This speech titled 2008.02.07.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference originally had 6391 tokens. You can view the original text here.
__SYMBOL__ __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ continu cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ continu extend cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
okai __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ continu extend cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ continu extend cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i think mayb what __PUNCT__ i think mayb what i would like to do and mayb you would like for me to do is after what tom said just sit down __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ tom __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you and georg __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__ and thank you for invit me __PUNCT__
it been a littl while sinc i had the honor of address you __PUNCT__ and i appreci veri much your courtesi to me todai __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ we should do thi more often __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i hope you pardon my absenc last year and understand that i intend no person insult to ani of you __PUNCT__
i wa mere preoccupi with the busi of try to escap the distinct of pre __PUNCT__ season front __PUNCT__ runner for the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ which i sure some of you observ i manag to do in fairli short_order __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ scatter applaus __PUNCT__
but now i again have the privileg of that distinct __PUNCT__ and thi time i would prefer to hold on to it for a littl while __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
and i sai __PUNCT__ i know that you were address earlier by a great governor __PUNCT__ governor romnei __PUNCT__ and i had __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
and i sai __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
mai i sai __PUNCT__ mai i sai that i had a phone convers with governor romnei __PUNCT__
i congratul him on run an energet and dedic campaign __PUNCT__
we agre to sit down togeth __PUNCT__ and we agre the import to unit our parti __PUNCT__
all of you who work so hard in the support of the million of peopl in our parti who support governor romnei __PUNCT__ i congratul you __PUNCT__
you did a fine job __PUNCT__
and you ar welcom to join my campaign __PUNCT__ and it be a campaign base on conserv_principl in a consequenti elect about the countri futur __PUNCT__
i also like to sai a word about our friend governor huckabe __PUNCT__ a great and fine man __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ who ha also __PUNCT__ i also know that he inject from time to time some much __PUNCT__ need humor in the campaign __PUNCT__
and i would like to again congratul him as he continu to run a veri strong campaign __PUNCT__
and i congratul him on hi success tuesdai night __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ i be honor and deepli humbl to receiv the nomin of my parti as we continu move_forward in thi campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ i know i have a respons __PUNCT__ if i am __PUNCT__ as i hope to be __PUNCT__ the republican_nomine for presid __PUNCT__ to unit the parti and prepar for the great contest in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and i am acut awar that i cannot succe in that endeavor nor can our parti prevail over the challeng we will face from either senat_clinton or senat_obama without the support of dedic conserv whose convict __PUNCT__ creativ and energi have been indispens to the success of our parti that it ha had over the last quarter_centuri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
mani of you have disagre strongli with some posit i have taken in recent_year __PUNCT__
i understand that __PUNCT__
i might not agre with it __PUNCT__ but i respect it for the principl posit it is __PUNCT__
and it is my sincer hope that even if you believ i have occasion er in my reason as a fellow_conserv __PUNCT__ you will still allow that i have __PUNCT__ in mani wai import to all of us __PUNCT__ maintain the record of a conserv __PUNCT__
further __PUNCT__ i hope you will grant that i have defend mani posit we share just as ardent as i have made my case for posit that have provok your opposit __PUNCT__
if not __PUNCT__ thank you for the opportun to make my case todai __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i am proud to be a conserv __PUNCT__ and i make that claim becaus i share with you the most basic of conserv_principl __PUNCT__ that liberti is a right confer by our creator __PUNCT__ not by govern and that __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that the proper object of justic and the rule of law in our countri is not to aggreg power to the state __PUNCT__ but to protect the liberti and properti of it citizen __PUNCT__
and like you __PUNCT__ i understand __PUNCT__ as edmund_burk observ __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ whenev a separ is made between liberti and justic __PUNCT__ neither is safe __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i have long work to help grow a public major of support for republican_candid and principl __PUNCT__
