John McCain

This speech titled 2008.05.15.remarks_at_the_greater_columbus_convention_center_in_columbus_ohio originally had 3322 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

the hectic but repetit routin of presidenti_campaign often seem to consist entir of back and forth charg between candid __PUNCT__ punctuat by photo_op __PUNCT__ debat and the occasion polici speech __PUNCT__ follow by anoth barrag of accus and counter accus __PUNCT__ formul into the soundbit prefer by cabl new produc __PUNCT__

it is a littl hypocrit for candid or report to critic these defici __PUNCT__

thei ar our creation __PUNCT__

campaign and the media collabor as architect of the modern presidenti_campaign __PUNCT__ and we deserv equal blame for the regret we feel from time to time over it less than inspir featur __PUNCT__

voter __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ even in thi revolutionari commun ag __PUNCT__ with it __NUM___hour new cycl __PUNCT__ can be forgiven their uncertainti about what the candid actual hope to achiev if thei have the extraordinari privileg of be elect_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

we spend too littl time and offer too few specif on that most import of question __PUNCT__

we make promis __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ about what kind of polici we would pursu in offic __PUNCT__

but thei often ar obscur __PUNCT__ mischaracter and forgotten in the heat and fog of polit_battl __PUNCT__

next __DATE__ __PUNCT__ the polit_leadership of the unit_state will chang significantli __PUNCT__

it is import that the candid who seek to lead the countri after the bush_administr defin their object and what thei plan to achiev not with vagu languag but with clariti __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ what i want to do todai is take a littl time to describ what i would hope to have achiev at the end of my first term as presid __PUNCT__

i cannot guarante i will have achiev these thing __PUNCT__

i am presumptu enough to think i would be a good presid __PUNCT__ but not so much that i believ i can govern by command __PUNCT__

should i forget that __PUNCT__ congress will __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ hasten to remind me __PUNCT__

the follow ar condit i intend to achiev __PUNCT__

and toward that end __PUNCT__ i will focu all the power of the offic __PUNCT__ everi skill and strength i possess __PUNCT__ and seiz everi opportun to work with member of congress who put the nation_interest ahead of partisanship __PUNCT__ and ani countri in the world that share our hope for a more peac and prosper world __PUNCT__

by __DATE__ america ha welcom home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrif terribl so that america might be secur in her freedom __PUNCT__

the iraq_war ha been won __PUNCT__

iraq is a function democraci __PUNCT__ although still suffer from the linger effect of decad of tyranni and centuri of sectarian tension __PUNCT__

violenc still occur __PUNCT__ but it is spasmod and much reduc __PUNCT__

civil_war ha been prevent __PUNCT__ militia disband __PUNCT__ the iraqi secur_forc is profession and compet __PUNCT__ al_qaeda in iraq ha been defeat __PUNCT__ and the govern of iraq is capabl of impos it author in everi provinc of iraq and defend the integr of it border __PUNCT__

the unit_state maintain a militari_presenc there __PUNCT__ but a much smaller on __PUNCT__ and it doe not plai a direct combat role __PUNCT__

the threat from a resurg taliban in afghanistan ha been greatli reduc but not elimin __PUNCT__

u. __PUNCT__ and nato_forc remain there to help finish the job __PUNCT__ and continu oper against the remnant of al_qaeda __PUNCT__

the govern of pakistan ha cooper with the u. __PUNCT__ in successfulli adapt the counterinsurg tactic that work so well in iraq and afghanistan to it lawless tribal_area where al_qaeda fighter ar base __PUNCT__

the increas in action intellig that the counterinsurg produc led to the captur or death of osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__ and hi chief lieuten __PUNCT__

there is no longer ani place in the world al_qaeda can consid a safe_haven __PUNCT__

increas cooper between the unit_state and it alli in the concert us of militari __PUNCT__ diplomat __PUNCT__ and econom_power and reform in the intellig capabl of the unit_state ha disrupt terrorist network and expos plot around the world __PUNCT__

there still ha not been a major terrorist_attack in the unit_state sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__

the unit state and it alli have made great progress in advanc nuclear secur __PUNCT__

concert action by the great democraci of the world ha persuad a reluct russia and china to cooper in pressur iran to abandon it nuclear ambit __PUNCT__ and north_korea to discontinu it own __PUNCT__

the singl greatest_threat face the west __PUNCT__ the prospect of nuclear materi in the hand of terrorist __PUNCT__ ha been vastli diminish __PUNCT__

