John McCain

This speech titled 2008.04.15.remarks_on_the_economy_at_carnegie_mellon_university_in_pittsburgh originally had 4655 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

i appreci the hospit of the allegheni busi confer __PUNCT__

the pittsburgh tech council __PUNCT__ and the student and faculti of carnegi mellon univers __PUNCT__

we have a strong show thi morn from the carnegi mellon naval rotc unit as well __PUNCT__

and i happi to be with all of you __PUNCT__

thi univers ha a fine reput for it program in busi __PUNCT__ financ __PUNCT__ and other disciplin in the field of econom __PUNCT__

and it alwai worth recal that econom is not a subject that can be wrench apart from all the rest of life __PUNCT__ or from the valu that give life direct __PUNCT__

when we debat econom_polici __PUNCT__ we ar talk __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ about the deepest hope that carri us each along in the work we do __PUNCT__ about all the thing we wish for ourselv and for each other __PUNCT__

and these cannot be measur by simpli run the number __PUNCT__

in our free_societi __PUNCT__ it is left to each on of us to make our own wai in the world __PUNCT__ and our job __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ save __PUNCT__ pension __PUNCT__ farm __PUNCT__ and home ar the work of year __PUNCT__

take these awai and you ar diminish a lot more than the gdp __PUNCT__ or the final talli on the big board on wall_street __PUNCT__

take these awai __PUNCT__ and a million dream ar undon __PUNCT__

the gain of hard_work and sacrific ar lost __PUNCT__

and someth can be lost that is veri crucial in our economi __PUNCT__ and veri slow to return __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__

everi so often in our nation_capit __PUNCT__ we relearn thi lesson when the excess of trader and specul __PUNCT__ and the poor plan of politician __PUNCT__ catch up with them __PUNCT__ and the troubl spread far beyond wall_street and washington __PUNCT__

thi ha happen in recent_month __PUNCT__ at great cost to worker __PUNCT__ small_busi __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ and homeown across our nation __PUNCT__

and call these seriou problem a __PUNCT__ correct __PUNCT__ in the market __PUNCT__ or a __PUNCT__ cycl __PUNCT__ of the economi __PUNCT__ doesn't make their situat ani better __PUNCT__ their job and home ani safer __PUNCT__ their live ani easier __PUNCT__

econom_polici is not just some academ exercis __PUNCT__ and we in washington ar not just passiv spectat __PUNCT__

we have a respons to act __PUNCT__ and if i am elect_presid i intend to act quickli and decis __PUNCT__

we need reform that promot growth and opportun __PUNCT__

we need rule that assur fair and punish wrongdo in the market __PUNCT__

we need tax_polici that respect the wage __PUNCT__ earner and job creator who make thi economi run __PUNCT__ and help them to succe in a global_economi __PUNCT__

in all of thi __PUNCT__ it will not be enough to simpli dust off the econom_polici of four __PUNCT__ eight __PUNCT__ or twenti __PUNCT__ eight year_ago __PUNCT__

we have our own work to do __PUNCT__

we have our own challeng to meet __PUNCT__

million of work_men and women in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ michigan and beyond can tell you how urgent is the work befor us __PUNCT__

on man put it thi wai to a report not long_ago __PUNCT__ in repli to a question about the job he had just lost __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ i told my wife that i alwai keep a roof over her head __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i worri about keep that promis __PUNCT__

in the monthli report of our labor_depart __PUNCT__ nearli __NUM__ american like thi man were let go recent and suddenli from job thei thought were safe __PUNCT__

a woman in the town of trainer __PUNCT__ in delawar counti __PUNCT__ also captur the feel of mani when she describ what it like to work and save for year __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ at the ag of __NUM__ still struggl for the basic of life __PUNCT__

the famili ha had medic_problem __PUNCT__ and as she put it __PUNCT__ trust me __PUNCT__ no on want to be in our shoe __PUNCT__

and lot of peopl ar just a sick husband awai from where we ar __PUNCT__

for citizen like these __PUNCT__ do their best to keep promis and meet oblig __PUNCT__ there is no comfort know their problem ar common and their worri ar share __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ the peopl we expect to be most sober and level __PUNCT__ head in their econom_decis __PUNCT__ banker and other home lender __PUNCT__ forgot some of the basic standard of their own profess __PUNCT__