i have also alwai believ like you in the wisdom of ronald_reagan who want and warn in an address to thi confer in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ a polit_parti cannot be all thing to all peopl __PUNCT__
it must repres certain fundament belief which must not be compromis to polit_expedi or simpli to swell it number __PUNCT__
i attend my first cpac confer as the invit guest of ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ and long after i had return __PUNCT__ not long after i had return from oversea __PUNCT__ when i heard him deliv hi shine_citi upon a hill speech __PUNCT__
i wa still a naval offic then __PUNCT__ but hi word inspir and help form my own polit_view __PUNCT__ just as ronald_reagan defens of america caus in vietnam and hi evid concern for american prison of war in that conflict inspir and were a great comfort to those of us who __PUNCT__ in my friend jerri denton __PUNCT__ sp __PUNCT__ word __PUNCT__ had the honor of serv our countri under difficult circumst __PUNCT__
i am proud __PUNCT__ veri proud to have come to public_offic as a foot_soldier in the reagan_revolut __PUNCT__ and if a few of my posit have rais your concern that i have forgotten my polit heritag __PUNCT__ i want to assur you i have not and i am as proud of that associ todai as i wa then __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my record in public_offic taken as a whole is the record of a mainstream conserv __PUNCT__
i believ todai __PUNCT__ as i believ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ in small_govern __PUNCT__ fiscal_disciplin __PUNCT__ low_tax __PUNCT__ a strong defens __PUNCT__ judg who inform and not make our law __PUNCT__ the social valu that ar the true sourc of our strength __PUNCT__ and gener the steadfast defens of our right to life __PUNCT__ liberti and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__ which i have defend my entir career as god __PUNCT__ given to the born and the unborn __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
these ar my belief __PUNCT__
these ar my belief __PUNCT__ and you need not __PUNCT__ sic __PUNCT__ examin onli my past vote and speech to assur yourselv that thei ar my genuin convict __PUNCT__
you can take ad comfort from the posit i have defend dure thi campaign __PUNCT__
i campaign in iowa in opposit to agricultur subsidi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i campaign in new hampshir against big __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ mandat health_care and for a free_market solut to the problem of unavail and unafford health_care __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i campaign in michigan for the tax_incent and trade_polici that will creat new and better job in that econom troubl state __PUNCT__
i campaign in florida __PUNCT__ i campaign in florida against the nation catastroph insur fund bill that pass the hous of repres __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
and i defend my opposit to the prescript_drug drug_benefit bill that saddl american with yet anoth huge expens entitl_program __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i have argu to make the bush_tax_cut perman __PUNCT__ to reduc the corpor_tax tax_rate and abolish the amt __PUNCT__ that threaten __NUM___million_american american_famili __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i have defend my posit on protect our second amend right __PUNCT__ includ my vote against wait period __PUNCT__ ban on the so __PUNCT__ call assault_weapon __PUNCT__ and illegitim lawsuit against __PUNCT__ target gun manufactur __PUNCT__
i have proudli defend my __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year pro __PUNCT__ life record __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
throughout __PUNCT__ throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have defend the presid grave decis to increas troop level in iraq __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ to execut a long_overdu counterinsurg __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ a long overdu counterinsurg that ha spare us the terribl calam of lose that war __PUNCT__
i hold these posit becaus i believ thei were in the best interest of my parti and countri __PUNCT__
sure __PUNCT__ i have held other posit that have not met with widespread agreement from conserv __PUNCT__
i won't pretend otherwis __PUNCT__ nor would you permit me to forget it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughs/laught __PUNCT__
on the issu of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ a posit which __PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ a posit which obvious still provok the outspoken opposit of mani conserv __PUNCT__ i stood my ground __PUNCT__ awar that my posit would imperil my campaign __PUNCT__
i respect your opposit __PUNCT__ for i know that the vast_major of critic to the bill base their opposit in a principl defens of the rule of law __PUNCT__
while i and other republican support of the bill were genuin in our intent to restor control of our border __PUNCT__ we fail __PUNCT__ for variou and understand reason __PUNCT__ to convinc american that we were __PUNCT__
i accept that __PUNCT__
