John McCain

This speech titled 2008.03.26.remarks_to_the_los_angeles_world_affairs_council originally had 4256 tokens. You can view the original text here.

when i wa five year old __PUNCT__ a car pull up in front of our hous in new london __PUNCT__ connecticut __PUNCT__ and a navi offic roll down the window __PUNCT__ and shout at my father that the japanes had bomb pearl_harbor __PUNCT__

my father immedi left for the submarin base where he wa station __PUNCT__

i rare saw him again for four year __PUNCT__

my grandfath __PUNCT__ who command the fast carrier task_forc under admir halsei __PUNCT__ came home from the war exhaust from the burden he had born __PUNCT__ and di the next dai __PUNCT__

in vietnam __PUNCT__ where i form the closest friendship of my life __PUNCT__ some of those friend never came home to the countri thei love so well __PUNCT__

i detest war __PUNCT__

it might not be the worst_thing to befal human be __PUNCT__ but it is wretch beyond all descript __PUNCT__

when nation seek to resolv their differ by forc of arm __PUNCT__ a million tragedi ensu __PUNCT__

the live of a nation finest patriot ar sacrif __PUNCT__

innoc_peopl suffer and die __PUNCT__

commerc is disrupt __PUNCT__ economi ar damag __PUNCT__ strateg_interest shield by year of patient statecraft ar endang as the exig of war and diplomaci conflict __PUNCT__

not the valor with which it is fought nor the nobil of the caus it serv __PUNCT__ can glorifi war __PUNCT__

whatev gain ar secur __PUNCT__ it is loss the veteran rememb most keenli __PUNCT__

onli a fool or a fraud sentiment the merciless realiti of war __PUNCT__

howev headi the appeal of a call to arm __PUNCT__ howev just the caus __PUNCT__ we should still shed a tear for all that is lost when war claim it wage from us __PUNCT__

i am an idealist __PUNCT__ and i believ it is possibl in our time to make the world we live in anoth __PUNCT__ better __PUNCT__ more peac place __PUNCT__ where our interest and those of our alli ar more secur __PUNCT__ and american_ideal that ar transform the world __PUNCT__ the principl of free_peopl and free_market __PUNCT__ advanc even farther than thei have __PUNCT__

but i am __PUNCT__ from hard experi and the judgment it inform __PUNCT__ a realist idealist __PUNCT__

i know we must work veri hard and veri creativ to build new foundat for a stabl and endur peac __PUNCT__

we cannot wish the world to be a better place than it is __PUNCT__

we have enemi for whom no attack is too cruel __PUNCT__ and no innoc_life safe __PUNCT__ and who would __PUNCT__ if thei could __PUNCT__ strike us with the world most terribl weapon __PUNCT__

there ar state that support them __PUNCT__ and which might help them acquir those weapon becaus thei share with terrorist the same anim hatr for the west __PUNCT__ and will not be placat by fresh appeal to the better angel of their natur __PUNCT__

thi is the central threat of our time __PUNCT__ and we must understand the implic of our decis on all manner of region and global challeng could have for our success in defeat it __PUNCT__

presid harri_truman onc said of america __PUNCT__ god ha creat us and brought us to our present posit of power and strength for some great purpos __PUNCT__

in hi time __PUNCT__ that purpos wa to contain commun and build the structur of peac and prosper that could provid safe passag through the cold_war __PUNCT__

now it is our turn __PUNCT__

we face a new set of opportun __PUNCT__ and also new danger __PUNCT__

the develop of scienc and technolog have brought us untold prosper __PUNCT__ erad diseas __PUNCT__ and reduc the suffer of million __PUNCT__

we have a chanc in our lifetim to rais the world to a new standard of human_exist __PUNCT__

yet these same technolog have produc grave new risk __PUNCT__ arm a few zealot with the abil to murder million of innoc __PUNCT__ and produc a global industri that can in time threaten our planet __PUNCT__

