John McCain

This speech titled 2008.05.27.remarks_at_the_university_of_denver originally had 3062 tokens. You can view the original text here.

for much of our histori __PUNCT__ the world consid the unit_state a young countri __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we ar the world_oldest constitut democraci __PUNCT__ yet we remain a young nation __PUNCT__

we still possess the attribut of youth __PUNCT__ spirit __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ vital __PUNCT__ and creativ __PUNCT__

america will alwai be young as long as we ar look forward __PUNCT__ and lead __PUNCT__ to a better world __PUNCT__

innov and energet american leadership is as vital to the world futur todai as it wa dure the cold_war __PUNCT__

i have spent my life in public_servic work to ensur our great_nation is strong enough to counter those who wish us ill __PUNCT__

to be an effect leader in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ it is not enough to be strong __PUNCT__

we must be a model for other __PUNCT__

that mean not onli pursu our own interest but recogn that we share interest with peopl across our planet __PUNCT__

there is such a thing as good intern citizenship __PUNCT__ and america must be a good citizen of the world __PUNCT__ lead the wai to address the danger of global_warm and preserv our environ __PUNCT__ strengthen exist intern_institut and help to build new on __PUNCT__ and engag the world in a broad dialogu on the threat of violent extremist __PUNCT__ who would __PUNCT__ if thei could __PUNCT__ us weapon of mass_destruct to attack us and our alli __PUNCT__

todai we also need to appli our spirit of optim __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ and innov to a crisi that ha been build for decad but is now come to a head __PUNCT__ the global spread of nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

forti __PUNCT__ five year_ago __PUNCT__ presid_john f __PUNCT__ kennedi ask the american_peopl to imagin what the world would look like if nuclear_weapon spread beyond the few power that then held them to the mani other nation that sought them __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ stop and think for a moment __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ what it would mean to have nuclear weapon in so mani hand __PUNCT__ in the hand of countri larg and small __PUNCT__ stabl and unstabl __PUNCT__ respons and irrespons __PUNCT__ scatter throughout the world __PUNCT__

if that happen __PUNCT__ he warn __PUNCT__ there would be no rest for anyon __PUNCT__

kennedi warn reson more todai than ever befor __PUNCT__

north_korea pursu a nuclear_weapon weapon_program to the point where __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ the dictat kim jong __PUNCT__ il ha test a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ and almost certainli possess sever more nuclear warhead __PUNCT__

and it ha share it nuclear and missil know __PUNCT__ how with other __PUNCT__ includ syria __PUNCT__

it is a vital nation_interest for the north_korean nuclear_program to be complet __PUNCT__ verifi and irrevers end __PUNCT__

likewis __PUNCT__ we have seen iran march with singl __PUNCT__ mind determin toward the same goal __PUNCT__

presid ahmadinejad ha threaten to wipe israel off the face of the earth __PUNCT__ and repres a threat to everi countri in the region __PUNCT__ on we cannot ignor or minim __PUNCT__

other nation have begun to wonder whether thei __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ need to have such weapon __PUNCT__ if onli in self __PUNCT__ defens __PUNCT__

as a result __PUNCT__ we could find ourselv in a world where a dozen or more nation __PUNCT__ small and larg __PUNCT__ stabl and unstabl __PUNCT__ respons and irrespons __PUNCT__ have viabl nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__

but there is a flip_side to presid_kennedi warn __PUNCT__

we should stop and think for a moment not onli of the peril of a world awash with nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ but also of the more hope altern __PUNCT__ a world in which there ar far fewer such weapon than there ar todai __PUNCT__ and in which prolifer __PUNCT__ instabl __PUNCT__ and nuclear terror ar far less like __PUNCT__

thi is the world it is our respons to build __PUNCT__

there is no simpl answer to the problem __PUNCT__

if you look back over the past two decad __PUNCT__ i don't think ani of us __PUNCT__ republican or democrat __PUNCT__ can take much satisfact in what we accomplish to control nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ some peopl seem to think thei discov a brand new caus __PUNCT__ someth no on befor them ever thought of __PUNCT__