and i have pledg that it would be among my highest prioriti to secur our border first __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ to secur our border first __PUNCT__
and onli after we have achiev widespread consensu that our border ar secur would we address other aspect of the problem in a wai that defend the rule of law and doe not encourag anoth wave of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ all i ask of ani american conserv __PUNCT__ moder __PUNCT__ independ __PUNCT__ or enlighten democrat __PUNCT__ is to judg my record as a whole and accept that i am not in the habit of make promis to my countri that i do not intend to keep __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i hope i have proven that in my life __PUNCT__ even to my critic __PUNCT__
then vote for or against me base on that record __PUNCT__ my qualif to the offic and the direct where i plainli state i intend to lead our countri __PUNCT__
if i am so fortun as to be the republican_nomine for presid __PUNCT__ i will offer american __PUNCT__ in what will be a veri challeng and spirit contest __PUNCT__ a clearli conserv_approach to govern __PUNCT__
i will make my case __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i will make my case to voter __PUNCT__ no matter what state thei resid in __PUNCT__ in the same wai __PUNCT__
i will not obscur my posit from voter who i fear might not share them __PUNCT__
i will stand on my convict __PUNCT__ my conserv convict __PUNCT__ and trust in the good_sens of the voter and in my confid that conserv_principl still appeal to a major of american __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ independ and reagan democrat __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i know __PUNCT__ i know that you know that often elect in thi countri ar fought within margin of small differ __PUNCT__
thi on will not be __PUNCT__
we ar argu about huge consequenti thing __PUNCT__
whoever the democrat_nomine is __PUNCT__ thei would govern thi countri in a wai that will __PUNCT__ in my opinion __PUNCT__ take thi countri backward to the dai when govern felt empow to take from us our freedom to decid for ourselv the cours and qualiti of our live __PUNCT__ to substitut the muddl judgment of larg and expand feder_bureaucraci for common_sens and valu of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ to the timid and wish think of a time when we avert our ey from terribl threat to our secur that were so plainli gather strength abroad __PUNCT__
it shame and danger that senat_democrat ar block an extens of surveil power that enabl our intellig and law_enforc to defend our countri __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ to defend our countri against radic_islam extremist __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ thi elect is go to be about big_thing __PUNCT__ not small_thing __PUNCT__
and i intend to fight as hard as i can to ensur that our principl prevail over their __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama want to increas the size of the feder_govern __PUNCT__
i intend to reduc it __PUNCT__
i will not __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ i will not sign a bill with earmark in it __PUNCT__ ani earmark in it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
and i can assur you senat coburn will hold me to it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__
i will fight for the line __PUNCT__ item_veto __PUNCT__ and i will not permit ani expans whatsoev of the entitl_program that ar bankrupt us __PUNCT__
i will not __PUNCT__
i will not __PUNCT__
on the contrari __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
on the contrari __PUNCT__ i intend to reform those program so that govern is no longer in that habit of make promis to american it doe not have the mean to keep __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama will rais your tax __PUNCT__
i intend to cut them __PUNCT__
i will start by make the bush_tax_cut perman __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i will cut corpor_tax tax_rate from __NUM__ to __NUM__ percent to keep industri and job in thi countri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i will end the altern minimum tax __PUNCT__ and i won't let a democrat_congress rais your tax and choke the growth of our economi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
thei will offer a big_govern govern_solut to health_care insur_coverag __PUNCT__
i intend to address the problem with free_market solut and with respect for the freedom of individu to make import choic for themselv __PUNCT__
thei will __PUNCT__ interrupt by cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
thei will appoint to the feder bench judg who ar intent on achiev polit chang that the american_peopl cannot be convinc to accept through the elect of their repres __PUNCT__
i intend to nomin judg who have proven themselv worthi of our trust __PUNCT__ that thei take as their sole respons the enforc of law made by the peopl elect_repres __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
judg __PUNCT__ judg of the charact and qualiti of justic robert and alito __PUNCT__ justic who can be reli upon to respect the valu of the peopl whose right __PUNCT__ law and properti thei ar sworn to defend __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
