John McCain

This speech titled 2007.08.06.address_to_the_cedar_rapids_rotary_club originally had 1836 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ histori most success polit_experi __PUNCT__ ha prove that a nation conceiv in liberti will prove stronger __PUNCT__ more decent and endur than ani nation order to exalt the few at the expens of the mani or made from a common race or cultur or to preserv tradit that have no greater attribut than longev __PUNCT__

our war with radic_islam extremist ha been wrongli describ as a clash of civil __PUNCT__

it is a clash of ideal __PUNCT__ not civil __PUNCT__ a profound and huge consequenti clash of ideal __PUNCT__

it is a fight between right and wrong __PUNCT__ in which relativ should have no place __PUNCT__

we ar defend our secur and ideal from an attack by those who consid liberti immor __PUNCT__

we not defend an idea that everi human be should eat corn flake __PUNCT__ plai basebal or watch mtv __PUNCT__

we not insist that all societi be govern by a bicamer legislatur and a term __PUNCT__ limit chief_execut __PUNCT__

we ar insist that all peopl have a god __PUNCT__ given right to be free __PUNCT__ and that right is not subject to the whim and interest and author of anoth person __PUNCT__ govern or cultur __PUNCT__

and central to our ideal is the sanctiti of properti right __PUNCT__

without privat_properti there can be no freedom __PUNCT__ and without freedom there can be no america __PUNCT__

properti __PUNCT__ john_adam wrote __PUNCT__ is sure a right of mankind as real as liberti __PUNCT__

yet todai properti right come under attack from regul that affect everi conceiv aspect of properti_ownership __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ adam would be shock to learn what both the unit_state suprem_court and the suprem court of connecticut did to susett kelo __PUNCT__ an american homeown __PUNCT__ in allow the govern to seiz her home for econom_develop and gain under the guis of __PUNCT__ valid public us __PUNCT__

the protect of properti right li at the heart of our constitut_system __PUNCT__

the framer of our constitut drew upon classic notion of legal right and individu_liberti date_back to the justinian code __PUNCT__ the magna_carta __PUNCT__ and the two treatis of john_lock __PUNCT__ all of which recogn the import of properti_ownership in a government system in which individu_liberti and the free_market ar paramount __PUNCT__

properti is more than just land __PUNCT__

properti is build __PUNCT__ machin __PUNCT__ apart leas __PUNCT__ retir_save save_account __PUNCT__ check account __PUNCT__ furnitur __PUNCT__ comput __PUNCT__ car __PUNCT__ and even idea __PUNCT__

in short __PUNCT__ properti is the fruit of on labor __PUNCT__

properti right protect mean that the individu reap the reward from the sweat of hi brow __PUNCT__ not the govern or those who control the govern __PUNCT__

our economi is built on the labor of american_worker and fuel by the dream of innov and entrepreneur __PUNCT__

without secur privat_properti __PUNCT__ the incent that have made america the greatest export __PUNCT__ import __PUNCT__ produc __PUNCT__ saver __PUNCT__ investor __PUNCT__ manufactur __PUNCT__ and innov on the globe would whither __PUNCT__

thi insight ha produc a revolut in develop_strategi around the globe __PUNCT__

after decad of liter throw monei at the problem of global_poverti __PUNCT__ the emphasi ha switch to secur properti right __PUNCT__ buttress the rule of law and allow the world worker to profit from their labor and retain it reward __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ where the fruit of on labor ar own by the state and not the individu __PUNCT__ peopl ar powerless __PUNCT__

as noah webster explain __PUNCT__ let the peopl have properti and thei will have power a power that will forev be exert to prevent the restrict of the press __PUNCT__ the abolit of trial by juri __PUNCT__ or the abridg of mani other privileg __PUNCT__

in sharp_contrast __PUNCT__ karl_marx marx_wrote in the communist_manifesto __PUNCT__ the theori of the communist mai be sum up in a singl sentenc __PUNCT__ abolit of privat_properti __PUNCT__

the govern disrespect for properti right __PUNCT__ in the form of taxat without represent and the seiz of privat home for troop without permiss or compens __PUNCT__ wa the motiv_forc behind our struggl to obtain independ __PUNCT__

and in the year after achiev independ __PUNCT__ the founder ensur that the properti right for which thei fought were protect by our constitut __PUNCT__

thei recogn that liberti and properti right ar insepar __PUNCT__

as jame_madison state __PUNCT__ it is suffici obviou __PUNCT__ that person and properti ar the two great subject on which govern ar to act __PUNCT__ and that the right of person __PUNCT__ and the right of properti __PUNCT__ ar the object __PUNCT__ for the protect of which govern wa institut __PUNCT__

on of the most visibl protect for properti right is the just compens claus of the fifth amend of the unit_state state_constitut __PUNCT__ which state __PUNCT__ nor shall privat_properti be taken for public us __PUNCT__ without just compens __PUNCT__

the purpos of the just compens claus __PUNCT__ as interpret by the suprem_court in armstrong v __PUNCT__ unit_state __PUNCT__ is __PUNCT__ to bar govern from forc some peopl to bear public burden __PUNCT__ which in all fair and justic __PUNCT__ should be born by the public as a whole __PUNCT__