mani believ all we need to do to end the nuclear_program of hostil govern is have our presid talk with leader in pyongyang and tehran __PUNCT__ as if we haven't tri talk to these govern repeatedli over the past two decad __PUNCT__

other think militari_action alon can achiev our goal __PUNCT__ as if militari action were not fraught with their own terribl risk __PUNCT__

while the us of forc mai be necessari __PUNCT__ it can onli be as a last resort not a first step __PUNCT__

the truth is we will onli address the terribl prospect of the worldwid spread of nuclear arm if we transcend our partisan differ __PUNCT__ combin our energi __PUNCT__ learn from our past mistak __PUNCT__ and seek practic and effect solut __PUNCT__

i like to suggest some step we should take to chart a common vision for the futur __PUNCT__

it is a vision in which the unit_state return to a tradit of innov think __PUNCT__ broad __PUNCT__ mind internation __PUNCT__ and determin diplomaci __PUNCT__ back by america_great and endur power to lead __PUNCT__

it is a vision not of the unit_state act alon __PUNCT__ but build and particip in a commun of nation all drawn togeth in thi vital common_purpos __PUNCT__

it is a vision of a respons america __PUNCT__ dedic to an endur peac base on freedom __PUNCT__

a quarter of a centuri_ago __PUNCT__ presid_ronald ronald_reagan declar __PUNCT__ our dream is to see the dai when nuclear_weapon will be banish from the face of the earth __PUNCT__

that is my dream __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

it is a distant and difficult goal __PUNCT__

and we must proce toward it prudent and pragmat __PUNCT__ and with a focus concern for our secur and the secur of alli who depend on us __PUNCT__

but the cold_war war_end almost twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ and the time ha come to take further measur to reduc dramat the number of nuclear_weapon in the world arsen __PUNCT__

it is time for the unit_state to show the kind of leadership the world expect from us __PUNCT__ in the tradit of american_presid who work to reduc the nuclear threat to mankind __PUNCT__

our highest prioriti must be to reduc the danger that nuclear_weapon will ever be us __PUNCT__

such weapon __PUNCT__ while still import to deter an attack with weapon of mass_destruct against us and our alli __PUNCT__ repres the most abhorr and indiscrimin form of warfar known to man __PUNCT__

we do __PUNCT__ quit liter __PUNCT__ possess the mean to destroi all of mankind __PUNCT__

we must seek to do all we can to ensur that nuclear_weapon will never again be us __PUNCT__

while work_close with alli who reli on our nuclear umbrella for their secur __PUNCT__ i would ask the joint_chief of staff to engag in a comprehens review of all aspect of our nuclear strategi and polici __PUNCT__

i would keep an open mind on all respons propos __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ we must continu to deploi a safe and reliabl nuclear deterr __PUNCT__ robust missil_defens and superior convent forc that ar capabl of defend the unit_state and our alli __PUNCT__

but i will seek to reduc the size of our nuclear_arsen to the lowest number possibl consist with our secur requir and global commit __PUNCT__

todai we deploi thousand of nuclear warhead __PUNCT__

it is my hope to move as rapidli as possibl to a significantli smaller forc __PUNCT__

while we have seriou differ __PUNCT__ with the end of the cold_war __PUNCT__ russia and the unit_state ar no longer mortal enemi __PUNCT__

as our two countri possess the overwhelm_major of the world nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ we have a special respons to reduc their number __PUNCT__

i believ we should reduc our nuclear forc to the lowest_level we judg necessari __PUNCT__ and we should be prepar to enter into a new arm control agreement with russia reflect the nuclear reduct i will seek __PUNCT__

further __PUNCT__ we should be abl to agre with russia on bind verif measur base on those current in effect under the start agreement __PUNCT__ to enhanc confid and transpar __PUNCT__

in close consult with our alli __PUNCT__ i would also like to explor wai we and russia can reduc __PUNCT__ and hopefulli elimin __PUNCT__ deploy of tactic nuclear_weapon in europ __PUNCT__

i also believ we should work with russia to build confid in our missil_defens program __PUNCT__ includ through such initi as the share of earli warn data and prior notif of missil launch __PUNCT__

