John McCain

This speech titled 2008.05.19.remarks_to_the_national_restaurant_association_in_chicago_illinois originally had 3241 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i appreci the hospit of the nation restaur associ and of the citi of chicago __PUNCT__

consid that both of my prospect oppon call thi citi their home town __PUNCT__ i receiv a veri warm welcom here __PUNCT__

mani democrat_voter in illinoi ar especi proud of their junior senat __PUNCT__

thei believ more than ever that barack_obama wa the right choic for the senat in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i couldn't agre more __PUNCT__ and i promis to do everyth in my power to help him finish hi first term in the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

whoever win the nomin of the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ that candid and i have some seriou debat ahead of us __PUNCT__

some of our sharpest disagr concern the american_economi and how best to help american_worker __PUNCT__

on tax_polici __PUNCT__ health __PUNCT__ care_reform __PUNCT__ trade __PUNCT__ govern_spend __PUNCT__ and a long_list of other issu __PUNCT__ we offer veri differ choic to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

the nomine of each parti have an oblig to make those choic clear to the american peopl __PUNCT__ in civil and candid debat between now and the fourth of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

and i suggest we start sooner rather than later __PUNCT__

for their part __PUNCT__ senat_obama and senat_clinton agre on so much in econom_polici that it not alwai clear what the big argument is about in their parti __PUNCT__

the sale_pitch ar differ __PUNCT__ but in both case we end up with the same packag of more feder_tax __PUNCT__ more feder_regul __PUNCT__ more govern_control of the economi __PUNCT__ and more govern_spend __PUNCT__

the contest goe on in the democrat_parti __PUNCT__

but their econom debat wa pretti much over befor the first primari vote had been cast __PUNCT__

in case you miss it __PUNCT__ senat_clinton and senat_obama have agre to rais your tax __PUNCT__ to regul your busi more than ever __PUNCT__ and to spend more of your monei in washington __PUNCT__

that their idea of __PUNCT__ chang __PUNCT__ but it sure sound_familiar to me __PUNCT__

i propos to bring some veri differ idea to the presid __PUNCT__

and now the real debat can begin about how to promot a strong and grow economi __PUNCT__ an economi that creat_job __PUNCT__ increas wage __PUNCT__ and help american_worker to compet with rival in ani market in the world __PUNCT__

you in the restaur and hospit industri know a thing or two about competit and job_creation __PUNCT__

you and entrepreneur like you have creat___NUM__ __NUM___million of them __PUNCT__ and in a strong economi your industri would like creat anoth two million_job over the next decad __PUNCT__

but mani of those new plan and new job will depend on the choic we make in washington __PUNCT__

and the realiti is that my oppon and i would choos veri differ polici __PUNCT__ with veri differ consequ for american_worker __PUNCT__

in econom_polici __PUNCT__ the disagr can be plainli state __PUNCT__

the democrat_nomine will allow mani of the current low_tax tax_rate to expir __PUNCT__ effect impos __PUNCT__ overnight __PUNCT__ a tax_increas of more than a trillion_dollar over the next ten_year __PUNCT__

in other word __PUNCT__ while your industri is plan to creat two million_job over the next decad __PUNCT__ thei plan to tax american by anoth trillion_dollar or more __PUNCT__

but your plan for growth and their plan for tax ar go to be hard to squar __PUNCT__ becaus you can't rais_tax by a trillion_dollar without hurt american_worker __PUNCT__

that true in your industri and in everi other __PUNCT__

and that is why i propos to follow a differ cours __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will keep the current low_tax tax_rate __PUNCT__ and i will leav that trillion_dollar and more with the million of american who earn it __PUNCT__

under the variou tax_plan of both democrat_candid __PUNCT__ parent __PUNCT__ senior __PUNCT__ small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ and american of everi background would pai thousand of dollar in new tax everi year __PUNCT__

but under my tax_plan __PUNCT__ that not go to happen either __PUNCT__

what more __PUNCT__ we go to doubl the size of the child tax exempt __PUNCT__ so that mom and dad can spend and save more for their own children __PUNCT__

we go to phase out the altern minimum tax __PUNCT__ which these dai seem more like an altern maximum tax to the million of famili it affect __PUNCT__

we go to offer america an altern tax_system __PUNCT__ with two rate and a gener deduct __PUNCT__ so that anyon who want to can file under a new tax_code that is simpler __PUNCT__ flatter __PUNCT__ and fair __PUNCT__

