John McCain

This speech titled 2008.01.15.remarks_following_the_michigan_primary originally had 1025 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 19 cue terms and an average lag of 46.9. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 pretti_good 27
0.00239 0 0.998
0 0 0
2 hard_work 165
0.0927 0.000199 0.355
0.00159 0 0.551
3 god_bless 21
0 0 0.173
0.00259 0.000199 0.825
4 work_hard 20
0.000995 0 0.0569
0.00219 0 0.94
5 south_carolina 102
0.00995 0.000199 0.249
0.00259 0 0.739
6 global_economi 13
0.115 0.000597 0.0297
0.0135 0.000398 0.84
7 american_worker 29
0.0438 0 0.0115
0.127 0.000398 0.818
8 south_carolina 44
0.000796 0 0.735
0.00896 0.000199 0.255
9 radic_islam 114
0 0 0.454
0 0 0.546
10 islam_extrem 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
11 nation_secur 101
0.00279 0 0.653
0 0 0.344
12 world_leader 14
0.00259 0.00119 0.0312
0.000995 0.00139 0.963
13 unit_state 29
0.00378 0.0117 0.0567
0.00119 0.00378 0.923
14 arm_forc 1
0 0.00398 0.00299
0.000199 0.0203 0.973
15 thousand_time 43
0.0203 0.0233 0.276
0 0.0241 0.656
16 great_challeng 57
0.00498 0.00836 0.66
0.00159 0.0458 0.279
17 adult_life 76
0.000199 0.000398 0.245
0.000199 0.0253 0.729
18 south_carolina 33
0.000199 0 0.14
0 0.00657 0.853
19 good_night 62
0.000398 0 0.166
0.000199 0.00458 0.829