hard __PUNCT__ work homeown ar learn for the first time about the endlessli complic borrow __PUNCT__ bundl __PUNCT__ and bet that ha been go on in our capit_market __PUNCT__

american worri about a system that allow __NUM___million bad loan to affect __NUM__ million good on __PUNCT__

thei wonder how asset can so quickli becom liabil __PUNCT__ and why the high __PUNCT__ risk scheme of a few were permit to inflict such grievou harm on our entir financi_system __PUNCT__

american ar also right to be offend when the extravag salari and sever deal of ceo __PUNCT__ in some case __PUNCT__ the veri same ceo who help to bring on these market troubl __PUNCT__ bear no relat to the success of the compani or the wish of sharehold __PUNCT__

someth is serious wrong when the american_peopl ar left to bear the consequ of reckless corpor conduct __PUNCT__ while mr __PUNCT__ cayn of bear_stearn __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ mozilo of countrywid __PUNCT__ and other ar pack off with anoth forti __PUNCT__ or fifti_million for the road __PUNCT__

i leav it for other to specul on the technic definit of a recess __PUNCT__

it all a littl besid the point __PUNCT__ if it your plant that close and your job that gone __PUNCT__ when you ar face foreclosur __PUNCT__ or back in debt after year of hard effort __PUNCT__ or hardli abl to bui_food __PUNCT__ ga __PUNCT__ or heat for your home __PUNCT__

in the end __PUNCT__ the truest measur of prosper in america is the success and financi secur of those who earn wage and meet payrol in thi countri __PUNCT__

mani ar wait for their first home __PUNCT__

their first big break __PUNCT__

their first shot at financi secur __PUNCT__

and help them will be my first prioriti in set the econom_polici of thi nation __PUNCT__

in so mani wai __PUNCT__ even now __PUNCT__ the worker and entrepreneur of america ar taken for grant by their govern __PUNCT__ while the lobbyist and special pleader ar seldom turn awai __PUNCT__

by the ten of billion of dollar __PUNCT__ our tax_monei is routin squander by the congress on less than useless pork __PUNCT__ barrel project __PUNCT__ project have noth to do with the purpos of govern __PUNCT__ and everyth to do with the preserv of power __PUNCT__

in the same wai __PUNCT__ mani in congress think american ar under __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__

thei speak as if let you keep your own earn were an act of chariti __PUNCT__ and now thei have decid you had enough __PUNCT__

by allow mani of the current low_tax tax_rate to expir __PUNCT__ thei would impos __PUNCT__ overnight __PUNCT__ the singl largest tax_increas sinc the second world_war __PUNCT__

among support of a tax_increas ar senat_obama and clinton __PUNCT__

both promis big __PUNCT__ chang __PUNCT__

and a trillion_dollar in new tax over the next decad would certainli fit that descript __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ thei would like you to think that onli the veri wealthi will pai more in tax __PUNCT__ but the realiti is quit differ __PUNCT__

under my oppon __PUNCT__ variou tax_plan __PUNCT__ american of everi background would see their tax rise __PUNCT__ senior __PUNCT__ parent __PUNCT__ small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ and just about everyon who ha even a modest invest in the market __PUNCT__

all these tax_increas ar the fine_print under the slogan of __PUNCT__ hope __PUNCT__ thei go to rais your tax by thousand of dollar per year __PUNCT__ and thei have the audac to hope you don't mind __PUNCT__

thei and other argu that the tax_increas is necessari in part to financ social_secur and medicar __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ thi claim onli serv to remind us of congress __PUNCT__ consist failur to repair both of these program even under the best of circumst __PUNCT__

for year __PUNCT__ congress ha been bui time __PUNCT__ and leav the great_challeng of entitl_reform for other to deal with __PUNCT__

and now the two contend in the other parti have even propos enorm new feder commit befor the old commit have been kept __PUNCT__ trust that other __PUNCT__ somewher down the road __PUNCT__ will handl the financ and make all the number come out right __PUNCT__

but there will come a dai when the road dead __PUNCT__ end __PUNCT__ and the old excus seem even more hollow __PUNCT__

