This speech titled 2007.06.18.commencement_address_at_the_us_merchant_marine_academy originally had 2700 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ admir stewart __PUNCT__ secretari peter __PUNCT__ administr connaughton __PUNCT__ faculti __PUNCT__ famili and distinguish guest __PUNCT__ and thank you unit_state merchant marin academi class of __NUM__ for your welcom and for your kind invit to give thi year commenc address __PUNCT__
thi is quit a privileg for someon who graduat fifth from the bottom in the unit state naval_academi class of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
opportun like thi alwai reaffirm my long held faith that in america anyth is possibl __PUNCT__
if my old compani offic at the academi were here __PUNCT__ whose affect for midshipmen wa sore test by my less than exemplari behavior __PUNCT__ i fear he wouldn't appreci your generos as much as i do __PUNCT__
i want to join in the choru of congratul to the class of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
thi is a dai to bask in congratul and prais __PUNCT__
you earn it __PUNCT__
all of you have succeed in a demand cours of instruct __PUNCT__
life seem full of promis as is alwai the case when a passag in life is mark by signific accomplish __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ it might seem as if the world attend you __PUNCT__
but spare a moment for those who have truli attend you so well for so long __PUNCT__ and whose pride in your accomplish is even greater than your own your parent __PUNCT__
when the world wa look elsewher your parent __PUNCT__ attent wa on of life certainti __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ as i commend the class of __NUM__ i offer equal prais to your parent for the sacrific thei made for you __PUNCT__ for their confid in you and their love __PUNCT__
more than ani other influenc in your live thei have help make you the success you ar todai and might becom tomorrow __PUNCT__
i thought i would show my gratitud for the privileg of address you by keep my remark brief __PUNCT__
i suspect that some of you might have other plan for the dai that you would prefer to commenc sooner rather than later __PUNCT__
i will try not to detain you too long __PUNCT__
it difficult for commenc speaker to avoid resort to clich on these occas __PUNCT__
thousand of such address ar given everi year __PUNCT__ mani by peopl with greater eloqu and more origin mind than i possess __PUNCT__
i alwai remind of an observ about debat in the place i work __PUNCT__ the u. __PUNCT__ congress __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ everyth that could be said about the subject ha been said __PUNCT__
but not everyon ha said it __PUNCT__
what i thought i would talk about briefli todai ar the qualiti of leadership __PUNCT__
i sure all of you aspir to some form of leadership __PUNCT__ not onli those of you who will be commiss for activ_duti in our arm_forc __PUNCT__ a decis for which you have my respect and gratitud __PUNCT__
and the rest of you __PUNCT__ who will shortli be commiss ensign in the naval reserv __PUNCT__ also have my and the countri gratitud __PUNCT__
the merchant marin support for unit_state militari_oper in war and peacetim is a valu contribut to the defens of our countri __PUNCT__ and i would like to believ that respons to the welfar of our great_nation entail the most import test of leadership __PUNCT__
but to distinguish yourself as a leader in ani profess is a natur aspir for peopl who work_hard for their accomplish __PUNCT__ and i expect all of you will somedai know bo th the burden and reward of such a station __PUNCT__
leadership of ani enterpris ha mani qualiti __PUNCT__ but the most import is to listen to your conscienc __PUNCT__ alwai accept your respons __PUNCT__ and trust the peopl under you with their __PUNCT__
mani of us learn about the qualiti of leadership from histor_figur __PUNCT__ famou leader whose live we have read about in book __PUNCT__
but all of us learn more about those qualiti from person_experi __PUNCT__ from peopl close to us __PUNCT__
i had the good_fortun to have known mani exemplari leader in my time __PUNCT__ and i familiar with their qualiti __PUNCT__
my father and grandfath were four star admir and thei possess them in abund __PUNCT__
i had a teacher in high_school who taught me as much about leadership and honor as i learn from ani other person in my life __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ i had anoth career befor polit __PUNCT__
i wa an offic in the u. __PUNCT__ navi for twenti __PUNCT__ two year __PUNCT__ a naval aviat for most of those year __PUNCT__
mani men i serv with in the navi __PUNCT__ and the men i serv with in vietnam __PUNCT__ were outstand and inspir leader to me person __PUNCT__ and to the countri __PUNCT__
given that i am address graduat of a maritim academi __PUNCT__ i thought i would briefli relat on influenc in my life __PUNCT__ a ship captain __PUNCT__ who taught me a great_deal about leadership at a time in my life when i exhibit veri littl evid of be interest in the subject __PUNCT__
