PUNCT__ at on point __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ train __PUNCT__ and thei obvious fell apart __PUNCT__
there a differ __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ between those who can __PUNCT__ can perform __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ independ __PUNCT__ and those that can perform effect alongsid u. __PUNCT__ troop in baghdad and around the countri __PUNCT__
there ar __PUNCT__ there ar iraqi unit that still probabl can't stand up on their own __PUNCT__ but thei can oper effect alongsid u. __PUNCT__ militari __PUNCT__
the kei to it is __PUNCT__ will we be abl to train more who can oper independ on their own __PUNCT__ we have a wai to go __PUNCT__
but we __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ with thi new strategi __PUNCT__ and it is a strategi __PUNCT__ not a surg __PUNCT__ we have been abl to see signific improv __PUNCT__
enough improv __PUNCT__ probabl not __PUNCT__
but at least we see some progress __PUNCT__
and our command on the ground ar sai that the iraqi_militari is function far more effect __PUNCT__ effect __PUNCT__ and we ar see progress there __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ jim miklaszewski __PUNCT__ our pentagon correspond __PUNCT__ report that he be told by senior militari_offici that __PUNCT__ come __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we do not have the troop to continu to send to iraq in the rotat that we been __PUNCT__ that been ongo __PUNCT__
we simpli don't have them __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ come next __DATE__ __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ that correct __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ we ar increas the size of the armi and marin_corp __PUNCT__
anoth on of the great fail when we began thi wa not increas the size of the armi and marin corp __PUNCT__
i said for year that we need to dramat_increas them __PUNCT__ particularli in certain specialti __PUNCT__
i hope that the increas recruit that we ar experienc now will give us an opportun to increas those number __PUNCT__
i also hope that we can see some sign of success in thi challeng that we ar face __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu said thi __PUNCT__ ani student of histori recogn there no militari solut to a problem like that in iraq __PUNCT__ to the insurg of iraq __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i had mani convers with gener petraeu and i don't want to put word in hi mouth __PUNCT__ but he also tell you that histori_show us __PUNCT__ ani student of histori will tell __PUNCT__ you that in __PUNCT__ if __PUNCT__ unless you have an environ of secur for the peopl to try to live normal live __PUNCT__ and the econom __PUNCT__ polit __PUNCT__ polit and social environ is abl to grow and flourish __PUNCT__ then you ar doom to failur __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ when you sai it all we __PUNCT__ it all up to the iraqi __PUNCT__ that like sai a neighborhood that been taken over by gang __PUNCT__ it up to the peopl in the neighborhood __PUNCT__
we have to do whatev we can to provid them with an environ in which thei can exist and begin to lead normal live __PUNCT__
we ar show some success __PUNCT__
the __PUNCT__ the strategi befor wa __PUNCT__ go kill_peopl __PUNCT__
it wa the old search __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ destroi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ go kill peopl and go back to your base __PUNCT__
we now got __NUM__ or more outpost in baghdad where iraqi and american_militari ar 24/7 __PUNCT__
there ar some progress be made __PUNCT__ and gener_petraeu will sai that __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
enough __PUNCT__ we see __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ it been more than four year __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i know __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl ar sai __PUNCT__ why ar we shed our blood __PUNCT__ and thei take vacat as a parliament __PUNCT__ thei don't have independ soldier and battalion up and run __PUNCT__
our __PUNCT__ nation_intellig estim __PUNCT__ outlin increasingli peril situat in which the unit_state ha littl control __PUNCT__ strong possibl of further deterior __PUNCT__ accord to sourc familiar with the document __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ it couch glimmer of optim in deep uncertainti about whether the iraqi leader will be abl to transcend sectarian interest __PUNCT__ fight against extremist __PUNCT__ establish effect nation_institut and end rampant corrupt __PUNCT__
that our own intellig_agenc __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ year out __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ and these same intellig agenc gave us some veri bad intellig about four year_ago __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ as you might __PUNCT__ as you might recal __PUNCT__
but the fact __PUNCT__ the fact is __PUNCT__ thi is long __PUNCT__ hard difficult __PUNCT__
and we talk about these present challeng that we face __PUNCT__
we don't talk a lot about what happen if we fail __PUNCT__ and i think that that got to be part of ani nation discuss that we have __PUNCT__
and the consequ of failur ar chao __PUNCT__ genocid and __PUNCT__ when you __PUNCT__ when __PUNCT__ and i sure you will ask thi at some point __PUNCT__ what plan b __PUNCT__ my __PUNCT__ my __PUNCT__ my question to those who sai __PUNCT__ let set a date for withdraw __PUNCT__ what your plan b __PUNCT__ and the fact is __PUNCT__ if we spent_time on plan a __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ and give it a chanc to succe __PUNCT__ i think would be a us wai of spend our time __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but under your plan __PUNCT__ you strongli suggest we go to be there for the next __NUM___year at least in order to secur and stabil that countri __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i am suggest that we will have __PUNCT__ hopefulli reach a situat where american_troop will not be on the front_line __PUNCT__ where __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ that will not be immedi __PUNCT__ where american_troop ar abl to withdraw __PUNCT__
