John McCain

This speech titled 2008.04.24.remarks_in_baton_rouge_louisiana originally had 2940 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__ governor jindal __PUNCT__ for that kind introduct __PUNCT__ and thank you all for the warm welcom to baton roug __PUNCT__

i appreci the hospit of mayor kip holden __PUNCT__

former governor buddi roemer __PUNCT__ member of junior achiev __PUNCT__ and the editor and staff of the busi report __PUNCT__

and my congratul to all of thi even honore __PUNCT__

tonight award recogn the qualiti that make for excel in busi __PUNCT__

and though mani differ type of busi ar repres here __PUNCT__ i suspect the basic qualiti ar the same __PUNCT__

i had two career __PUNCT__ neither on in the corpor_world for ani length of time __PUNCT__

but i been around busi_leader enough to know what make the best compani stand apart __PUNCT__ why some enterpris succe and other don't __PUNCT__

the best compani respect public_opinion __PUNCT__ among other reason becaus thei know their custom have the option of go elsewher __PUNCT__

thei focus on outcom __PUNCT__ not just process __PUNCT__

thei steer far clear of bureaucraci __PUNCT__ becaus thei know that bureaucraci can be the death of creativ __PUNCT__ initi __PUNCT__ commonsens __PUNCT__ and the spirit of servic __PUNCT__

abov all __PUNCT__ the finest busi_leader never lose their sens of respons __PUNCT__ both corpor and person_respons __PUNCT__

thei insist on transpar __PUNCT__ have noth to fear from the inquiri of report or auditor __PUNCT__

and even if sharehold and the public did not expect a full account of budget __PUNCT__ cost __PUNCT__ plan and commit __PUNCT__ the best compani would demand it of themselv __PUNCT__

now i don't want to disillus the busi_commun of louisiana __PUNCT__ but i afraid that these same standard of effici __PUNCT__ commonsens __PUNCT__ and honesti ar not alwai observ by govern __PUNCT__

at both the state and feder_level __PUNCT__ govern ha been known to act in an arbitrari __PUNCT__ inflex __PUNCT__ and irrespons manner __PUNCT__ indiffer to the wish of the peopl it is suppos to serv __PUNCT__

too often __PUNCT__ govern ha it own peculiar wai of do thing __PUNCT__ follow practic that in the privat_sector would invit financi ruin or wors __PUNCT__

even in thi inform ag __PUNCT__ often our feder_govern still reli on the old bureaucrat model __PUNCT__ in which littl offic in washington ar assum to be the center of knowledg __PUNCT__

regardless of which parti_control control_congress or the execut_branch __PUNCT__ our feder_govern is far too process __PUNCT__ orient __PUNCT__ measur success by rise budget instead of actual result __PUNCT__

forev declar new goal but so seldom meet ani of them __PUNCT__

all of thi is bad enough in the dai __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai routin of mani feder_depart and agenc __PUNCT__ in the confus and air of futil that often hang over their work __PUNCT__

but the ineptitud of govern can have far graver consequ __PUNCT__ as the peopl of thi state know better than anyon __PUNCT__ from event still fresh in memori __PUNCT__

at a veri minimum __PUNCT__ we depend on our govern to protect us from danger when the danger is greatest __PUNCT__

we assum that when the worst happen __PUNCT__ it will bring out the best in our govern __PUNCT__

we trust that polic __PUNCT__ emerg worker __PUNCT__ feder_author __PUNCT__ and elect_offici will do their duti and do it well __PUNCT__

but that is not what happen here in louisiana __PUNCT__

that is not what you and the world wit in the fall of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

what happen __PUNCT__ instead __PUNCT__ wa a seri of failur that shook of the confid of american in their govern as much as ani event in recent_memori __PUNCT__

there were heroic except __PUNCT__ as there alwai ar __PUNCT__

there were some who perform with courag __PUNCT__ speed __PUNCT__ and presenc of mind in the most difficult of condit __PUNCT__

but as to the overal perform of govern dure and after the crisi __PUNCT__ the verdict is in __PUNCT__ and first impress were correct __PUNCT__