senat __PUNCT__ senat_clinton and senat_obama will withdraw our forc from iraq base on an arbitrari timet design for the sake of polit_expedi and which recklessli ignor the profound human calam and dire threat to our secur that would ensu __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ i intend to win the war and trust in the proven judgment of our command there __PUNCT__ and the courag and selfless of the american thei have the honor to command __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ we share the grief over the terribl loss we suffer in the prosecut of thi war __PUNCT__
there is no other candid for thi offic who appreci more than i do just how aw war is __PUNCT__
but i know that the cost in live and treasur we would incur __PUNCT__ should we fail in iraq __PUNCT__ will be far greater than the heartbreak loss we have suffer to date __PUNCT__ and i will not allow that to happen __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__ chant __PUNCT__
john_mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ john mccain __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ those senat won't recogn and serious address the threat pose by an iran with nuclear ambit to our alli israel in the region __PUNCT__
i intend __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i intend to make unmistak clear to iran we will not permit a govern that espous the destruct of the state of israel as it fondest wish and pledg undi enmiti to the unit_state to possess the weapon to advanc their malevol ambit __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama will conced to our critic that our own action to defend against it threat ar respons for foment the terribl evil of radic_islam islam_extrem __PUNCT__ and the resolv to combat it will be as flaw as their judgment __PUNCT__
i intend __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__ hear __PUNCT__ hear __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i intend to defeat the threat by stai on offens and by marshal everi relev agenc of our govern and our alli in the urgent necess of defend the valu __PUNCT__ virtu and secur of free_peopl against those who despis all that is good about us __PUNCT__
those ar but a few of the differ that will defin thi elect __PUNCT__
thei ar veri signific differ __PUNCT__ and i promis you i intend to contest these issu on conserv ground and fight as hard as i can to defend the principl and posit we share and to keep thi countri safe __PUNCT__ proud __PUNCT__ prosper and free __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
we have had a few disagr __PUNCT__ and none of us will pretend that we won't continu to have a few __PUNCT__
but even in disagr __PUNCT__ especi in disagr __PUNCT__ i will seek the counsel of my fellow_conserv __PUNCT__
if i am convinc my judgment is in error __PUNCT__ i will correct it __PUNCT__
and if i stand by my posit even after benefit of your counsel __PUNCT__ i hope you will not lose_sight of the far more numer occas when we ar in accord __PUNCT__
i began my comment todai to you by assur you that we share a concept of liberti that is the bedrock of our belief as conserv __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ i wa depriv of liberti for a time in my life __PUNCT__
and while my love of liberti is no greater than your __PUNCT__ you can be confid that mine is the equal of ani american __PUNCT__
it is a deep and unwav love __PUNCT__
my life_experi and servic to our countri inform my polit judgment __PUNCT__
thei ar at the core my convict __PUNCT__
i am pro __PUNCT__ life and an advoc for the right of man everywher in the world becaus of them __PUNCT__ becaus i know that to be deni liberti is an offens to natur and natur creator __PUNCT__
i will never waver in that convict __PUNCT__
i promis you __PUNCT__
i know in thi countri our liberti will not be seiz in a polit_revolut or by a totalitarian govern __PUNCT__ but rather as burk warn __PUNCT__
it can be nibbl awai for expedi and by part __PUNCT__
i am alert to that risk and will defend against it and take comfort from the knowledg that i will be encourag in that defens by my fellow_conserv __PUNCT__
you heard me sai befor that for all my reput as a maverick __PUNCT__ i have onli found true happi in serv a caus greater than my self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__
for me that caus ha alwai been our countri and the ideal that have made us great __PUNCT__
i have been a her imperfect servant for mani year __PUNCT__ and i made mani mistak __PUNCT__
you can attest to that __PUNCT__ but need not __PUNCT__ but need not __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ for i know them well myself __PUNCT__
but i love her deepli __PUNCT__ and i will never __PUNCT__ never tire of the honor of serv her __PUNCT__
i cannot do that without your counsel and support __PUNCT__ and i am grate __PUNCT__ veri grate that you have given me thi opportun to ask for it __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ __SYMBOL__ thank you __PUNCT__
thank you for invit me __PUNCT__
it been a littl while sinc i had the honor of address you __PUNCT__ and i appreci veri much your courtesi to me todai __PUNCT__
we should do thi more often __PUNCT__