we had troop in south_korea for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ and american ar __PUNCT__ ar veri satisfi with that situat __PUNCT__
the kei to it is __PUNCT__ is the iraqi_militari and polic take over these respons __PUNCT__
and that is __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ the ultim wai we go to know whether we can reduc american_casualti and thei take over the respons for __PUNCT__ for govern their own countri and militarili attack and resist al __PUNCT__ qaeda and other sectarian_violenc which will be there for a long __PUNCT__ long_time __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and we go to be there for a long time __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ but if it is __PUNCT__ if it is __PUNCT__ if it is onli in a role that is of support and american_casualti ar minim __PUNCT__ then i think it probabl worth the invest __PUNCT__
if the level of casualti stai where it is and we do not have success __PUNCT__ then we know that that will be a __PUNCT__ a condit that we cannot stand for __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ by when __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i don't have a date __PUNCT__
i think that the import_thing is whether we assess as we move along __PUNCT__
everybodi talk about __PUNCT__ some peopl talk about __DATE__ or mai __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__
some peopl talk about __DATE__ __PUNCT__
the fact is that we got to be show progress along the wai __PUNCT__ and we will be __PUNCT__ have plenti of time to assess that __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i understand you __PUNCT__ you ar voic the frustrat that american_feel __PUNCT__
we onli got four of the five brigad over there now __PUNCT__
we have just begun thi new strategi __PUNCT__
it is bare begin __PUNCT__ and i think it ought to be given a chanc to succe or fail __PUNCT__
and for us to __PUNCT__ to go for two month of fund after we vote time and time again __PUNCT__
the presid __PUNCT__ the presid ha veto __PUNCT__ and we continu to __PUNCT__ to try to micromanag thi war __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and if you want us out of there __PUNCT__ then cut off the fund and bring them home tomorrow __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ let me show you the kind of thing that ar often said when soldier ar oversea __PUNCT__ like thi __PUNCT__ there no reason for the unit_state to remain __PUNCT__
the american_peopl want them home __PUNCT__
i believ the major of congress want them home __PUNCT__
our continu militari_presenc allow anoth situat to rise __PUNCT__ which could then lead to the wound __PUNCT__ kill or captur of american fight men and women __PUNCT__
we should do all in our power to avoid that __PUNCT__
what should be the criteria is our immedi __PUNCT__ orderli withdraw __PUNCT__
and if we do not do that and other american die then i __PUNCT__ sai that the respons for that lie with the congress who did not exercis their author under the constitut __PUNCT__
for us to get into nation __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__ law and order __PUNCT__ etc __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ is a tragic and terribl_mistak __PUNCT__
you hear those kind of word __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ sure i do __PUNCT__
american ar frustrat and sadden by the enorm sacrific we made and the gross mismanag of the war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ my respons to that statement is and what happen after we leav __PUNCT__ listen to all of the expert who will tell you that we can have a situat in the region which will __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ in the long_run __PUNCT__ entail far greater casualti __PUNCT__ far greater disloc __PUNCT__ far greater threat to our nation_secur than try to give thi an opportun to succe __PUNCT__
that what the __PUNCT__ my respons to that heartfelt statement is __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ those ar your word from __NUM__ about somalia __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and that the kind of thing we hear about iraq __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you felt that wai about somalia when you saw no end in sight __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i did __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and mani american now ar echo your word about iraq __PUNCT__ becaus thei see no end in sight __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ if you compar __PUNCT__ want to compar somalia to what at stake in iraq __PUNCT__ pleas feel_free to do so __PUNCT__
i don't see ani comparison except that there wa chao in the street of mogadishu __PUNCT__ and thi now is got to do with vital nation_secur interest __PUNCT__
i also said that we should get out of beirut when we did __PUNCT__ becaus a __PUNCT__ a presenc of a few marin in a barrack wa not go to __PUNCT__ in ani wai __PUNCT__ significantli impact what wa go on in lebanon __PUNCT__
and i wa right __PUNCT__ and a lot of young marin di becaus we __PUNCT__ of the wai that we put a presenc in there without ani chanc of success __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you sai we make_progress __PUNCT__
you been on thi program talk about iraq __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ said __PUNCT__ i believ we achiev signific goal __PUNCT__ __NUM__ we view it as __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ hope __PUNCT__ we make __PUNCT__ progress __PUNCT__ __NUM__ we on the __PUNCT__ right track __PUNCT__ i want to emphas again __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ good_thing happen __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ show_sign of success __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
