This speech titled 2007.10.19.address_to_the_values_voter_summit_in_washington_dc originally had 2540 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you for the honor of speak befor thi gather __PUNCT__ and thank you for the work you do in support the preserv of the famili __PUNCT__ the most basic and essenti compon of ani civil_societi __PUNCT__
i know that befor i can win your vote __PUNCT__ i have to win your respect __PUNCT__
and to do that __PUNCT__ you expect me to be honest with you about what i believ __PUNCT__
i a conserv_republican __PUNCT__ and proud of it __PUNCT__
i match my record of defend conserv_principl against ani other candid in thi race __PUNCT__
i know you might not alwai agre with me on everi issu __PUNCT__ but i hope you know i not go to con you __PUNCT__
on of the most import_thing we have in thi life is our self __PUNCT__ respect __PUNCT__
i don't expect you trade your for empti promis __PUNCT__
and i not go to trade mine for anyon vote __PUNCT__
i go to tell you what i believ and let the chip fall where thei will __PUNCT__
some peopl misunderstand voter who ar concern with someth beyond their econom self interest and believ that the demand of self __PUNCT__ interest ar best serv by the prioriti of the democrat_parti __PUNCT__
i disagre __PUNCT__
i believ republican econom_polici __PUNCT__ our respect for the dynam and growth creat by free_market __PUNCT__ have prove the surest wai to help peopl earn and maintain prosper __PUNCT__
vote for whomev you believ will bring_home the most pork to your state or district is neither in your self __PUNCT__ interest nor doe it respect the faith we have in a nation that wa found on ideal and not tribal or geograph ident __PUNCT__
that is why for my entir polit_career i have fought against wast spend so that american_famili would have the freedom and mean to make their own choic __PUNCT__ and to choos __PUNCT__ as i hope most would __PUNCT__ and as you have __PUNCT__ to serv a caus greater than self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__
i believ that is the perspect and prioriti of a valu voter __PUNCT__
valu ar the ideal we hold dear __PUNCT__ and ar best protect by reviv virtu that ar often in short_suppli in the polit_arena __PUNCT__
our found_father were inform by the respect for human_life and digniti that is the foundat of the judeo __PUNCT__ christian_tradit __PUNCT__
thei ar the self __PUNCT__ evid_truth proclaim and defend in our found_document __PUNCT__
all peopl ar endow by their creator with inalien right to life __PUNCT__ liberti and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__
for mani of us __PUNCT__ the meaning pursuit of happi compel us to defend those ideal __PUNCT__ and in thi hour that summon ha never been more urgent as america confront challeng to it found valu __PUNCT__ particularli the sanctiti of human_life __PUNCT__ at home and abroad __PUNCT__
we ar involv in both a struggl against islam_extrem and a struggl to protect_america while preserv the valu that make it worth protect __PUNCT__
both of these struggl will demand courag and persever on our part and on the part of our leader __PUNCT__
mani american gener have been call to confront evil __PUNCT__
my father and grandfath fought fascism __PUNCT__
my gener fought commun __PUNCT__
now we ar summon to confront the evil of radic_islam islam_extrem __PUNCT__
there is no deni it is evil __PUNCT__
how more evid could it be than in the mean our enemi choos to confront us __PUNCT__
their terror is not onli an assault on our polit and econom_interest __PUNCT__
it is an act of war against our defin ideal __PUNCT__
sacrif muslim children in car bomb __PUNCT__
behead a report mere becaus he is jewish and american __PUNCT__ and broadcast the atroc __PUNCT__
these ar the tactic of peopl who scorn human_life and digniti __PUNCT__
and we ar summon to fight them not onli by our just concern for our physic_secur but by the respons we have alwai accept to support and defend valu we believ to be univers __PUNCT__
we need a comprehens strategi to succe in thi struggl __PUNCT__
for nearli three decad we watch the threat build and did littl to contain it until it could be ignor no longer after the terribl event of __DATE__ __PUNCT__
sinc that time we have join the battl on multipl front __PUNCT__
but we ar at a crossroad in thi global struggl __PUNCT__ and we will need a presid who ha the credibl to lead __PUNCT__ the experi to lead wise __PUNCT__ and the strength of will to take the right path __PUNCT__ even if it mean walk a lone road __PUNCT__
i have spoken elsewher at length about the strategi i propos __PUNCT__
we need a larger militari __PUNCT__ real intellig reform __PUNCT__ increas contribut from our civilian agenc __PUNCT__ and a commit to victori in iraq __PUNCT__