we go to offer everi individu and famili in america a larg tax_credit to bui their health_care __PUNCT__ so that their health_insur is their to keep even when thei move or chang job __PUNCT__

and we go to keep the low_rate on capit_gain __PUNCT__ so that busi like your can expand and creat_job instead of just send more of your earn to the govern __PUNCT__

seriou reform is also need to help american_compani compet in the world_economi __PUNCT__

i have propos a reduct in the corpor_tax tax_rate from the second highest in the world to on on par with our trade_partner __PUNCT__ and thi pro __PUNCT__ growth measur is just a start __PUNCT__

on of the most crucial econom_issu in thi campaign is the abil of american_worker to benefit from export to other nation __PUNCT__ and how govern_polici can help them to do so __PUNCT__

and here __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ i welcom the debat with the democrat_nomine __PUNCT__

american_worker make and sell about __NUM___billion billion_dollar worth of heavi machineri to other countri everi year __PUNCT__

our compani export more than __NUM___billion billion_dollar worth of aircraft and part __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___billion billion_dollar worth of electr machineri and equip __PUNCT__ __NUM___billion billion_dollar in car __PUNCT__ truck __PUNCT__ and other vehicl __PUNCT__

in all __PUNCT__ on of everi five american_job depend on factori export __PUNCT__

and you find a lot of those job right here in illinoi __PUNCT__ like the worker who made the __NUM___billion billion_dollar worth of good that thi state alon export last year __PUNCT__

trade offer new opportun and higher_wage to worker like those at the boe and caterpillar plant here in chicago __PUNCT__ who sell their materi and technolog across the world __PUNCT__

trade is good for small_busi __PUNCT__ like the bison gear and engin compani in nearbi st __PUNCT__ charl __PUNCT__ which ha ad fifti new job just sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

all of these benefit ar real and thei ar last __PUNCT__ to our own worker and to worker and entrepreneur abroad __PUNCT__

yet our success in trade with other nation will be incomplet __PUNCT__ and even a littl hollow __PUNCT__ unless everi displac worker get a second chanc and the train and educ thei need __PUNCT__

there ar vast benefit of a global marketplac __PUNCT__ but thei come at a cost for mani __PUNCT__ and we have an oblig to help our worker receiv the train thei need when plant_close and job ar lost __PUNCT__

it not enough to go on and on prais and celebr the benefit of the global_economi __PUNCT__ as some economist tend to do __PUNCT__ and then treat displac worker almost as an afterthought __PUNCT__

it is not enough to keep offer employ program design for the problem of the __NUM__ __PUNCT__

we have to help displac worker at everi turn on a tough road __PUNCT__ so that thei ar not just spectat on the opportun of other __PUNCT__

and i have made that commit with reform to expand and improv feder_aid to american_worker in need __PUNCT__

we need to help million of worker who have lost a job that won't come back find a new on that won't go awai __PUNCT__

as american_compani invest abroad __PUNCT__ we need to invest in our own countri and in our own worker __PUNCT__

our govern also need to protect the interest and safeti of consum __PUNCT__ by hold everi nation we trade with to the commit thei have made under the agreement we have sign __PUNCT__

for hi part __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha a habit of talk down the valu of our export and trade_agreement __PUNCT__

he even propos a unilater re __PUNCT__ negoti of nafta __PUNCT__ our agreement with canada and mexico that account for __NUM__ percent of american export __PUNCT__ and __NUM___billion billion_dollar __PUNCT__ worth of export last year just for illinoi __PUNCT__

as you mai recal __PUNCT__ the senat senior econom advisor told a repres of canada to pai no attent to thi anti __PUNCT__ trade rhetor from senat_obama __PUNCT__ it wa all just __PUNCT__ polit_posit __PUNCT__ for the primari elect __PUNCT__

but for those of us who were pai_attent __PUNCT__ what we heard wa not impress __PUNCT__

it wa bad judgment and a bit inconsist __PUNCT__

senat_obama is fond of scold other for engag in the __PUNCT__ old __PUNCT__ style polit __PUNCT__ but when he plai on fear of foreign trade he resort to the oldest kind of polit there is __PUNCT__

it the kind of polit that exploit problem instead of s olv them __PUNCT__ that breed resent instead of opportun __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ thi countri will honor it intern agreement __PUNCT__ includ nafta __PUNCT__ and we will expect the same of other __PUNCT__

