John McCain

This speech titled 2008.01.08.remarks_following_the_new_hampshire_primary originally had 1536 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ i am past the ag when i can claim the noun __PUNCT__ kid __PUNCT__ no matter what adject preced it __PUNCT__

but tonight we sure show them what a comeback look like __PUNCT__

when the pundit declar us finish __PUNCT__ i told them __PUNCT__ i go to new hampshir __PUNCT__ where the voter don't let you make their decis for them __PUNCT__

and when thei ask __PUNCT__ how ar you go to do it __PUNCT__ you down in the poll __PUNCT__

you don't have the monei __PUNCT__

i answer __PUNCT__ i go to new hampshir __PUNCT__ and i go to tell peopl the truth __PUNCT__

we came back here to thi wonder state we come to trust and love __PUNCT__

and we had just on strategi __PUNCT__ to tell you what i believ __PUNCT__

i didn't just tell you what the poll said you want to hear __PUNCT__

i didn't tell you what i knew to be fals __PUNCT__

i didn't try to spin you __PUNCT__

i just talk to the peopl of new hampshir __PUNCT__

i talk about the countri we love __PUNCT__ the mani challeng we face togeth __PUNCT__ and the great promis that is our to achiev __PUNCT__ the work that await us in thi hour __PUNCT__ on our watch __PUNCT__ to defend our countri from it enemi __PUNCT__ to advanc the ideal that ar our greatest strength __PUNCT__ to increas the prosper and opportun of all american and to make in our time __PUNCT__ as each preced american gener ha __PUNCT__ anoth __PUNCT__ better world than the on we inherit __PUNCT__

i talk to the peopl of new hampshir __PUNCT__

i reason with you __PUNCT__

i listen to you __PUNCT__

i answer you __PUNCT__

sometim __PUNCT__ i argu with you __PUNCT__

but i alwai told you the truth __PUNCT__ as best as i can see the truth __PUNCT__

and you did me the great honor of listen __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__ from the bottom my heart __PUNCT__

i am grate and humbl and more certain than ever that befor i can win your vote __PUNCT__ i must win your respect __PUNCT__

and i must do that by be honest with you __PUNCT__ and then put my trust in your fair and good judgment __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ we have taken a step __PUNCT__ but onli the first step toward repair the broken polit of the past and restor the trust of the american_peopl in their govern __PUNCT__

the peopl of new hampshir have told us again that thei do not send us to washington to serv our self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__ but to serv their __PUNCT__

thei don't send us to fight each other for our own polit ambit __PUNCT__ but to fight togeth our real enemi __PUNCT__

thei don't send us to washington to stroke our ego __PUNCT__ but to help them keep thi beauti __PUNCT__ bounti __PUNCT__ bless countri safe __PUNCT__ prosper and proud __PUNCT__

thei don't send us to washington to take more of their monei __PUNCT__ and wast it on thing that add not an ounc to america strength and prosper __PUNCT__ that don't help a singl famili realiz the dream we all dream for our children __PUNCT__ that don't help a singl displac worker find a new job __PUNCT__ and the secur and digniti it assur them __PUNCT__ that won't keep the promis we make to young_worker that the retir thei have begun to invest in __PUNCT__ will be there for them when thei need it __PUNCT__

thei don't send us to washington to do their job __PUNCT__ but to do our __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ i didn't go to washington to go along __PUNCT__ to get along or to plai it safe to serv my own interest __PUNCT__

i went there to serv my countri __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ is just what i intend to do if i am so privileg to be elect your presid __PUNCT__

i seek the nomin of a parti that believ in the strength __PUNCT__ industri __PUNCT__ and good of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we don't believ that govern ha all the answer __PUNCT__ but that it should respect the right __PUNCT__ properti and opportun of the peopl to whom we ar account __PUNCT__

we don't believ in grow the size of govern to make it easier to serv our own ambit __PUNCT__

but what govern is expect to do __PUNCT__ it must do with compet __PUNCT__ resolv and wisdom __PUNCT__

