This speech titled 2007.11.19.address_at_franklin_pierce_university_in_rindge_new_hampshire originally had 2302 tokens. You can view the original text here.
my friend __PUNCT__ we ar at last near the moment in thi long elect season when someth import happen __PUNCT__ the voter get to speak __PUNCT__
until now __PUNCT__ the race ha been defin by polit profession and pundit __PUNCT__ who talk about poll __PUNCT__ and monei __PUNCT__ and ad __PUNCT__ and endors __PUNCT__ and who won debat __PUNCT__ and who attack whom __PUNCT__ and all the thing that make these campaign interest to washington __PUNCT__ and less so to you __PUNCT__
now it your turn __PUNCT__
in less than two month __PUNCT__ the voter of new hampshir will choos the man or woman thei believ should lead thi countri for the next four year __PUNCT__
i trust you to make the right decis about who ha the experi __PUNCT__ judgment __PUNCT__ charact and courag to lead thi countri at a critic hour in our histori __PUNCT__
it easi to lose_sight of the import of thi elect given all the nonsens that seem to domin much of it coverag to date __PUNCT__
but new hampshir voter understand our nation_face a truli histor decis that will affect not onli america destini but the cours of human_histori __PUNCT__
we live in moment time __PUNCT__
we face a global threat from enemi for whom no attack is too cruel __PUNCT__
the world is chang in profound wai __PUNCT__
we need to make those chang work for us and for all peopl who share our belief in free_market and free_peopl __PUNCT__
our govern ha fail to meet some of it most basic respons and the american_peopl have lost trust i n their leader __PUNCT__
thi elect is about big_thing __PUNCT__ not small on __PUNCT__
we can't muddl through the next four year __PUNCT__ bicker among ourselv __PUNCT__ and leav to other the work that is our to do __PUNCT__
now the respons again fall to the american_peopl to set the cours we follow in the year_ahead __PUNCT__ whether we go forward or backward __PUNCT__ whether we fear the futur or make histori __PUNCT__
that is your choic in thi elect __PUNCT__ and it couldn't be a bigger on __PUNCT__
when you make your decis __PUNCT__ you must ask yourself two question __PUNCT__ which candid ha the best chanc to lead our parti to victori __PUNCT__ and which is best prepar and most commit to keep thi nation safe __PUNCT__ prosper __PUNCT__ and power __PUNCT__
i believ the answer to both question is the same __PUNCT__
i am that candid __PUNCT__
and i ask for your vote __PUNCT__
i the conserv_republican with the best chanc of defeat senat_clinton __PUNCT__ or whomev the democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ and take on the challeng that confront us __PUNCT__
i as commit todai as when i first put on the uniform of our countri to the caus that ha been the work of my life __PUNCT__ the interest and ideal of our countri __PUNCT__
i no more a perfect servant of my countri than i am a perfect human be __PUNCT__
but in my year of servic __PUNCT__ i hope i have proven myself worthi of your trust __PUNCT__
we face formid challeng __PUNCT__ but i not afraid of them __PUNCT__
i prepar for them __PUNCT__
i know how the militari work __PUNCT__ what it can do __PUNCT__ what it can do better __PUNCT__ and what it should not do __PUNCT__
i know how congress work __PUNCT__ how to make it work for the countri and not just the re __PUNCT__ elect of it member __PUNCT__
i know how the world work __PUNCT__
i know the good and the evil in it __PUNCT__
i know how to work with leader who share our dream of a freer __PUNCT__ safer and more prosper world __PUNCT__ and how to stand up to those who don't __PUNCT__
i know how to fight and how to make_peac __PUNCT__
if i your nomine and senat_clinton is the nomine of the other parti __PUNCT__ the countri will face as clear a choic as ani in recent_memori __PUNCT__
that as it should be for such an import elect __PUNCT__
she will be a formid candid __PUNCT__
and while our differ ar mani and profound __PUNCT__ i intend thi to be a respect debat __PUNCT__
she and i disagre over america direct __PUNCT__ and it is a seriou disagr __PUNCT__
but i don't doubt her abil to lead thi countri where she think it should go __PUNCT__
