This speech titled 2008.02.19.remarks_following_the_wisconsin_primary originally had 1347 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ for your support and dedic to our campaign __PUNCT__
and thank you __PUNCT__ wisconsin __PUNCT__ for bring us to the point when even a superstiti naval aviat can claim with confid and humil that i will be our parti nomine for presid __PUNCT__
i promis you __PUNCT__ i will wage a campaign with determin __PUNCT__ passion and the right idea for strengthen our countri that prove worthi of the honor and respons you have given me __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ want to commend governor huckabe __PUNCT__ who ha shown impress grit and passion himself __PUNCT__ and whom __PUNCT__ though he remain my oppon __PUNCT__ i have come to admir veri much __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ i want to thank my wife __PUNCT__ cindi __PUNCT__ and my daughter __PUNCT__ meghan __PUNCT__ who ar here tonight __PUNCT__ and the rest of my famili for their indispens love and encourag __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ we have travel a great distanc togeth alreadi in thi campaign __PUNCT__ and overcom more than a few obstacl __PUNCT__
but as i said last week __PUNCT__ now come the hard part and __PUNCT__ for america __PUNCT__ the bigger decis __PUNCT__
will we make the right chang to restor the peopl trust in their govern and meet the great_challeng of our time with wisdom __PUNCT__ and with faith in the valu and abil of american for whom no challeng is greater than their resolv __PUNCT__ courag and patriot __PUNCT__ or will we heed appeal for chang that ignor the lesson of histori __PUNCT__ and lack confid in the intellig and ideal of free_peopl __PUNCT__ i will fight everi moment of everi dai in thi campaign to make sure american ar not deceiv by an eloqu but empti call for chang that promis no more than a holidai from histori and a return to the fals promis and fail polici of a tire philosophi that trust in govern more than peopl __PUNCT__
our purpos is to keep thi bless countri free __PUNCT__ safe __PUNCT__ prosper and proud __PUNCT__
and the chang we offer to the institut and polici of govern will reflect and reli upon the strength __PUNCT__ industri __PUNCT__ aspir and decenc of the peopl we serv __PUNCT__
we live in a world of chang __PUNCT__ some of which hold great promis for us and all mankind and some of which pose great peril __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ polit chang in pakistan is occur that might affect our relationship with a nuclear arm nation that is indispens to our success in combat al_qaeda in afghanistan and elsewher __PUNCT__
an old enemi of american_interest and ideal is leav the world_stage __PUNCT__ and we can glimps the hope that freedom might somedai come to the peopl of cuba __PUNCT__
a self __PUNCT__ import bulli in venezuela threaten to cut off oil shipment to our countri at a time of sky __PUNCT__ rocket ga_price __PUNCT__
each event pose a challeng and an opportun __PUNCT__
will the next presid have the experi __PUNCT__ the judgment experi inform __PUNCT__ and the strength of purpos to respond to each of these develop in wai that strengthen our secur and advanc the global progress of our ideal __PUNCT__ or will we risk the confus leadership of an inexperienc candid who onc suggest invad our alli __PUNCT__ pakistan __PUNCT__ and sit down without pre __PUNCT__ condit or clear purpos with enemi who support terrorist and ar intent on destabil the world by acquir nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ the most import oblig of the next presid is to protect_american from the threat pose by violent extremist who despis us __PUNCT__ our valu and modern itself __PUNCT__
thei ar moral monster __PUNCT__ but thei ar also a disciplin __PUNCT__ dedic movement driven by an apocalypt zeal __PUNCT__ which celebr murder __PUNCT__ ha access to scienc __PUNCT__ technolog and mass commun __PUNCT__ and is determin to acquir and us against us weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__
the institut and doctrin we reli on in the cold_war ar no longer adequ to protect us in a struggl where suicid_bomber might obtain the world most terrifi weapon __PUNCT__
if we ar to succe __PUNCT__ we must rethink and rebuild the structur and mission of our militari __PUNCT__ the capabl of our intellig and law_enforc_agenc __PUNCT__ the purpos of our allianc __PUNCT__ the reach and scope of our diplomaci __PUNCT__ the capac of all branch of govern to defend us __PUNCT__
we need to marshal all element of american_power __PUNCT__ our militari __PUNCT__ economi __PUNCT__ invest __PUNCT__ trade and technolog and our moral credibl to win the war against islam extremist and help the major of muslim __PUNCT__ who believ in progress and peac __PUNCT__ win the struggl for the soul of islam __PUNCT__
the challeng and opportun of the global_economi requir us to chang some old habit of our govern as well __PUNCT__
but we will fight for the right chang __PUNCT__ chang that understand our strength and reli on the common_sens and valu of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
we will campaign __PUNCT__ to balanc the feder_budget not with smoke and mirror __PUNCT__ but by encourag econom_growth and prevent govern from spend your monei on thing it shouldn't __PUNCT__ to hold it account for the monei it doe spend on servic that onli govern can provid in wai that don't fail and embarrass you __PUNCT__ to save social_secur and medicar on our watch without the trick __PUNCT__ li and postur that have fail us for too long while the problem becam harder to solv __PUNCT__ to make our tax_code simpler __PUNCT__ fairer __PUNCT__ flatter __PUNCT__ more pro __PUNCT__ growth and pro __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__ to reduc our danger depend on foreign_oil with an energi_polici that encourag american_industri and technolog to make our countri safer __PUNCT__ cleaner and more prosper by lead the world in the us __PUNCT__ develop and discoveri of altern sourc of energi __PUNCT__ to open new market to american good and servic __PUNCT__ creat more and better job for the american_worker and overhaul unemploy_insur and our redund and outmod program for assist worker who have lost a job that not come back to find a job that won't go awai __PUNCT__ to help american without health_insur acquir it without bankrupt the countri __PUNCT__ and ruin the qualiti of american health_care that is the envi of the world __PUNCT__ to make our public_school more account to parent and better abl to meet the critic respons thei have to prepar our children for the challeng thei face in the world thei lead __PUNCT__
i not the youngest candid __PUNCT__
but i am the most experienc __PUNCT__
i know what our militari can do __PUNCT__ what it can do better __PUNCT__ and what it should not do __PUNCT__
i know how congress work __PUNCT__ and how to make it work for the countri and not just the re __PUNCT__ elect of it member __PUNCT__
i know how the world work __PUNCT__
i know the good and the evil in it __PUNCT__
i know how to work with leader who share our dream of a freer __PUNCT__ safer and more prosper world __PUNCT__ and how to stand up to those who don't __PUNCT__
and i know who i am and what i want to do __PUNCT__
i don't seek the offic out of a sens of entitl __PUNCT__
i ow america more than she ha ever ow me __PUNCT__
i have been an imperfect servant of my countri for mani year __PUNCT__
i have never live a dai __PUNCT__ in good_time or bad __PUNCT__ that i haven't been proud of the privileg __PUNCT__
don't tell me what we can't do __PUNCT__
don't tell me we can't make our countri stronger and the world safer __PUNCT__
we can __PUNCT__
we must __PUNCT__
and when i presid we will __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__