the size of the armi and marin_corp ha been significantli increas __PUNCT__ and ar now better equip and train to defend us __PUNCT__

long_overdu reform to the wai we acquir weapon_program __PUNCT__ includ fix price contract __PUNCT__ have creat suffici save to pai for a larger militari __PUNCT__

a substanti_increas in veteran educ benefit and improv in their health_care ha aid recruit and retent __PUNCT__

the strain on the nation_guard and reserv forc ha been reliev __PUNCT__

after effort to pressur the govern in sudan over darfur fail again in the u.n __PUNCT__ secur_council __PUNCT__ the unit_state __PUNCT__ act in concert with a newli form leagu of democraci __PUNCT__ appli stiff diplomat and econom_pressur that caus the govern of sudan to agre to a multin peacekeep forc __PUNCT__ with nato countri provid logist and air support __PUNCT__ to stop the genocid that had made a mockeri of the world repeat declar that we would __PUNCT__ never again __PUNCT__ toler such inhuman __PUNCT__

encourag by the success __PUNCT__ the leagu is now occupi with us the econom_power and prestig of it member_state to end other gross abus of human right such as the despic crime of human traffick __PUNCT__

the unit_state ha experienc sever year of robust econom_growth __PUNCT__ and american again have confid in their econom_futur __PUNCT__

a reduct in the corpor_tax tax_rate from the second highest in the world to on on par with our trade_partner __PUNCT__ the low_rate on capit_gain __PUNCT__ allow busi to deduct in a singl year invest in equip and technolog __PUNCT__ while elimin tax loophol and end corpor_welfar __PUNCT__ have spur innov and product __PUNCT__ and encourag compani to keep their oper and job in the unit_state __PUNCT__

the altern minimum tax is be phase out __PUNCT__ with relief provid first to middl incom_famili __PUNCT__

doubl the size of the child exempt ha put more dispos_incom in the hand of taxpay __PUNCT__ further stimul growth __PUNCT__

congress ha just pass by a singl up or down vote a tax_reform propos that offer american a choic of continu to file under the rule of the current complic and burdensom tax_code or us a new __PUNCT__ simpler __PUNCT__ fairer and flatter tax __PUNCT__ with two rate and a gener deduct __PUNCT__

million of taxpay ar expect to file under the flat_tax __PUNCT__ and save billion in the cost of prepar their return __PUNCT__

after exercis my veto sever time in my first year in offic __PUNCT__ congress ha not sent me an appropri bill contain earmark for the last three year __PUNCT__

a top to bottom review of everi feder_bureaucraci ha yield great reduct in govern_spend by identifi program that serv no import purpos __PUNCT__ and instig far reach reform of procur and oper polici that have for too long extravagantli wast monei for no better purpos than to increas feder payrol __PUNCT__

new free_trade_agreement have been ratifi and led to substanti_increas in both export and import __PUNCT__

the result growth in prosper in countri from south_america to asia to africa ha greatli strengthen america_secur and the global progress of our polit ideal __PUNCT__

u. __PUNCT__ tariff on agricultur import have been elimin and unneed farm_subsidi ar be phase out __PUNCT__

the world_food food_crisi ha end __PUNCT__ inflat is low __PUNCT__ and the qualiti of life not onli in our countri __PUNCT__ but in some of the most impoverish countri around the world is much improv __PUNCT__

american __PUNCT__ who through no fault of their own __PUNCT__ lost job in the global_economi thei onc believ were their for life __PUNCT__ ar assist by reform unemploy_insur and worker retrain program __PUNCT__

older worker who accept lower_pai pai_job while thei acquir new skill ar provid assist to make up a good_part of the incom thei have lost __PUNCT__

commun_colleg and technic school all over the countri have develop worker retrain program suit to the specif econom_opportun avail in their commun and ar help million of worker who have lost a job that won't come back find a new on that won't go awai __PUNCT__

public_educ in the unit_state is much improv thank to the competit provid by charter and privat_school __PUNCT__ the increas of qualiti teacher through incent like merit_pai and terrif program that attract to the classroom enthusiast and innov teacher from mani disciplin __PUNCT__ like teach for america and troop to teacher __PUNCT__

educ softwar and onlin teach program endors by qualifi non profit ar much more wide in us __PUNCT__ bring to the smallest classroom in america some of the greatest math __PUNCT__ english __PUNCT__ and scienc_teacher in the countri __PUNCT__