i hope you will pardon my absenc last year __PUNCT__ and understand that i intend no person insult to ani of you __PUNCT__
i wa mere pre __PUNCT__ occupi with the busi of try to escap the distinct of pre __PUNCT__ season frontrunn for the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ i sure some of you observ __PUNCT__ i manag to do in fairli short_order __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i again have the privileg of that distinct __PUNCT__ and thi time i would prefer to hold on to it for a while __PUNCT__
i know i have a respons __PUNCT__ if i am __PUNCT__ as i hope to be __PUNCT__ the republican_nomine for presid __PUNCT__ to unit the parti and prepar for the great contest in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and i am acut awar that i cannot succe in that endeavor __PUNCT__ nor can our parti prevail over the challeng we will face from either senat_clinton or senat_obama __PUNCT__ without the support of dedic conserv __PUNCT__ whose convict __PUNCT__ creativ and energi have been indispens to the success our parti ha had over the last quarter_centuri __PUNCT__
mani of you have disagre strongli with some posit i have taken in recent_year __PUNCT__
i understand that __PUNCT__
i might not agre with it __PUNCT__ but i respect it for the principl posit it is __PUNCT__
and it is my sincer hope that even if you believ i have occasion er in my reason as a fellow_conserv __PUNCT__ you will still allow that i have __PUNCT__ in mani wai import to all of us __PUNCT__ maintain the record of a conserv __PUNCT__
further __PUNCT__ i hope you will grant that i have defend mani posit we share just as ardent as i have made my case for posit that have provok your opposit __PUNCT__
if not __PUNCT__ thank you for thi opportun to make my case todai __PUNCT__
i am proud to be a conserv __PUNCT__ and i make that claim becaus i share with you that most basic of conserv_principl __PUNCT__ that liberti is a right confer by our creator __PUNCT__ not by govern __PUNCT__ and that the proper object of justic and the rule of law in our countri is not to aggreg power to the state but to protect the liberti and properti of it citizen __PUNCT__
and like you __PUNCT__ i understand __PUNCT__ as edmund_burk observ __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ whenev a separ is made between liberti and justic __PUNCT__ neither __PUNCT__ is safe __PUNCT__
while i have long work to help grow a public major of support for republican_candid and principl __PUNCT__ i have also alwai believ __PUNCT__ like you __PUNCT__ in the wisdom of ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ who warn in an address to thi confer in __NUM__ that __PUNCT__ a polit_parti cannot be all thing to all peopl __PUNCT__
it must repres certain fundament belief which must not be compromis to polit_expedi or simpli to swell it number __PUNCT__
i attend my first cpac confer as the invit guest of ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ not long after i had return from oversea __PUNCT__ when i heard him deliv hi __PUNCT__ shine_citi upon a hill __PUNCT__ speech __PUNCT__
i wa still a naval offic then __PUNCT__ but hi word inspir and help form my own polit_view __PUNCT__ just as ronald_reagan defens of america caus in vietnam and hi evid concern for american prison of war in that conflict inspir and were a great comfort to those of us who __PUNCT__ in my friend jerri denton word __PUNCT__ had the honor of serv __PUNCT__ our countri under difficult circumst __PUNCT__
i am proud __PUNCT__ veri proud __PUNCT__ to have come to public_offic as a foot_soldier in the reagan_revolut __PUNCT__
and if a few of my posit have rais your concern that i have forgotten my polit heritag __PUNCT__ i want to assur you that i have not __PUNCT__ and i am as proud of that associ todai as i wa then __PUNCT__
my record in public_offic taken as a whole is the record of a mainstr eam conserv __PUNCT__
i believ todai __PUNCT__ as i believ twenti __PUNCT__ five year_ago __PUNCT__ in small_govern __PUNCT__ fiscal_disciplin __PUNCT__ low_tax __PUNCT__ a strong defens __PUNCT__ judg who enforc __PUNCT__ and not make __PUNCT__ our law __PUNCT__ the social valu that ar the true sourc of our strength __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ gener __PUNCT__ the steadfast defens of our right to life __PUNCT__ liberti and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__ which i have defend my entir career as god __PUNCT__ given to the born and unborn __PUNCT__
those ar my belief __PUNCT__ and you need not examin onli my past vote and speech to assur yourselv that thei ar my genuin convict __PUNCT__
you can take ad confid from the posit i have defend dure thi campaign __PUNCT__
i campaign in iowa in opposit to agricultur subsidi __PUNCT__
i campaign in new hampshir against big_govern govern_mandat health_care and for a free_market solut to the problem of unavail and unafford health_care __PUNCT__
i campaign in michigan for the tax_incent and trade_polici that will creat new and better job in that econom troubl state __PUNCT__
i campaign in florida against the nation catastroph insur fund bill that pass the hous of repres and defend my opposit to the prescript_drug drug_benefit bill that saddl american with yet anoth huge expens entitl_program __PUNCT__