to meet thi challeng requir understand the world we live in __PUNCT__ and the central_role the unit_state must plai in shape it for the futur __PUNCT__

the unit state must lead in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ just as in truman dai __PUNCT__

but leadership todai mean someth differ than it did in the year after world_war_ii __PUNCT__ when europ and the other democraci were still recov from the devast of war and the unit_state wa the onli democrat superpow __PUNCT__

todai we ar not alon __PUNCT__

there is the power collect voic of the european_union __PUNCT__ and there ar the great_nation of india and japan __PUNCT__ australia and brazil __PUNCT__ south_korea and south_africa __PUNCT__ turkei and israel __PUNCT__ to name just a few of the lead democraci __PUNCT__

there ar also the increasingli power_nation of china and russia that wield great influenc in the intern_system __PUNCT__

in such a world __PUNCT__ where power of all kind is more wide and evenli distribut __PUNCT__ the unit_state cannot lead by virtu of it power alon __PUNCT__

we must be strong polit __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ and militarili __PUNCT__

but we must also lead by attract other to our caus __PUNCT__ by demonstr onc again the virtu of freedom and democraci __PUNCT__ by defend the rule of intern civil_societi and by creat the new intern_institut necessari to advanc the peac and freedom we cherish __PUNCT__

perhap abov all __PUNCT__ leadership in todai_world mean accept and fulfil our respons as a great_nation __PUNCT__

on of those respons is to be a good and reliabl alli to our fellow democraci __PUNCT__

we cannot build an endur peac base on freedom by ourselv __PUNCT__ and we do not want to __PUNCT__

we have to strengthen our global allianc as the core of a new global compact __PUNCT__ a leagu of democraci __PUNCT__ that can har the vast influenc of the more than on hundr democrat_nation around the world to advanc our valu and defend our share interest __PUNCT__

at the heart of thi new compact must be mutual respect and trust __PUNCT__

recal the word of our founder in the declar of independ __PUNCT__ that we pai __PUNCT__ decent respect to the opinion of mankind __PUNCT__

our great_power doe not mean we can do whatev we want whenev we want __PUNCT__ nor should we assum we have all the wisdom and knowledg necessari to succe __PUNCT__

we need to listen to the view and respect the collect will of our democrat alli __PUNCT__

when we believ intern action is necessari __PUNCT__ whether militari __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ or diplomat __PUNCT__ we will try to persuad our friend that we ar right __PUNCT__

but we __PUNCT__ in return __PUNCT__ must be will to be persuad by them __PUNCT__

america must be a model citizen if we want other to look to us as a model __PUNCT__

how we behav at home affect how we ar perceiv abroad __PUNCT__

we must fight the terrorist and at the same_time defend the right that ar the foundat of our societi __PUNCT__

we can't tortur or treat inhuman suspect terrorist we have captur __PUNCT__

i believ we should close guantanamo and work with our alli to forg a new intern understand on the disposit of danger detaine under our control __PUNCT__

there is such a thing as intern good citizenship __PUNCT__

we need to be good steward of our planet and join with other nation to help preserv our common home __PUNCT__

the risk of global_warm have no border __PUNCT__

we and the other nation of the world must get seriou about substanti reduc greenhous_ga_emiss in the come year or we will hand off a much __PUNCT__ diminish world to our grandchildren __PUNCT__

we need a successor to the kyoto treati __PUNCT__ a cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade_system that deliv the necessari environment_impact in an econom respons manner __PUNCT__

we american must lead by exampl and encourag the particip of the rest of the world __PUNCT__ includ most importantli __PUNCT__ the develop econom powerhous of china and india __PUNCT__

four and a half decad_ago __PUNCT__ john_kennedi describ the peopl of latin_america as our __PUNCT__ firm and ancient friend __PUNCT__ unit by histori and experi and by our determin to advanc the valu of american_civil __PUNCT__

with global __PUNCT__ our hemispher ha grown closer __PUNCT__ more integr __PUNCT__ and more interdepend __PUNCT__