it upbeat __PUNCT__ upbeat __PUNCT__ upbeat __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and yet the realiti is quit differ than that kind of optimist messag __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i think it would be fair also to put the statement that i made when i came back from iraq that said it wa a fail polici __PUNCT__ that we had to have more troop on the ground __PUNCT__ that we were not carri out the right kind of effort at train and equip the iraqi __PUNCT__ that the iraqi_govern wasn't __PUNCT__ so it might be fair to flash some of those statement up __PUNCT__ includ the long speech i gave __PUNCT__ after i came back from iraq __PUNCT__ to the council on foreign_relat __PUNCT__ where i said if we pursu thi fail polici __PUNCT__ we will fail in iraq __PUNCT__
so i think that that might balanc it out a bit __PUNCT__
do i think we had __PUNCT__ we had made some progress __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
and do i think that we have had some signific setback __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
we __PUNCT__ both is __PUNCT__ ar the case __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you made a lot of new back in __DATE__ when you went to iraq __PUNCT__
you went on a radio_show and said never __PUNCT__ had a new confer __PUNCT__ never been abl to go out in the citi as i wa todai __PUNCT__
and then later these photograph were releas __PUNCT__ where we saw __PUNCT__ clear throat __PUNCT__ excus me __PUNCT__ john_mccain in the marketplac __PUNCT__ surround __PUNCT__ wear a flack jacket __PUNCT__
the next dai the paper said that __PUNCT__ a dai after member of an american congression deleg led by senat_john john_mccain point to their brief visit __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ baghdad central market as evid that the new secur plan for the citi wa work __PUNCT__ the merchant were incredul about __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ conclus __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ what ar thei talk about __PUNCT__ the owner of an electr suppli shop said __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ the secur procedur were abnorm __PUNCT__
the deleg arriv at the market __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___soldier in armor humve __PUNCT__ the equival of an entir compani __PUNCT__ attack helicopt circl overhead __PUNCT__ a senior __PUNCT__ militari_offici in baghdad said __PUNCT__
the soldier redirect traffic from the area __PUNCT__ restrict access to the american __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ the congressmen wore bulletproof vest __PUNCT__ through the hour __PUNCT__ long visit __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ thei paralyz the market when thei came __PUNCT__ thi wa onli for the media __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ wasn't that __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i don't know who mr __PUNCT__ faiyad is __PUNCT__ and i sorri that i didn't see him __PUNCT__
i talk with mani __PUNCT__ mani of the merchant __PUNCT__
we stai there for more __PUNCT__ more than an hour __PUNCT__
that same place wa not a function market a short_time befor __PUNCT__
a bomb had gone off in that area and kill mani __PUNCT__ mani peopl __PUNCT__
there __PUNCT__ there wa a group of peopl that i talk to __PUNCT__ as i travel __PUNCT__ walk around that __PUNCT__ that shop area for over an hour who said __PUNCT__ i glad to see you __PUNCT__
thing ar better __PUNCT__
thei __PUNCT__ some __PUNCT__ a gui came and complain about a sniper that __PUNCT__ that thei had problem with __PUNCT__ and the polic_chief we talk to about that __PUNCT__
my point is the neighborhood ar safer __PUNCT__
thei ar not safe __PUNCT__
that why we have to continu what we do __PUNCT__
we have a new strategi that __PUNCT__ that can succe __PUNCT__
i wa glad to walk through that market __PUNCT__
i will go walk through a market as often as i can __PUNCT__
it wa not allow to go through a market a short_time befor that __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you had an arm escort __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i had an arm escort becaus __PUNCT__ becaus that what gener_petraeu thought we ought to have __PUNCT__
i wa glad to go outsid of baghdad and have over an hour opportun to talk to the peopl that i talk to __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ thei ar veri differ from the peopl that __PUNCT__ that you ar quot here and other __PUNCT__
thei said __PUNCT__ i glad to see you __PUNCT__
thing ar better here __PUNCT__
we have __PUNCT__ we have seen improv __PUNCT__
that what i wa told __PUNCT__ and that what the other two member of congress were told when we were there __PUNCT__
you can find a lot of differ of opinion if you want to __PUNCT__ but i believ that it import for me to go out and meet those peopl if i can and be around them __PUNCT__
i didn't call for the kind of __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ protect __PUNCT__ that wa around me __PUNCT__
but i am not afraid __PUNCT__ and i glad to go ani place that i can to talk to the peopl of iraq and tell them of my commit to see that thei have a free __PUNCT__ democrat_govern where thei don't have to face the bomb go off and the suicid_bomber and the __PUNCT__ and can start lead normal live __PUNCT__
and i do that everi chanc i get __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but the militari felt you need that protect __PUNCT__ and the number of suicid bomber ha gone up sinc the surg began __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ the militari __PUNCT__ the suicid bomber have gone up becaus thei know that thi is probabl the most effect wai publicitywis __PUNCT__
it not the most effect wai if you talk about win a conflict __PUNCT__
suicid bomber ar the most difficult of ani to counter __PUNCT__ peopl who ar will to take their own live in order to take other __PUNCT__
you can ask the isra __PUNCT__ i think thei tell you that __PUNCT__