and in a time of uncertainti for american_worker __PUNCT__ we will not undo the gain of year in trade_agreement now await final approv __PUNCT__

on of these is a trade agreement that america ha negoti with colombia __PUNCT__

it be held up in the senat right now __PUNCT__ in part through the effort of senat_obama __PUNCT__

american export now pai an extra __MONEY___million in tariff each dai becaus we don't have a complet trade_agreement __PUNCT__

these export includ illinoi compani that last year sold more than __NUM___million million_dollar in good to colombia __PUNCT__

as if the econom stake weren't high enough __PUNCT__ colombia is also a friend and crucial democrat alli of our countri __PUNCT__

the stabil of colombia is more critic than ever as other in the region seek to turn latin_america awai from democraci and awai from our countri __PUNCT__

trade serv all of these nation_interest __PUNCT__ and the interest of the american_economi as well __PUNCT__

the on thing it doesn't serv just now ar the polit interest of democrat_candid __PUNCT__

and so a vital trade_agreement with a vital alli in latin am erica ha been tabl __PUNCT__ at least until elect_dai __PUNCT__

it a similar stori with a trade pact our nation ha negoti with south_korea __PUNCT__

senat_obama obama_call that agreement __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ bad for american_worker __PUNCT__ never mind the worker right here in illinoi who made the __NUM___million million_dollar in good export to korea last year __PUNCT__

and he doesn't have much at all to sai about the profound strateg import of our relationship with south_korea __PUNCT__ or how that partnership in a danger part of the world could be harm by cast asid our trade_agreement with south_korea __PUNCT__

here is a faith alli of more than fifti_year __PUNCT__ stand __PUNCT__ an alli that deploi the third __PUNCT__ largest conting of troop to iraq __PUNCT__ and ha help us in the rebuild of afghanistan as well __PUNCT__

south_korea is a democraci of __NUM___million_peopl __PUNCT__ the __NUM__ largest_economi in the world __PUNCT__ and right next door to on of the most danger regim on earth __PUNCT__

the unit_state is count on the help of south_korea in matter of great import to the peac of the world __PUNCT__ and south korea is count on us __PUNCT__

yet even here __PUNCT__ where so much ride on the trust and good relat between nation __PUNCT__ we see the interest of a valuabl alli sacrif to partisan_polit __PUNCT__

for ani trade_agreement to work __PUNCT__ there must be good_faith on both side __PUNCT__ and enforc in both the letter and spirit of the treati we ratifi __PUNCT__

and the good that trade_agreement offer to other nation __PUNCT__ from south_america to asia to africa __PUNCT__ come back to us mani time over __PUNCT__ not onli in job and prosper but in greater secur for america __PUNCT__

yet sometim we in washington have to confront blind_spot of our own that interfer with the success of trade __PUNCT__ in wai harm to ourselv and well as other __PUNCT__

and last week __PUNCT__ in the busi of the senat __PUNCT__ we saw thi problem onc again in the form of a farm bill cost roughli___NUM__ __NUM___billion billion_dollar __PUNCT__

i sai __PUNCT__ roughli __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi is quit sure what the thing will cost __PUNCT__ even the peopl who stuf it with hundr of page of subsidi and tax_break __PUNCT__

it is a longstand goal of american trade_polici __PUNCT__ and a goal i share __PUNCT__ to open foreign market across the world to american_farmer __PUNCT__

but the biggest obstacl is not to be found in ani foreign market __PUNCT__ or in the polici of ani other govern __PUNCT__

it right there in the congress of the unit_state __PUNCT__ in the billion of dollar in subsidi serv up everi five year to corpor farmer __PUNCT__

the origin idea wa to provid a buffer to small_farmer in tough_time and to assur a stabl suppli of food for our countri __PUNCT__

but nowadai __PUNCT__ the small_farmer have been forgotten __PUNCT__ and instead the congress send a steadi suppli of subsidi to agribusi __PUNCT__

it would be hard to find ani singl bill that better sum up why so mani american in both parti ar so disappoint in the conduct of their govern __PUNCT__ and at time so disgust by it __PUNCT__

here we ar at a time when food_price ar at histor high __PUNCT__ and farm incom is up by __NUM__ percent in just the past two year __PUNCT__