as i allud to earlier __PUNCT__ i wa not a veri impress midshipman __PUNCT__
i wasn't a veri dedic student __PUNCT__ and i wa __PUNCT__ to sai the least __PUNCT__ a disciplin problem __PUNCT__
the problem wa i didn't like disciplin __PUNCT__
anywai __PUNCT__ few __PUNCT__ if ani __PUNCT__ of my superior at the academi saw in me the faintest hint of ani leadership abil __PUNCT__ except perhap for a certain abil to persuad other midshipmen to accompani me on variou adventur that were less than regul __PUNCT__ and to accumul the mani demerit i earn in punish for my disobedi __PUNCT__
i wa pretti surpris __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ to discov on my first __PUNCT__ class cruis in the summer of __NUM__ aboard the u.s. __PUNCT__
hunt __PUNCT__ that a naval offic not relat to me thought it wa worth hi while to try to teach me a few of the basic qualiti of leadership __PUNCT__
the hunt wa an old destroy __PUNCT__ and it had seen better dai __PUNCT__
to my ey __PUNCT__ it should have been scrap year befor __PUNCT__
but i wa young and ignor __PUNCT__ and couldn't see the old ship grace and seaworthi __PUNCT__
i assum it wa suitabl onli for the task of give lowli midshipmen a rustic experi of life at sea __PUNCT__
we live in cramp quarter in the aft of the ship __PUNCT__
we kept the hatch open to catch the cool breez blow off the chesapeak __PUNCT__
onc the hunt left the bai __PUNCT__ the sea grew heavier and seawat wash in through the hatch __PUNCT__
we live in the pool water for sever dai __PUNCT__
the rough sea sent mani of us run for the lee side __PUNCT__
we had restrict water hour on the cruis __PUNCT__
there wa onli enough water to allow us to drink from the ship water fountain dure on three hour period a dai __PUNCT__
we took saltwat shower __PUNCT__
we spent a third of the cruis in the engin plant __PUNCT__
the boiler blew scorch hot air while we spent long_hour in miseri learn the mysteri of the ship mechan __PUNCT__
that the ship sail at all seem to us a great testament to the mechan mate masteri of improvis __PUNCT__
we spent anoth third of the cruis learn ship navig __PUNCT__ and the last third on the bridg learn how to command a ship at sea __PUNCT__
the skipper wa lieuten command eugen ferrel __PUNCT__
he seem to accord the hunt affect far out of proport to her virtu __PUNCT__
more surprisingli __PUNCT__ he seem to have some affect for me __PUNCT__
he express it in eccentr wai __PUNCT__ but i sens hi respect for me wa greater than i had late been accustom to receiv from offic __PUNCT__
i spent much of the cruis on the bridg __PUNCT__ where the skipper would order me to take the conn __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ run a ship of that size is a real mental challeng __PUNCT__ and i had littl practic experi in the job __PUNCT__
i made more than a few mistak __PUNCT__ and everi time i screw up __PUNCT__ the skipper would explod __PUNCT__ let loos an impress blast of profan __PUNCT__ and order me off the bridg __PUNCT__
but when i began to skulk off __PUNCT__ he call me back __PUNCT__ get over here __PUNCT__ mister __PUNCT__ and take the conn __PUNCT__
and then he would begin to explain more calmli what i had done wrong __PUNCT__ and how the job wa done properli __PUNCT__
we would go along pleasantli until i commit my next unpardon error __PUNCT__ when he would unleash anoth string of salti oath in despair over my unfit for the servic __PUNCT__ onli to beckon me back for on last chanc to prove my self worthi of hi fine ship __PUNCT__
it wa a wonder time __PUNCT__
command ferrel taught me leadership by trust me with respons __PUNCT__ and show me how to shoulder it under pressur __PUNCT__
i work_hard not to disappoint him __PUNCT__ and i learn the job passabl well __PUNCT__
ferrel wa a gift ship handler __PUNCT__
when we refuel or took on suppli at sea he would come alongsid the other ship at two __PUNCT__ third and sometim full speed __PUNCT__ much faster than the other ship __PUNCT__
at precis the right moment __PUNCT__ he would throw the engin in revers __PUNCT__ and then ahead again at on __PUNCT__ third speed __PUNCT__
it wa a beauti_thing to see when done right __PUNCT__
i watch him perform it sever time __PUNCT__ and admir hi seren confid as he gave the order that brought the rush hunt abruptli but gracefulli into place __PUNCT__ move at exactli the same speed as her sister ship __PUNCT__
a seaman would fire a gun that shot a line to our bow __PUNCT__
soon the two ship __PUNCT__ sever line now hold them in har __PUNCT__ would sail the ocean togeth for a time __PUNCT__ never touch but in perfect unison __PUNCT__
it wa a grand sight to behold __PUNCT__
on beauti afternoon __PUNCT__ the flagship of the divis __PUNCT__ fly the ensign of the command admir __PUNCT__ approach us for the purpos of replenish the hunt store __PUNCT__
the skipper gave me the conn __PUNCT__ and without a trace of apprehens order me to bring her alongsid __PUNCT__
he told me to bring her up slowli __PUNCT__ but said noth when i order __PUNCT__ all engin ahead two __PUNCT__ third __PUNCT__
at precis the right moment __PUNCT__ i order __PUNCT__ all engin back full __PUNCT__