latin_america america_todai is increasingli vital to the fortun of the unit_state __PUNCT__

american north and south share a common geographi and a common destini __PUNCT__

the countri of latin_america ar the natur partner of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and our northern neighbor canada __PUNCT__

relat with our southern neighbor must be govern by mutual respect __PUNCT__ not by an imperi impuls or by anti __PUNCT__ american demagogueri __PUNCT__

the promis of north __PUNCT__ central __PUNCT__ and south_american american_life is too great for that __PUNCT__

i believ the america can and must be the model for a new __NUM___centuri relationship between north and south __PUNCT__

our can be the first complet democrat hemispher __PUNCT__ where trade is free across all border __PUNCT__ where the rule of law and the power of free_market advanc the secur and prosper of all __PUNCT__

power in the world_todai is move east __PUNCT__ the asia __PUNCT__ pacif region is on the rise __PUNCT__

togeth with our democrat partner of mani decad __PUNCT__ japan __PUNCT__ we can grasp the opportun present in the unfold world and thi centuri can becom safe __PUNCT__ both american and asian __PUNCT__ both prosper and free __PUNCT__

asia ha made enorm stride in recent_decad __PUNCT__

it econom achiev ar well known __PUNCT__ less known is that more peopl_live under democrat rule in asia than in ani other region of the world __PUNCT__

deal with a rise china will be a central challeng for the next american_presid __PUNCT__

recent prosper in china ha brought more peopl out of poverti faster than dure ani other time in human_histori __PUNCT__

china newfound power impli respons __PUNCT__

china could bolster it claim that it is __PUNCT__ peacefulli rise __PUNCT__ by be more transpar about it signific militari buildup __PUNCT__ by work with the world to isol pariah state such as burma __PUNCT__ sudan and zimbabw __PUNCT__ and by ceas it effort to establish region forum and econom arrang design to exclud america from asia __PUNCT__

china and the unit_state ar not destin to be adversari __PUNCT__

we have numer overlap interest and hope to see our relationship evolv in a manner that benefit both countri and __PUNCT__ in turn __PUNCT__ the asia __PUNCT__ pacif region and the world __PUNCT__

but until china move toward polit_liber __PUNCT__ our relationship will be base on period share interest rather than the bedrock of share valu __PUNCT__

the unit_state did not singl __PUNCT__ handedli win the cold_war __PUNCT__ the transatlant allianc did __PUNCT__ in concert with partner around the world __PUNCT__

the bond we share with europ in term of histori __PUNCT__ valu __PUNCT__ and interest ar uniqu __PUNCT__

american should welcom the rise of a strong __PUNCT__ confid european_union as we continu to support a strong nato __PUNCT__

the futur of the transatlant relationship li in confront the challeng of the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri worldwid __PUNCT__ develop a common energi_polici __PUNCT__ creat a transatlant common_market ty our economi more close togeth __PUNCT__ address the danger pose by a revanchist russia __PUNCT__ and institution our cooper on issu such as climat chang __PUNCT__ foreign assist __PUNCT__ and democraci_promot __PUNCT__

we should start by ensur that the g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ the group of eight highli industri state __PUNCT__ becom again a club of lead market democraci __PUNCT__ it should includ brazil and india but exclud russia __PUNCT__

rather than toler russia nuclear blackmail or cyber_attack __PUNCT__ western_nation should make_clear that the solidar of nato __PUNCT__ from the baltic to the black_sea __PUNCT__ is indivis and that the organ door remain open to all democraci commit to the defens of freedom __PUNCT__

while africa problem __PUNCT__ poverti __PUNCT__ corrupt __PUNCT__ diseas __PUNCT__ and instabl __PUNCT__ ar well known __PUNCT__ we must refocu on the bright promis offer by mani countri on that contin __PUNCT__

we must strongli engag on a polit __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ and secur level with friendli govern across africa __PUNCT__ but insist on improv in transpar and the rule of law __PUNCT__

