John McCain

This speech titled 2007.05.21.address_to_the_oklahoma_state_legislature originally had 3097 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 89 cue terms and an average lag of 32.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 found_father 2
0.994 0.000398 0.00557
0 0 0
2 great_britain 9
0.000796 0 0.000199
0.994 0.000199 0.00458
3 sacr_honor 21
0.00498 0 0
0.995 0 0
4 public_offici 20
0 0 0
1 0 0
5 nation_interest 13
0.000995 0 0.000199
0.999 0 0
6 elect_repres 8
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
7 big_problem 24
0.00239 0.000199 0
0.997 0.000199 0
8 problem_face 0
0 0 0
0.999 0.00119 0
9 public_offici 54
0.000995 0 0.000796
0.997 0.00139 0
10 nation_prioriti 90
0.0786 0.0183 0.0107
0.888 0.00378 0.000398
11 elect_leader 4
0.000995 0 0.00577
0.962 0.0199 0.0111
12 public_view 95
0.00358 0.000398 0.0641
0.918 0.00398 0.00995
13 inspector_gener 166
0.0175 0 0.0416
0.907 0 0.034
14 cabinet_secretari 17
0.000597 0 0.00697
0.921 0 0.071
15 vast_major 47
0.000995 0 0.0374
0.902 0.000398 0.0593
16 public_servant 8
0.000398 0 0.532
0.414 0.000398 0.0533
17 thirteen_year 145
0.0103 0.000398 0.592
0.0322 0 0.365
18 year_ago 0
0 0 0.00617
0.0408 0.000597 0.952
19 lost_sight 38
0.00119 0 0.152
0.0129 0.000597 0.833
20 special_interest 54
0.00358 0 0.153
0.00239 0 0.841
21 transport_system 35
0.00239 0.000199 0.074
0.00279 0 0.921
22 public_educ 7
0.0115 0.000597 0.00358
0.00517 0.000199 0.979
23 tax_code 3
0.0115 0.000199 0.000796
0.0159 0.000796 0.971
24 health_care_system 3
0.000199 0 0.000995
0.0123 0.0155 0.971
25 nation_secur 24
0.736 0 0.218
0.0199 0.000199 0.0259
26 feder_budget 6
0.236 0 0
0.762 0.000199 0.00159
27 spend_monei 3
0.00358 0 0.000199
0.986 0.0101 0
28 social_secur 14
0.0141 0 0.000199
0.985 0.000597 0
29 tax_return 122
0.0995 0 0
0.9 0.000597 0
30 __MONEY___trillion 5
0.00378 0 0
0.996 0.000199 0
31 feder_govern 30
0.0233 0 0
0.977 0 0
32 govern_account 0
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
33 tom_coburn 23
0.000199 0 0.000398
0.999 0 0
34 feder_agenc 83
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
35 fiscal_year 12
0 0 0
1 0 0
36 govern_program 53
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
37 privat_sector 35
0 0 0
1 0 0
38 long_time 26
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
39 tax_dollar 10
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
40 privat_industri 38
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
41 real_time 50
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
42 billion_dollar 17
0.0157 0 0
0.984 0 0
43 feder_govern 34
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
44 privat_sector 41
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
45 feder_law 12
0 0 0
1 0 0
46 feder_govern 31
0.00139 0 0
0.999 0 0
47 weapon_system 11
0.00179 0.000199 0.00119
0.996 0.000597 0
48 cost_overrun 99
0.00179 0.00299 0.00617
0.987 0.00179 0.000199
49 __NUM___studi 12
0.00179 0 0.00179
0.986 0.00438 0.00617
50 same_problem 4
0.00139 0 0.00259
0.984 0.00438 0.00756
51 nation_secur 43
0.397 0.000597 0.248
0.35 0.00119 0.00378
52 nation_defens 11
0.2 0.0137 0.0107
0.676 0.0378 0.0615
53 defens_contractor 4
0.0708 0 0.00358
0.851 0.0322 0.0426
54 elect_presid 16
0.0448 0.000199 0.00259
0.913 0.0167 0.0225
55 nation_prioriti 52
0.0177 0.036 0.00318
0.31 0.63 0.00299
56 same_time 62
0.00517 0.00159 0.286
0.106 0.595 0.00657
57 cost_overrun 46
0.0123 0.000597 0.293
0.112 0.332 0.25
58 market_competit 42
0.000199 0 0.471
0.00577 0.00557 0.518
59 control_cost 38
0 0 0.0131
0.000398 0.000199 0.986
60 bottom_line 17
0 0 0.0338
0 0 0.966
61 privat_sector 44
0 0 0.00796
0 0 0.992
62 high_standard 93
0 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
63 fine_print 24
0.000398 0 0.00358
0 0 0.996
64 union_contract 4
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
65 elect_presid 3
0.000199 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
66 fortun___NUM__ 26
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
67 __NUM___compani 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
68 silicon_vallei 2
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
69 privat_sector 43
0.00119 0 0.0103
0 0 0.988
70 kansa_citi 56
0.00915 0 0.195
0.000796 0 0.795
71 __NUM___year 81
0 0 0.836
0 0 0.164
72 public_servant 29
0 0 0.0892
0 0 0.911
73 nation_interest 67
0 0 0.174
0 0 0.826
74 privat_sector 4
0 0 0.00458
0 0 0.995
75 drive_forc 20
0 0 0.0105
0 0 0.989
76 feder_employe 20
0 0 0.00418
0 0 0.996
77 american_peopl 8
0 0 0.0101
0 0 0.99
78 public_servic 4
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
79 civil_servic 11
0 0.000199 0.00736
0 0 0.992
80 due_process 82
0 0 0.0299
0 0 0.97
81 bad_behavior 7
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
82 feder_employe 24
0.000796 0 0.0113
0 0 0.988
83 public_trust 142
0.000597 0.000199 0.945
0 0 0.0539
84 adult_life 4
0 0.000398 0.0955
0.000199 0 0.904
85 singl_dai 6
0 0 0.0617
0 0 0.938
86 good_time 3
0 0 0.0119
0 0 0.988
87 human_histori 44
0.000796 0.00637 0.128
0 0 0.865
88 abraham_lincoln 14
0 0.0171 0.047
0 0.00716 0.929
89 great_nation 27
0.00159 0.00756 0.0772
0.000199 0.0237 0.89