and it won't be the politician who bear the consequ __PUNCT__

it will be american_worker and their children who ar left with worthless promis and trillion __PUNCT__ dollar debt __PUNCT__

we cannot let that happen __PUNCT__

and you have my pledg __PUNCT__ as presid i will work with everi member of congress __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ and independ __PUNCT__ who share my commit to reform and protect medicar and social_secur __PUNCT__

in so mani wai __PUNCT__ we need to make a clean break from the worst excess of both polit_parti __PUNCT__

for republican __PUNCT__ it start with reclaim our good name as the parti of spend restraint __PUNCT__

somewher along the wai __PUNCT__ too mani republican in congress becam indistinguish from the big __PUNCT__ spend democrat thei us to oppos __PUNCT__

the onli power of govern that could stop them wa the power of veto __PUNCT__ and it wa rare us __PUNCT__

if that author is entrust to me __PUNCT__ i will us the veto as need __PUNCT__ and as the founder intend __PUNCT__

i will veto everi bill with earmark __PUNCT__ until the congress stop send bill with earmark __PUNCT__

i will seek a constitution valid line __PUNCT__ item_veto to end the practic onc and for all __PUNCT__

i will lead across __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ board reform in the feder_tax tax_code __PUNCT__ remov myriad corpor_tax loophol that ar costli __PUNCT__ unfair __PUNCT__ and inconsist with a free __PUNCT__ market_economi __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will also order a prompt and thorough review of the budget of everi feder_program __PUNCT__ depart __PUNCT__ and agenc __PUNCT__

while that top to bottom review is underwai __PUNCT__ we will institut a on __PUNCT__ year paus in discretionari_spend spend_increas with the necessari exempt of militari_spend and veteran benefit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ discretionari_spend __PUNCT__ is a term peopl throw around a lot in washington __PUNCT__ while actual discret is seldom exercis __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ everi program come with a built __PUNCT__ in assumpt that it should go on forev __PUNCT__ and it budget increas forev __PUNCT__

my administr will chang that wai of think __PUNCT__

i hold the agenc of the feder_govern govern_account for the monei thei spend __PUNCT__

i make sure the public help me __PUNCT__ and i provid feder_agenc with the best execut leadership that can be found in america __PUNCT__

we go to make everi aspect of govern purchas and perform transpar __PUNCT__

inform on everi step of contract and grant will be post on the internet in plain and simpl english __PUNCT__

we go to post an agenc perform evalu as well __PUNCT__

we go to demand_account __PUNCT__

we will make sure that feder_spend serv the common_interest __PUNCT__ that fail program ar not reward __PUNCT__ and that discretionari_spend is go where it belong __PUNCT__ to essenti prioriti like job_train __PUNCT__ the secur of our citizen __PUNCT__ and the care of our veteran __PUNCT__

in my administr there will be no more subsidi for special pleader __PUNCT__ no more corpor_welfar __PUNCT__ no more throw around billion of dollar of the peopl_monei on pet project __PUNCT__ while the peopl themselv ar struggl to afford their home __PUNCT__ groceri __PUNCT__ and ga __PUNCT__

we ar go to get our prioriti straight in washington __PUNCT__ a clean break from year of squander wealth and wast chanc __PUNCT__

i have a clear record of not ask for earmark for my state __PUNCT__

for their part __PUNCT__ senat_obama and clinton have champion a long_list of pork __PUNCT__ barrel project for their state __PUNCT__ like that all __PUNCT__ import woodstock museum that senat_clinton expect american to pai for at the cost of a million_dollar __PUNCT__

that kind of careless spend of tax_dollar is not chang __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ it is busi as usual in washington __PUNCT__ and it all a part of the same wast and corrupt system that we need to end __PUNCT__

the goal of reform __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ is not mere to check wast and keep a tidi budget_process __PUNCT__ although these ar import enough in themselv __PUNCT__

the great goal is to get the american_economi run at full strength again __PUNCT__ creat the opportun american expect and the job_american need __PUNCT__