mani african_nation will not reach their true potenti without extern assist to combat entrench problem __PUNCT__ such as hiv/aid __PUNCT__ that afflict african disproportion __PUNCT__

i will establish the goal of erad malaria on the contin __PUNCT__ the number on killer of african children under the ag of five __PUNCT__

in addit to save million of live in the world_poorest region __PUNCT__ such a campaign would do much to add luster to america imag in the world __PUNCT__

we also share an oblig with the world other great_power to halt and revers the prolifer of nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

the unit_state and the intern_commun must work togeth and do all in our power to contain and revers north_korea nuclear_weapon weapon_program and to prevent iran __PUNCT__ a nation whose presid ha repeatedli express a desir to wipe israel from the face of the earth __PUNCT__ from obtain a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

we should work to reduc nuclear_arsen all around the world __PUNCT__ start with our own __PUNCT__

forti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ the five declar nuclear_power came togeth in support of the nuclear nonprolifer treati and pledg to end the arm_race and move toward nuclear disarma __PUNCT__

the time ha come to renew that commit __PUNCT__

we do not need all the weapon current in our arsen __PUNCT__

the unit_state should lead a global effort at nuclear disarma consist with our vital_interest and the caus of peac __PUNCT__

if we ar success in pull togeth a global coalit for peac and freedom __PUNCT__ if we lead by shoulder our intern respons and point the wai to a better and safer futur for human __PUNCT__ i believ we will gain tangibl benefit as a nation __PUNCT__

it will strengthen us to confront the transcend challeng of our time __PUNCT__ the threat of radic_islam islam_terror __PUNCT__

thi challeng is transcend not becaus it is the onli on we face __PUNCT__

there ar mani danger in todai_world __PUNCT__ and our foreign_polici must be agil and effect at deal with all of them __PUNCT__

but the threat pose by the terrorist is uniqu __PUNCT__

thei alon devot all their energi and inde their veri live to murder innoc men __PUNCT__ women __PUNCT__ and children __PUNCT__

thei alon seek nuclear_weapon and other tool of mass_destruct not to defend themselv or to enhanc their prestig or to give them a stronger hand in world_affair but to us against us wherev and whenev thei can __PUNCT__

ani presid who doe not regard thi threat as transcend all other doe not deserv to sit in the white_hous __PUNCT__ for he or she doe not take serious enough the first and most basic duti a presid ha __PUNCT__ to protect the live of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we learn through the tragic experi of __DATE__ that passiv defens alon cannot protect us __PUNCT__

we must protect our border __PUNCT__

but we must also have an aggress strategi of confront and root out the terrorist wherev thei seek to oper __PUNCT__ and deni them base in fail or fail_state __PUNCT__

todai al_qaeda and other terrorist network oper across the globe __PUNCT__ seek out opportun in southeast_asia __PUNCT__ central_asia __PUNCT__ africa __PUNCT__ and in the middl_east __PUNCT__

prevail in thi struggl will requir far more than militari_forc __PUNCT__

it will requir the us of all element of our nation power __PUNCT__ public diplomaci __PUNCT__ develop assist __PUNCT__ law_enforc train __PUNCT__ expans of econom_opportun __PUNCT__ and robust intellig capabl __PUNCT__

i have call for major chang in how our govern face the challeng of radic_islam islam_extrem by much greater resourc for and integr of civilian effort to prevent conflict and to address post __PUNCT__ conflict challeng __PUNCT__

our goal must be to win the __PUNCT__ heart and mind __PUNCT__ of the vast_major of moder muslim who do not want their futur control by a minor of violent extremist __PUNCT__

in thi struggl __PUNCT__ scholarship will be far more import than smart bomb __PUNCT__

we also need to build the intern structur for a durabl peac in which the radic extremist ar gradual eclips by the more power_forc of freedom and toler __PUNCT__

our effort in iraq and afghanistan ar critic in thi respect and cannot be view in isol from our broader strategi __PUNCT__

