This speech titled 2007.11.05.address_at_a_conference_on_bio_economy_in_ames_iowa originally had 2139 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i pleas to be here and grate for thi opportun to share with you my view about the import of iowa to our economi and how i believ iowa economi is well situat to take advantag of increas in the global_trade of good and servic __PUNCT__
i enjoi get better acquaint with iowa thi year __PUNCT__ and i learn a lot __PUNCT__
i learn that while iowa take great_pride in it tradit of famili_farm __PUNCT__ it also ha a larg manufactur_base __PUNCT__ and rank in the top_ten of our fastest_grow export state __PUNCT__
that an encourag statist for iowa becaus __PUNCT__ irrespect of the sporad rise of protectionist sentiment in thi countri __PUNCT__ open new market for american good and servic is indispens to our futur prosper __PUNCT__ and those state best prepar to seiz the opportun of the global_economi will prosper most __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ we can compet with anyon __PUNCT__
you wouldn't know that by listen to the protectionist __PUNCT__
thei think we lic ked __PUNCT__
thei think we should hide behind wall __PUNCT__ and hope we have enough left to live on while the world pass us by __PUNCT__
that not leadership __PUNCT__ and that not american __PUNCT__
mani iowan have heard that i oppos feder subsidi for ethanol_product __PUNCT__
some of you will have heard that i oppos a protect tariff against sugar __PUNCT__ base ethanol import from place like brazil __PUNCT__
some of my oppon will describ my posit as opposit to american ethanol produc or __PUNCT__ for some inexplic reason __PUNCT__ a person dislik of iowa __PUNCT__
neither is true __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ and i appreci the opportun to set the record straight __PUNCT__
but i have alwai believ befor you can win someon vote __PUNCT__ you have to earn their respect __PUNCT__
and i intend to earn your respect by be honest with you __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ i oppos subsidi __PUNCT__
not just ethanol subsidi __PUNCT__
subsidi __PUNCT__
and not just in iowa either __PUNCT__
i oppos them in my own state of arizona __PUNCT__
i am a proud of the conserv_tradit that the govern can sometim best serv the interest of the american_peopl by know when to stai out of their wai __PUNCT__
and i alwai been reluct to grow the size of govern to do the busi of the american peopl for them or to favor on industri over anoth or becaus on sector of our economi ha better lobbyist than anoth __PUNCT__
i want the govern to do it job __PUNCT__ not your job __PUNCT__ to do it better and to do it with less of your monei __PUNCT__
i want our economi to grow __PUNCT__ not the size of govern __PUNCT__
and i don't want govern to divert resourc from the grow industri that hold the kei to america continu econom_success __PUNCT__
excess and intrus regul undermin the flexibl need for busi success __PUNCT__
there is no econom forc on thi globe that is stronger than free_peopl __PUNCT__
entrepreneur lie at the heart of innov __PUNCT__ growth __PUNCT__ and advanc prosper __PUNCT__
entrepreneur should not be shackl by excess regul that rais the cost of busi __PUNCT__
entrepreneur should not be disadvantag by earmark and pork __PUNCT__ barrel spend that favor polit_connect competitor __PUNCT__
i trust american __PUNCT__ i trust market and i oppos subsidi __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i propos a nation_energi strategi that will amount to a declar of independ from the risk bred by our relianc on petro __PUNCT__ dictat and our vulner to the troubl polit of the land thei rule __PUNCT__
that strategi won't be anoth grab bag of handout to thi or that industri and a full_employ act for lobbyist __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ that mean no ethanol subsidi __PUNCT__
but it also mean no rifl __PUNCT__ shot tax_break for big_oil __PUNCT__
it mean no line item for hydrogen __PUNCT__ no mandat for other renew fuel __PUNCT__ and no big __PUNCT__ govern debacl like the dakota synfuel plant __PUNCT__
it mean ethanol entrepreneur get a level plai_field to make their case __PUNCT__ and earn their profit __PUNCT__
i believ thi approach allow iowan their best opportun to displai to the world the ingenu that ha serv iowa through the year __PUNCT__
iowan were the leader in agricultur advanc __PUNCT__ conserv and land stewardship __PUNCT__
iowa gave us ding darl __PUNCT__ the father of the feder duck stamp whose action were essenti to the genesi of the nation wildlif refug land conserv program __PUNCT__
max mcgraw wa instrument in advanc the transport of electr __PUNCT__ which result in the develop of electr_power as a major_sourc of energi __PUNCT__
he also wa a champion of industri and land conserv __PUNCT__
iowan __PUNCT__ through their abil __PUNCT__ their fine univers __PUNCT__ and their tradit of hard_work and innov will transform the energi and agricultur busi in america and make us an even more success competitor on the world_stage __PUNCT__
thei will best do thi unencumb with ill __PUNCT__ advis govern_subsidi that serv in the end to restrict competit ion __PUNCT__ stifl technolog_advanc and restrain american __PUNCT__ natur entrepreneuri drive __PUNCT__
if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will chang the competit landscap and final give iowan a fair chanc and no need for exist subsidi __PUNCT__
i have propos a market __PUNCT__ base_approach that would set reason cap on carbon and other greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ and provid industri with tradabl credit __PUNCT__
by reduc it emiss __PUNCT__ a util or industri plant can gener credit it mai trade on the open_market for a profit __PUNCT__ offer a power incent to drive the deploy of new and better energi_sourc and technolog __PUNCT__
thi approach will build the busi case for altern to oil such as ethanol __PUNCT__
it will promot the conserv and diversif of energi to includ alcohol fuel made from corn __PUNCT__ sugar __PUNCT__ switchgrass and mani other sourc __PUNCT__ fuel cell __PUNCT__ biodiesel deriv from wast product __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__ and other technolog __PUNCT__
