John McCain

This speech titled 2008.04.05.remarks_in_prescott_arizona originally had 2764 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

as everyon familiar with arizona polit know __PUNCT__ prescott is where barri_goldwat formal began hi senat_campaign and hi campaign for the presid on the step of the yavapai counti courthous __PUNCT__

as hi successor and in defer to hi tradit __PUNCT__ i have end all my senat campaign here __PUNCT__

prescott __PUNCT__ arizona territori capit __PUNCT__ occupi a special place in the histori of arizona __PUNCT__ and in the goldwat legend __PUNCT__

barri grandfath __PUNCT__ michael __PUNCT__ open a dry good store here __PUNCT__

mo udal grandfath __PUNCT__ david __PUNCT__ serv in the legislatur __PUNCT__

david udal wa prosecut for perjuri in a land claim disput __PUNCT__

michael goldwat post hi bail __PUNCT__

the former wa the patriarch of what would becom the most promin democrat famili in arizona __PUNCT__

the latter wa the patriarch of arizona most famou republican famili __PUNCT__

the goldwat and udal famili began with that long_ago act of generos a long friendship __PUNCT__

the grandson of michael and david __PUNCT__ despit differ in polit_parti and philosophi __PUNCT__ were veri close_friend __PUNCT__

the friendship of barri_goldwat and mo udal wa base in their mutual respect for each other charact __PUNCT__ devot servic to the state thei love __PUNCT__ and patriot __PUNCT__

it seem antiqu these dai __PUNCT__ but howev much thei might have disag reed with each other polici view __PUNCT__ neither man ever had ani doubt that the other act at all time out of devot to arizona and the unit_state __PUNCT__

barri_goldwat __PUNCT__ conserv icon and authent maverick __PUNCT__ did more than ani singl_person to break the democrat_parti hold on arizona polit __PUNCT__ and the east_coast hold on the republican_parti __PUNCT__

he wa irasc and principl __PUNCT__ fierc independ and deepli patriot __PUNCT__

he wa hi own man alwai and hi countri loyal servant __PUNCT__

barri onc said he wa __PUNCT__ better equip to be a militari_offic than a politician __PUNCT__

there no greater servic to thi countri than the defens of it freedom __PUNCT__

that self __PUNCT__ assess wa uncharacterist mistaken __PUNCT__

barri wa a superb militari offic __PUNCT__ but he wa also an extraordinarili accomplish politician __PUNCT__

that he wa an unusu open __PUNCT__ honest and no __PUNCT__ nonsens politician did not make him unsuit for the profess __PUNCT__ onli uncommon __PUNCT__

in uniform and in polit __PUNCT__ barri purpos wa the defens of freedom __PUNCT__ and nobodi befor or sinc manag the task more abli or more colorfulli __PUNCT__

he wa an authent __PUNCT__ origin and passion patriot __PUNCT__

simpli_put __PUNCT__ he wa in love with freedom __PUNCT__

he could never abid ani restrict on it exercis as long as that exercis did not interfer with someon els freedom __PUNCT__

no matter the prevail polit sensibl __PUNCT__ no matter the person risk to hi career __PUNCT__ no polit_gain wa so import to barri that it wa worth infring on anoth american_freedom __PUNCT__

american conceiv of freedom in mani wai __PUNCT__ the freedom to be left alon or to join with other in a common_purpos __PUNCT__ the freedom to prosper or to wast __PUNCT__ the freedom to worship_god in whatev wai we choos or not to worship at all __PUNCT__ the freedom to sai whatev we like or to remain_silent __PUNCT__ the freedom to succe or to fail __PUNCT__ the freedom to be brave or cowardli __PUNCT__ the freedom to be gener or selfish __PUNCT__ to be pride or humbl __PUNCT__ to be good or not __PUNCT__