there ar other area in which we can work in partnership with russia to strengthen protect against weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__

i would serious consid russia recent propos to work togeth to global the intermedi rang nuclear forc treati __PUNCT__

i would also redoubl our common effort to reduc the risk that nuclear __PUNCT__ chemic __PUNCT__ or biolog_weapon mai fall into the hand of terrorist or unfriendli govern __PUNCT__

i believ we should also begin a dialogu with china on strateg and nuclear issu __PUNCT__

we have import share interest with china and should begin discuss wai to achiev the greatest possibl transpar and cooper on nuclear forc structur and doctrin __PUNCT__

we should work with china to encourag conform with the practic of the other four nuclear_weapon state recogn in the non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati __PUNCT__ includ work toward nuclear_arsen reduct and toward a moratorium on the product of addit fissil_materi __PUNCT__

i believ we must also address nuclear_test __PUNCT__

as presid i will pledg to continu america current moratorium on test __PUNCT__ but also begin a dialogu with our alli __PUNCT__ and with the u. __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ to identifi wai we can move_forward to limit test in a verifi manner that doe not undermin the secur or viabil of our nuclear deterr __PUNCT__

thi would includ take anoth look at the comprehens test ban treati to see what can be done to overcom the shortcom that prevent it from enter into forc __PUNCT__

i oppos that treati in __NUM__ but said at the time i would keep an open mind about futur develop __PUNCT__

i would onli support the develop of ani new type of nuclear_weapon that is absolut essenti for the viabil of our deterr __PUNCT__ that result in make possibl further decreas in the size of our nuclear_arsen __PUNCT__ and further our global nuclear secur goal __PUNCT__

i would cancel all further work on the so __PUNCT__ call robust nuclear earth penetr __PUNCT__ a weapon that doe not make strateg or polit sens __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ we cannot achiev our non __PUNCT__ prolifer goal on our own __PUNCT__

we must strengthen exist intern treati and institut to combat prolifer __PUNCT__ and develop new on when necessari __PUNCT__

we should move_quickli with other nation to negoti a fissil_materi cut __PUNCT__ off treati to end product of the most danger nuclear materi __PUNCT__

the intern_commun need to improv it abil to interdict the spread of nuclear_weapon and materi under the prolifer secur initi __PUNCT__

and we need to increas fund for our own non __PUNCT__ prolifer effort __PUNCT__ includ the cooper threat reduct program establish by the landmark nunn __PUNCT__ lugar legisl __PUNCT__ and ensur the highest possibl standard of secur for exist nuclear materi __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ an intern confer will meet to review the non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati __PUNCT__

if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will seiz that opportun to strengthen and enhanc all aspect of the non __PUNCT__ prolifer regim __PUNCT__

we need to strengthen enforc of the so __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ atom for peac __PUNCT__ bargain by insist that countri that receiv the benefit of peac nuclear cooper must return or dismantl what thei receiv if thei violat or withdraw from the npt __PUNCT__

we need to increas iaea fund and enhanc the intellig support it receiv __PUNCT__

we also need to revers the burden of proof when it come to discov whether a nation is cheat on it npt commit __PUNCT__

the iaea shouldn't have to plai cat __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ mous game to prove a countri is in complianc __PUNCT__

it is for suspect violat to prove thei ar in complianc __PUNCT__

we should establish a requir by the un secur_council that intern transfer of sensit nuclear_technolog must be disclos in advanc to an intern author such as the iaea __PUNCT__ and further requir that undisclos transfer be deem illicit and subject to interdict __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ to enforc treati oblig __PUNCT__ iaea member_state must be will to impos sanction on nation that seek to withdraw from it __PUNCT__

we need to enlist all will partner in the global battl against nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__

i support the u.s. __PUNCT__ india civil nuclear accord as a mean of strengthen our relationship with the world_largest democraci __PUNCT__ and further involv india in the fight against prolifer __PUNCT__

we should engag activ with both india and pakistan to improv the secur of nuclear stockpil and weapon materi __PUNCT__ and construct a secur global nuclear order that elimin the likelihood of prolifer and the possibl of nuclear conflict __PUNCT__