thei have liter seal their border __PUNCT__ and yet suicid bomber get across __PUNCT__
and again __PUNCT__ is thi long and hard and difficult __PUNCT__ is that market safe __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but it safer than it wa befor __PUNCT__
and that __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ is the kei to whether we will succe or fail or not __PUNCT__
and i be glad to go back to that market with or without militari protect and __PUNCT__ and humve __PUNCT__ etc __PUNCT__
but the fact is __PUNCT__ i walk through narrow street __PUNCT__
i didn't have peopl all around me __PUNCT__
i don't know what __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ where thei get their inform __PUNCT__ but i wa glad to walk around and talk to peopl and have contact with them and tell them that i __PUNCT__ as an american __PUNCT__ will do everyth i can to let them lead the normal live which ar god __PUNCT__ given right to everybodi on earth __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ there seem to be a real eros in support of the war amongst republican __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ eleven republican_congressmen met with the presid __PUNCT__
on said __PUNCT__ my district is prepar for defeat if that what you ar go to sai __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the leader of the republican in the senat __PUNCT__ mitch_mcconnel __PUNCT__ condemn the iraqi_govern for it failur to resolv secur and polit_problem more expediti and predict that __PUNCT__ unless the current troop surg succe __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ polici will be chang by year end either by __PUNCT__ the presid or by __PUNCT__ congression action __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i share hi __PUNCT__ hi dismai __PUNCT__ and we discuss it alreadi about the iraqi_govern govern_failur to act effect __PUNCT__
when i wa over there __PUNCT__ i met with iraqi_govern govern_offici and told them how import it is for them to act as a inclus govern __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and i believ that thei certainli ar have messag sent __PUNCT__
i hope that thei ar receiv them __PUNCT__
and again __PUNCT__ i understand the lack of patienc on the part of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and we get a littl circular here in how sad and __PUNCT__ and frustrat thei ar __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but these ar the republican __PUNCT__
thei __PUNCT__ thei __PUNCT__ mitch_mcconnel sai that thei readi to move thi year __PUNCT__ republican in congress __PUNCT__ against the war unless the surg show success rel quickli __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ i think by the end of thi year we will see some sign of success __PUNCT__ how signific those will be __PUNCT__
but if everi republican is against it __PUNCT__ if everi republican call for withdraw __PUNCT__ i will do what my conscienc __PUNCT__ my knowledg __PUNCT__ my __PUNCT__ i know what war is __PUNCT__
i know how evil these peopl ar __PUNCT__
i know what war __PUNCT__ war and peac is about __PUNCT__
and i know the consequ __PUNCT__ from my studi of histori and knowledg and background __PUNCT__ the consequ of failur __PUNCT__
so if i the last man stand __PUNCT__ i have an oblig to do what my conscienc and my knowledg and my background and everyth i known through my well __PUNCT__ experienc life is best for thi countri __PUNCT__
and i will not chang from that __PUNCT__ from that posit __PUNCT__
but i also understand what public_opinion doe and what democraci do __PUNCT__
but that doesn't mean that i chang my view and my posit and blow in the __PUNCT__ in the direct of which the polit wind ar blow __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ you lost the republican_nomin to georg_bush __PUNCT__
would it be iron that you lost the __NUM___nomin becaus you embrac georg_bush iraq_war polici __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ life isn't fair __PUNCT__
i did not embrac the polici for a number of year __PUNCT__
i wa on of the severest critic __PUNCT__
but life isn't fair __PUNCT__
but i __PUNCT__ i had a wonder opportun to serv thi countri __PUNCT__
i have been the __PUNCT__ i am the luckiest gui you will ever have on thi program __PUNCT__
i been honor to serv __PUNCT__
and i will continu to serv in some capac until i am unabl to do so __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ we go to take a quick break __PUNCT__
we go to come back and talk to john_mccain about other issu __PUNCT__ immigr __PUNCT__ tax and more __PUNCT__ right after thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ more meet the candid __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we with republican_candid john_mccain __PUNCT__ after thi station break __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ we back __PUNCT__
the republican_candid for presid_john john_mccain __PUNCT__
immigr_reform __PUNCT__ a signatur issu for you __PUNCT__
here how the washington_post_report it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ the co __PUNCT__ author of lat year immigr_bill __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__ ha been larg absent from thi year negoti __PUNCT__ as he soft __PUNCT__ pedal hi pro __PUNCT__ immigr stanc __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ senat_major whip dick durbin __PUNCT__ of illinoi __PUNCT__ said mccain absenc from the negoti ha been a big factor in the rise_tide of republican opposit __PUNCT__ to the bill __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ as short a time_ago as fridai __PUNCT__ i wa in a meet with senat graham and senat kennedi __PUNCT__
i been on mani meet __PUNCT__
i on constant contact on thi issu __PUNCT__
i think we ar close to an agreement that i think can pass both hous __PUNCT__ the senat thi time __PUNCT__
the presid been heavili engag __PUNCT__ secretari chertoff ha been heavili engag __PUNCT__
