John McCain

This speech titled 2008.02.12.remarks_following_the_maryland_virginia_and_district_of_columbia_primaries originally had 1529 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 14 cue terms and an average lag of 93.7. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 hard_work 102
0.301 0.00179 0.697
0 0 0
2 democrat_parti 98
0.000398 0 0.491
0.00378 0.000199 0.504
3 govern_failur 46
0.000597 0 0.113
0.000597 0 0.885
4 make_decis 55
0.0251 0.000398 0.0434
0.000597 0 0.931
5 free_peopl 172
0 0.000597 0.367
0 0 0.632
6 american_peopl 33
0.00299 0 0.0597
0 0 0.937
7 young_worker 219
0.000796 0.000398 0.222
0 0 0.777
8 american_charact 220
0.00199 0.00199 0.156
0.000199 0.000199 0.84
9 free_peopl 63
0 0 0.047
0 0 0.953
10 young_man 15
0.000199 0 0.00736
0 0 0.992
0 0 0.929
12 american_peopl 219
0.0147 0 0.799
0 0 0.186
13 america_economi 57
0 0.000597 0.265
0.000398 0.000796 0.734
14 god_bless 127
0.000398 0 0.323
0 0 0.677