and we need a comprehens legal and diplomat strategi that allow us to battl effect a modern threat without betrai our ideal __PUNCT__
the world is watch __PUNCT__ and we live in a time when the imag we project cannot be easili eras __PUNCT__
confront the threat of islam extremist is a battl against extern forc __PUNCT__ but also involv a person and social contest with our own fear __PUNCT__
we will not surrend to the terrorist __PUNCT__ and we must not surrend to our fear __PUNCT__
we must resist at all cost the temptat to believ that we can protect_america by sacrif the valu that make it worth protect __PUNCT__
i am not naiv __PUNCT__
i know veri well the tool some govern have resort to when threaten __PUNCT__ indefinit detent without trial __PUNCT__ tortur of prison __PUNCT__ and a belief that anyth is permiss in dark place where power is the onli law __PUNCT__
but these tool ar not american tool __PUNCT__ and the easi wai is not the american wai __PUNCT__
we must remain_true to our ideal not in spite of the threat we face __PUNCT__ but becaus of them __PUNCT__
in the decad to come our prosper and secur will depend in part on what peopl in distant corner of the globe see when thei turn their ey toward america __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i would do everyth within my power to ensur that thei continu to see what thei have seen for over two hundr_year __PUNCT__ a nation that remain fulli worthi of abraham_lincoln belief that american hold in our hand not onli the destini of a singl nation but the __PUNCT__ last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__
it not easi to preserv our ideal in the midst of a difficult struggl with those who despis everi valu we stand for __PUNCT__
it not easi to see the human of our enemi __PUNCT__ who refus to acknowledg our human __PUNCT__ and whose cruelti is so wanton and sicken __PUNCT__
the bibl call to do just that remind me of the sai that christian ha not been tri and found want __PUNCT__ so much as it ha been found difficult __PUNCT__ and not tri __PUNCT__
the consist messag of the gospel call us to recogn that all life is sacr becaus all human be ar creat in the imag of god __PUNCT__ a truth recogn as central in the found_document of our nation __PUNCT__
we have gone to war to defend our secur and our valu __PUNCT__ and that is an enterpris that alwai involv moral_hazard action __PUNCT__
it is a just war and like all war it requir the sacrific and take of human_life __PUNCT__
but let us not abandon our humil in it prosecut __PUNCT__
war is a terribl_thing __PUNCT__ not the worst_thing __PUNCT__ but a terribl_thing nonetheless __PUNCT__
and our humil __PUNCT__ command by our faith in our ideal and in a just and love_god __PUNCT__ give us the strength to resist the unnecessari sacrific of our faith in the necessari caus of defeat our enemi __PUNCT__
when i wa a young_man i thought glori wa the highest ambit and all glori wa self __PUNCT__ glori __PUNCT__
my parent and the naval_academi tri to teach me otherwis but it wasn't until i had to reli on other to an extent i never thought would be necessari that i understood the lesson __PUNCT__
i had to have faith in someth greater than myself not onli to surviv but to surviv with my self __PUNCT__ respect intact __PUNCT__ faith in my comrad __PUNCT__ faith in my countri __PUNCT__ and faith in my god __PUNCT__
that faith help me not onli to endur but to understand and respect the valu it encompass __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ thu __PUNCT__ in a moment of unexpect compass that god ordain __PUNCT__ i could learn the most valuabl lesson of all __PUNCT__ how to forgiv and to escap the bitter that could have destroi my life __PUNCT__
if america stand for anyth __PUNCT__ it stand for the freedom to follow our own heart __PUNCT__ to determin our own relationship with god __PUNCT__
our constitut did not establish a nation religion but neither did it banish ani worship __PUNCT__
religi_freedom doe not requir american to hide their faith from public_view or that commun must refrain from publicli acknowledg the import to them of faith __PUNCT__
we ar onli abjur from us the law to make those who do not wish to adher to the creed that we embrac __PUNCT__
judg should not legisl from the bench and actual restrict religi_freedom by ban it express in the public_squar __PUNCT__
wisdom is a virtu __PUNCT__
sometim all wisdom ask of us is that we recogn common_sens __PUNCT__
don't feder issu not address in the constitut __PUNCT__
don't constitution issu where feder ha a chanc to work __PUNCT__
but sometim __PUNCT__ wisdom __PUNCT__ as do all other virtu __PUNCT__ requir courag __PUNCT__