yet even now __PUNCT__ the congress ha vote to give billion of dollar in subsidi to some of the biggest and richest agribusi corpor in america __PUNCT__ mani of which ar heavi polit contributor to member in both parti __PUNCT__

even as american_worker and taxpay struggl to bui_food __PUNCT__ becaus of rise_price __PUNCT__ the congress refus to place real limit on farm_subsidi __PUNCT__

most of the subsidi ar go to larg commerci farm with an averag_incom of two __PUNCT__ hundr_thousand thousand_dollar __PUNCT__ and an averag net_worth of two million_dollar __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ along with the subsidi come the usual harvest of tax_break __PUNCT__ bailout __PUNCT__ and other form of corpor_welfar __PUNCT__

to take just a few exampl __PUNCT__ the thoroughbr industri hit it big thi year with __NUM___million in tax_break for race hors __PUNCT__

the timber industri made off with __NUM___million million_dollar in tax_break __PUNCT__

and then there a compani that describ itself as __PUNCT__ the largest and most geograph divers land owner in the nation __PUNCT__

that doesn't sound like a hardship case to me __PUNCT__

but the congress ha just vote to give that same compani __NUM___million million_dollar in public_monei __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ when both parti in the hous and senat carri on like thi __PUNCT__ and show such incred disregard for the public_treasuri and for the public_interest __PUNCT__ there is onli on proper respons __PUNCT__ and that is a presidenti veto __PUNCT__

that is exactli what i would do as presid __PUNCT__ regardless of the vote count __PUNCT__

i would veto that bill __PUNCT__ and all other like it that serv onli the caus of special_interest and corpor_welfar __PUNCT__

and i would take my case to the american_peopl themselv __PUNCT__

lost in all of thi deal __PUNCT__ make and monei __PUNCT__ grab in washington is not onli the common_good in our own countri __PUNCT__ but a concern for other peopl across the world __PUNCT__ peopl who look to us for an exampl of fair and honesti __PUNCT__

when the unit_state and europ subsid our biggest agricultur produc __PUNCT__ we distort global price and we hurt the world_poorest farmer in africa and elsewher __PUNCT__

these men and women wonder how our govern can live with such polici __PUNCT__ even at the expens of our own citizen __PUNCT__

thei believ that our massiv subsidi to american produc ar a form of protection __PUNCT__ help alreadi rich compani at the expens of peopl and nation in need __PUNCT__

thei think that these corpor subsidi ar inconsist with our own standard and ideal __PUNCT__ and with the good heart of america __PUNCT__

and my friend __PUNCT__ thei ar right __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will seek an end to all agricultur tariff __PUNCT__ and to all farm_subsidi that ar not base on clear need __PUNCT__

i will veto ani bill contain special __PUNCT__ interest favor and corpor_welfar in ani form __PUNCT__

we go to base our farm polici on the common_good __PUNCT__ with polici that help our small_farmer to succe __PUNCT__ and our rural_commun to surviv and flourish onc again __PUNCT__

we go to help american produc larg and small to compet in foreign market __PUNCT__ becaus we know thei ar up to the challeng __PUNCT__ without need of unfair advantag and billion __PUNCT__ dollar favor __PUNCT__

we go to help develop_countri in everi wai we can __PUNCT__ by share our technolog __PUNCT__ by support micro __PUNCT__ credit bank program in africa and elsewher __PUNCT__ and abov all by set an exampl of fair_deal with other nation __PUNCT__

these ar among the mani seriou issu at stake in the elect of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

there ar seriou differ between my oppon and me __PUNCT__ and especi about the proper_role of govern in a time of econom_hardship and uncertainti __PUNCT__

and yet for all those differ __PUNCT__ i seek the presid as a believ in the good that govern can do in the live of peopl __PUNCT__

i have seen it in my own life __PUNCT__

and you will never hear me speak scornfulli __PUNCT__ as a candid or as presid __PUNCT__ about the institut of govern __PUNCT__ or about the honor of serv in ani posit of public respons __PUNCT__

in all of my reform __PUNCT__ the goal is not to denigr govern but to make it better __PUNCT__ not to derid govern but to restor it good name __PUNCT__

it will be hard_work in washington __PUNCT__ but it is a caus worthi of our best effort __PUNCT__

and if we do it well __PUNCT__ in the right spirit __PUNCT__ then we will final reclaim the confid of the peopl we serv __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__