these ar all promis and avail altern to oil __PUNCT__ and i encourag the develop of infrastructur and the market growth necessari for these product to compet __PUNCT__ and let consum choos the winner __PUNCT__
i never known an american entrepreneur worthi of the name who wouldn't rather compet for sale than subsidi __PUNCT__
i have great faith that mani resid of thi great state share that same confid in our unmatch abil to compet anywher with anyon __PUNCT__
we need to be at the cut edg of green_technolog __PUNCT__
our futur prosper depend on our competit __PUNCT__
global is here and global is an opportun not a threat __PUNCT__
the american_farmer is the most product and innov farmer on the planet and can compet with anyon __PUNCT__
period __PUNCT__
but farmer can't compet if thei can't get into the game __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of the world custom live outsid the border of the unit_state __PUNCT__
while my democrat_oppon plai polit with trade __PUNCT__ us word like a trade __PUNCT__ time out __PUNCT__ to disguis their protection __PUNCT__ i don't intend to sit out opportun and challeng of the world_economi __PUNCT__
i intend to seiz those opportun to ensur __PUNCT__ as everi american gener ha done __PUNCT__ that our children_live will be even more prosper than were our __PUNCT__
we need to build on our export strength not by build wall to intern_commerc __PUNCT__
export account for nearli on __PUNCT__ half of our econom_growth dure the first half of thi year __PUNCT__ and help to offset the drag on our economi from the hous slump __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ despit all the defeatist rhetor __PUNCT__ america is the world_biggest export __PUNCT__ import __PUNCT__ produc __PUNCT__ saver __PUNCT__ investor __PUNCT__ manufactur and innov __PUNCT__
i intend to lead a govern that secur access to world_market for our farmer __PUNCT__ our entrepreneur __PUNCT__ their worker __PUNCT__ and the next gener __PUNCT__
i am commit to help everi farmer in thi wai __PUNCT__ not just the big gui who have figur out how to game the subsidi process __PUNCT__
as i said __PUNCT__ i intend to be honest with you __PUNCT__
straight talk isn't just a campaign slogan of mine invent by consult __PUNCT__
i don't know ani other wai to campaign __PUNCT__ and have alwai believ that if i were honest with the voter about what i believ and how i intend to govern __PUNCT__ then everyth will be alright in the end __PUNCT__
you might not agre with me on everi issu __PUNCT__ but i hope you know i not try to trick you or misrepres my intent should i be so privileg to be elect to the offic i seek __PUNCT__
a candid who tell you on thing and tell anoth group of voter someth els __PUNCT__ doesn't respect you __PUNCT__ and won't lead our parti to victori __PUNCT__
becaus the most import_thing we have in thi life is our self __PUNCT__ respect __PUNCT__
i don't expect voter to trade their for empti promis __PUNCT__
and i not go to trade mine for ani offic __PUNCT__
i go to tell you what i believ and let the chip fall where thei will __PUNCT__
american ar weari of empti promis __PUNCT__ spin and elect_year convers __PUNCT__
i know that you have heard befor that subsidi to oil will be elimin __PUNCT__ onli to experi anoth disappoint __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ thi is on more reason that american have lost faith in their govern __PUNCT__
i not go to make promis that aren't in america interest __PUNCT__
the leader i alwai admir most don't prefer expedi to principl __PUNCT__
thei don't hide from a challeng __PUNCT__
thei don't put their own interest befor those of our countri __PUNCT__
thei tell us what thei believ and where thei intend to lead __PUNCT__
thei offer their honest judgment not their pollster advic __PUNCT__
thei have convict __PUNCT__ courag __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ most of all __PUNCT__ the humil to understand thei serv a caus greater than self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__ that our most solemn respons is to put the peopl who have given us their trust befor ani person consider __PUNCT__
to win thi elect we need a candid with a reput and record of challeng the washington_establish and the fail polit of the past __PUNCT__
we need a candid who is sure of hi convict __PUNCT__ who hasn't chang hi posit on the profound moral_issu of our dai to fit the polit of the moment __PUNCT__
we need a candid who will keep our economi strong and free from the wast and misus of politician for whom re __PUNCT__ elect is more import than the prosper of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ abov all __PUNCT__ in a time of war against an enemi for whom no atroc is too cruel __PUNCT__ we need a candid with the strongest nation_secur experi so that there is no doubt in the mind of voter which candid is best prepar to be command in chief from dai on __PUNCT__
if i am privileg to be your presid __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ i will never forget my oblig to you __PUNCT__
american have lost trust in their govern and i intend to win it back __PUNCT__ so help me god __PUNCT__
you know where i stand __PUNCT__ and where i intend to lead __PUNCT__
i am the onli conserv_republican who will defeat the democrat_candid __PUNCT__ whoever he or she is __PUNCT__
and when i do __PUNCT__ i don't intend to us my presid to avoid the hardest challeng america_face __PUNCT__ and leav them to anoth __PUNCT__ unlucki gener of leader __PUNCT__
i don't want to be rememb for the elect i won __PUNCT__ for the celebr i achiev __PUNCT__ or for the person privileg i enjoi __PUNCT__
i want to be rememb as a man who love hi countri __PUNCT__ who wa proud of hi countri __PUNCT__ and whose countri wa proud of him __PUNCT__
that ha been the great ambit of my life __PUNCT__
i have no need of ani other __PUNCT__
and there is onli on wai i know how to achiev it __PUNCT__ to stand up for what i believ even when the road is long and difficult __PUNCT__ to stand&n bsp __PUNCT__ up for my countri against all enemi foreign and domest __PUNCT__ to stand up proudli __PUNCT__ honestli __PUNCT__ defiantli for the principl __PUNCT__ ideal and virtu that have made thi countri __PUNCT__ the last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__