i have argu to make the bush_tax_cut perman __PUNCT__ to reduc the corpor_tax tax_rate and abolish the amt __PUNCT__
i have defend my posit on protect our second amend right __PUNCT__ includ my vote against wait period __PUNCT__ ban on the so __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ assault_weapon __PUNCT__ and illegitim lawsuit target gun manufactur __PUNCT__
i have proudli defend my twenti __PUNCT__ four year pro __PUNCT__ life record __PUNCT__
throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have defend the presid brave decis to increas troop level in iraq to execut a long_overdu counterinsurg that ha spare us the terribl calam of lose that war __PUNCT__
i held these posit becaus i believ thei were in the best interest of my parti and countri __PUNCT__
sure __PUNCT__ i have held other posit that have not met with widespread agreement from conserv __PUNCT__
i won't pretend otherwis nor would you permit me to forget it __PUNCT__
on the issu of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ a posit which provok the outspoken opposit of mani conserv __PUNCT__ i stood my ground awar that my posit would imperil my campaign __PUNCT__
i respect your opposit for i know that the vast_major of critic to the bill base their opposit in a principl defens of the rule of law __PUNCT__
and while i and other republican support of the bill were genuin in our intent to restor control of our border __PUNCT__ we fail __PUNCT__ for variou and understand reason __PUNCT__ to convinc american that we were __PUNCT__
i accept that __PUNCT__ and have pledg that it would be among my highest prioriti to secur our border first __PUNCT__ and onli after we achiev widespread consensu that our border ar secur __PUNCT__ would we address other aspect of the problem in a wa y that defend the rule of law and doe not encourag anoth wave of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__
all i ask of ani american __PUNCT__ conserv __PUNCT__ moder __PUNCT__ independ __PUNCT__ or enlighten democrat __PUNCT__ is to judg my record as a whole __PUNCT__ and accept that i am not in the habit of make promis to my countri that i do not intend to keep __PUNCT__
i hope i have proven that in my life even to my critic __PUNCT__
then vote for or against me base on that record __PUNCT__ my qualif for the offic __PUNCT__ and the direct where i plainli state i intend to lead our countri __PUNCT__
if i am so fortun as to be the republican_nomine for presid __PUNCT__ i will offer american __PUNCT__ in what will be a veri challeng and spirit contest __PUNCT__ a clearli conserv_approach to govern __PUNCT__
i will make my case to voter __PUNCT__ no matter what state thei resid in __PUNCT__ in the same wai __PUNCT__
i will not obscur my posit from voter who i fear might not share them __PUNCT__
i will stand on my convict __PUNCT__ my conserv convict __PUNCT__ and trust in the good_sens of the voter __PUNCT__ and in my confid that conserv pr incipl still appeal to a major of american __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ independ and reagan democrat __PUNCT__
often elect in thi countri ar fought within the margin of small differ __PUNCT__
thi on will not be __PUNCT__
we ar argu about huge consequenti thing __PUNCT__
whomev the democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ thei would govern thi countri in a wai that will __PUNCT__ in my opinion __PUNCT__ take thi countri backward to the dai when govern felt empow to take from us our freedom to decid for ourselv the cours and qualiti of our live __PUNCT__ to substitut the muddl judgment of larg and expand feder_bureaucraci for the common_sens and valu of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ to the timid and wish think of a time when we avert our ey from terribl threat to our secur that were so plainli gather strength abroad __PUNCT__
it is shame and danger that senat_democrat ar block an extens of surveil power that enabl our intellig and law_enforc to defend our countri against radic_islam extremist __PUNCT__
thi elect is go to be about big_thing __PUNCT__ not small_thing __PUNCT__
and i intend to fight as hard as i can to ensur that our principl prevail over their __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama want to increas the size of the feder_govern __PUNCT__
i intend to reduc it __PUNCT__
i will not sign a bill with earmark in it __PUNCT__ ani earmark in it __PUNCT__
i will fight for the line item_veto __PUNCT__ and i will not permit ani expans whatsoev of the entitl_program that ar bankrupt us __PUNCT__
on the contrari __PUNCT__ i intend to reform those program so that govern is no longer in that habit of make promis to american it doe not have the mean to keep __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama will rais your tax __PUNCT__
i intend to cut them __PUNCT__
i will start by make the bush_tax_cut perman __PUNCT__
i will cut corpor_tax tax_rate from __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to keep industri and job in thi countri __PUNCT__
i will end the altern minimum tax __PUNCT__
and i won't let a democrat_congress rais your tax and choke the growth of our economi __PUNCT__
thei will offer a big_govern govern_solut to health_care insur_coverag __PUNCT__