and on veri direct wai to achiev that is by take the save from earmark __PUNCT__ program review __PUNCT__ and other budget reform __PUNCT__ on the order of __NUM___billion billion_dollar annual __PUNCT__ and us those save to lower the busi incom_tax for everi employ that pai it __PUNCT__

so i will send to congress a propos to cut the tax these employ pai __PUNCT__ from a rate of __NUM__ to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

as it is __PUNCT__ we have the second __PUNCT__ highest tax on busi in the industri_world __PUNCT__

high_tax tax_rate ar drive mani busi and job_oversea __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ our foreign competitor wouldn't mind if we kept it that wai __PUNCT__

but if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ we go to get rid of that drag on growth and job_creation __PUNCT__ and help american_worker compet with ani compani in the world __PUNCT__

i will also send to the congress a middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut __PUNCT__ a complet phase __PUNCT__ out of the altern minimum tax to save more than __NUM___million middl __PUNCT__ class_famili more than __NUM___dollar everi year __PUNCT__

our tax_law and those who enforc them should treat all citizen with respect __PUNCT__ whether thei ar marri or singl __PUNCT__

but mother and father bear special respons __PUNCT__ and the tax_code must recogn thi __PUNCT__

inflat ha erod the valu of the exempt for depend __PUNCT__

i will send to congress a reform to increas the exempt __PUNCT__ with the goal of doubl it from __NUM___dollar to __NUM__ dollar for everi depend __PUNCT__ in everi famili in america __PUNCT__

the tax_law of america should also promot and reward innov __PUNCT__ becaus innov creat_job __PUNCT__

tax_law should not smother the ingenu of our peopl with needless regul and disincent __PUNCT__

so i will propos and sign into law a reform agenda to permit the first __PUNCT__ year expens of new equip and technolog __PUNCT__ to ban internet tax __PUNCT__ perman __PUNCT__ to ban new cell_phone tax __PUNCT__ and to make the tax_credit for r&d perman __PUNCT__ so that we never lose our competit edg __PUNCT__

it is not enough __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ to make littl fix here and there in the tax_code __PUNCT__

what we need is a simpler __PUNCT__ a flatter __PUNCT__ and a fair_tax tax_code __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will propos an altern tax_system __PUNCT__

when thi reform is enact __PUNCT__ all who wish to file under the current system could still do so __PUNCT__

and everyon els could choos a vastli less complic system with two tax_rate and a gener standard deduct __PUNCT__

american do not resent pai their right share of tax __PUNCT__ what thei do resent is be subject to thousand of page of needless and often irrat rule and demand from the ir __PUNCT__

we know from experi that no seriou reform of the current tax_code will come out of congress __PUNCT__ so now it is time to turn the decis over to the peopl __PUNCT__

we ar go to creat a new and simpler tax_system __PUNCT__ and give the american_peopl a choic __PUNCT__

better tax_polici is just on part of a pro __PUNCT__ growth agenda that includ smarter regul and a leaner __PUNCT__ more focus govern __PUNCT__

among the mani benefit to america __PUNCT__ these reform will help to creat_job __PUNCT__ improv the invest climat __PUNCT__ attract global investor __PUNCT__ and strengthen the dollar __PUNCT__

american also worri about stagnant wage __PUNCT__ which ar caus in part by the rise_cost of health_care __PUNCT__

each year employ pai more and more for insur __PUNCT__ leav less and less to pai their employe __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will propos and relentlessli advoc chang that will bring down health_care_cost __PUNCT__ make health care more afford and access __PUNCT__ help individu and famili bui their health_insur with gener tax_credit __PUNCT__ and enabl you to keep your insur when you chang job __PUNCT__

mani retir american face the terribl realiti of decid whether to bui_food __PUNCT__ pai rent or bui their prescript __PUNCT__

and their govern should help them __PUNCT__

but when we ad the prescript_drug drug_benefit to medicar __PUNCT__ a new and costli entitl __PUNCT__ we includ mani peopl who ar more than capabl of purchas their own medicin without assist from taxpay who struggl to purchas their own __PUNCT__

peopl like bill_gate and warren buffet don't need their prescript underwritten by taxpay __PUNCT__

those who can afford to bui their own prescript_drug should be expect to do so __PUNCT__