thi revolut in teach method ha especi benefit rural_america __PUNCT__

test_score and graduat_rate ar rise everywher in the countri __PUNCT__

health_care ha becom more access to more american than at ani other time in histori __PUNCT__

reform of the insur_market __PUNCT__ put the choic of health_care into the hand of american_famili rather than exclus with the govern or employ __PUNCT__ walk in clinic as altern to emerg_room care __PUNCT__ pai for outcom in the treatment of diseas rather than individu procedur __PUNCT__ and competit in the prescript_drug market have begun to wring out the runawai inflat onc endem in our health_care_system __PUNCT__

more small_busi offer their employe health_plan __PUNCT__

school have greatli improv their emphasi on physic educ and nutrit content of meal offer in school cafeteria __PUNCT__

obes rate among the young and the diseas thei engend ar stabil and begin to declin __PUNCT__

the feder_govern and state have cooper in establish backstop insur pool that provid coverag to peopl hard press to find insur elsewher becaus of pre __PUNCT__ exist ill __PUNCT__

the reduct in the growth of health_care_cost ha begun to reliev some of the pressur on medicar __PUNCT__ encourag congress to act in a bipartisan wai to extend it solvenc for twenti __PUNCT__ five year without increas_tax and rais premium onli for upper incom senior __PUNCT__

their success encourag a group of congression_leader from both parti to work with my administr to fix social_secur as well __PUNCT__ without reduc benefit to those near retir __PUNCT__

the reform includ some form of person retir_account in safe and reliabl index fund __PUNCT__ such as have been avail to govern_employe sinc their retir_plan were made solvent a quarter_centuri centuri_ago __PUNCT__

the unit_state is well on the wai to independ from foreign sourc of oil __PUNCT__ progress that ha not onli begun to allevi the environment threat pose from climat chang __PUNCT__ but ha greatli improv our secur as well __PUNCT__

a cap and trade_system ha been implement __PUNCT__ spur great innov in the develop of green_technolog and altern_energi energi_sourc __PUNCT__

clean_coal technolog ha advanc consider with feder assist __PUNCT__

construct ha begun on twenti new nuclear_reactor thank to improv incent and a streamlin regulatori process __PUNCT__

score of judg have been confirm to the feder_district and appel_court __PUNCT__ includ the u. __PUNCT__ suprem_court __PUNCT__ who understand that thei were not sent there to write our law but to enforc them and make sure thei ar consist with the constitut __PUNCT__

thei ar judg of except charact and qualiti __PUNCT__ who enforc and do not make_law __PUNCT__ and who respect the valu of the peopl whose right __PUNCT__ law and properti thei ar sworn to defend __PUNCT__

border_state governor have certifi and the american_peopl recogn that after tremend improv to border_secur infrastructur and increas in the border_patrol __PUNCT__ and vigor prosecut of compani that emploi illeg_alien __PUNCT__ our southern_border is now secur __PUNCT__

illeg_immigr who broke our law after thei came here have been arrest and deport __PUNCT__

illeg immigr ha been final brought under control __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl accept the practic necess to institut a temporari_worker worker_program and deal human with the million of immigr who have been in thi countri_illeg __PUNCT__

voluntari nation_servic ha grown in popular in part becaus of the educ benefit us as incent __PUNCT__ as well as frequent appeal from the bulli pulpit of the white_hous __PUNCT__ but mostli becaus the young_american __PUNCT__ no less than earlier_gener __PUNCT__ understand that true happi is much greater than the pursuit of pleasur __PUNCT__ and can onli be found by serv caus greater than self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__

score of accomplish privat_sector leader have join the rank of my administr for a dollar a year and have institut some of the most innov reform of govern_program ever known __PUNCT__ often in partnership with will privat_sector partner __PUNCT__

a sens of commun __PUNCT__ a kinship of ideal __PUNCT__ ha invigor public_servic again __PUNCT__

thi is the progress i want us to achiev dure my presid __PUNCT__

these ar the chang i am run for presid to make __PUNCT__

i want to leav_offic know that america is safer __PUNCT__ freer __PUNCT__ and wealthier than when i wa elect __PUNCT__ that more american have more opportun to pursu their dream than at ani other time in our histori __PUNCT__ that the world ha becom less threaten to our interest and more hospit to our valu __PUNCT__ and that america ha again __PUNCT__ as she alwai ha __PUNCT__ chosen not to hide from histori but to make histori __PUNCT__

i am well awar i cannot make ani of these chang alon __PUNCT__

the power of the presid ar rightli check by the other branch of govern __PUNCT__ and i will not attempt to acquir power our founder saw fit to grant congress __PUNCT__