in the troubl and often danger region thei occupi __PUNCT__ these two nation can either be sourc of extrem and instabl or thei can in time becom pillar of stabil __PUNCT__ toler __PUNCT__ and democraci __PUNCT__

for decad in the greater middl_east __PUNCT__ we had a strategi of reli on autocrat to provid order and stabil __PUNCT__

we reli on the shah of iran __PUNCT__ the autocrat ruler of egypt __PUNCT__ the gener of pakistan __PUNCT__ the saudi royal_famili __PUNCT__ and even __PUNCT__ for a time __PUNCT__ on saddam_hussein __PUNCT__

in the late 1970 that strategi began to unravel __PUNCT__

the shah wa overthrown by the radic_islam revolut that now rule in tehran __PUNCT__

the ensu ferment in the muslim_world produc increas instabl __PUNCT__

the autocrat clamp down with ever greater repress __PUNCT__ while also surreptiti aid islam_radic abroad in the hope that thei would not becom it victim __PUNCT__

it wa a toxic and explos mixtur __PUNCT__

the oppress of the autocrat blend with the radic_islamist __PUNCT__ dogmat theologi to produc a perfect storm of intoler and hatr __PUNCT__

we can no longer delud ourselv that reli on these out __PUNCT__ date autocraci is the safest bet __PUNCT__

thei no longer provid last stabil __PUNCT__ onli the illus of it __PUNCT__

we must not act rashli or demand chang overnight __PUNCT__

but neither can we pretend the statu_quo is sustain __PUNCT__ stabl __PUNCT__ or in our interest __PUNCT__

chang is occur whether we want it or not __PUNCT__

the onli question for us is whether we shape thi chang in wai that benefit human or let our enemi seiz it for their hate purpos __PUNCT__

we must help expand the power and reach of freedom __PUNCT__ us all our mani strength as a free_peopl __PUNCT__

thi is not just ideal __PUNCT__

it is the truest kind of realism __PUNCT__

it is the democraci of the world that will provid the pillar upon which we can and must build an endur peac __PUNCT__

if you look at the great arc that extend from the middl_east through central_asia and the asian subcontin all the wai to southeast_asia __PUNCT__ you can see those pillar of democraci stretch across the entir expans __PUNCT__ from turkei and israel to india and indonesia __PUNCT__

iraq and afghanistan lie at the heart of that region __PUNCT__

and whether thei eventu becom stabl democraci themselv __PUNCT__ or ar allow to sink back into chao and extrem __PUNCT__ will determin not onli the fate of that critic part of the world __PUNCT__ but our fate __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__

that is the broad strateg perspect through which to view our effort in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__

mani peopl ask __PUNCT__ how should we defin success __PUNCT__ success in iraq and afghanistan is the establish of peac __PUNCT__ stabl __PUNCT__ prosper __PUNCT__ democrat_state that pose no threat to neighbor and contribut to the defeat of terrorist __PUNCT__

it is the triumph of religi_toler over violent radic __PUNCT__

those who argu that our goal in iraq ar unachiev ar wrong __PUNCT__ just as thei were wrong a year_ago when thei declar the war in iraq alreadi lost __PUNCT__

sinc __DATE__ sectarian and ethnic violenc in iraq ha been reduc by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

overal civilian_death have been reduc by more than __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

death of coalit_forc have fallen by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

the dramat reduct in violenc ha open the wai for a return to someth approach normal polit and econom_life for the averag iraqi __PUNCT__

peopl ar go back to work __PUNCT__

market ar open __PUNCT__

oil revenu ar climb __PUNCT__

inflat is down __PUNCT__

iraq economi is expect to grown by roughli___NUM___percent in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

polit reconcili is occur across iraq at the local and provinci grassroot level __PUNCT__

sunni and shi'a chase from their home by terrorist and sectarian_violenc ar return __PUNCT__

polit_progress at the nation_level ha been far too slow __PUNCT__ but there is progress __PUNCT__