a few moment later __PUNCT__ again well time __PUNCT__ i order __PUNCT__ all engin ahead on __PUNCT__ third __PUNCT__
surprisingli __PUNCT__ and to my great relief __PUNCT__ the hunt slip gracefulli into place __PUNCT__
ferrel wa proud of me __PUNCT__ and i wa much indebt to him __PUNCT__
he had given me hi trust __PUNCT__ which is a preciou thing __PUNCT__ and i had avoid let him down __PUNCT__
after the ship __PUNCT__ line were secur __PUNCT__ he sent a messag to the admir on hi flagship __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ midshipmen mccain ha the conn __PUNCT__
the admir dutifulli inform the academi superintend and commend my perform __PUNCT__ no doubt shock the old man consider __PUNCT__
command ferrel confid in me gave me more confid in myself __PUNCT__ and greater assur that i belong at sea than i had ever experienc befor __PUNCT__
he wa the man who taught me the job my father and grandfath had done __PUNCT__
he gave me reason to love the work that thei had love __PUNCT__
debt such as that you incur for life __PUNCT__
leadership is about both shoulder and give respons __PUNCT__
lieuten command eugen ferrel taught me that __PUNCT__ and i have never forgotten it __PUNCT__
my father __PUNCT__ who wa honor here at a regiment review __PUNCT__ wa a man with enorm respons __PUNCT__ which he never shirk __PUNCT__
he wa brave __PUNCT__ and as loyal to the navi and hi countri as ani offic who ever held a command __PUNCT__
he live a challeng and danger life __PUNCT__
he serv in three war __PUNCT__ and in hi last war __PUNCT__ vietnam __PUNCT__ he command all u. __PUNCT__ forc in the pacif __PUNCT__ includ those who fought in vietnam __PUNCT__
i am hi oldest son and namesak __PUNCT__ and i fought under hi command __PUNCT__
for sever year i wa a prison of war in the enemi capit __PUNCT__ hanoi __PUNCT__
when the presid of the unit_state and hi advisor decid to try to shorten the war by bomb hanoi __PUNCT__ it wa my father duti to order it done __PUNCT__
the plane that flew to hanoi on hi order were b __PUNCT__ 52 __PUNCT__ the largest bomber in the air_forc __PUNCT__
thei could carri and deliv the biggest stick of bomb __PUNCT__
thei flew at veri high altitud __PUNCT__ and unlik our air forc todai thei did not have the technolog to be veri accur in their target __PUNCT__
the pilot knew american were held captiv veri near their target __PUNCT__
so did the man who command them __PUNCT__ my father __PUNCT__
he knew where i wa __PUNCT__ and he love me __PUNCT__
he prai on hi knee everi dai for my safe return __PUNCT__
whenev he visit hi soldier in vietnam __PUNCT__ he would end hi dai by walk to the northern end of the base __PUNCT__ and stand quietli alon look toward the place where hi son wa held __PUNCT__
but hi conscienc requir him to do hi duti __PUNCT__ and hi duti requir him to risk hi son life __PUNCT__
so he did __PUNCT__
that is a veri hard_decis for a father to make __PUNCT__
veri few of us will ever have to face such a difficult choic __PUNCT__
even fewer of us would have the charact to make the right decis __PUNCT__
i doubt i would __PUNCT__
but he did __PUNCT__
and the memori of him __PUNCT__ and the exampl he set for me help to form my own conscienc __PUNCT__
in prison i serv with men of extraordinari charact __PUNCT__ honor men __PUNCT__ strong __PUNCT__ principl __PUNCT__ loyal __PUNCT__ and compassion __PUNCT__
better men than me __PUNCT__ in more wai than i can number __PUNCT__
thei were often treat cruelli __PUNCT__
for sever year thei were tortur __PUNCT__
some were beaten terribl and wors __PUNCT__
some were kill __PUNCT__
sometim thei were tortur for inform that could be us to help our enemi __PUNCT__ and sometim for inform that our captor could us against other prison __PUNCT__
most often __PUNCT__ thei were tortur to compel them to make statement critic our countri __PUNCT__ and the caus we had been ask to serv __PUNCT__
occasion __PUNCT__ the tortur would be briefli suspend __PUNCT__ and the prison were encourag to make a statement with promis that no on would hear what thei said or know that thei had abandon their respons and sacrif their integr __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ just sai it __PUNCT__ and we will spare you ani more pain __PUNCT__ thei promis __PUNCT__ just sai it __PUNCT__ and no on will know of your dishonor __PUNCT__
the men i had the honor of serv with alwai had the same respons __PUNCT__
i will know __PUNCT__
that is the sens of respons that make you a good leader __PUNCT__
that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ is charact __PUNCT__
i hope it is your destini as you becom leader __PUNCT__ in whatev work you turn your hand to __PUNCT__ to hear the voic in your own heart __PUNCT__ when you face hard decis __PUNCT__ to hear it sai to you __PUNCT__ again and again __PUNCT__ until it drown out everi other thought __PUNCT__ i will know __PUNCT__
i will know __PUNCT__
i will know __PUNCT__
thank you for the privileg of address you __PUNCT__
congratul __PUNCT__ good_luck __PUNCT__ fair wind and follow sea __PUNCT__