in recent_year __PUNCT__ we have lost the trust of the peopl __PUNCT__ who share our principl __PUNCT__ but doubt our own allegi to them __PUNCT__

i seek the nomin of our parti to restor that trust __PUNCT__ to return our parti to the principl that have never fail american __PUNCT__ the parti of fiscal_disciplin __PUNCT__ low_tax __PUNCT__ endur valu __PUNCT__ a strong and capabl defens __PUNCT__ that encourag the enterpris and ingenu of individu __PUNCT__ busi and famili __PUNCT__ who know best how to advanc america_economi __PUNCT__ and secur the dream that have made us the greatest nation in histori __PUNCT__

the work that we face in our time is great __PUNCT__ but our opportun greater still __PUNCT__

in a time of war __PUNCT__ and the terribl sacrific it entail __PUNCT__ the promis of a better futur is not alwai clear __PUNCT__

but i promis you __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ we face no enemi __PUNCT__ no matter how cruel __PUNCT__ and no challeng __PUNCT__ no matter how daunt __PUNCT__ greater than the courag __PUNCT__ patriot and determin of american __PUNCT__

we ar the maker of histori __PUNCT__ not it victim __PUNCT__

and as we confront thi enemi __PUNCT__ the peopl privileg to serv in public_offic should not evad our mutual respons to defeat them becaus we ar more concern with person or partisan ambit __PUNCT__

whatev the differ between us __PUNCT__ so much more should unit us __PUNCT__

and noth should unit us more close than the imper of defeat an enemi who despis us __PUNCT__ our valu and modern itself __PUNCT__

we must all pull togeth in thi critic hour and proclaim that the histori of the world will not be determin by thi unpardon foe __PUNCT__ but by the aspir __PUNCT__ ideal __PUNCT__ faith and courag of free_peopl __PUNCT__

in thi great __PUNCT__ histor task __PUNCT__ we will never surrend __PUNCT__

thei will __PUNCT__

the result of the other parti_primari is uncertain at thi time __PUNCT__ but i want to congratul all the campaign in both parti __PUNCT__

i salut the support of all the candid who work so hard to achiev a success tonight and who believ so passion in the promis of their candid __PUNCT__

and i want to assur them that though i did not have their support __PUNCT__ and though we mai disagre from time to time on how best to advanc america interest and ideal __PUNCT__ thei have my genuin respect __PUNCT__

for thei have work for a caus thei believ is good for the countri we all love __PUNCT__ a caus greater than their self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__

i learn long_ago that serv onli oneself is a petti and unsatisfi ambit __PUNCT__

but serv a caus greater than self __PUNCT__ interest and you will know a happi far more sublim than the fleet pleasur of fame and fortun __PUNCT__

for me that greater caus ha alwai been my countri __PUNCT__ which i have serv imperfectli for mani year __PUNCT__ but have love without ani reserv everi dai of my life __PUNCT__

and howev thi campaign turn out __PUNCT__ and i am more confid tonight that it will turn out much better than onc expect __PUNCT__ i am grate beyond express for the prospect that i might serv her a littl while longer __PUNCT__

that gratitud impos on me the respons to do noth in thi campaign that would make our countri problem harder to solv or that would caus american to despair that a candid for the highest offic in the land would think so littl of the honor that he would put hi own interest befor their __PUNCT__

i take that respons as my most solemn trust __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ we celebr on victori tonight and leav for michigan tomorrow to win anoth __PUNCT__

but let us rememb that our purpos is not our alon __PUNCT__ our success is not an end in itself __PUNCT__

america is our caus __PUNCT__ yesterdai __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ and tomorrow __PUNCT__

her great is our hope __PUNCT__ her strength is our protect __PUNCT__ her ideal our greatest treasur __PUNCT__ her prosper the promis we keep to our children __PUNCT__ her good the hope of mankind __PUNCT__

that is the caus of our campaign and the platform of my parti __PUNCT__ and i will stai true to it so help me god __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ and god_bless you as you have bless me __PUNCT__

enjoi thi __PUNCT__

you have earn it more than me __PUNCT__

tomorrow __PUNCT__ we begin again __PUNCT__