thi reform alon will save billion of dollar that could be return to taxpay or put to better us __PUNCT__

there never been a problem american couldn't solv __PUNCT__

we ar the world_leader __PUNCT__ and leader don't fear chang __PUNCT__ pine for the past and dread the futur __PUNCT__

we make the futur better than the past __PUNCT__

that is why i object when senat_obama and clinton and other preach the fals virtu of econom isolation __PUNCT__

senat obama recent suggest that american ar protectionist becaus thei ar bitter about be left behind in the global_economi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ what hi excus for embrac the fals promis of protection __PUNCT__ open new market for american good and servic is indispens to our futur prosper __PUNCT__

we can compet with anyon __PUNCT__

senat_obama and clinton think we should hide behind wall __PUNCT__ buri our head and industri in the sand __PUNCT__ and hope we have enough left to live on while the world pass us by __PUNCT__

but that is not good_polici and it is not good leadershi p __PUNCT__

and the short __PUNCT__ sighted of these polici can be seen todai in congress __PUNCT__ refus to vote on the colombian free_trade_agreement __PUNCT__

when new trade_partner can sell in our market __PUNCT__ and american_compani can sell in their __PUNCT__ the gain ar great and thei ar last __PUNCT__

the strength of the american_economi offer a better life to everi societi we trade with __PUNCT__ and the good come back to us in mani wai __PUNCT__ in better job __PUNCT__ higher_wage __PUNCT__ and lower_price __PUNCT__

free_trade can also give onc troubl and impoverish nation a stake in the world_economi __PUNCT__ and in their relat with america __PUNCT__

in the case of colombia __PUNCT__ a friend and crucial democrat alli __PUNCT__ it stabil and econom vital ar more critic now __PUNCT__ as other in the region seek to turn latin_america awai from democraci and awai from our countri __PUNCT__

trade serv all of these nation_interest __PUNCT__ and the interest of the american_economi as well __PUNCT__ and i call on the congress onc again to put thi vital agreement to an up or down vote __PUNCT__

i know that open_market don't automat translat into a higher qualiti of life for everi singl american __PUNCT__

chang is hard __PUNCT__ and while most of us gain __PUNCT__ some industri __PUNCT__ compani and worker ar left to struggl with veri difficult choic __PUNCT__

and govern should help worker get the educ and train thei need __PUNCT__ for the new job that will be creat by new busi in thi new centuri __PUNCT__

right now we have more than a half __PUNCT__ dozen differ program that ar suppos to help displac worker __PUNCT__ and for those who ar not work at all __PUNCT__

we have an unemploy_insur insur_program straight out of the 1950 __PUNCT__

it wa design to assist worker through a few tough month dure an econom_downturn until their old job came back __PUNCT__

that program ha no relev to the world we live in todai __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i work with congress and the state to make job_train and unemploy_insur what thei should be __PUNCT__ a swift path from a job that not come back to a job that won't go awai __PUNCT__

we will build a new system __PUNCT__ us the unemploy __PUNCT__ insur tax to build for each worker a buffer account against a sudden loss of incom __PUNCT__ so that in time of need thei not just told to fill out form and take a number __PUNCT__

and we will draw on the great_strength of america commun_colleg __PUNCT__ appli the fund from feder train account to give displac worker of everi ag a fresh_start with new skill and new opportun __PUNCT__

these reform must wait on the next elect __PUNCT__ but to help our worker and our economi we must also act in the here and now __PUNCT__

and we must start with the subprim_mortgag mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__ with the hundr of thousand of citizen who plai by the rule __PUNCT__ yet now fear lose their hous __PUNCT__

under the home plan i have propos __PUNCT__ our govern will offer these american direct and immedi help that can make all the differ __PUNCT__ if you can't make your payment __PUNCT__ and you in danger of foreclosur __PUNCT__ you will be abl to go to ani post_offic and pick up a form for a new home_loan __PUNCT__

in place of your flaw mortgag_loan __PUNCT__ you be elig for a new __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year fix __PUNCT__ rate_loan back by the unit_state state_govern __PUNCT__

citizen will keep their home __PUNCT__ lender will cut their loss __PUNCT__ and everyon will move on __PUNCT__ follow the sounder practic that should have been observ in the first place __PUNCT__