on matter of war and peac __PUNCT__ i offer american my experi __PUNCT__ my person familiar with the tragedi of war __PUNCT__ deep involv in all of the nation_secur secur_issu of the last two decad __PUNCT__ and steadfast convict that america cannot afford to relinquish it leadership of the world __PUNCT__ and the world can't afford it either __PUNCT__
there come a time when a presid can no longer reli on brief book and power point __PUNCT__ when the expert and advisor have all weigh in __PUNCT__ when the sum total of on life becom the foundat from which he or she make the decis that determin the cours of histori __PUNCT__
no other candid ha my experi or the judgment it inform __PUNCT__
i would never make a judgment about go to war base on whether it wa a popular thing to do __PUNCT__
i would onli make that grave decis were i convinc america interest and ideal were so threaten that it requir the greatest sacrific our countri can make __PUNCT__
and onc i decid __PUNCT__ i wouldn't surrend when we can still succe __PUNCT__ and accept the terribl consequ that would ensu __PUNCT__ becaus i fear the poll more than histori judgment __PUNCT__
senat_clinton told gener_petraeu that hi confid in hi new strategi and in the abil of the troop he ha the honor to command requir __PUNCT__ a will suspens of disbelief __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ it becom clear that gener petraeu wa right __PUNCT__
for the time be __PUNCT__ senat_clinton ha suspend her belief in the abund evid of success as her rival and the fring of her parti pull her toward a posit she know is irrespons __PUNCT__
i wa the onli candid in either parti to sai we were follow a strategi in iraq that wa doom to failur __PUNCT__ and to call for the chang that is work todai __PUNCT__
i took abus from member of my own parti __PUNCT__ some of it pretti tough __PUNCT__ for do so __PUNCT__
and i stuck by it know it could hurt my chanc for the presid __PUNCT__
i did it for on reason __PUNCT__ i would rather lose an elect than stai silent and watch my countri lose a war __PUNCT__
i will alwai put america_secur befor polit __PUNCT__ alwai __PUNCT__
on the on hand __PUNCT__ senat_clinton sai we can't abandon iraq to al_qaeda and the influenc of iran __PUNCT__
on the other __PUNCT__ she want a firm deadlin for withdraw that would do just that __PUNCT__
senat_clinton reject uncondit talk with iran __PUNCT__ but now sai she would negoti with no condit __PUNCT__
as we deal with the threat of a nuclear arm iran there ar mani thing we can do short of war to prevent iranian from make that fate decis __PUNCT__
we can strengthen our diplomaci __PUNCT__ stand up to the russian and chines __PUNCT__ and organ our alli and iran neighbor to impos tough econom sanction that could undermin iran economi and unleash popular resent of the regim that should caus them to reconsid their danger ambit __PUNCT__
we can make it veri clear to iran leader that we will not allow them to obtain weapon that would destabil the entir middl_east and threaten america most vital secur interest __PUNCT__
senat_clinton would start with uncondit negoti __PUNCT__ despit iran clear record of us negoti to forestal sanction and grow intern opposit while thei acceler their nuclear_program __PUNCT__
i will increas the size of the armi and marin_corp __PUNCT__
for too long we have ask too few to do too much __PUNCT__
we have ask our servicemen and women to bid their love on goodby for a third or fourth or fifth combat tour __PUNCT__
we need to recruit more american will to defend our countri __PUNCT__ and i know there ar more if we onli ask them __PUNCT__ but for reason i will never understand __PUNCT__ the former secretari of defens refus to do so __PUNCT__
to rebuild our militari as well as the capabl of our intellig and law_enforc_agenc __PUNCT__ and the capac of all branch of govern to defend us will requir some hard choic __PUNCT__
we will have to stop the inexcus growth of govern in other area __PUNCT__
senat_clinton promis to increas the size of the militari as well __PUNCT__ but she won't make the tough decis necessari to do it __PUNCT__
i am absolut commit to reduc the size of govern __PUNCT__
i fought against wast spend and big_govern govern_solut from my first dai in congress __PUNCT__
senat_clinton would presid over anoth massiv_increas in the size of govern __PUNCT__