and secretari gutierrez __PUNCT__ other republican __PUNCT__ includ my friend john kyl ha done a tremend job in thi effort __PUNCT__ and i think we close to an agreement that we can bring to the floor __PUNCT__
and i been heavili engag in daili have convers with peopl on all side of thi issu __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the new york_time sai mccain aid sai a __PUNCT__ sai hi identif with senat kennedi ha account for hi polit_problem on the issu with conserv __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i don't know who that aid might be __PUNCT__
the fact is __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ would you be will to tell __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ could i just respond __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i proud of the bipartisan effort that i made on mani issu with democrat and republican __PUNCT__ rang from joe_lieberman on 9/11 to work on the other side of the aisl on immigr_reform and other __PUNCT__
and that why i think i prepar to be presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
the american_peopl want us to work togeth on issu that ar import to the american peopl __PUNCT__
that my record __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ when you were in iowa __PUNCT__ you said you might be open to take illeg_immigr who ar here now and __PUNCT__ rather than have a path to citizenship while thei here __PUNCT__ rather __PUNCT__ send them back to their home_countri __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ what i said is it on of the propos that on the tabl __PUNCT__
we want to consid everyth __PUNCT__
if someon just came here yesterdai __PUNCT__ thei should be sent back __PUNCT__
we ar look on a __PUNCT__ at a packag __PUNCT__ a comprehens approach __PUNCT__
we ar in agreement __PUNCT__ no matter where we stand on the __PUNCT__ on the specif of thi issu __PUNCT__ that do noth __PUNCT__ the statu_quo __PUNCT__ is total unaccept with broken border and with __NUM___million_peopl in america illeg __PUNCT__
we have to assur the american_peopl __PUNCT__ whether thei be democrat or republican __PUNCT__ that we will secur the border __PUNCT__
i believ it ha to be comprehens __PUNCT__
but i also understand veri well that secur the border first and then take the necessari step on a temporari_worker worker_program and address the __NUM___million_peopl is the wai we have to go __PUNCT__
and there is certainli an agreement on those principl amongst most member __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you think you go to get a deal __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i think we veri close to it __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and i veri pleas to see that we have a number of the more conserv_republican engag in __PUNCT__ in thi effort __PUNCT__ as well as peopl on the other side of the aisl __PUNCT__
and i especi glad the presid ha been activ_engag __PUNCT__
he can __PUNCT__ he understand thi issu as well as anyon __PUNCT__ have been governor of the state of texa __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ on tax_cut __PUNCT__
you were on thi program back in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and i ask you thi __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ do you believ the presid __PUNCT__ becaus of the war __PUNCT__ should be ask american for more sacrific __PUNCT__ should __PUNCT__ not __PUNCT__ hold off ani futur tax cut __PUNCT__ should hold off __PUNCT__ ani futur tax cut until we have a sens of the cost of the war and the state of our economi __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__
i believ that until we find out the cost of thi war and the reconstruct that we should hold off __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ tax cut __PUNCT__
you came back the next year __PUNCT__ i again ask you about oppos the bush_tax_cut __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ thi is what you said __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i vote against the tax cut becaus of the disproport amount that went to the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
i would clearli support not extend those tax cut in order to help address the deficit __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ disproportion to the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and you didn't __PUNCT__ wouldn't extend them becaus it would hurt the deficit __PUNCT__
you vote to extend them __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i vote to extend them becaus it would have the effect of have a tax_increas __PUNCT__
i also had a propos __PUNCT__ and also state time after time __PUNCT__ that we need to restrain spend __PUNCT__
the tax_cut have increas revenu enorm __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ thei been veri benefici __PUNCT__
the problem is that spend ha lurch complet out of control __PUNCT__
my propos wa to restrain spend __PUNCT__
and now __PUNCT__ if you don't make them __PUNCT__ those tax cut __PUNCT__ perman __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ farm all over america will have to experi what __PUNCT__ for all intent and purpos __PUNCT__ the impact on them would be a tax_increas __PUNCT__
would i have like to have seen more tax_cut to middl incom_american __PUNCT__ did i have a differ propos __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
but i support tax_cut __PUNCT__ and i have never support __PUNCT__ i have __PUNCT__ i do not support tax_increas __PUNCT__
and the effect of not make them perman would have the effect of a tax increas __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ there a suggest that __PUNCT__ when you were run in __NUM__ and shortli thereaft __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ were thi bold independ will to stand up against tax_cut __PUNCT__ even as a republican __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ and sai thei would increas the deficit __PUNCT__