barri defend freedom in all it manifest becaus he saw what freedom confer on america __PUNCT__ self __PUNCT__ determin __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ the restless __PUNCT__ strive industri that carv a civil out of the wilder of the west __PUNCT__ and the distinct of be the last __PUNCT__ best hope of human __PUNCT__ the haven and advoc for all who believ in the god __PUNCT__ given digniti of the human be __PUNCT__

he rose to promin in the countri he love __PUNCT__ becam a great_man __PUNCT__ without ever lose hi authent ident __PUNCT__

he ha hi own chapter in american_polit polit_histori becaus he knew where he stood and why __PUNCT__ and hi exampl rang as true to hi countrymen as it did to him __PUNCT__

like barri __PUNCT__ mo udal rose to promin in arizona and the countri without ever lose hi authent __PUNCT__

he grace our nation_polit for thirti_year with humil __PUNCT__ kind and a legendari wit __PUNCT__

like barri __PUNCT__ he ran unsuccessfulli for presid __PUNCT__

he had known import victori and hard defeat __PUNCT__

and like barri __PUNCT__ he wa never chang by either __PUNCT__

barri onc said mo wa the most popular man in arizona __PUNCT__

mo describ himself as a __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ ei mormon democrat from conserv arizona __PUNCT__ and you can't have a higher handicap than that __PUNCT__

the foundat in tucson that bear hi name took as it motto __PUNCT__ civil __PUNCT__ integr and consensu __PUNCT__

those were the attribut that distinguish mo udal in hi public and hi person_life __PUNCT__

he wa a man of great accomplish in a tough busi __PUNCT__

but he remain throughout hi life and career __PUNCT__ a man of uncommon decenc __PUNCT__ with firm liber principl but intent on find common_ground with peopl of differ polit_view in order to serv hi countri better __PUNCT__

he wa famous funni __PUNCT__ which everyon love about him __PUNCT__

he emploi humor not simpli to entertain __PUNCT__ but as a subtl instrument to calm troubl water __PUNCT__ to instruct the uninform __PUNCT__ to humbl the arrog __PUNCT__ and to inspir us all to be better and to do better __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the best polit humor __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ ha a littl love behind it __PUNCT__

it the spirit of the humor that count __PUNCT__ over the year it ha serv me when noth els could __PUNCT__

it serv us well __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

barri and mo __PUNCT__ a proud conserv and a liber_reform __PUNCT__ went to washington to fight for what thei believ wa right for thi countri __PUNCT__

thei were more often than not on opposit_side of the great debat of their time __PUNCT__

but the person regard thei had for each other __PUNCT__ and their deep love of thi beauti state __PUNCT__ made it easi for them to work togeth often on behalf of arizona __PUNCT__

both men also share a person commit to improv the live of nativ_american __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ never lie to them __PUNCT__ mo onc told me __PUNCT__ thei been li to enough __PUNCT__

on journalist __PUNCT__ who describ the relationship between anoth conserv and mo udal __PUNCT__ could have been describ the friendship of barri and mo __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ it wa on man sai to anoth __PUNCT__ we disagre in polit but not in life __PUNCT__

parti_polit differ cut onli so deep __PUNCT__

have made that step __PUNCT__ thei found much to agre on and mani us wai to work togeth __PUNCT__

barri_goldwat and mo udal were the famou son of arizona pioneer famili __PUNCT__

i wa forti __PUNCT__ five year old when i move to arizona __PUNCT__ and final found a home and the comfort feel of belong to someth smaller than a nation __PUNCT__

i wa introduc to arizona by my wife __PUNCT__ cindi __PUNCT__ whose love for thi place i soon share __PUNCT__

guid by her superior judgment __PUNCT__ to which i am alwai indebt __PUNCT__ we made the decis to rais our children here __PUNCT__

thi place ha come to mean so much to me for mani reason __PUNCT__

but first among them __PUNCT__ is my famili __PUNCT__ whose happi and mine is insepar from our love of life in arizona __PUNCT__