it import as well to rememb that the foolish risk __PUNCT__ take of lender __PUNCT__ invest_bank __PUNCT__ and other that led to these troubl don't reflect our free_market as it should be work __PUNCT__

in a free market __PUNCT__ there must be transpar __PUNCT__ account __PUNCT__ and person and corpor_respons __PUNCT__

the hous_crisi came about becaus these standard collaps __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i intend to restor them __PUNCT__

the grave problem in the hous_market have been viral __PUNCT__ spread out to affect the credit and bui power of american even as the price of oil and ga is rise as never befor __PUNCT__

there ar larger_problem underli the price of oil __PUNCT__ all of which i will address in my energi plan __PUNCT__ but in the short_term there ar crucial measur we can take __PUNCT__

i propos that the feder_govern suspend all tax on gasolin now paid by the american_peopl __PUNCT__ from memori_dai to labor dai of thi year __PUNCT__

the effect will be an immedi econom_stimulu __PUNCT__ take a few dollar off the price of a tank of ga everi time a famili __PUNCT__ a farmer __PUNCT__ or trucker stop to fill up __PUNCT__

over the same_period __PUNCT__ our govern should suspend the purchas of oil for the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__ which ha also contribut to the rise_price of oil __PUNCT__

thi measur __PUNCT__ combin with the summer __PUNCT__ long __PUNCT__ ga __PUNCT__ tax holidai __PUNCT__ will bring a time reduct in the price of gasolin __PUNCT__

and becaus the cost of ga affect the price of food __PUNCT__ packag __PUNCT__ and just about everyth els __PUNCT__ these immedi step will help to spread relief across the american_economi __PUNCT__

by summer end __PUNCT__ moreov __PUNCT__ million of colleg_student will be count on their student_loan to come through __PUNCT__ and we need to make sure that happen __PUNCT__

these young_american __PUNCT__ includ perhap some of you at cmu __PUNCT__ ar among the mani citizen whose abil to obtain a loan might be serious hurt by farawai problem not of their own make __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ i propos that the depart of educ work with the governor to make sure that each state guarante agenc ha the mean and manpow to meet it oblig as a lender __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ last __PUNCT__ resort for student_loan __PUNCT__

in the year_ahead __PUNCT__ these young_american will be need to sustain america primaci in the global marketplac __PUNCT__

and thei should not be deni an educ becaus the reckless of other ha made credit too hard to obtain __PUNCT__

these ar just some of the reform i intend to fight for and differ i will debat with whoever my democrat_oppon is __PUNCT__

in the week and month ahead __PUNCT__ i will detail my plan to reform health_care in america __PUNCT__ to make our school more account to parent and taxpay __PUNCT__ to keep america edg in technolog __PUNCT__ to us the power of free_market to grow our economi __PUNCT__ to escap our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ and to guard against climat chang and to be better steward of the earth __PUNCT__

all of these challeng __PUNCT__ and more __PUNCT__ will face the next presid __PUNCT__ and i will not leav them for some unlucki gener of leader to deal with __PUNCT__

we ar go to restor the confid of the american_peopl in the futur of thi great and bless countri __PUNCT__

i do not seek the presid on the presumpt that i am bless with such person great that histori ha anoint me to save my countri in it hour of need __PUNCT__

i seek the presid with the humil of a man who cannot forget that my countri save me __PUNCT__

i am run to serv america __PUNCT__ and to champion the idea i believ will help us do what everi american gener ha done __PUNCT__ to make in our time __PUNCT__ and from our challeng __PUNCT__ a safer __PUNCT__ stronger __PUNCT__ more prosper countri and a better world __PUNCT__

as i have alwai done __PUNCT__ i will make my case to everi american who will listen __PUNCT__

i will not confin myself to the comfort of speak onli to those who agre with me __PUNCT__

i will make my case to all the peopl __PUNCT__

i will listen to those who disagre __PUNCT__

i will try to persuad them __PUNCT__

i will debat __PUNCT__

and i will learn from them __PUNCT__

but i will fight everi moment of everi dai for what i believ is right for thi countri __PUNCT__ and i will not yield __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__