then you decid __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i got to becom more of a tradit republican __PUNCT__ and you start embrac tax cut __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i had a tax cut propos of my own which wa veri __PUNCT__ veri larg and signific __PUNCT__
so i didn't oppos tax cut __PUNCT__
and i show you that in my platform when i ran in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ that just a fact __PUNCT__ and i be glad to show it to you __PUNCT__
second thing is __PUNCT__ i believ in tax cut for american becaus i think it import that __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ even dure a war __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ even dure a war __PUNCT__
it is not __PUNCT__ it is not the tax cut that caus us the fiscal difficulti we have __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ it ha increas revenu __PUNCT__
it is the spend which ha complet lurch out of control __PUNCT__ failur to reign in spend __PUNCT__ have the govern increas in size dramat with unfund_liabil __PUNCT__
and that is the reason why we ar face the fiscal difficulti that we ar todai __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the spend on the war is consider __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ spend on the war is consider __PUNCT__
spend on an unfund liabil and a medicar part d for __NUM___billion or a trillion_dollar unfund_liabil as well __PUNCT__
expand the size of govern as well __PUNCT__
fail to __PUNCT__ to veto big spend_bill such as a highwai bill with __MONEY___million bridg in alaska to nowher __PUNCT__
spend ha got to be reign in __PUNCT__
veto have got to be issu by the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
earmark ha to stop __PUNCT__ which not onli increas_spend but caus corrupt in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ but as you well know __PUNCT__ you well know we keep defens_spend __PUNCT__ social_secur __PUNCT__ medicar and pension at their same current rate __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ could veto everi spend measur in all the rest of the govern __PUNCT__ close it all down __PUNCT__ and you still have a deficit __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__ but how do you go to __PUNCT__ hang __PUNCT__ let me respond __PUNCT__
how do you go to the american_peopl and sai we go to have to make some tough decis here on social_secur and medicar if we spend_monei on thing that ar frivol and unnecessari __PUNCT__ we got to go to the american_peopl with clean hand and sai __PUNCT__ we tighten our belt __PUNCT__
we reduc the size of govern __PUNCT__
we stop all thi excess spend __PUNCT__
we stop the pork barrel spend __PUNCT__
now let sit down togeth __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__ like ronald_reagan and tip_o'neil did __PUNCT__ and let solv social_secur and medicar rather than pass it on to an unlucki gener __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ when i ask __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ and that what i intend to do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and i am prepar to do __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ when i ask you about that in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __DATE__ on thi show __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ i said on of the suggest is that the payrol_tax __PUNCT__ which is now cap at __MONEY__ of incom __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ lift so the peopl who pai a payrol tax on more than the first __NUM__ __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you said you be will to do that as part of a compromis __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i am __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ is that still your view __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ the presid of the unit_state ha said everyth on the tabl __PUNCT__
i am against tax_increas __PUNCT__ and that a well __PUNCT__ known posit of mine __PUNCT__
but i think that __PUNCT__ as the presid ha said __PUNCT__ he sit down with everyth on the tabl __PUNCT__
am i oppos to tax increas __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
but we got to sit down togeth and figur out what our option ar __PUNCT__ and tough decis have to be made __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__
and i know how to do that __PUNCT__
that been my experi in the __PUNCT__ as a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__ reach across the aisl __PUNCT__ address the tough issu in a bipartisan fashion where bipartisanship is call for __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ rudi_giuliani __PUNCT__ the mayor of new york __PUNCT__ your oppon for the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ said the other dai that he pro __PUNCT__ choic __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ abort right __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ can someon who is pro __PUNCT__ choic __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ abort right be nomin by the republican_parti __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i don't know the answer to that __PUNCT__ but i know that the base of our parti __PUNCT__ and i have been pro __PUNCT__ life unchang and unwav for all of my polit_career __PUNCT__ and i think that an import_part of the base of our parti is a pro __PUNCT__ life posit __PUNCT__
but i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ as chri berman sai __PUNCT__ that why thei plai the game __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ could you support a nomine who wa pro __PUNCT__ abort right __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i can support a nomine if it a nomine of the parti __PUNCT__ if __PUNCT__ no matter what their posit ar __PUNCT__