when i enter polit here __PUNCT__ i wa view with resent by some for my lack of an arizona pedigre __PUNCT__

and in truth __PUNCT__ although i work_hard __PUNCT__ i did not know as much about the state as on of it repres to congress should know __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ in my two term in the hous __PUNCT__ i had the reput of an often confront partisan __PUNCT__

mo udal wa the chairman of the hous interior committe __PUNCT__ a democrat_parti elder __PUNCT__ accomplish legisl __PUNCT__ on of the most respect member of the hous __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ a belov and rever figur in arizona __PUNCT__

in the current polit_cultur __PUNCT__ the differ between mo and me __PUNCT__ in our polit __PUNCT__ person __PUNCT__ and background would make our friendship and occasion polit allianc seem an unlik develop __PUNCT__

but we were friend __PUNCT__ and we did work togeth to protect the natur heritag and resourc of the state we serv __PUNCT__ and on behalf of the nativ_american who live here __PUNCT__

that wa almost entir mo do __PUNCT__ and i am as grate to him as i am to ani person for teach me not onli how to be a better public_servant __PUNCT__ but a better man __PUNCT__

i wa the most junior minor member of the interior committe __PUNCT__

after the first committe hear i attend __PUNCT__ i wa surpris when the chairman ask to speak to me privat __PUNCT__

we talk about some of the issu the committe would address that year __PUNCT__ and he advis me that arizonan had a tradit of work togeth in congress __PUNCT__ despit differ in parti_affili __PUNCT__ on issu import to the state __PUNCT__

he remind me that he and barri were good_friend __PUNCT__ and express the hope that he and i would be too __PUNCT__

i wa bowl over by hi gestur and left the meet convinc that a relationship with mo udal would be the biggest break i wa like to receiv at the start of my polit_career __PUNCT__

as it turn out __PUNCT__ it wa on of the biggest break of my life __PUNCT__

in the spring of my first year in congress __PUNCT__ mo invit me to accompani him to casa grand __PUNCT__ arizona __PUNCT__ where he wa go to hold a press_confer to talk about issu befor the committe affect the state __PUNCT__

hi statur in arizona wa infinit greater than mine __PUNCT__

he could turn out a much bigger crowd than ani group will to wast a saturdai afternoon listen to me __PUNCT__

he spoke first and veri knowledg __PUNCT__

as he address each issu __PUNCT__ he would prefac hi comment with __PUNCT__ congressman mccain and i ar work on thi __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ we weren't __PUNCT__

not me __PUNCT__ anywai __PUNCT__ not yet __PUNCT__

i bare understood the differ between the u. __PUNCT__ forest servic and the bureau of land manag __PUNCT__ and couldn't tell a copper mine from a cotton farm __PUNCT__

at the end of hi perform __PUNCT__ he paus and said he wa more interest in my thought on the issu __PUNCT__

i gulp and manag to spend a few minut fake some compet without complet embarrass myself __PUNCT__

i knew mo affect confid in me wa an act of kind and offer with the trust that i would eventu learn enough about the issu to warrant hi faith __PUNCT__

he wa deliber share hi prestig with me to help me build greater credibl with my constitu __PUNCT__ an uncommonli gener thing to do on behalf of a member of the opposit_parti __PUNCT__

but mo never saw me as a threat or even as an uninform __PUNCT__ inexperienc and somewhat presumptu politician __PUNCT__

to him __PUNCT__ i wa a well __PUNCT__ intent servant of my countri __PUNCT__ and a fellow arizonan __PUNCT__ who might somedai be abl to help him accomplish import_thing for our state __PUNCT__

he trust me __PUNCT__ and i want veri much to convinc him that he had not made a mistak __PUNCT__

we drove back togeth to phoenix that dai without our staff present __PUNCT__

i listen to mo talk about arizona __PUNCT__ about barri and the territori polit their famili had figur so promin in __PUNCT__

all of it wa fascin and us to me as i struggl to understand my new profess and my new state __PUNCT__