with mani thousand of live in the balanc __PUNCT__ across __NUM___squar squar_mile of miseri __PUNCT__ there wa a failur of foresight __PUNCT__ a failur of plan __PUNCT__ a failur in execut and a failur in follow __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__

and the incompet of leadership didn't end with the rescu effort __PUNCT__

in the conduct of congress in the year after katrina and rita __PUNCT__ we saw the same excess __PUNCT__ lack of focu __PUNCT__ and short __PUNCT__ term think that left new orlean vulner in the first place __PUNCT__

as on critic observ __PUNCT__ while the hu rrican __PUNCT__ prove to be the worst and costliest natur_disast in our histori __PUNCT__ the wast and fraud uncov __PUNCT__ ha been a disast all in itself __PUNCT__

appar a lot of louisianan agre with thi critic __PUNCT__ becaus you elect him governor __PUNCT__

bobbi jindal ha had some veri abl predecessor in offic __PUNCT__

but last year __PUNCT__ after all thi state had been through __PUNCT__ the moment wa right and the peopl were readi for breakthrough reform __PUNCT__

he stand for a new wai of do busi in thi state __PUNCT__ and it a model i intend to appli elsewher __PUNCT__

some peopl think that it just our youth vital that the governor and i have in common __PUNCT__

but we share import convict as well __PUNCT__ and it start with an intoler of ineptitud __PUNCT__ wast __PUNCT__ and self __PUNCT__ deal of ani kind in ani agenc of govern __PUNCT__

with a special session of the legislatur devot to ethic reform __PUNCT__ he and alli in both parti have made a clean break from mani corrupt practic of the past __PUNCT__

just becaus legisl have grown comfort with certain privileg __PUNCT__

or accustom to do busi in a certain wai __PUNCT__

doesn't make those practic right __PUNCT__ or accept __PUNCT__ or beyond the reach of reform __PUNCT__

your new governor understand that __PUNCT__ and he chang the cultur of baton roug __PUNCT__

you and i understand it too __PUNCT__ and togeth we can chang the cultur of washington __PUNCT__

there wa anoth special session here devot to workforc develop __PUNCT__ and tax_reform __PUNCT__ and econom_growth __PUNCT__ becaus your governor understand that the deep problem of the ninth_ward and beyond did not begin with a catastroph of natur __PUNCT__ and thei did not end with the relief program of govern __PUNCT__

with merciless forc __PUNCT__ katrina laid bare the failur and stagnant idea of gener of govern_polici __PUNCT__

despit year of grand promis from their govern __PUNCT__ and year of costli program __PUNCT__ so mani of these citizen still live in persist poverti __PUNCT__ with no job or the hope of a good_job __PUNCT__ no skill to speak of and no chanc to learn them __PUNCT__

even the basic of life __PUNCT__ like health_care and protect from violent_crime __PUNCT__ could not be count on in a citi that had the highest murder rate in our countri __PUNCT__

thi wa life as mani thousand knew it befor the leve broke and the water rose __PUNCT__

thi is life as so mani know it now __PUNCT__ in place the rescu team and camera crew have never had to go __PUNCT__

and more of the same in washington __PUNCT__ the same tire idea __PUNCT__ patron rhetor and self __PUNCT__ serv practic __PUNCT__ will accomplish exactli noth __PUNCT__

lofti lectur on chang won't do much good __PUNCT__ either __PUNCT__ when thei ar just a new version of the same old idea __PUNCT__

the time for talk about chang is over __PUNCT__

it time for action in washington __PUNCT__ with seriou reform to make a differ in the live of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we must start as you have begun here in louisiana __PUNCT__ with ethic reform that go to the heart of the problem of a dysfunct feder establish __PUNCT__

mayb you rememb how the congress respond to the tragedi of katrina with billion of dollar in new spend that had __PUNCT__ in mani case __PUNCT__ noth whatev to do with the victim of katrina __PUNCT__

on reason for thi is that the hous and senat routin squander ten of billion of dollar on project and favor sought by lobbyist __PUNCT__

for some legisl __PUNCT__ even katrina wa just anoth excus to lard up anoth bill with anoth batch of earmark __PUNCT__