but i would not agre with that posit __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ back in __NUM__ you gave an interview to the san_francisco chronicl __PUNCT__ and you said thi __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ certainli in the short_term __PUNCT__ or even the long_term __PUNCT__ i would not support repeal of roe vs __PUNCT__ wade __PUNCT__ which would then forc x number of women in american to undergo illeg and danger oper __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it wa in the context of convers about have to chang the cultur of __PUNCT__ of america as regard to thi issu __PUNCT__
that is a convers that i had in that context __PUNCT__
i have state time after time after time that roe v __PUNCT__ wade wa a bad_decis __PUNCT__ that i support a woman __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ the right of the unborn __PUNCT__
i have fought for human right and human_digniti throughout my entir polit_career __PUNCT__
to me it is an issu of human right and human_digniti __PUNCT__
that convers wa in the context of we have to help young_women who ar experienc a crisi pregnanc __PUNCT__
we have to help them with compass __PUNCT__ and we hope __PUNCT__ have to help those young women with courag __PUNCT__
and we also have to do whatev we can to let them know that if thei don't want the child __PUNCT__ if thei bring them into life __PUNCT__ that we do everyth we can to help with adopt __PUNCT__
just like there three __PUNCT__ i have three adopt children __PUNCT__
it a wonder thing __PUNCT__
but my posit ha been consist in my vote_record __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ life __PUNCT__ and i continu to maintain that posit and vote record __PUNCT__
is it a tough issu in america __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
but i believ the state should be make those decis __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but if roe vs __PUNCT__ wade wa overturn in a __PUNCT__ dure a mccain presid __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ individu_state chose to ban abort __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ you be concern that __PUNCT__ as you said __PUNCT__ x number of women in america would undergo illeg and danger oper __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i would hope that x women in america would bring those __PUNCT__ those children into birth and into life in thi world __PUNCT__ and that i could do whatev i could to assist them __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ that convers that you __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ from __NUM__ which is so often quot __PUNCT__ wa in the context of my __PUNCT__ my concern about the issu __PUNCT__ and the need to chang the cultur in america to understand the import of the right of the unborn __PUNCT__
and i will continu to hold that view and posit __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ you chose not to enter the iowa_caucus __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ yep __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but thi year you go to enter the iowa caucus __PUNCT__
and ethanol is a big_issu in __PUNCT__ in iowa __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ thi is what you said about ethanol __PUNCT__ not about subsidi __PUNCT__ but about ethanol __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ ethanol doe noth to reduc fuel consumpt __PUNCT__ noth to increas our energi_independ __PUNCT__ noth to improv air qualiti __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and after you said that __PUNCT__ you acknowledg you might pai a polit price for that view __PUNCT__ and thi is what you said __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ my opposit to ethanol ha __PUNCT__ obvious would hurt me __PUNCT__
but you know what i found out __PUNCT__ that everi time i done someth from what mai have been influenc by polit reason __PUNCT__ i regret it __PUNCT__
everi time that i done someth that i think is right __PUNCT__ it turn out ok in the end __PUNCT__
i got to do what i think is right __PUNCT__
and if it offend a certain polit constitu __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i regret it __PUNCT__ but there realli noth i can do about it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ now you go to iowa and sai thi __PUNCT__ i support ethanol __PUNCT__
i think it a vital altern_energi energi_sourc __PUNCT__ not onli becaus of our depend on foreign_oil but becaus of it greenhous_ga reduct effect __PUNCT__
you had said it had noth to do with reduc fuel consumpt __PUNCT__ noth to do with improv air qualiti __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i am of the confirm belief that when oil is __NUM__ __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__ that ethanol doe not make_sens __PUNCT__
when oil is __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__ then ethanol doe make sens __PUNCT__
i still oppos the subsidi to it __PUNCT__
it make a lot of sens __PUNCT__
we ar depend on foreign_oil too much __PUNCT__
we have a situat where greenhous_gase ha now becom __PUNCT__ emiss ha becom a vital issu __PUNCT__
i am for sugarcan __PUNCT__ biofuel __PUNCT__ switch grass __PUNCT__ and corn __PUNCT__ base ethanol becaus of our need for independ on foreign_oil __PUNCT__
and it ha becom far more graphic and dramat as we watch peopl like mr __PUNCT__ chavez in venezuela behav the wai that he ha __PUNCT__ and presid putin behav the wai that he doe __PUNCT__
it a fact that when oil is low amount per barrel and __PUNCT__ that we ar not concern about greenhous_gase or depend upon foreign_oil __PUNCT__ it doesn't make the sens that it make todai __PUNCT__
it doe make_sens todai __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but you do now disagre with what you said in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ that it ha noth to do with reduc fuel consumpt __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ what i wa __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ noth to improv air qualiti __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ you now believ __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i don't know what __PUNCT__ i don't know what it doe to fuel consumpt __PUNCT__