as we improv the nation and multilater tool to catch and revers illicit nuclear_program __PUNCT__ i am convinc civilian nuclear_energi can be a critic part of our fight against global_warm __PUNCT__

civilian nuclear_power provid a wai for the unit_state and other respons nation to achiev energi_independ and reduc our depend on foreign_oil and ga __PUNCT__

but in order to take advantag of civilian nuclear_energi __PUNCT__ we must do a better job of ensur it remain civilian __PUNCT__

some nation us the pretens of civilian nuclear_program as cover for nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__

we need to build an intern consensu that expos thi decept __PUNCT__ and hold nation account for it __PUNCT__

we cannot continu allow nation to enrich and reprocess uranium __PUNCT__ ostens for civilian purpos __PUNCT__ and stand by impot as thei develop weapon program __PUNCT__

the most effect wai to prevent thi decept is to limit the further spread of enrich and reprocess __PUNCT__

to persuad countri to forego enrich and reprocess __PUNCT__ i would support intern guarante of nuclear_fuel suppli to countri that renounc enrich and reprocess __PUNCT__ as well as the establish of multin nuclear enrich center in which thei can particip __PUNCT__

nation that seek nuclear fuel for legitim civilian purpos will be abl to acquir what thei need under intern supervis __PUNCT__

thi is on suggest russia and other have made to iran __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ the iranian_govern ha so far reject thi idea __PUNCT__

perhap with enough outsid pressur and encourag __PUNCT__ thei can be persuad to chang their mind befor it is too late __PUNCT__

i would seek to establish an intern repositori for spent nuclear_fuel that could collect and safe store materi oversea that might otherwis be reprocess to acquir bomb __PUNCT__ grade materi __PUNCT__

it is even possibl that such an intern center could make it unnecessari to open the propos spent nuclear fuel storag facil at yucca mountain in nevada __PUNCT__

thi is a long_list of step we need to take __PUNCT__

it is long becaus there is no singl answer to thi crisi __PUNCT__ and there ar no easi answer __PUNCT__

it is long becaus no nation can meet thi dire challeng alon and none can be indiffer to it outcom __PUNCT__

the unit_state cannot and will not stop the spread of nuclear_weapon by unilater action __PUNCT__

we must lead concert and persist multilater effort __PUNCT__

as power as we ar __PUNCT__ america abil to defend ourselv and our alli against the threat of nuclear attack depend on our abil to encourag effect intern_cooper __PUNCT__

we must strengthen the accord and institut that make such cooper possibl __PUNCT__

no problem we face pose a greater threat to us and the world than nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__

in a time when follow of a hate and remorseless ideolog ar will to destroi themselv to destroi us __PUNCT__ the threat of suicid_bomber with the mean to wreak incomprehens devast should call the entir world to action __PUNCT__

the civil nation of the world must act as on or we will suffer consequ onc thought remot when the threat of mutual assur destruct could deter respons state from think the unthink __PUNCT__

american have alwai risen to the challeng of their time __PUNCT__

and we have alwai done so successfulli not by hide from histori __PUNCT__ but by make histori __PUNCT__ by encourag a sometim reluct world to follow our lead __PUNCT__ and defend civil from old mistak and old animos __PUNCT__ and the folli of reli on polici that no longer keep us safe __PUNCT__

i want to keep the countri i love and have serv all my life secur in our freedom __PUNCT__

i want us to rise to the challeng of our time __PUNCT__ as gener befor us rose to their __PUNCT__

it is incumb on america __PUNCT__ more than ani other nation on earth __PUNCT__ to lead in build the foundat for a stabl and endur peac __PUNCT__ a peac built on the strength of our commit to it __PUNCT__ on the transform ideal on which we were found __PUNCT__ on our abil to see around the corner of histori __PUNCT__ and on our courag and wisdom to make new and better choic __PUNCT__

no matter how danger the threat we face in our dai __PUNCT__ it still remain within our power to make in our time anoth __PUNCT__ better world than we inherit __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ is what i am run for presid to do __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__