thi practic is not onli bad in itself __PUNCT__ reveal a disregard of the common_good __PUNCT__

the abus of lobbi and earmark spend ar also symptomat of even larger_problem in washington __PUNCT__ like the broken_window of build in a badli govern citi __PUNCT__

when we attack these abus with aggress reform __PUNCT__ we ar signal an entir new attitud __PUNCT__ a higher and better standard in how we conduct the peopl busi __PUNCT__

by end the practic of pork __PUNCT__ barrel spend altogeth __PUNCT__ member of congress can show the best kind of reform __PUNCT__ self __PUNCT__ reform __PUNCT__

and thi alon will go a long wai toward regain the confid of the peopl in their govern __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will veto everi earmark spend_bill that the congress send me __PUNCT__ until the congress stop send me earmark bill __PUNCT__

and i will appli precis the same standard of conduct to all who serv in the execut_branch __PUNCT__

all offici in my administr will have their interact with lobbyist fulli disclos to public_view __PUNCT__

lobbi is not an inher corrupt profess __PUNCT__ despit the frequent discredit brought to it by a rel few __PUNCT__

at it best __PUNCT__ lobbi is an honor exercis of the right of petit __PUNCT__

but just as vital is the right of the peopl to know who the petition ar and what thei want __PUNCT__

and i intend to make that inform public in everi instanc __PUNCT__

in my administr __PUNCT__ there will be no such thing as a close __PUNCT__ door meet with a lobbyist __PUNCT__

if a lobbyist case is import enough for my administr to hear it __PUNCT__ then it will be import enough for the public to know about it too __PUNCT__

katrina and it aftermath were a moment of truth for our feder_govern __PUNCT__ requir focus action and immedi __PUNCT__ effect aid __PUNCT__

what we saw instead wa the confus __PUNCT__ ineffici __PUNCT__ and poor judgment that troubl mani agenc of govern everi dai __PUNCT__ when no on pai close_attent __PUNCT__

we need to make govern far more transpar in it wai of do busi __PUNCT__

more account for it dai __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai decis and expenditur __PUNCT__ and in everi wai more respons to the peopl it serv __PUNCT__

to thi end __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will order a prompt and thorough review of the budget of everi feder_program __PUNCT__ depart __PUNCT__ and agenc __PUNCT__

and we will institut a on __PUNCT__ year paus in discretionari_spend spend_increas __PUNCT__ with the necessari except of militari_spend and veteran benefit __PUNCT__

i hold everi agenc account for the public_monei thei spend __PUNCT__

i make sure the public help me __PUNCT__ and i provid feder_agenc with the best execut leadership that can be found in america __PUNCT__

we go to make everi aspect of govern purchas and perform transpar __PUNCT__

there will be no except __PUNCT__ least of all in the case of our militari procur system __PUNCT__ where the cost of mismanag and wast ar far __PUNCT__ reach __PUNCT__

inform on everi step of all contract and grant will be post on the internet in plain english __PUNCT__ so that anyon can know what their govern is bui and how much we pai __PUNCT__

in all of thi __PUNCT__ the aim is to assur that feder_spend serv the common_interest __PUNCT__

we need to know which agenc of govern ar meet goal __PUNCT__ and which agenc ar just talk about goal __PUNCT__

we need to make certain that good program ar reward __PUNCT__ and that fail program aren't __PUNCT__

onli then can we be certain that discretionari_spend is go where it belong __PUNCT__ to essenti prioriti like job_train __PUNCT__ the care of our veteran __PUNCT__ and the safeti of our citizen in time of emerg __PUNCT__

on of the worst aspect of katrina __PUNCT__ as a measur of emerg __PUNCT__ respons by govern __PUNCT__ is that american ar renown for their ingenu and resourc in a tough spot __PUNCT__

ask the militari historian __PUNCT__ and thei tell you that the abil of american men and women in war to react quickli to crisi __PUNCT__ to think fast and solv ani problem of logist __PUNCT__ ha been on of our greatest asset __PUNCT__