critic sai that the __PUNCT__ surg __PUNCT__ of troop isn't a solut in itself __PUNCT__ that we must make_progress toward iraqi self __PUNCT__ suffici __PUNCT__

i agre __PUNCT__

iraqi themselv must increasingli take respons for their own secur __PUNCT__ and thei must becom respons polit actor __PUNCT__

it doe not follow from thi __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ that we should now recklessli retreat from iraq regardless of the consequ __PUNCT__

we must take the cours of prudenc and respons __PUNCT__ and help iraqi move_closer to the dai when thei no longer need our help __PUNCT__

that is the rout of respons statesmanship __PUNCT__

we have incur a moral_respons in iraq __PUNCT__

it would be an unconscion act of betray __PUNCT__ a stain on our charact as a great_nation __PUNCT__ if we were to walk awai from the iraqi_peopl and consign them to the horrend violenc __PUNCT__ ethnic_cleans __PUNCT__ and possibl genocid that would follow a reckless __PUNCT__ irrespons __PUNCT__ and prematur withdraw __PUNCT__

our critic sai america need to repair it imag in the world __PUNCT__

how can thei argu at the same_time for the moral reprehens abandon of our respons in iraq __PUNCT__ those who claim we should withdraw from iraq in order to fight al_qaeda more effect elsewher ar make a danger mistak __PUNCT__

whether thei were there befor is immateri __PUNCT__ al qaeda is in iraq now __PUNCT__ as it is in the borderland between pakistan and afghanistan __PUNCT__ in somalia __PUNCT__ and in indonesia __PUNCT__

if we withdraw prematur from iraq __PUNCT__ al qaeda in iraq will surviv __PUNCT__ proclaim victori and continu to provok sectarian tension that __PUNCT__ while thei have been subdu by the success of the surg __PUNCT__ still exist __PUNCT__ as variou faction of sunni and shi'a have yet to move beyond their ancient hatr __PUNCT__ and ar ripe for provoc by al qaeda __PUNCT__

civil_war in iraq could easili descend into genocid __PUNCT__ and destabil the entir region as neighbor power come to the aid of their favor faction __PUNCT__

i believ a reckless and prematur withdraw would be a terribl defeat for our secur interest and our valu __PUNCT__

iran will also view our prematur withdraw as a victori __PUNCT__ and the biggest state_support of terrorist __PUNCT__ a countri with nuclear ambit and a state desir to destroi the state of israel __PUNCT__ will see it influenc in the middl_east grow significantli __PUNCT__

these consequ of our defeat would threaten us for year __PUNCT__ and those who argu for it __PUNCT__ as both democrat_candid do __PUNCT__ ar argu for a cours that would eventu draw us into a wider and more difficult war that would entail far greater danger and sacrific than we have suffer to date __PUNCT__

i do not argu against withdraw __PUNCT__ ani more than i argu sever year_ago for the chang in tactic and addit forc that ar now succeed in iraq __PUNCT__ becaus i am somehow indiffer to war and the suffer it inflict on too mani american_famili __PUNCT__

i hold my posit becaus i hate war __PUNCT__ and i know veri well and veri person how grievou it wage ar __PUNCT__

but i know __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ that we must sometim pai those wage to avoid pai even higher on later __PUNCT__

i run for presid becaus i want to keep the countri i love and have serv all my life safe __PUNCT__ and to rise to the challeng of our time __PUNCT__ as gener befor us rose to their __PUNCT__

i run for presid becaus i know it is incumb on america __PUNCT__ more than ani other nation on earth __PUNCT__ to lead in build the foundat for a stabl and endur peac __PUNCT__ a peac built on the strength of our commit to it __PUNCT__ on the transform ideal on which we were found __PUNCT__ on our abil to see around the corner of histori __PUNCT__ and on our courag and wisdom to make hard choic __PUNCT__

i run becaus i believ __PUNCT__ as strongli as i ever have __PUNCT__ that it is within our power to make in our time anoth __PUNCT__ better world than we inherit __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__