i will exercis my veto if i believ legisl_pass by congress is not in the nation best interest __PUNCT__ but i will not subvert the purpos of legisl i have sign by make statement that indic i will enforc onli the part of it i like __PUNCT__

i will respect the respons the constitut and the american_peopl have grant congress __PUNCT__ and will __PUNCT__ as i often have in the past __PUNCT__ work with anyon of either parti to get thing done for our countri __PUNCT__

for too long __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ washington ha been consum by a hyper __PUNCT__ partisanship that treat everi seriou challeng_face us as an opportun to trade insult __PUNCT__ disparag each other motiv __PUNCT__ and fight about the next elect __PUNCT__

for all the problem we face __PUNCT__ if you ask american what frustrat them most about washington __PUNCT__ thei will tell you thei don't think we capabl of serv the public_interest befor our person and partisan ambit __PUNCT__ that we fight for ourselv and not for them __PUNCT__

american ar sick of it __PUNCT__ and thei have everi right to be __PUNCT__

thei ar sick of the polit of selfish __PUNCT__ stalem and delai __PUNCT__

thei despair when everi elect __PUNCT__ no matter who win __PUNCT__ alwai seem to produc four more year of unkept promis and a govern that is just a battleground for the next elect __PUNCT__

their patienc is at an end for politician who valu ambit over principl __PUNCT__ and for partisanship that is less a contest of id as than an uncivil brawl over the spoil of power __PUNCT__

thei want to chang not onli the polici and institut that have fail the american_peopl __PUNCT__ but the polit_cultur that produc them __PUNCT__

thei want to move thi countri forward and stake our claim on thi centuri as we did in the last __PUNCT__

and thei want their govern to care more about them than preserv the privileg of the power __PUNCT__

there ar seriou issu at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__ and seriou differ between the candid __PUNCT__

and we will argu about them __PUNCT__ as we should __PUNCT__

but it should remain an argument among friend __PUNCT__ each of us struggl to hear our conscienc __PUNCT__ and heed it demand __PUNCT__ each of us __PUNCT__ despit our differ __PUNCT__ unit in our great caus __PUNCT__ and respect of the good in each other __PUNCT__

that is how most american treat each other __PUNCT__

and it is how thei want the peopl thei elect to offic to treat each other __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will work with anyon who sincer want to get thi countri move again __PUNCT__

i will listen to ani idea that is offer in good_faith and intend to help solv our problem __PUNCT__ not make them wors __PUNCT__

i will seek the counsel of member of congress from both parti in form govern_polici befor i ask them to support it __PUNCT__

i will ask democrat to serv in my administr __PUNCT__

my administr will set a new standard for transpar and account __PUNCT__

i will hold weekli press_confer __PUNCT__

i will regularli brief the american_peopl on the progress our polici have made and the setback we have encount __PUNCT__

when we make error __PUNCT__ i will confess them readili __PUNCT__ and explain what we intend to do to correct them __PUNCT__

i will ask congress to grant me the privileg of come befor both hous to take question __PUNCT__ and address critic __PUNCT__ much the same as the prime_minist of great_britain appear regularli befor the hous of common __PUNCT__

we cannot again leav our problem for anoth unlucki gener of american to fix after thei have becom even harder to solv __PUNCT__

i not interest in partisanship that serv no other purpos than to gain a temporari advantag over our oppon __PUNCT__

thi mindless __PUNCT__ paralyz rancor must come to an end __PUNCT__

we belong to differ parti __PUNCT__ not differ countri __PUNCT__

we ar rival for the same power __PUNCT__

but we ar also compatriot __PUNCT__

we ar fellow_american __PUNCT__ and that share distinct mean more to me than ani other associ __PUNCT__

i intend to prove myself worthi of the offic __PUNCT__ of our countri __PUNCT__ and of your respect __PUNCT__

i won't judg myself by how mani elect i won __PUNCT__

i won't spend on hour of my presid worri more about my re __PUNCT__ elect than keep my promis to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

there is a time to campaign __PUNCT__ and a time to govern __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ the era of the perman campaign will end __PUNCT__

the era of problem_solv will begin __PUNCT__

i promis you __PUNCT__ from the dai i am sworn into offic until the last hour of my presid __PUNCT__ i will work with anyon __PUNCT__ of either parti __PUNCT__ to make thi countri safe __PUNCT__ prosper and proud __PUNCT__

and i won't care who get the credit __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__