some local_govern have sought to stretch their emin_domain_power as a mean of augment revenu by expand their tax_base __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ the america of the late twentieth and earli_twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri ha wit an explos of govern_regul that have jeopard privat_ownership of properti __PUNCT__ often for question purpos that have littl to do with the limit type of public us envis by the framer of our constitut __PUNCT__

the need to protect privat_properti right __PUNCT__ onc so obviou to madison and adam is now becom lost in a tangl of intrus_govern take __PUNCT__

nowher ha thi been truer than in the disastr decis issu in __NUM__ by the u. __PUNCT__ suprem_court in kelo v __PUNCT__ citi of new london __PUNCT__

in kelo __PUNCT__ the suprem court_held that held that the constitut allow govern to seiz privat_properti and transfer it from on privat_land owner to anoth in the name of econom_develop __PUNCT__

in other word __PUNCT__ after the kelo decis __PUNCT__ govern can us their emin_domain_power to take home for potenti more profit __PUNCT__ higher __PUNCT__ tax us __PUNCT__ power evid __PUNCT__ as justic clarenc_thoma suggest __PUNCT__ that someth is serious awri with the suprem_court vision of the constitut __PUNCT__

justic sandra dai o'connor frame the problem veri simpli in her blister dissent_opinion __PUNCT__ under the banner of econom_develop __PUNCT__ all privat_properti is now vulner to be taken and transfer to anoth privat owner __PUNCT__ so long as it might be upgrad i. __PUNCT__ given to an owner who will us it in a wai that the legislatur deem more benefici to the public in the process __PUNCT__

thi decis went well beyond what the founder intend when thei wrote the just compens for public us claus __PUNCT__

justic o'connor foresaw that that __PUNCT__ the beneficiari of kelo ar like to be those citizen with disproportion influenc and power in the polit_process __PUNCT__ includ larg_corpor and develop firm __PUNCT__

as for the victim __PUNCT__ the govern now ha licens to transfer properti from those with fewer resourc to those with more __PUNCT__

the kelo decis give ani govern entiti the abil to take a person_properti and give it to a develop __PUNCT__

it repres on of the most alarm reduct of freedom in our lifetim __PUNCT__

an editori from the telegraph herald in dubuqu put it best __PUNCT__ if creat new tax_revenu is consid an applic public us __PUNCT__ homeown __PUNCT__ right becom vastli unstabl __PUNCT__

almost ani develop could creat greater tax revenu than a singl home or two __PUNCT__

your home __PUNCT__ as the sai goe __PUNCT__ is your castl __PUNCT__ it is not suppos to be the site of a new shop_mall unless you sai so __PUNCT__

and susett kelo did not sai so __PUNCT__

and by ignor her right to do so __PUNCT__ by reduc her freedom __PUNCT__ the court also reveal an astonish lack of respect for the effici and fair of free_market __PUNCT__

de_moin regist columnist david yepsen argu __PUNCT__ instead of forc_peopl to sell properti to govern at mediocr rate __PUNCT__ develop will have to a pai a high enough price so that the properti_owner becom a will seller __PUNCT__

and if thei still don't want to sell __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that their choic __PUNCT__

yet __PUNCT__ within on year after thi disastr decis __PUNCT__ report have surfac that nearli __NUM__ properti nationwid were threaten or taken as a result of thi decis __PUNCT__ repres a dramat upward spike in the number of take __PUNCT__

and it is not just homeown who face thi threat __PUNCT__

it is a threat share by million of small_busi busi_owner across the countri __PUNCT__

follow kelo __PUNCT__ the million of peopl who have struggl to grow their small_busi mai find themselv forc to sell if the local_govern govern_decid that their properti could be put to better us by a bigger busi or larger competitor __PUNCT__

in state after state __PUNCT__ poll make_clear that the american_public understand the kelo rule is a disast __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of ohioan oppos us emin_domain to take properti for econom_develop __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of minnesotan __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of kansan __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of coloradan __PUNCT__ and __NUM__ percent of missourian __PUNCT__

the american_public ha spoken with on voic __PUNCT__ and thei sai that thi is not right __PUNCT__

i have co __PUNCT__ sponsor legisl to forbid thi kind of govern take __PUNCT__ congress and the state should follow iowa lead and pass such law __PUNCT__

but law defend privat_properti ar onli as secur as the judg that defend those law __PUNCT__

kelo pass narrowli __PUNCT__ support by a five to four major with a track_record of legisl from the bench __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i pledg to appoint strict constructionist judg who respect the constitut and understand the secur of privat_properti it provid __PUNCT__

if need be __PUNCT__ i would seek to amend the constitut to protect privat properti right in america __PUNCT__

those of us privileg to lead thi countri need onli be mind of what ha alwai made us great __PUNCT__ have the courag to stand by our principl __PUNCT__ honor our public_trust __PUNCT__ and keep our promis to put the countri interest befor our own __PUNCT__

i alwai kept my promis to my countri __PUNCT__

i keep the on i make now __PUNCT__

and i will keep the on i make as presid __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__