i intend to address the problem with free_market solut and with respect for the freedom of individu to make import choic for themselv __PUNCT__
thei will appoint to the feder bench judg who ar intent on achiev polit chang that the american_peopl cannot be convinc to accept through the elect of their repres __PUNCT__
i intend to nomin judg who have proven themselv worthi of our trust that thei take as their sole respons the enforc of law made by the peopl elect_repres __PUNCT__ judg of the charact and qualiti of justic robert and alito __PUNCT__ judg who can be reli upon to respect the valu of the peopl whose right __PUNCT__ law and properti thei ar sworn to defend __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama will withdraw our forc from iraq base on an arbitrari timet design for the sake of polit_expedi __PUNCT__ and which recklessli ignor the profound human calam and dire threat to our secur that would ensu __PUNCT__
i intend to win the war __PUNCT__ and trust in the proven judgment of our command there and the courag and selfless of the american thei have the honor to command __PUNCT__
i share the grief over the terribl loss we have suffer in it prosecut __PUNCT__
there is no other candid for thi offic who appreci more than i do just how aw war is __PUNCT__
but i know that the cost in live and treasur we would incur should we fail in iraq will be far greater than the heartbreak loss we have suffer to date __PUNCT__
and i will not allow that to happen __PUNCT__
thei won't recogn and serious address the threat pose by an iran with nuclear ambit to our alli __PUNCT__ israel __PUNCT__ and the region __PUNCT__
i intend to make unmistak clear to iran we will not permit a govern that espous the destruct of the state of israel as it fondest wish and pledg undi enmiti to the unit_state to possess the weapon to advanc their malevol ambit __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_obama will conced to our critic that our own action to defend against it threat ar respons for foment the terribl evil of radic_islam islam_extrem __PUNCT__ and their resolv to combat it will be as flaw as their judgment __PUNCT__
i intend to defeat that threat by stai on offens and by marshal everi relev agenc of our govern __PUNCT__ and our alli __PUNCT__ in the urgent necess of defend the valu __PUNCT__ virtu and secur of free_peopl against those who despis all that is good about us __PUNCT__
these ar but a few of the differ that will defin thi elect __PUNCT__
thei ar veri signific differ __PUNCT__ and i promis you __PUNCT__ i intend to contest these issu on conserv ground and fight as hard as i can to defend the principl and posit we share __PUNCT__ and to keep thi countri safe __PUNCT__ proud __PUNCT__ prosper and free __PUNCT__
we have had a few disagr __PUNCT__ and none of us will pretend that we won't continu to have a few __PUNCT__
but even in disagr __PUNCT__ especi in disagr __PUNCT__ i will seek the counsel of my fellow_conserv __PUNCT__
if i am convinc my judgment is in error __PUNCT__ i will correct it __PUNCT__
and if i stand by my posit __PUNCT__ even after benefit of your counsel __PUNCT__ i hope you will not lose_sight of the far more numer occas when we ar in complet accord __PUNCT__
i began by assur you that we share a concept of liberti that is the bedrock of our belief as conserv __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ i wa depriv of liberti for a time in my life __PUNCT__ and while my love of liberti is no greater than your __PUNCT__ you can be confid that mine is the equal of ani american __PUNCT__
it is a deep and unwav love __PUNCT__
my life_experi in servic to our countri inform my polit judgment __PUNCT__
thei ar at the core of my convict __PUNCT__
i am pro __PUNCT__ life and an advoc for the right of man everywher in the world becaus of them __PUNCT__ becaus i know that to be deni liberti is an offens to natur and natur creator __PUNCT__
i will never waver in that convict __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__
i know in thi countri our liberti will not be seiz in a polit_revolut or by a totalitarian govern __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ rather __PUNCT__ as burk warn __PUNCT__ it can be __PUNCT__ nibbl awai __PUNCT__ for expedi __PUNCT__ and by part __PUNCT__
i am alert to that risk and will defend against it __PUNCT__ and ta ke comfort from the knowledg that i will be encourag in that defens by my fellow_conserv __PUNCT__
you have heard me sai befor that for all my reput as a maverick __PUNCT__ i have onli found true happi in serv a caus greater than my self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__
for me __PUNCT__ that caus ha alwai been our countri __PUNCT__ and the ideal that have made us great __PUNCT__
i have been her imperfect servant for mani year __PUNCT__ and i have made mani mistak __PUNCT__
you can attest to that __PUNCT__ but need not __PUNCT__
for i know them well myself __PUNCT__
but i love her deepli and i will never __PUNCT__ never tire of the honor of serv her __PUNCT__
i cannot do that without your counsel and support __PUNCT__
and i am grate __PUNCT__ veri grate __PUNCT__ that you have given me thi opportun to ask for it __PUNCT__
thank you and god_bless you __PUNCT__