she have washington assum more of your respons __PUNCT__ and rais your tax to pai for it __PUNCT__
she won't address serious the fiscal_crisi of social_secur and medicar or if she doe she let congression_democrat convinc her to rais your tax __PUNCT__
i won't ignor the problem and leav it to anoth unlucki gener of leader and i won't rais your tax __PUNCT__
i will work with congress in an open and sincer wai to address these problem __PUNCT__ but if at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ congress want to plai polit with the issu __PUNCT__ i will go to them and the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and insist thei vote up or down on my propos __PUNCT__
i won't lack the courag to fix our toughest problem and let them becom wors on someon els watch __PUNCT__
i take on everi special_interest in town to final reform our insan complic and punit tax_code __PUNCT__
senat_clinton won't __PUNCT__
senat clinton will address the lack of health_care insur in thi countri by propos anoth big_govern govern_mandat __PUNCT__
i make health_care more access by make it more afford __PUNCT__ without ruin the finest qualiti health care in the world __PUNCT__
senat_clinton will appoint more judg who believ thei should make the american_peopl polit_decis for them __PUNCT__
i will appoint judg who take their oath to protect and defend the constitut of the unit_state as serious as i take mine __PUNCT__
these ar some of the essenti issu thi elect will decid __PUNCT__
i offer on direct for america __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and her democrat rival offer anoth __PUNCT__ a cours i believ is absolut wrong for america and wrong for the world __PUNCT__
it is your turn __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ to decid who is right __PUNCT__
it a huge respons __PUNCT__
i know you will take it serious __PUNCT__
i don't expect you to take our promis on faith __PUNCT__
i expect you to listen to us __PUNCT__ as new hampshir voter alwai do __PUNCT__ and then examin our record to determin whether we can be trust to keep our word to you __PUNCT__
i didn't seek public_offic to go along to get along __PUNCT__
i went to washington to get someth done for the peopl who sent me there __PUNCT__
and sinc then __PUNCT__ i know i made some peopl angri __PUNCT__
i made defens_contractor angri when i blew the whistl on a __MONEY___billion boondoggl and the culprit were sent to jail __PUNCT__
i upset the special_interest and washington_lobbyist when i fought for ethic reform and to stop union_boss and corpor from write million_dollar check to polit_campaign __PUNCT__
i made the pentagon angri when i call for the resign of don rumsfeld __PUNCT__ said we need a differ strategi in iraq __PUNCT__ and a bigger militari so that our son and daughter didn't have to serv four and five tour in combat zone __PUNCT__
i displeas a lot of the media when i said we couldn't afford to fail in iraq __PUNCT__ and stood by the chang in our strategi that ar now show success __PUNCT__
i made some folk mad when i work to cut harm greenhous emiss becaus i believ climat chang is a real and need to be address now __PUNCT__
i made politician angri when i call for earmark reform and spend_cut __PUNCT__ for govern to do it job __PUNCT__ not your job __PUNCT__ to do it better and with less of your monei __PUNCT__
i said no to bridg to nowher and __NUM___million million_dollar for peanut storag in a defens_spend spend_bill __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ i made a lot of peopl angri __PUNCT__
but i didn't go to washington to win the mr __PUNCT__ congeni award __PUNCT__
i went there to serv my countri __PUNCT__
i might not like the busi as usual crowd in washington __PUNCT__ and thei might not like me __PUNCT__
but i love_america __PUNCT__
i love her enough to make some peopl angri __PUNCT__
i go to put the busi as usual crowd out of busi __PUNCT__ and make them thank me when i do __PUNCT__
i won't onli restor your trust __PUNCT__
i make you proud of your govern again __PUNCT__
i go to keep thi countri safe __PUNCT__ prosper and power __PUNCT__
so help me god __PUNCT__
and i respectfulli ask for your vote to help me do it __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__