we part that dai as friend __PUNCT__ and friend we remain for the rest of hi life __PUNCT__

we have mani challeng befor our countri __PUNCT__ both at home and abroad __PUNCT__ challeng such as entitl_reform __PUNCT__ energi_secur __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ and a global threat from islam extremist __PUNCT__ to name a few of the most import __PUNCT__ that requir a strict attent to our respons as public_servant and our recognit that we cannot discharg those respons to the satisfact of the peopl we serv unless we work cooper across parti_line without compromis our principl __PUNCT__

despit the increas harsh of our debat __PUNCT__ and the lack of respect it often occas for each side good will __PUNCT__ i still believ we can and must come togeth on issu that cannot be address without our cooper __PUNCT__

mo udal and barri_goldwat taught me to believ that we ar american first and partisan second __PUNCT__ and i want to be a presid that honor their faith in us __PUNCT__

we have our disagr __PUNCT__ we american __PUNCT__

we contend regularli and enthusiast over mani question __PUNCT__ over the size and purpos of our govern __PUNCT__ over the social_respons we accept in accord with the dictat of our conscienc __PUNCT__ over our role in the world and how to defend our secur interest and valu in place where thei ar threaten __PUNCT__

these ar import_question __PUNCT__ worth argu about __PUNCT__

we should contend over them with on anoth __PUNCT__

it is more than appropri __PUNCT__ it is necessari that even in time of crisi __PUNCT__ especi in time of crisi __PUNCT__ we fight among ourselv for the thing we believ in __PUNCT__

it is not just our right __PUNCT__ but our civic and moral_oblig __PUNCT__

but we deserv more than toler from on anoth __PUNCT__ we deserv each other respect __PUNCT__ whether we think each other right or wrong in our view __PUNCT__ as long as our charact and sincer merit respect __PUNCT__ and as long as we share __PUNCT__ for all our differ __PUNCT__ for all the noisi debat that enliven our polit __PUNCT__ a mutual devot to the sublim idea that thi nation wa conceiv in __PUNCT__ that freedom is the inalien right of mankind __PUNCT__ and in accord with the law of natur and natur creator __PUNCT__

we have so much more that unit us than divid us __PUNCT__

we need onli to look to the enemi who now threaten us __PUNCT__ and the benight ideal to which islam extremist pledg_allegi __PUNCT__ their disdain for the right of man __PUNCT__ their contempt for innoc_human human_life __PUNCT__ to appreci how much unit us __PUNCT__

let us argu with each other then __PUNCT__

by all mean __PUNCT__ let us argu __PUNCT__

our differ ar not petti __PUNCT__ thei often involv cherish belief __PUNCT__ and repres our best judgment about what is right for our countri and human __PUNCT__

let us defend those belief __PUNCT__

let do so sincer and strenuous __PUNCT__

it is our right and duti to do so __PUNCT__

let us exercis our respons as free_peopl __PUNCT__

but let us rememb __PUNCT__ we ar not enemi __PUNCT__

we ar compatriot defend ourselv from a real enemi __PUNCT__

we have noth to fear from each other __PUNCT__

we ar argu over the mean to better secur our freedom __PUNCT__ promot the gener_welfar and defend our ideal __PUNCT__

it should remain an argument among friend __PUNCT__ each of us struggl to hear our conscienc __PUNCT__ and heed it demand __PUNCT__ each of us __PUNCT__ despit our differ __PUNCT__ unit in our great caus __PUNCT__ and respect of the good in each other __PUNCT__

ten_year have pass sinc barri_goldwat and mo udal __PUNCT__ the best of friend __PUNCT__ honor public_servant and arizona favorit son __PUNCT__ di in the same_year __PUNCT__

but their exampl show us how to be better american __PUNCT__ better peopl __PUNCT__

i intend to wage thi campaign and to govern thi countri in a wai that thei would be proud of me as i have alwai been proud of them __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__