i sure that there is some question about that __PUNCT__ as the __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ how about air qualiti __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ __URL__ the __PUNCT__ as the technolog ha increas dramat __PUNCT__
the air qualiti __PUNCT__ it doe reduc greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__
most effect __PUNCT__ doe __PUNCT__ as much as nuclear_power __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
but given our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ given the situat as the price of oil then __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and the realiti of climat chang __PUNCT__ we should go for mani altern fuel __PUNCT__
i do not support the subsidi __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ so you chang your mind __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i haven't __PUNCT__
i have __PUNCT__ i have __PUNCT__ i have adjust to the realiti of the world we live in todai __PUNCT__ and if i don't adjust to those realiti __PUNCT__ then i would be stuck in the past __PUNCT__
i have to adjust to the realiti __PUNCT__
the realiti todai ar that we have a seriou problem with climat chang __PUNCT__ which i have been concern about for mani year __PUNCT__ and we have a far more seriou challeng as associ with our depend on foreign oil __PUNCT__
not too long_ago __PUNCT__ a year or so ago __PUNCT__ there wa an attempt attack on a saudi oil refineri __PUNCT__
if that attack had succeed __PUNCT__ the price of oil would have gone to __MONEY__ a barrel overnight __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and the realiti of be part of the iowa_caucus had noth to do with it __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__ i can't respond to a __PUNCT__ a statement like that __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i do what i __PUNCT__ i do what i think is right __PUNCT__ and i will continu to do what i think is right __PUNCT__
and if condit chang as far as some specif issu is concern __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ then i will continu to re __PUNCT__ evalu my posit on specif issu __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ thi __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ my valu __PUNCT__ my principl __PUNCT__ my goal __PUNCT__ my ideal maintain exactli the same becaus thei were form long befor i wa run for ani elect_offic __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ the senat on a voic vote in the __PUNCT__ said that we should __PUNCT__ in the committe __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ mile per gallon for automobil to __NUM___mile per gallon __PUNCT__
you in favor of that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think we ought to increas the mile per gallon __PUNCT__ but i think we ought to sit down with detroit and see what thei think is doabl and come up with a consensu opinion __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ thirti __PUNCT__ six too high __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ detroit __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__ i don't __PUNCT__ can't give a specif number __PUNCT__ although i think we can sit down and find on that thei think thei can reach __PUNCT__
the automobil_industri in america is in veri seriou difficulti __PUNCT__ as we know __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ befor you go __PUNCT__ interview with the hill newspap back in __NUM__ after your campaign didn't quit work out in __NUM__ and you were ask thi __PUNCT__ do you think you ever run for presid again __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ i expect to be campaign for the re __PUNCT__ elect of georg_bush __PUNCT__ which you did __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ but by the year___NUM__ i believ my ag would not equip me to run __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ my energi level is great __PUNCT__
my __PUNCT__ i work 24/7 __PUNCT__
i pleas that i am in the excel health __PUNCT__ and i __PUNCT__ i believ that i mai not be the youngest candid in thi race __PUNCT__ but i certainli the most prepar __PUNCT__
and i prepar to lead thi countri __PUNCT__
i don't need ani on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job_train __PUNCT__
i readi to do the hard_thing __PUNCT__ not the easi thing __PUNCT__
and that what i intend to do __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ on the dai of your inaugur __PUNCT__ thi will not surpris you __PUNCT__ for the first term of a presid __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ __NUM__ would be __NUM___year __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ month __PUNCT__ __NUM___dai __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ ronald_reagan on hi first term inaugur __PUNCT__ __NUM___year __PUNCT__ __NUM___month __PUNCT__ four dai __PUNCT__
william henri harrison __PUNCT__ __NUM___year __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ sever year_older than ronald_reagan __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ and william henri harrison __PUNCT__
the fact is that i in great shape __PUNCT__ and i hike the grand canyon with my son last __DATE__ from rim to rim __PUNCT__
i readi to serv __PUNCT__ and i sure that peopl will make their own judgment __PUNCT__
but thei make their judgment by watch me and my perform __PUNCT__
and thei were veri happi to see ronald reagan in for a second term __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ and wil __PUNCT__ you were go to sai about william henri harrison __PUNCT__ after he took the oath __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ poor gui __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ di in a matter of month __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ poor gui __PUNCT__
yeah __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__ we have to leav it there __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__
russert __PUNCT__ thank you for share your view __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__