wisdom suggest we should be reluct to chang a definit of marriag that ha exist for thousand of year __PUNCT__ but it take courag in thi dai and ag to insist that a mother and a father have uniqu and complementari role in the rais of children __PUNCT__ and that marriag reinforc public_support for those role __PUNCT__
wisdom suggest that we should be will to give an unborn_child the same chanc that our parent gave us __PUNCT__ but it take courag in thi polit_climat to insist on the protect of unborn_children who can't vote __PUNCT__ have no voic __PUNCT__ and can't reward you with support and donat __PUNCT__
wisdom suggest that when activist feder_judg impos their social view on the citizen of everi state __PUNCT__ the result is go to distort our polit in terribl wai __PUNCT__ but it take courag to insist that the court have to return to their proper_role __PUNCT__
i will appoint strict constructionist judg that won't legisl from the bench __PUNCT__
i have been pro __PUNCT__ life my entir public career __PUNCT__
i believ i am the onli major candid in either parti who can make that claim __PUNCT__
i am pro __PUNCT__ life becaus i know what it is like to live without human right __PUNCT__ where human_life is accord no inher valu __PUNCT__ and i know that i have a person oblig to advoc human right wherev thei ar deni __PUNCT__ in bosnia or burma __PUNCT__ in cuba or the middl_east __PUNCT__ and in our own countri when we fail to respect the inher digniti of all human_life __PUNCT__ born or unborn __PUNCT__
that is a person testament __PUNCT__ which you need not take on faith __PUNCT__
you need onli examin my public_record to know that i won't ever chang my posit to fit the polit of the dai __PUNCT__
humil is as import as wisdom in our public_affair __PUNCT__
it not onli assur our fidel to a caus greater than ourselv __PUNCT__ the defens of our ideal __PUNCT__ but caution us not to becom so complac in our strength and virtu that we becom arrog in power __PUNCT__
thi is someth that american have long understood and must continu to understand __PUNCT__
we must preserv room for econom_freedom __PUNCT__ but recogn the possibl of corrupt __PUNCT__
we must recogn that govern is necessari __PUNCT__ but power corrupt __PUNCT__
american have lost trust in their govern __PUNCT__
we must restor that trust by do what is right for the american_peopl and not just for the special_interest __PUNCT__
ronald_reagan onc said that __PUNCT__ freedom is the right to question and chang the establish wai of do thing __PUNCT__
it is the continu revolut of the marketplac __PUNCT__
it is the understand that allow us to recogn shortcom and seek solut __PUNCT__
he spoke these word to univers_student in moscow in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
it wa a messag thei need to hear in russia then __PUNCT__ and it is a messag that we need to heed in washington now __PUNCT__
presid_reagan possess an unshak faith in america spirit that wa more durabl than the prevail polit sentiment of hi time __PUNCT__ and he becam presid to prove it __PUNCT__
hi confid wa a tonic to men who had come home eager to put the vietnam_war behind us and for our countri to do likewis __PUNCT__
hi wa a faith that shout to tyrant __PUNCT__ tear down thi wall __PUNCT__
and when wall were all i had for a world __PUNCT__ hi faith in our countri gave me hope in a desol place __PUNCT__
it wa the faith he share with my friend __PUNCT__ mike christian __PUNCT__ a humbl and wise american __PUNCT__ to whom i will alwai remain indebt __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ we can achiev whatev task we set for our countri __PUNCT__
i honor ronald_reagan and mike christian_faith in america __PUNCT__ the greatest nation and greatest forc for good on earth __PUNCT__
if we rememb that then all will be well for the valu we hold dear and for our countri __PUNCT__
these ar critic_time for the secur of our countri __PUNCT__ the strength of our economi __PUNCT__ and the futur of our court __PUNCT__
thi is not the time to turn our back on the progress we made on the issu that matter most __PUNCT__
the voter who have offer their support to the republican_parti for decad deserv the chanc to unifi around a candid who ha demonstr a consist commit to the valu that ar the reason for that support __PUNCT__
i would like to be that candid __PUNCT__
i have a record that can be trust __PUNCT__
i have the experi to lead from dai on __PUNCT__ and i am commit to victori in the race ahead __PUNCT__
thank you for the support you offer to me and to the republican parti over the year __PUNCT__ and for the opportun todai to earn that support on more time __PUNCT__
thank you and god_bless you __PUNCT__