and yet with the except of our coast_guard __PUNCT__ our nation_guard __PUNCT__ reservist __PUNCT__ and other __PUNCT__ these qualiti were hard to find in the respons of feder and state_agenc to an enorm danger that __PUNCT__ as a congression report put it __PUNCT__ wa __PUNCT__ not onli predict __PUNCT__ it wa predict __PUNCT__

there were all those school buss line up in a park_lot __PUNCT__ and no on in author with the sens to us them __PUNCT__

wal __PUNCT__ mart had the ic __PUNCT__ water __PUNCT__ and gener readi __PUNCT__

feder express the plane __PUNCT__ and other compani and group stood readi to help __PUNCT__

but thei were leaderless __PUNCT__

and some of the most inspir work wa done by church and chariti and volunt __PUNCT__ work around fema instead of with it __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ it is not in our power to turn_back hurrican __PUNCT__ but i assur you it is within our power to respond to crisi better than thi __PUNCT__ and i intend to make sure that happen __PUNCT__

we go to clear awai the bureaucrat obstacl to disast respons __PUNCT__ and establish clear __PUNCT__ straight line of commun among feder __PUNCT__ state __PUNCT__ and local agenc __PUNCT__

we go to give first __PUNCT__ respond in our state and citi everi tool thei need to move fast __PUNCT__ work togeth __PUNCT__ and save_live __PUNCT__

we go to give them alli __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ the same_kind of partner who rush to the gulf_coast after katrina but were turn awai or told to wait __PUNCT__

everi emerg oper center will have a unit run by train expert from local_busi __PUNCT__ with the skill and technolog to track asset and send them where thei ar need __PUNCT__ when thei ar need __PUNCT__

at ani given moment __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ fedex __PUNCT__ and wal __PUNCT__ mart can tell you in real_time where a pa ckage is anywher in the world __PUNCT__

but fema __PUNCT__ when it matter most __PUNCT__ often couldn't even locat it own asset or it own peopl __PUNCT__

we go to chang all that __PUNCT__ to make certain that our feder_govern is readi for whatev come __PUNCT__ and that the failur dure katrina ar never repeat __PUNCT__

part of help vulner citi is also help vulner peopl __PUNCT__

it is not enough __PUNCT__ when those who were poor ar left with even less __PUNCT__ to set up trailer __PUNCT__ hand out debit card __PUNCT__ and wish them the best __PUNCT__

these men and women ask more of life than that __PUNCT__

thei have more to offer than that __PUNCT__

and we need polici that give them that __URL__ i wa in the lower ninth_ward todai with the governor __PUNCT__ and it inspir to see the labor and care that is go into the rebuild of that commun __PUNCT__

there mai be some who wonder from afar __PUNCT__ why even bother rebuild part of what wa lost in katrina __PUNCT__ but the peopl who live there in the ninth ward don't feel that wai __PUNCT__

thei ar even hope that life will be better than befor __PUNCT__

and busi like your can help __PUNCT__ by take risk and invest in those veri commun where the harm wa greatest __PUNCT__

thei need job there __PUNCT__ and job_train and good wage __PUNCT__

the busi peopl of new orlean and of thi state can make all the differ in the life of those commun __PUNCT__ and i hope you consid it __PUNCT__

the govern of louisiana is do it part __PUNCT__ with the workforc and tax_polici of gov __PUNCT__ jindal __PUNCT__

and with low_tax tax_polici __PUNCT__ a new approach to job_train __PUNCT__ and a plan of spend restraint in washington __PUNCT__ i assur y ou that more reform ar on the wai if i am given the privileg of serv as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

i am a believ in the good that govern can do in the live of peopl __PUNCT__

i have seen it in my own life __PUNCT__

and you will never hear me speak scornfulli __PUNCT__ as a candid or as presid __PUNCT__ about the institut of govern __PUNCT__ or about the honor of serv in ani posit of public respons __PUNCT__

in all of these reform __PUNCT__ the goal is not to diminish govern but to make it better __PUNCT__

not to derid govern but to restor it good name __PUNCT__

it will be hard_work in washington __PUNCT__ but it is a caus worthi of our best effort __PUNCT__

and if we do it well __PUNCT__ in the right spirit __PUNCT__ then we will final reclaim the confid of the peopl we serv __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__